
Vol 5 Chapter 1013: This building will be hot!

Fan Wuyao's loud pant made everyone in the room surprised and very embarrassed.

In fact, although the call for this design to win the championship is very high, and it has been strongly recommended by the so-called leader, everyone has different views on it, and there are many voices opposed to it, but so far this program has been in-house. Circulation, so it has not caused a very serious social impact, and the adjective of this big pants has not come from the mouth of this group of cultural people.

But just now, Fan Wuyi exclaimed, and immediately awakened everyone like lightning in the dark night.

this thing. It really seems to be like a big pants!

In fact, the construction of CCTV's new site has attracted the attention of people inside and outside the industry due to its large scale and wide impact. The selection of the engineering design plan has adopted international bidding, which has attracted many international and domestic well-known design units and designers. Among the ten proposals for bidding, Koolhaas, the chief designer of the Dutch Metropolitan Architects Office, provided the most eye-catching design proposal.

Compared with Fan Wuyao's big pants that summed up the essence of this plan, the expert judges thought that this was a plan that was neither humble nor overbearing, with a distinct personality and no exclusivity. As a beautiful and powerful sculpture image. It can not only represent the new image of the capital, but also express the importance and culture of television media in the language of architecture. Its structural plan is novel and implementable, and will promote the creation of structural systems and structural ideas for high-rise buildings in China. Therefore, the expert judges believe that the implementation of this plan will not only establish the iconic image of CCTV, but also open a new page in the domestic construction industry.

Therefore, Fan Wuyao's loud pant immediately made everyone present feel very embarrassed, under Fan Wuyao's inspiration. They re-examined the effect of this relaxation on one side, and it really felt like a big pants standing on the surface of the capital.

"The description of Mr. Fan might be **** off by some designers who commented ambiguously.

However, a deputy director felt that Fan Wubing’s description of the CCTV’s new building design plan seemed a bit too much. Anyhow, this is also a design by a famous designer with a design cost of more than 5 billion. You deny this plan with a big pants. , Doesn’t that mean that all the judges and judges are a bunch of idiots?

So he said. “At present, large-scale industrial construction is increasingly becoming the mainstream of the current construction. In order to reflect the openness, fairness and equality of the solicitation plan, the bidding method is adopted, and one-step bidding is conducted to the world. In the bidding process, the bidders often win the bid. It is some internationally renowned construction companies and individuals. Therefore, this plan also adopted the creativity of well-known foreign designers. We think it is still quite good, how does Fan always feel like big pants?"

Of course, Fan Wubing also understands the status quo of the deputy director. At present, as China is entering the international society, the huge business opportunities in the Chinese construction market and the weaknesses in architectural design have also been presented to the world.

Foreign design companies have penetrated the Chinese architectural design market from point to point, and this tendency of penetration will become more and more intense towards the end of the WTO protection period.

The significance of the international bidding for CCTV’s new site is not only the first time to face so many world-class architects and first-class architectural firms, but also the unprecedented level of architectural inclusiveness, new forms and design philosophy brought about by the CCTV’s new site plan. The influence and impact also touched the foundation of domestic design philosophy.

Two huge words are intertwined, a cloud made of steel and glass, with a huge hole in the middle. Your eyes pass through the hole and you see more buildings, blue sky, and space. This is the new site Koolhaas designed for CCTV.

The deputy director explained. "Koolhaas said that the building we envisioned should interpret the meaning of space from a completely different perspective, which should be a more public and communicative way. Koolhaas and his plan are crazy because of its styling, Expressing novelty entered our field of vision, and we began to study this work that resembled a giant urban sculpture seriously. First, it ignored or even aside all our linear analysis of the two-dimensional city and the base, and established a foundation on the base. The two towers of different shapes form a peculiar relationship in three dimensions. Secondly, Koolhaas also put aside the arrangement of the main space in the task book, and put most of the studio space underground. Therefore, most of the ground is released and becomes a very expressive scene in the urban space. At this turn, our traditional aesthetics and architectural analysis methods can no longer answer the questions raised by this plan, nor can it explain the reason for this plan. , We are used to many rational thoughts about cities, axes, and functions, which are also disintegrated one by one in the hands of Koolhaas. We are like a boxer. We are like a boxer. It was built on the basis of a thorough smashing of traditional aesthetics. His attitude towards traditional skyscrapers can be attributed to one sentence: the skyscrapers skyrocketed and creativity crashed to the ground."

Fan Wubing felt very speechless for the deputy director’s rhetoric. Obviously, with the master's halo plan, Koolhaas conquered the surrounding environment while also conquering the owners and judges. The judges believed that Koolhaas's plan was the best one. The significance of the capital is no less than the significance of the Eiffel Tower to Paris.

For the big pants themselves. Fan Wuyao didn’t know much, but he seemed to have heard people say that after the construction of this building began, he was strongly opposed by the industry and the Chinese people. But CCTV’s ability to pass the sky and the green light was unimpeded. Soon after the construction started, the cost had doubled. , From the original 5 billion to more than 10 billion, the main reason is that if you want the big pants Yonghe's alternative riding squat style, its seismic intensity must be increased from 7 degrees to 9 degrees. It is also said that the actual investment of the big pants amounts to 15 billion yuan, equivalent to 2.3 billion U.S. dollars.

In other words, the actual investment of the big pants has already exceeded the 1.5 billion U.S. dollars of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

Some people also said that the big pants are not slim? Why hire foreign designers with high salaries?

This issue is well understood. According to the habitual view of the Chinese, personal money is relatives to parents, and public money is a bastard. The dominant idea of ​​the current domestic urbanization process is to be greedy for big differences, to climb high to fight for wealth, and for foreigners to be greedy for the new. Which public servant does not use taxpayers' money for his own face?

