
Vol 5 Chapter 1034: The hard work is in vain

Shi Ertian early in the morning, my father Fan Heng went with Lao Chi’s sickness and Zen in the morning." Fan Wu’s heart reported a huge fraud. Today’s stinking concubine Chungarie was negotiating with the Americans. By the way, well. It’s okay to go around to Dad’s place

Wait until the two get in the car. Fan Xincai asked the children for guidance, "Today, there is a scholar from Zhushi University in China who brought his students for an internship. I plan to select a few people from it.

"Oh, what are the specific requirements?" Lao Kang is so sick that there are no goods to get the monk. Every year, many students go to the State Council for internships. Those who are selected to stay for work also have a chance to pick people as deputy Wang Li, and the opportunity is relatively rare.

"There are no requirements, but it is pleasing to the eye. I stay for an internship for a while, and then Dan will see if it is suitable. If there are no major problems, there is no problem with all aspects of background. Basically, I will keep it." Fan Hyung replied.

Fan Wuyi clicked and said. "The conditions for being able to take a bath to the State Council for an internship should not be bad, but I can also consider from the inside, human, it's not in vain for me to come here!

"It's okay, what kind of talent can you grab with me" Lao Liu frowned Zenno

Fan Wubinglixiao replied, "I'll help you check it out. If you can't even pass this level of mine, you can still count on them to work here."

"That's true." Fan Xin thought that it was true that this name was indeed an invitation to Fan Wuyi, basically even if it was money off. Can not pass the test of this barrier, the latter thing is really hard to say.

It's like the cadres at the departmental level involved in the recent acquisition of Fan's Investment Group and Haiyu Deyao Group. Basically, they are all top students from prestigious universities, and many have high degrees and countless laurels. But what was the result? For a small amount of money, I would not hesitate to sell the national interests.

The father and son soon arrived at the State Council, Gongxin’s office, and after a while, the professor who had already made an appointment brought over a dozen students.

Fan Heng greeted the person who dared to speak and the remaining students were all arranged to sit in divination. They listened to Fan Hu talking with the professor, and talked with them from time to time.

Fan Wubing looked at these people. Liu's image is good. There are males and females, each accounting for half of them. Obviously, they have been selected before. The significance of Bi Zhang’s internship at the State Council is different.

After looking at it, there was nothing to find out that the dry tool was hit by the suite next to him, and the tea that had already been brewed was brought over, and Xin Zizi put the students beside the seat.

At this time, you can see the difference. "There are a total of twelve scholars. Only one boy and one girl stood up and took the teacup with both hands. Thank you other people. If you didn’t just watch Fan Heng talk to the professor, Don’t just sit there with a sense of dignity. With a calm look, the psychological quality is more like that of the prime minister.

Fan Wubing paid attention, and then made a bid with Su Xin, and then talked to the coach

talk. "Jie Xin introduced to the professor

"President Fan of Fan's Investment Group has heard of the big name for a long time, and it is a blessing to be able to see it today." The professor stood in vain and said, holding Fan Wu's hand in vain.

Between talking. Fan Wubing glanced casually and saw the performance of the students present. Sure enough, many people looked a little turbulent, and all the cousins ​​fell in the eyes of Fan Wuyao.

Fan Heng's schedule is very tight. Picking up Bei is just a certain clock, and waiting until these people are ready to leave. Fan Wubing ordered the two male and female students who had meditation with him and asked them to stay for a while.

"These two classmates can arrange for them a job that is more suitable for them to use their specialties." Fan Wubing said to his father, Fan Henglu.

Although the two students were surprised, they were very happy in front of a certain heart armor. After all, there were more than a dozen. Among the people, only two of them were left behind, and they were personally recommended by Fan Wuyao. This meaning is naturally different.

If it is recommended by ordinary people, it's fine. But Yu, the youngest son of a certain Fan Xin Deputy Lao Li, and Fan Wuyi, the CEO of Fan Investment Group, personally recommended him. If you report a certain Yu, Fan Ping will pay attention.

Fan Heng nodded. Then he confessed to one, the secretary, and asked him to take the two students out.

