
Vol 5 Chapter 1045: The best fool is a master

Dan Bing asked the director! Later, I figured it out. It turned out that the public relations company approve Shenchuan. It was exposed by other Americans.

That is, since the last time, the U.S. Judicial Department decided to impose a huge fine of up to 12 million U.S. dollars on the U.S. Khalid Company. The reason was that according to the investigation, Khalid had The German company's subsidiary in Shanghai, China, made a total of 1.6 million U.S. dollars in cash bribes to Chinese medical institutions and doctors in exchange for these medical institutions to purchase the products of the German company, and Khalid made money from it. According to the judgment of the U.S. Department of Justice, Khalid has violated the provisions of the U.S. Overseas Anti-** Act that prohibits U.S. companies from bribing relevant foreign personnel.

In this case, Khalid used a public relations company to bribe medical institutions.

"Since it is bribery in China. Why would the U.S. Department of Justice investigate and deal with it?" Zhang Qi felt a little unbelievable after hearing this, saying that the American's hands were too long. The name of the world policeman was not called for nothing.

The director himself is not very clear. He shook his head to show that he didn't understand.

Fan Wuyao knew the mystery, so he smiled and explained to Xiang Fengqi and others, "Now most of the countries in Darfur. Commercial bribery and compensation are strictly prohibited. For example, the United States has long established anti-bribery rulings. It is to prohibit commercial bribery and compensation. He has strict requirements in this regard. He does not allow his company to use bribery overseas to obtain transaction opportunities or economic benefits."

"However, what surprised me was that the report of Khalid's Shanghai subsidiary was actually reported," the director continued.

Everyone here was a little surprised. It is said that if the subsidiary makes a profit, the parent company will also benefit. Why the dog bites the dog's mouth? This is really hard to figure out.

As a result, everyone focused their attention on Fan Wuyao's body.

Fan Wubing smiled, and then said, "In fact, everyone is not familiar with the situation in the United States, so it feels a bit strange. Although the subsidiary has made money, it has to give the profit to the parent company, but through improper means The profits obtained are relatively hot in the eyes of Americans. Because the parent company is worried that the subsidiary company will face more severe penalties after it is reported by others, so it reports its own subsidiary company. This is a relative loss. It’s smaller, and it also helps improve your business reputation in the industry."

Except for the United States. Many countries in Northern Europe have laws similar to this. For example, Finland does not allow domestic companies to obtain trading opportunities through bribery and compensation abroad. This aspect is strictly prohibited.

This is mainly because commercial bribery and compensation have seriously deviated from the principle of fair trade in the market and undermined the normal economic order. The market has a unified and fair competition market, undermined the principle of fair trade in the market, and undermined the order of the market economy, which is very serious. The problem.

Moreover, it undermines the principle of fairness and justice. Some people get rich because of bribery, and there are tens of millions of ordinary people below the poverty line. This will make the people lose confidence.

Secondly, it is said that commercial bribery compensation opens the door to counterfeit, shoddy and counterfeit goods. As long as inferior products pass the bribery compensation method, they can pass the examination and approval, can enter the market and sell more, so who will buy good products? Who is going to innovate?

Finally, the cost of bribery by all these operators falls on the common people.

"The final result of commercial bribery and compensation. Many burdens have been passed on to consumers. For example, commercial bribery and compensation in the pharmaceutical industry. In the end, the prices of many drugs are inflated, making it difficult and expensive for the common people to see a doctor. These evil consequences are finally added. For consumers, it has caused serious social problems.

Fan Wubing said, “Commercial bribery has actually grown and spread during the entire process of social transformation, system transformation, and mechanism transformation. It is naturally difficult to cure it, but it is quite possible to reduce this situation by improving the system. Arrived."

After eating, Zhang Qi went for a walk with Fan Wuyi.

Today’s weather is in early July, and this eye net is fortunately the sun is setting. When the temperature is more suitable, the two people are walking slowly along the shade of the trees by the lake, occasionally blowing over the shimmering lake. A cool breeze. It makes people feel very refreshing.

"Mundell is coming to China soon, did you know?" Feng Qi said to Fan Wuyao.

"Mundell?" Fan Wuyi was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, "Oh. That's the father of the euro, right?"