Compared with the Khalifa Khalifa which was basically constructed at the same time, the investment of the big pants is only high and not low, and the cost of the Khalifa Khalifa with just a few US dollars has created an upright posture of up to 828 meters. It cost more than 10 billion yuan for the corpus, but it was only two hundred and thirty meters, and it was low and obscene.

The two floors are both designed by foreign designers, and the cost of the two floors is comparable. However, the volume, capacity and internal facilities of the Burj Khalifa under the investment year-on-year are far higher than the Confucian-like pants. It is the fine tradition of our diligent and thrifty founding of the country. It can't be said that it was not a bitter irony that the Dubai chief who spent a lot of money was defeated horribly.

The most outrageous. It is said that after the completion, CCTV executives disliked the name of the big pants made by Beijing city residents. One of the names of the candidates was selected, called the Zhichuang Building. Its main meaning is that, first of all, CCTV is a national television station and an important window for spreading information and wisdom across the country and the world. Secondly, the polygonal hollow formed in the middle of the new building resembles a huge window. It contrasts well with Zhichuang.

Netizens added that the physical part of the building resembles the legs and buttocks of a half-squatting person. The new building is a century-old plan. Only people who have hemorrhoids in such a defecation posture for such a long time will do so.

As for the homophony of Wisdom Window and Hemorrhoids, CCTV executives emphasized it. There is no derogation in this.

Of course, Fan Wubing's contempt for this plan is more than that. He disdainfully pointed his finger at the CCTV new building design project on the computer screen, and said to everyone, "According to the design concept, there should be a side building here, right?"

"That's right. How do you know, Mr. Fan?" The deputy director was taken aback for a moment, and said that this plan has not been rumored yet. What I took out was only the big pants themselves, without a comprehensive rendering, but I don't know how Fan Wubing learned about it?

"You can't see it yet?" Fan Wubing shook his head, scratched with his hand, and then said, "Have you noticed these steel lines on the outside of the building?"

"Yes, this design is very unique." Someone immediately agreed.

Fan Wubing continued. "In all fairness, does this look want to wear two legs in fishnet stockings and a big butt?"

After hearing this, everyone was sweaty, and the metaphor of Xindao was a bit too much, but he looked at it carefully. I really feel that this image is a bit similar, but if it is not broken by others, everyone will only think for the good. It has never been thought that a foreign designer has such a vicious design concept.

Seeing that everyone was convinced, Fan Wubing went on to preach, "That designer or something, the intention is very clear. The image of the main building is a prostitute wearing scum net stockings. Although the opposite building is not It looks good and understands, but you can change your perspective and it’s clear at a glance."

As he adjusted the position of the relaxation image on the computer screen, Xinshou put a finger in the empty space in the middle of the building, and then said, "Yizhu Qingtian".

Everyone was dumbfounded at once, this *** is clearly an abstract model of mating!

"Grass". Suddenly someone cursed.

Passed a glance. The deputy director said hesitantly, "Kolhaas doesn't mean this, right?"

"Apart from this meaning, can you have other meanings?" Fan Wubing said dryly, "You are a good designer as a designer? If you don't have this ability, what else can you use to fool the Chinese? This is also the case. The expert judges are reluctant to say more due to some reasons. Do you think some of them can't see the meaning of this? How about, this is insider trading, right?.

The deputy director suddenly laughed bitterly, and thought of a design plan that was picked out by Fan Sick's casually. And it's the very sensitive one. If this is to let the upper-level leaders know the news, I am afraid that people like myself will be scolded bloody.

Seeing that they are all looking like they are suffering from gains and losses, Fan Wubing said earnestly, "Recently, the international forces have risen again. If you are in the media, you must take precautions against this, especially if you are tricked by others, you must help. People count money, what is that not a fool?"

"President Fan, the leaders of the Radio and Television Group value this plan very much," someone reminded.

Fan Wubing waved his hand and said, "It's up to you. Anyway, I don't have any say in this issue, but don't regret it and leave when the time comes. This kind of structure is naturally unstable. Don't look at the designer. It’s a great boast. Who wants to live on the hip when you see it? Don’t say it, safety is the most problematic.”

After stopping for a while ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing that everyone was silent, Fan Wuyi said one more sentence, "From the perspective of Fengshui. This kind of twisted structure is very easy to go wrong, I dare to say that you If such a building is really built, then this building will be on fire!” As his voice fell, he moved his finger to the position of the auxiliary building that does not exist yet.

Will this building be hot? !

Most of the people were fainted by Fan Wubing. What does Xin mean by saying this? Some people usually think about it and naturally understand what this building must be fired, but in a blink of an eye, they are a little confused. What does Fan Wubing say such abruptly, what does it mean?

Regardless of whether everyone can figure this out, Fan Wubing doesn’t have time to stay here anymore. The show on Cuiqi’s side has already been recorded, and Lao Chen has just finished talking about business, and it happens to be three people together. Go out for a meal or something and have a chat.

After all, Zhang Qi came to CCTV to develop through Lao Chen. Speaking of which, Fan Wubing knew Zhang Qi and had nothing to do with Lao Chen. Therefore, Fan Wubing and Zhang Qi both need to respect this old friend. of. Especially Zhang Qi is still old Chen's junior, and there is a relationship with the family in the family.

After the three came out. When he got into Fan's car with malaria, Old Chen said with a smile, "Mr. Fan, you put a fire in their pan today!"

Cui Qi doesn't know why. So I asked, Lao Chen briefly talked about some of the situations, and Cui Qi just laughed. Obviously, she had seen the design plan, but she didn’t think about it. This time passed. After the second enlightenment, I did think of a lot of indecent things.

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