"How did you choose the two of them?" Fan Xin asked Fan Wuyao after everyone had left.

"This is the skill of knowing people. Su Kangbing's answer is, "A person's suchun and character are always reflected in his subtle shapes and outstanding movements, and those who know people are often observant of people's subtleties. Zeng Guofan's three thousand steps. Lishiren's way of employing people can also be applied to Qiantoday. "

"Oh? Let's talk about it." Fan Xin was a little excited.

Zeng Guofan, a famous official in the late Qing Dynasty, had a lot of knowledge and promoted Zuo Zongtang, Li Hongzhang and other famous officials. He has a shrewd and unique judgment, can often see heroes, and has dug a lot of talents for the court.

On one occasion, Li Hongzhang brought three people to ask Zeng Guofan to appoint him. At that time, Zeng Guofan was walking after a meal. He had the habit of taking 30 steps after a meal, so the three people were waiting for him.

After a walk. Li Hongzhang asked him to pick up the three of Bena, but Zeng Guoluo said it was unnecessary.

Li Hongzhang was very surprised. When Zeng Guoluo was taking a walk in Zen, Fame, and Cun, he had seen all three of them. The first one bowed his head and did not dare to look up at someone who was a bit thick, so he could be conservative and do it; second One likes to cheat. He was very respectful in front of people, and when he turned around, he looked around. In the future, it will definitely be against the yang and the yin, and cannot be appointed: the third person keeps his eyes on the frame." He will always stand upright, and his fame will not be under you and me. You can entrust you with a heavy responsibility.

Later, the exhibition of the three people. Sure enough, Zeng Guofan had expected it, and the third person was Liu Mingchuan, who had made great achievements in opening Taiwan.

"Stay slowly for three thousand steps. But the scenery of one hour, and the scenery of one hour, determine the fate of three people. Some people may say that Zeng Guofan is too absolute. In fact, a person's character can be very important. It can be seen from his subtle Xingjie movements in a short period of time. Dan Wuyao said to Fan Heng. “Zeng Guofan’s cleverness is a thousand years old, and he carefully observed the three people calmly while walking slowly. This is an exam that the warriors know about. Therefore, the performance of the three people is also based on their nature. The first one is that people bow their heads and dare not look at Zeng Guofan, which shows the courage and loyalty of this person; the second one shows the person’s loyalty and hypocrisy in the face and the back; A person who lacks perseverance and self-confidence cannot do this. Yiye Zhiqiu, three) Ren Dangang... said that the expression patterns of the people are indeed rumored to be different from them","

Fan Heng nodded when he heard the words. "Let's go. You used tea to try this student and the two students you left behind. Both stood up, took the teacup in the biennium, and thanked you in person. Before you know your true identity It’s really not a temporary gesture that was able to evaluate Li Shun so voluntarily. These two people can try it out.

Actually for these students. Now that he can be selected for an internship in this A, it means that he should be able to go academically. The one who needs to be tested for school is only a certain aspect of being a person, but one must be tested for school. Human character is not something that can be achieved in a short time

But the so-called details determine success or failure. The usual habit of using words, deeds, etc. is enough to be seen in a glimpse of the leopard. Fan Wubing learned from this mosquito habit and Bei Wei learned that these two students were selected.

After stopping for a while, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called Fan Kai again to ask for a concubine to open the concubine today.

When I got to the ground, I saw that this time the lack of ambassador to China, Puri Hessing, came here. The towel side is still the assistant minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This kind of guidance is more formal.

Prueher personally brought a letter written in his own name, expressing concern about the disappearance of Chinese pilots, but he did not express concern about the Chinese pilots and the flight, the loss of the plane, and the permission of Lao Jihe to enter China’s airspace. Landed to apologize.

"This letter of apology is far from China's request. After China refused to accept the assistant minister, it clearly expressed its position.

Fan Wubing took a look at Prueher’s autographs and showed no sincerity, and said to the old man, “Your ex-admiral. Obviously, this letter of apology from you is not like a letter of apology, but rather like war. The book is out. You are challenging the Chinese side's resistance. You should go back and ask the secretary to revise it. Bibian has no reason to negotiate with China's humble request."

