
Vol 5 Chapter 1036: Unlucky government procurement

Keep busy with the Sino-US plane collision. Fan Dan's illness hasn't been checked for a long time.

Today I happened to be in a good mood, so I took two bodyguards and drove the car to go around the old club. After I went there, I met a group of executives who came over and complained to myself, saying it was some traditional office computers. Although the sales of the company are still on the upward trend, compared with the increase of the whole market, there has been a significant decline.

"Oh, what's the reason for that?" Fan Wubing asked.

As the saying goes, if there is nothing wrong with it, the fat club, which has always occupied the top position in the computer supplies sales market, has always had a good reputation, why is there a decline in sales performance? This made Fan Wubing feel a little surprised.

An executive explained, "Because of the recent stage, many local governments have begun to use government procurement approval methods to control the purchase of office computers."

"Because they handled government procurement approvals, our sales declined. What is the reason for this?" Fan Wuyao felt even more puzzled.

"This is because the purchasing power is relatively concentrated, so the trickery inside is also big, and some unscrupulous profiteers have begun to take advantage of the loopholes, so our sales have declined." It was the executive who patiently explained to Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wubing nodded, and immediately understood what the other party was saying.

The so-called government procurement refers to the use of financial funds to purchase goods, projects, and services that are within the centralized procurement catalog established by law or above the quota standard by state agencies, institutions, and organizations at all levels. Government procurement not only refers to the specific procurement process, but also the general term for procurement policy, procurement procedures, procurement process and procurement management. It is a system of public procurement management and a government action.

Government procurement is the procurement of various materials needed by government agencies. These materials include office and public materials, such as office equipment such as computers, photocopiers, printers, paper, pens and ink, as well as infrastructure materials and living materials. Raw materials, equipment, energy, tools, etc. Government procurement, like corporate procurement, belongs to group procurement, but it is not as strong as corporate procurement in terms of continuity, balance, regularity, rigor, and science. The most basic feature of government procurement is a public purchase activity. , Are all purchased by government funds.

At present, the essence of government procurement adopted in China is that the government introduces a competitive bidding mechanism in the process of purchasing goods and services, which is completely different from the previous decentralized procurement.

Generally speaking, perfect and reasonable government procurement plays a very important role in the effective use of social resources and improving the use of fiscal funds, so it is a part of fiscal expenditure management. Important link.

The domestic high government procurement approval is a matter of the past two years. Various local governments have followed the requirements of the central government. At present, all local governments have begun to establish government procurement review centers to regulate various government procurement behaviors, as long as the amount is After a certain number of procurement cases, they all need to declare and then openly expand their bids.

The main body of government procurement is the government, which is the largest single consumer in a country, with very large purchasing power.

According to statistics, the amount of government procurement in EU countries accounts for about 14% of their GDP. This does not include the procurement of public utilities. The US government used it for the procurement of goods and services every year in the early 1990s. It accounts for about 30% of its gross domestic product, and more than 200 billion U.S. dollars of government budget is used for government procurement each year.

Therefore. Government procurement has a very large impact on the social economy. The expansion or contraction of the scale of procurement has a very obvious impact on the social and economic development, industrial structure and public living environment.

It is precisely because government procurement has an irreplaceable impact on the social economy of other procurement entities, and it has now become a macroeconomic regulation and control method frequently used by governments of various countries.

There are generally three modes of foreign government procurement: centralized procurement mode, that is, a special government procurement agency is responsible for all procurement tasks of the government at the same level; decentralized procurement mode, that is, procurement by each expenditure procurement unit on its own; semi-centralized and semi-decentralized procurement mode. That is to say, a special government procurement agency is responsible for the procurement of some items, while the other units are procured by themselves.

In the domestic government procurement, centralized procurement accounts for a large proportion. Items listed in the centralized procurement catalog and items that reach a certain procurement amount or more must be centralized procurement according to the requirements.

But centralized procurement is also the easiest to breed**, especially in local governments. For a new project, the black-box operation is very moist. The seemingly fair and open procurement bidding process can actually be full of doubts and full of suspicion. The operation of various forces.

