
Vol 5 Chapter 1020: Indisputable

With Fan Wuyi's thoughts. As long as it is built on the rock side, Duo Modular Amusement Park is fine, and there is no intention of making a big fuss.

However, Yan, the worker next to him, cautiously put forward suggestions, “Boss, although Panshi is not a tourist city, it has become a hub city on the tourist routes of Wangtian Province and surrounding provinces. If you have a theme park of a similar size, I believe the effect will be unexpected."

"Can you be sure of unexpected success? Or is it frustrating to walk unexpectedly!" Fan Wuyao replied.

Fan Wubing asked the other way around, but it made the staff dare not talk nonsense. After all, when facing a big boss, it is untrue to say that there is no sense of awe.

The success of Disneyland is inseparable from their steady development.

Tokyo Disneyland has five theme parks, namely, a Victorian-style streetscape world market, an adventure and legendary adventure park, a western park in the western pioneering era, a fantasy park in dreams and fairy tales, a future park in the future, science and the universe .

There are thirty-five wonderful performances in these five theme parks. The common sentiment is that everything is active and vivid. Strange, novel, thrilling, intense scenes and characters will make visitors forget the reality and enter another world. What makes this possible is the electronic sound action device developed by Japan itself.

Driven by this device, there are more than two thousand dolls and animals in the whole park. This is vivid and vivid, reaching the level of being fake and real, making people feel like they are on the scene.

Another point is Disneyland, which will never be completed. From the opening of the park to the present, Tokyo Disneyland has implemented a business strategy of continuously adding new playgrounds, equipment and services to attract tourists and allow tourists to come back. The park’s original construction investment was one billion U.S. dollars, but several hundred million U.S. dollars was spent in subsequent investments. In this way, visitors can continue to have new fun and new experiences, so that Disneyland can continue to maintain its great charm.

At the end of 1998, Tokyo started to build the Persini Ocean Park, costing about three billion U.S. dollars, covering an area of ​​47 hectares, and receiving 10 million visitors a year.

The Ocean Amusement Park is closely adjacent to the well-known Tokyo Disney Amusement Park, and it belongs to the American Disney series, both of which are operated by the Japanese Oriental Amusement Park Company.

Tokyo DisneySea is built on the banks of Tokyo Bay in the Maihama area of ​​Chiba Prefecture, only ten kilometers from downtown Tokyo. When you walk into the park, you can see that on the nine-hectare water surface, ancient ships with multiple masts frequently come and go. The seven imitation port towns present the customs of all parts of the world. The 10,000-ton passenger ship built by the sea can almost be true , And the huge "active volcano" is accompanied by rumbling noises, constantly erupting fire and smoke.

"Continuous use of technological innovations to provide new services for the amusement park will be vigorous. If only 10% of the equipment is not shown, tourists will easily lose their attention," Fan Wubing said to everyone

Tokyo itself has a population advantage and the advantage of attracting foreign tourists, coupled with the Japanese work attitude of excellence, it is not surprising that Disneyland can be run well. This is also important for Tokyo Disneyland to exceed the performance of Disneyland in the United States. reason.

In fact, another important reason why Fan Wubing is unwilling to engage in Disneyland is that the Hong Kong government is preparing to build Hong Kong Disneyland, and the Shanghai government also has this consideration, and it is said that it is also in negotiations with Disney.

After the negative economic growth in 1998, the Hong Kong government listed tourism as one of the four pillar industries. Although tourism only accounts for about 7% of GDP, the tourism industry has led to related industries. For example, the prosperous growth of the retail, catering, and hotel industries can create a large number of employment opportunities and help the economic recovery. Therefore, the development of tourism has become an important countermeasure for economic transformation.

At the same time, Disney is also preparing to enter the Chinese market, and plans to build new theme parks in Asia. It has contacted the governments of Singapore, Shanghai, and Seoul.

At the end of 1999, the negotiations between the Hong Kong government and Disney ended, and the two parties reached an agreement to jointly establish Hong Kong International Theme Park Co., Ltd. to build a Hong Kong Disneyland Resort including Hong Kong Disneyland in Chuli Bay.

The construction cost of the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is estimated to be 14 billion Hong Kong dollars. Since Zhuli Bay had not yet been opened at that time, the Hong Kong Government had to invest 13.6 billion Hong Kong dollars in major infrastructure projects, including the construction of joint roads and two Public piers, public transportation transfer points, MTR Disneyland connection, police post, fire station, drainage and sewage facilities, and the formation of an area of ​​300 hectares of land.