"It is also the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1999 and the Mundell who has written many books on economics." Zhang Qi added.

Mundell is the honorary president of International Entrepreneur University, an internationally renowned economist, and a Canadian. He graduated from the University of British Columbia and the University of Washington, has a Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and is now a professor at Columbia University. The world is praised as Oushi! Crying Compensation※

In the 1970s, he served as an advisor to the Monetary Committee of the European Economic Commission. He was one of the nine advisors who drafted a report on a unified European currency in Brussels. He also served as a member of the International Monetary Reform Research Group and has served as a long-term international currency reform. Chairman of the meeting.

Professor Mundell is known as the father of optimal monetary theory. He systematically described what is a standard international macroeconomic model. He is also a pioneer in the theory of combining monetary and fiscal policies. He rewritten the theory of inflation and interest. , And together with other economists, jointly advocate the use of monetary methods to solve the payment balance. also. He is also an advocate of the supply school.

"This is a master-level character. Zhang Qi said to Fan Wuyao.

"You know a lot!" Fan Wuyao touched Zhang Qi's head and said with a smile.

Since Zhang Qi started an economic talk show, she has delved into a lot of economics monographs. Even one glance and ten lines can leave a lot of impressions, not to mention Zhang Qi's own high quality. How could it not improve a little? Therefore, after hearing Fan Wuyi's words, he felt a little disapproving.

Fan Wubing thought for a while and said, "Mundell, I know a little bit, but it is somewhat different from what you know."

"Really? Dao Qi asked curiously.

Fan Wuyao nodded, "Domestic economists are roughly divided into three categories. The first category is theoretical research type, which is generally called academic. The second category is commercial type and works for investment banks. Third. The category serves the government and the public interest. Nowadays, some economic problems are very clear to everyone, but the first category of economists sits alone in the study and does not ask the world. The second category of economists, Since the interests of a specific business group are involved, they are unwilling to offend one of them. As for the third type of economists, since they serve the government, they should be cautious in their words and deeds. Be less open. In society, we need to hear from them. When they speak, they remain silent. Therefore, we must often beat their sense of social responsibility and call on their academic conscience. In fact, as public intellectuals, economists shoulder a higher social mission. If they can do only If they don’t lie or make illegal profits, then their value as economists’ public intellectuals is questionable. If in a society most scholars dare not, do not want, or cannot tell the truth, they dare to speak. The few scholars who tell the truth have no approval or applause. What kind of sadness is that?.

"This is indeed the current domestic situation, but what does it have to do with Mundell?" Zhang Qi asked in a puzzled manner.

"Mundell is obviously not screened by these three types.

Fan Youbing smiled, "Mundell, who is already at the master level, has his own manager company.

Known as the best economics master, Nobel Prize winner Mundell has his own way of making money. Recently, he often travels to China. Say all good things about the Chinese economy.

However, recently some media have questioned the rankings of China's well-known brand companies made by the World Manager Information Company. It is said that this information company, which was established in New York, USA two years ago, was chaired by Mundell, and its clients are mostly multinational companies ranked in the world's top 500.

When evaluating the Chinese consulting market, Mundell said that there are 500,000 companies in China with a scale of more than 10 million yuan, of which more than 1,000 are listed companies, and the penetration rate of management consulting is less than percent. five. Therefore, he is very optimistic about the growth space of the industry.

It is said that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his company charges between 100,000 and 1 million U.S. dollars in China.

"Mundell called this phenomenon of economists owning private companies as a combination of theory and practice. It sounds very beautiful. However, when he started a company in China to make a lot of money, he also had a big idea about China's economic situation. At that time, how do people distinguish the tendency and authenticity of their remarks?" Fan Wubing said to Cuiqi, "You know. Once there is a conflict of interests, then the master will be bent over five buckets of rice. Just like those in Russia. In just ten years, the financial oligarchs who have gathered billions of fortunes and quickly controlled huge powers are often surrounded by many well-known figures in economics. They are tightly bound together to become a group of shared interests. In our economic life, where will such an interest-based community and the unspoken rules they follow will lead the society and the public to?"

"According to what you said, the world is really terrible, and almost no one can believe it." Zhang Qi said helplessly after listening.

"You must remember this, the master who can fool you the most!" Fan Wubing said with emotion.

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