
Vol 5 Chapter 1051: TF card

Why is the memory card market so chaotic and unified into the same format...: Shen Ying feels very puzzled about this. She always believes that this disorderly competition will only cause a waste of resources.

"It's not because of interest!" Fan Wubiao replied, "There is a dispute over standards. Everyone hopes to fight opponents by establishing their own standards. How can they be unified? At most, the survival of the fittest is through market competition. Only then can the yellow sand be washed out and the gold left."

"It's all caused by interests," Shen Ying said.

Fan Wubing suddenly remembered a story, so he said, “There is a story about the Tower of Babylon recorded in the Bible "Genesis". The survivors after Noah’s Ark have reproduced many descendants, because they are all three from Noah’s A son, all people speak the same language and the same accent. And they are planning to build a tower in Shinar. But God does not allow mortals to reach their own height, so Jehovah confused their accent and made people Feelings cannot be communicated with people, thoughts are difficult to unite, suspicions and quarrels emerge. The Babylon Tower was also abandoned halfway, and the original consistent language was disrupted."

Don't think this is just a scene in the biblical story, the modern Tower of Babylon is being staged in the field of memory cards.

At the Electronic Entertainment Expo that opened on May 19th, Sony Computer Entertainment showcased the next generation of handheld game consoles. What is remarkable is that Sony has specially opened a new storage disc for the concave, a diameter of 6, Universal media disk for storage capacity data.

This is the third type of storage that Sony has opened. Before that, there was a memory stick specifically for the Walkman. Except for Sony, the "cylinder kang card, also known as card" opened by the company in 1994, is still a cheap storage option commonly used in most digital products.

Toshiba’s Duo card is used as a storage device for its digital cameras by companies such as Olympus and Fuji. Although the card is called a smart card, it is not smart at all. It just encapsulates the storage chip and does not contain a control circuit. , All read and write operations are completely dependent on the device using it.

In addition, the more popular ones are the SIM cards launched by Siemens in 1997 and the power cards jointly made by Toshiba and Panasonic. If you think that the variety is not enough, you can also add that Fuji is not satisfied with Toshiba's Tamper Card, and it is independent from Olympus and launches a smaller Shen Card. This is not to wait for a lot of technical specifications that have not been popular. .

In fact, the technical ideas of these various incompatible memory cards are the same. They all use a combination of controller and memory. The difference is only in the package mode and interface.

As various digital devices such as digital cameras, narrations, and smart phones have become personal consumer goods in the new era, more and more information data created by people recording historical pictures and communicating are also increasing. Changing the use of memory cards should have been normal, making the problem that memory cards cannot be used interchangeably.

In Fan Wu's personal opinion, it is precisely because each manufacturer artificially creates different standards for memory cards that could have the same source and the same source in order to establish their own memory card standards.

It seems that Dan's pursuit of commercial interests can explain all this, but the problem seems to be more than that simple.

The magazine’s Vincent once wrote an article accusing Sony of quasi-blocking behavior on memory cards, because Sony’s memory sticks can only be used on Sony’s electronic devices, and these electronic devices do not support memory cards of other specifications by default. Sony consumers often fall into the trap of buying one piece of Sony equipment and having to buy the second one, because only then can their data on the memory stick be shared and exchanged.

Behind the standard dispute is not only a technology dispute, but also a market operation dispute. Memory cards can be regarded as a newborn in the digital consumer era. When the market is not yet fully mature, major manufacturers are fighting openly and secretly hoping that their own technical standards will be available to everyone. accept. If you think about it carefully, you will find that the reason for the confusion of the specifications of the memory card is closely related to the revolution of consumer electronics in the digital age. Sony is just a businessman who will make full use of the process of technological change.

Old film, tape,. , And even just. There is no such confusion as the memory card, because there is a global unified standard setter, and the technological changes of those traditional analog storage media are far less rapid than the digital memory card. This seems to be unexpected by those advocates of global technological revolution. In their opinion, it is more important to subvert the tradition with digitalization. In comparison, the exchange of small memory cards seems to be trivial.