The Zhuliwan reclamation project started in the middle of last year, with 300 hectares of land being built. The project includes the demolition of the Caili Shipyard on the northeast coast of Penny's Bay. 1. Some of the land in the shipyard is contaminated by heavy metals, total petroleum hydrocarbons, semi-selective dual-use organic compounds and dioxins, and must be decontaminated.

After being excavated, the contaminated soil is transported to the Kouwan construction site to be treated by thermal desorption, and then treated by concrete solidification. The residue produced in this process is transported to the chemical waste treatment center for incineration. This move has also caused some dissatisfaction with the re-organization of environmental protection.

"In the negotiations with Disney, it is obvious that neither the Hong Kong government nor the Shanghai government is in the active position. It will inevitably lead to excessive investment and loss of rights. However, they continue to attract tourists through Disneyland. , So no matter how much money you spend, you have to bite the bullet and do it." Fan Wubing said.

Shen Ying nodded. Today, Hong Kong still has not completely emerged from the shadow of the Asian financial turmoil. With the gradual decline of Hong Kong’s status as an international trading port, the continuous rise of Shanghai and other major domestic port cities has made Hong Kong reliant in the past. The basis of subsistence has been seriously affected. The good days of earning intermediate expenses by relying on the intermediate trade between the mainland of China and the rest of the world are finally gone.

Under such circumstances, Hong Kong naturally has to play its tourism card, striving to make Hong Kong the place of choice for people in Southeast Asia, especially Mainland China. Therefore, Disneyland is very important to them.

On the contrary, although Shanghai is also negotiating with Disney on cooperation issues, the rising Shanghai naturally does not need Lixuan to introduce Disneyland to build momentum for itself. For them, this is a dispensable project. It's good, but it doesn't matter if there isn't, so the negotiations in Shanghai will be much flatter.

"If I build a Disney park in the mainland at this time, the Hong Kong government is the most anxious thing, so this kind of thing is fine, other parks can be built, but Disneyland will be spared." Fan Wuyao finally said.

After listening to Shen Ying, she understood what Fan Wubing meant. In fact, he just didn’t want to make Americans feel too popular. He didn’t feel sorry for that little money. In fact, as far as various amusement park facilities are concerned, technology The difficulty is not high, and the investment is not large. The reason why Disneyland costs money is because there are too many patent problems in it, and Fan Wuyao doesn't want to get involved.

But if you want to open your own domestic theme park, it lacks a large number of cartoon characters as a basis, and it is much less attractive to children.

Thinking of this, Shen Ying said with regret to Fan Wubiao, "The domestic animations are basically Japanese, or a small amount of American ones. There are really too few original excellent works. This makes us look at it for nothing. A lot of money has been taken away by others, and the original business in China has become weaker and weaker. Now I can't even hear a little sound."

"This is a more complicated question," Fan Wubing replied. "The cultural aggression is very serious. Although most of the Japanese and American animations are shoddy, but what else is on the CCTV screen? There is no work that can compete with it in China, no matter how anxious it is, it is useless."

Although this topic feels a bit heavy to talk about, Shen Ying quickly found something of interest. In the exhibition room of Hongguang Pig Farm, he actually raised some pet pigs, which were small and covered the floor. Running around, especially when I saw them coming to visit, I didn't feel too scared, wagging my tail happily in the yard to sprinkle joy.

"Haha, these little guys are so funny!" Shen Ying smiled happily~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and with the help of Fan Wuyao, he caught two little pigs, raised them above his head, and took a few shots. A photo as a souvenir.

All in all, the days in Panshi were very happy, which reminded Fan Wubian of many of his old things, and Shen Ying also showed great concern about his old things.

Especially those incidents of Fan Wuyi's fighting against the police when he was a child, really surprised Shen Ying.

"It turns out that you have been a problem boy since childhood!" Shen Ying said.

"Problem boy? It should be said that I am a boy who solves practical problems for the people." Fan Wubing felt very speechless and retorted with some dissatisfaction.

But think about it carefully. At the beginning, when I was so arrogant to dominate the Rock, it was not because of some cynical feelings. After all, the soul of an adult was bound in the body of a three-year-old child. The greatest torture of human nature.

Especially when you see so many innocent and vulgar portraits of teenagers Huaichun, but now you can only see and can't move, then what kind of feeling is it? "One today, the second update is sent to one by one bid (to be continued)

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