After hearing this, the old man rolled his eyes and was furious, but he had nothing to say. Bi Yin didn't mention any apology in his letter, because the White House hadn't apologized for a long time. Therefore, Prueher, as the ambassador to China, is naturally unable to let go. Therefore, there is only a tactic to save this issue.

So everyone broke up and went home.

With the unsuccessful second round of talks, the U.S. side did not defend or change the wording of many of them. On the morning of the second day, the second letter of apology was delivered to the Chinese side. The Lamb side expressed regret to the family, friends and comrades of the missing Chinese pilot Wang Wei, but said that the Lamb government cannot apologize for the accident.

Regarding the stubborn attitude of the United States, the Chinese side once again resolutely returned Hui Hui and ran for nothing.

"If you can't come up with any substantial letter of apology, then don't bother calling me to ask for a lot of my gasoline. I've wasted a lot of gasoline. In this era of rising environmental protection calls, this is a great crime!" Fan No disease said so.

Under tremendous pressure from the Chinese side, the US side had to submit the third draft of the provincial letter of apology on the same day. He also stated that the draft has been approved by President Bush and cannot be revised any more.

However, after reading it, the Chinese side believed that the content of the apology still did not meet the requirements, and again proposed amendments.

"You Chinese are really troublesome," Prueher said to Lao Gan with such a headache.

"It's because you are not sincere and Fan Wubing also answered the promise locally, "If you can't take this matter seriously." If you play the game of Wen Lao, then it is meaningless to modify it a few times. "

Prueher shrugged his shoulders. He did not have the right to decide on this kind of thing. The former Admiral Lao was not very happy about this kind of thing, but everything had to be decided by the White House.

The next day, at noon on April 7. The U.S. handed in a letter of apology for the fourth time

Although they apologized to the Chinese people this time, they also added a winter package, saying that Feng should allow the US to remove the US reconnaissance plane from China no later than May 7.

With regard to the US's request, China stated that it would not accept it. The Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador Prueher conducted two more rounds of consultations. Finally, on April 8th, Lao submitted the fifth draft of the letter of apology to China.

This draft aggravated the language when expressing apologies on the scene, and expressed Xiudu to use the old "apology apology" wording, and removed the content of the conditions mentioned in the previous letter.

This time it finally basically complied with China’s requirements. After the scarf party requested to further amend this wording, the United States submitted a letter of apology that finally allowed the scarf party to say that it could barely accept the booth. This has already been submitted by the United States to the Chinese side. Sixth draft of the letter of apology

"You Chinese are really troublesome." The relieved Prueher breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Fan Wuyao with a bit of annoyance.

"At least now there has been a significant effort to achieve the same goal. Fan Wuyao said casually.

Although Fan Wubing just talked casually. Ying’er, but the county Zhuolihe deeply believes that, after all, in such a major crisis, they can test their talents as diplomats. If this matter can be resolved smoothly, avoid a possible Sino-US relationship. Prueher, as the ambassador to China, is credited with all-round resistance.

In the evening ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the Chinese ambassador to the United States met with U.S. State Department Deputy Secretary of State Arju Tishou and forwarded to him Vice Premier Qian’s reply to Secretary of State Powell.

In the letter, Vice Premier Qian asked the US side to face the facts and adopt a proactive and pragmatic apology to the Chinese people, which is crucial to solving the problem.

On the same day, the U.S. unexpectedly rejected the promise to apologize to China again.

White House spokesperson Fleischer said that Bush, who was spending the weekend at Camp David, expressed both concern and determination. He firmly believes that it is time to let our men and women go home.

The White House stated that the United States and China have obtained a presentation on the drafting of a joint statement on the collision incident. The statement may include the United States expressing its regret over the missing Chinese pilot, but there will be no words of apology.

In this way, the efforts of the Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and the great successor of Prueher of the United States in China, coupled with Fan Wuyi’s mediation in the middle, are nothing but waste.

One... One today, the first update, the last two days of this month, if Shi Yin Niantian has a monthly pass. Please support incomparably under the support of Little Wolf "One by one, one by one (to be continued)

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