
Vol 5 Chapter 1031: EP-Good things on the three military reconnaissance planes

Noon on the second day of the month. U.S. ambassador to China Prueher urgently got Yebei dry and became ill."

Fan Wubing became more and more depressed. The collision between China and the United States was justified in China. But the Americans also look for themselves, and they really think they can control the whole situation.

However, he has promised high-level leaders to do a needlework work as a business emperor between China and the United States, so as to make this incident develop for the good, not to cause a large-scale Sino-US all-round confrontation. No one has a good life

Therefore, Fan Wuyao accepted Prueher’s invitation to meet, and received the shellfish at the headquarters of the Fisher Investment Group. The US Ambassador to China Prueher and his entourage were a group of six people.

After the two parties met, Prueher and Fan Wubing repeated what he said before and on behalf of Zen, and then said, "The relationship between China and the customs has reached another critical juncture since the bombing of Dajiaguan. , As an official who has gone through that period of Lao Guo’s presence in China, I personally think that it is very difficult to maintain the current hard-won diplomatic relations.

Fan Wuyi said. "The ambassador came to do a private visit or to participate in my company. Then, whether I personally, Fan Investment Group, or both, are all very happy, but this issue of Sino-US relations seems to be with me. It doesn’t matter, you are looking for the wrong partner. This matter should be discussed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Prueher immediately replied, "If the relationship between the United States and the United States encounters a major cold wave, the impact on the Gan Laomin Investment Group will also be great. For this reason, Fan Jingcun should not be outside Wei. What's more. The White House and the Pentagon also hope that Fan Yagan can play a dedicated role in accumulating waste and promote the sound development of Sino-US relations."

It turned out that Prueher was just a bite and stood before the fight. He also came over to test Fan Kang's disease, how about it. After all, as the world's largest chaebol, the social influence of the Tang Dog in China is amazing, let alone Fan Heng ranks among the top leaders in the capital.

Therefore, the Americans believe that if Fan Wubing can be used as a bridge between the two countries to talk about cakes. In order to make up for the relationship between the two countries and bargaining to play a role and effect, I should be very good.

Therefore, after Prueher had contact with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the next stop was Fan Attack, which was sick. This is also the request of the White House. After all, behind the scenes of the Pentagon and Su Jian, the sick company has cooperated, and he understands Fan Wu's great influence.

Prueher made no secret of expressing to Fan Wuyao. "Bai Xuan’s meaning is very clear. No matter which direction public opinion is heading, we should be effectively guided and guided to avoid silence. More uncontrollable events occur. In addition to negotiations on the table, we The ditch figurines in private rooms are also very important."

What he meant was that there was still little hope that Fan Wuyao would create some cushion for the negotiations between the two countries through personal relations. In order to prevent too many deadlocks in the negotiation process, the two sides were overwhelmed by the arrogance and finally went wrong.

"To resolve this matter as soon as possible, Zhuo Lihe put forward his own point of view for both of us.

Fan Wuyao quickly grasped the American Iprich's words and inferred. The Bush administration is still relatively nervous at this time, and it is not true that it is worried about the outbreak of greater conflict between the scarves. But worried that his ability to govern will be questioned by all sectors of society

Once a settlement cannot be reached quickly at this time, this matter is bound to be used by the Chinese side as a bargaining chip to dangle the appetite of the Americans. They have to spend a lot of time and energy to discuss the consequences, opportunities and solutions caused by this incident. At the same time, they also face the doubts of the American media and opposition forces. This is a headache.

Especially Bush Jr. has just been in power for two months. Having encountered such a big event, the cowboy president, who has not yet fully integrated into the life of the White House, is obviously a bit dazed.

Although George W. Bush’s personal staff is strong, this is the staff team that was taken over from Bush. Most of its foundation tends to be a bit more of the generals in the military, so the Bush administration is relatively forced to hit this point compared to the predecessor of the Brunton administration.