That is to say, after this centralized government procurement began, the Fat Jiu Club found that many Shangbei began to report to the local government department leaders responsible for centralized procurement approval, or directly to the government department responsible for the purchase of computer office supplies and equipment. Public relations, squeezed out the market share of the old club’s own computer brands.

"It turns out that Fan Wuyao nodded. Although this incident is a bit uncomfortable, the impact is not great, especially now that the domestic demand for civilian personal computers is quite strong, there is no need to worry about slow sales, and the old The club itself still has many advantages.

An executive said, "There is even more outrageous, that is, the computer rental

According to him. One of his employees used to work as a temporary worker in a government department.

At that time, every official employee in the family had dual computers and dual networks, that is, each person had a desktop and a laptop. They were all top-notch configurations, and they were all international brands. In order to prevent these things from becoming fixed assets, These things are rented.

"Generally, there is a contract. The rent is higher than the market price for one year and two years. The machine will be recycled after two years. The machine is still very new. If the employee wants to buy out, he still needs to pay a price much higher than the second hand. I really don’t know how to recover Where have I been? The executive said to Fan Wuyao, "This way, a machine sold at a sky-high price. Many government departments are doing this now. In this way, employees of some government departments complain that they are too troublesome when changing machines. They always replace new ones, and the data is too old.

Fan Wubing sighed, saying that these people can really come up with any idea. To put it bluntly, this is what people want you to play for two years. But you have to pay a rent higher than the market price. If you want it when the other company takes it back, you can get a higher price than the second-hand market.

According to the executive, there are companies in China that specialize in this business. Whatever the name of an international business machine leasing company, no matter what brand of computer and automated office equipment, they are willing to do it. The profits are really huge. It's amazing.

"I scolded the one next door." After hearing this, Fan Wubing felt very angry. Although he said that this is one reason for harming the interests of the family, the most important thing is that Mr. Fan believes that the other party's doing so has seriously harmed the domestic fair competition. The big environment is changing, especially when he heard that a certain company that often messes with Lenovo often sends money to send beautiful women to corrupt national cadres in order to get some big projects, and by the way, he is furious when he robs his own company's business.

"Being a man, you can't be shameless to this point!" Fan Wubing said to everyone, knocking on the table top of the desk with his hand.

The executive who introduced the situation to Fan Wuyao immediately replied, "President Fan calms down. In fact, being a human being can really be shameless to this point. At present, we have lost our part in government procurement. There are many positions. These departments used to purchase our company's products."

"Well, I already know about this." Although Fan Wubing didn't have any ruthless words in his mouth, he already had some cares in his heart. If he didn't find a place in this matter, could it be that he was a national level? Is your Yanei vegetarian? !

In Fan Wubing's view, any kind of dishonest business behavior is shameful, so he is concerned about this. Companies that use improper means to compete have expressed great indignation, and are already considering how to make them accept Mr. Fan’s anger~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, catch the traitor and take the double, the thief and take the stolen goods. Fan Wuyi couldn’t do anything about catching the wind and catching the shadows. He couldn’t just go and tell his father that a certain company would make money and beauties bribe government officials and engage in unfair competition in government procurement approvals, right? Then it would be too trivial to do it, you always have to catch the other person's handle to speak.

So after thinking about it, Fan Wubing asked the executive just now, "Can you arrange two reliable personnel. Can you sneak into the other party’s company to help us get the most important evidence?"

The towering man agreed without hesitation, "President Fan, don't worry, now the other party is telling the expansion period. What is needed most is technical talents. I have two relatives who are doing professional work. Let them pass. It's just right, but I just hope that after this matter is done, Mr. Fan can provide them with a better exhibition platform to express themselves, and their abilities are still very good.

Fan Wubing sighed, and his heart said that as long as he can speak, it is easy to get promoted? This senior executive asked himself to be very elegant and gentle, which made people think it should be. This is the art of language.

"Okay, when this matter is done, I personally arrange their work, Fan promised that he is not sick.

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