In Hebrew, the pronunciation of the word chaos is Babylon, and according to the description in "Genesis", the Tower of Babylon undoubtedly added the world's first unique profession: referral.

In today’s new digital era that is approaching, the chaotic status quo of memory cards undoubtedly reproduces the Babylon Tower phenomenon, resulting in the creation of a card reader with multiple specifications. This seemingly redundant product, this year’s sales are unexpectedly high. It broke through a billion dollars.

"This is competition, it's omnipotent," Fan Wuyao said with some emotion, "Now we are also paying close attention to the progress in this area, and we are inclined to a new standard, fraud."

Repel the card, that's it. The product design of Qu is also designed with Tian architecture, and the size is almost the size of a fingernail. Before the market, mobile phone manufacturers used embedded memory. Although this type of module is easy to assemble and design, it has the problem that it cannot be changed according to actual trend requirements because their capacity is limited and cannot be upgraded. Space...Tian's imitated application model allows the same card to be used in different types of mobile phones, so that mobile phone manufacturers no longer have to worry about plug-in research and design. It is enough to be called a portable storage North.

This kind of card currently exists only in the laboratory and has not been formed. It is Motorola and blood. The four jointly researched, and there is no official product launch yet. According to the information obtained by the intelligence department of the Fan Investment Group, this is a small card with a volume of about one-fourth of the Tianca card, which can be regarded as the smallest storage card at present.

The card can be used as a milk card after the curved card converter, and the adapter can be used on equipment that uses Tian card as a storage medium.

In fact, the card is mainly developed for camera phones to shoot large images and to be able to download larger video clips. Therefore, fraud cards can be used to store personal data, such as digital photos, Boron 3, games, and applications for mobile phones. Personal data, etc., have also set up a copyright protection management system to protect downloaded music, images, and games.

On this basis, it is also possible to consider adding encryption functions to the new type of cards to be launched in the future to protect personal computers. Personal data, financial records and Jianji medical documents.

The compact size of the flash card allows the manufacturer to adopt this design without worrying about the size of the phone, and another flexible application is to allow the supplier to replace it according to the different needs of the customer at any time before delivery. This advantage is the embedded flash memory. Nothing.

"Since you Fan has such a plan, do you have samples?" Shen Ying is most concerned about practicality.

Fan Wubing replied, "The main technical performance parameters have been obtained in the laboratory. At present, it seems that the other party does not intend to launch it immediately, so we plan to launch this technology first, but once it is launched, Motorola and Qu Siye will definitely It will be very annoying, and I need to be prepared to deal with all kinds of reactions."

"Can you get such advanced technology?" Shen Ying looked very surprised.

"There is nothing difficult in the world, I am afraid that there are people who are interested. We have been tracking this technology for a long time, and we have naturally gained something. Moreover, our accumulation of technology in this area is also very sufficient. Moreover, this technology is not so advanced, combined with ours. The strength of the chip production and research department is not a big problem. But even so~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there are still some patent problems in it. I think there are still some fees to pay, but not too much." Fan Wu The disease replied.

The key problem is that the card-making still uses the curved structure, so the patent problem in this area is inevitable. However, compared with the application prospects of the card-making, Fan Wubing feels that the cost is worth it, because he is currently domestic The mobile phone market basically occupies an offensive position. In such a large market, once a large number of reprimands are applied, how much revenue will it bring to itself?

Especially if you can also consider entering the market of digital cameras or related products in the future, the application prospects of cards are still very broad, especially when you tell Kodak or some other digital camera manufacturers to use their own standards, the effect will be It's better.

In any case, this part of the domestic market must be broken by yourself, otherwise it will become very troublesome in the future. For Motorola’s old rival Nokia and other mobile phone manufacturers, Fan Wuyi can give them some discounts and recommend them. They use their own memory card standards, even if they are posted a little bit.

The biggest advantage of those manufacturers is not mainly in the production of memory cards. It should be easier to accept this question. After all, whose product standards are different? If you know what's going on, please post 6 muscle culverts, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading! )

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