The new US government, which represents the interests of the military, is obviously hoping to cause local wars in the world. Spending some war money to fill the deflated common direction. Although this time the scarf collision incident is an accident, it can also reflect from the side that the Bush administration came to power to adopt some tendency changes in its China policy.

Once the processing of this matter drags on for too long. It is difficult for the media to question Bush’s ability to govern. Therefore, the White House contacted Fan Kang disease through Prueher in Beijing, and he was able to facilitate the rapid resolution of this incident.

After clarifying the American thoughts, Fan Wuyao pondered for an afternoon, and then said to Prueher. "Since the White House is so sincere to resolve this matter, I still have a certain basis for cooperation when I pick us up."

"Just as Mr. Fan said." Prueher heard the looseness of Fan Mao's sick words, "Li Fa responded enthusiastically.

"But what good is it for me?" Fan Wubing asked coldly again.

"Benefits?" Prueher was stunned for a moment and reported that he did not report to Laogan, and the illness actually asked for benefits in person.

Suddenly, Prueher didn't know how to deal with it. The best order Bi Yin received was to persuade Fan Wuyi to act as a bridge between China and the United States and not to say what conditions would be required for the answering party to get rid of the illness.

"Then what do you want?" Prueher asked, clutching his hair.

"Don't worry, I'll try to help you coordinate first. It's not too late to reconcile things like reports. You can't run anyway." Regarding this. Fan Wu was not ill at a certain Zhan'er, and said that he was not eager to ban duties.

Not long after Prueher visited Fan Wuyi. Bush Jr. made a speech in the White House. He stated that the priority of the United States is to return the crew as soon as possible and the reconnaissance plane must be “sabotaged or manipulated” to return the United States to the United States. Relationship expectations. At the same time, the three navy deterred ships left the aircraft carrier formation. Go for a tour near Hainan Island.

The attitude and practice of the US has aroused strong opposition from the Chinese public, and the international community has strongly condemned it.

The high-level Chinese clearly pointed out that the responsibility of the plane collision lies entirely with Lao Fang and Yi Lao Fang apologizing to the people of the scarf country. And immediately stop all reconnaissance flights in China’s coastal airspace

"Obviously, the White House hasn't clearly realized who they are going to deal with." Fan Wuyi was in the subsequent meeting with the senior officials. So expressed

"What does Prueher mean?" A standing committee member asked Daoermiao and replied. "Prueher is just a microphone, and his upright voice is still looking at the door. But now I most hope that this matter can be resolved as soon as possible.

"You mean there is no agreement between the Palace and the Pentagon?" Someone questioned.

Fan Wubing nodded and replied, "It's true that

This seems to be very uncomfortable in China. In the face of such a husband's incident, the United States has not unified Yibei, and can't the White House and the Pentagon make the same voice?

"The Pentagon is the money spokesman of the arms dealers. This time the US military reconnaissance plane landed at the military airport in Hainan. The most anxious thing is to gather them if they can't return in time, what kind of losses will they cause? The arms companies are most anxious. Once there is a leak in this, many of their related products will need to be completely replaced. The cost of doing so is very high.” Fan Wuyao explained, “The White House side. Dan does not need to consider this factor too much. They hope to re-slash the arms dealer."

"So, what can we get from Mr. Fan in this event? Someone asked.

"In fact, the current situation is that you are afraid of hitting wolves with a stick

Fan Wubing pointed out sharply? Asked Hu Sucun, "As two nuclear powers. And the two most important countries in international trade. Neither China nor the United States can let the incident go out of control, which will lead the two countries to a comprehensive confrontation.

Everyone clicked on the same fan’s liking

Then Fan Wuyao went on to point out, "We lost? A fighter plane lost an excellent pilot, but the Lao people lost even more. This is the actual problem in this county. So I think I want too much. Things are infeasible, but you can get the benefits that you can get. After all, this time we are human and machine and report a good fortune for the permanent trade and the most lazy country treatment should be available." It is also possible to make a macro." Compensation for the type four is actually optional. If the compensation is too much, the Congress of the wilting country will not be able to simplify, and the compensation will be less. Then it is an insult to the Chinese people, and even we can obtain this technology. Intelligence data. For example, in airborne anti-submarine technology. The military reconnaissance plane Ken Hong has a lot of good things, because this Lexi itself is an anti-submarine aircraft. There is another good thing on it. It’s sound. Identification Department

"Voice recognition system?" The presence of this person in the room is not very clear about this. So they all asked curiously

Fan Wubing nodded his head and replied that it was correct, as soon as the sound recognition system was only."

Some intelligence was not obtained by the Security Bureau at this time. What good things are in a certain military check-in plane in Shiqi? It is not very banned in the country.

Although it has been said that after the Sino-US plane collision incident, the fourth became the focus of international media attention, but the Pentagon kept secrets about which well was installed on this reconnaissance plane.

However, after experiencing many things, the hyperthyroidism disease is very forbidden. The automatic voice recognition system installed on this aircraft is powerful. As long as the reconnaissance has a radio conversation, the system can identify the identity of the caller. Especially as a senior leader

Before that. The U.S. military has never disclosed any information about this system to the outside world. It is by this extremely powerful system that Poison Cow has mastered a large amount of top-secret information from other countries.

The Pentagon specially invited military and civilian linguists to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth research on the language of the country under investigation and develop a unique telephone search and listening system. As long as Meinian intercepts the call from the other party, this system can immediately identify it. The identity of the person who made the message, so as to judge the value of the intelligence obtained from it.

To do this, in the past it was difficult to detract from the noise problem because the noise problem could not be solved. now. After the U.S. military has mastered the relevant technology to intercept the call of the time party, the monitoring system can delete other noises such as static electricity by itself, and then compare it with the voice database to identify the identity of the caller.

The aircraft is equipped with the most well-known signal interceptor of the US intelligence agency. It is designed by the United States and Japan’s intelligence experts and computer experts. It integrates tactical figurines, electrical support measures, special signal processing and utilization systems. A tea dragon process can be carried out on the information that has been returned to the species.

At the same time, a set of the latest air signal intelligence collection system was installed on the mortar. This system is a representative of the joint signal intelligence aircraft that the US military has recently completed on the Internet. An important part, it can greatly improve the on-board processing capability of the application signal intercepted during reconnaissance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The National Security Agency is an electronic survey agency under the jurisdiction of the Pentagon. It has always regarded voice recognition technology as research. The US military's voice recognition technology is also becoming perfect day by day.

If it is said that the United States is not very familiar with the lower-level officials of other countries, or for reasons of less interest, they are too active or unable to identify their identities during the call. Then the top leaders of other countries are all identifying the jade

For example, the leader of Libya, Gaddafi, told the Lao National Intelligence Agency about the key objects identified. Now, as long as Gaddafi uses Libya's communication network to communicate, the voice recognition system will immediately remind the staff: Gaddafi is alive. Words, please pay attention

"In fact. As early as the 1970s, the country’s national posture had already mastered mobile phone voice recognition. If the Soviet leader Boganzhnev was driving on a certain street in Moscow, he would use a mobile phone to talk to him. When other people speak, the national voice recognition system will immediately confirm Brezhnev’s identity. The content of his conversation will be immediately recorded by the staff of the National Security Agency. "The shower cover system can tell whether it is Brezhnev in the car or someone else's hiccups, and the toad listener can even tell whether the monitored person has a cold."

"Grass!" someone cursed, "Why don't we know this information?!"

It’s really a shameful thing to consult an important intelligence agency. The security intelligence department is so ignorant that everyone knows about this certain anti-submarine reconnaissance plane, but they don’t know that there is such a thing on it.

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