
Vol 5 Chapter 1053: The legendary "Legend"

The tourism industry is undoubtedly a sunrise industry. The first batch of people from Kanzhou who were engaged in online games are destined to become a new wealthy class. Basically, no one will deny this.

The daily income of the Brahma Creation Company is enough to make Shen Ying feel that the previous investment is something worthwhile. Now the return is generous. She never thought that making money would be so easy to sell a virtual account loss by setting up a bunch of servers. Just to make so much money on the Internet.

However, shortly after Shen Ying's emotions came out, the online game industry began to provoke cards again.

When it comes to the passage of time in China, it always takes a long time.

Before the four, Richard and Garriott officially performed his first online game "Genesis Online".

A year later, this secret drama, which is referred to as the four for short, appeared in China, and it still appeared in the form of private servers. Later, when private servers had become a big cancer in the online game industry, who would have thought of this? This year, the industry with an output value of more than tens of billions of yuan, was the first to appear in such a manner?

Can imagine. Three years ago, in a certain city currency in southern China, a player who had access to the telecommunications machine room. Secretly set up the first target server on the server in hand, and published news in the early days. Invite the net to play together.

I'm afraid he couldn't even dream of it at that time, what kind of impact Muji has done.

From then on, a new world began.

Of course, Jindong’s online game market is no longer a gathering of players for self-entertainment, and businessmen have already come to the opportunities contained in it. Since last year, China Lottery has launched the first commercially-operated online games and other games in China, and the market has gradually heated up.

At the end of last year, a South Korean online game found the relatively successful online game company Huacai Jiangxing to negotiate cooperation.

Players invited by Huacai to participate in the experience said that this game is not worth operating. Why this game had no choice but to switch to his home, and signed it to a little-known public quote in Shanghai.

This company is called Shanda, and this game is called Appearance. It marks China's online game corpse industry! Stepped into the expansion of high development.

Soon, "Legend" had more than 400,000 people online at the same time. Online games have entered the era of full explosion. Ninetowns, NetEase, these later game giants have temporarily emerged this year. New companies have poured into the market in large numbers, and there have been 20 online games on the stack, which is more than all the previous games on the market combined.

Mention "Legend". Many manufacturers lamented why they didn't introduce it to China by themselves, and Chen Tianqiao took the lead in exchange for the tens of thousands of pages and the dominant position of the game industry.

But the advantage is that there must be disputes. The members who were born in "Legend Degree in Zhongwei One Day" seem to have arranged a legendary life for it.

Some people say that "Legend" is a game chosen by a gambler. Chen Tianqiao should like to bet. At the age of 26, he suddenly resigned from the position of manager of the 6 Jiazui Group branch the year before and started an animation website with his wife, younger brother, etc. , This has made many people unable to understand.

Then, he won the second Baili Jianyuan Ziyi of China.com. Jinniu once again devotes all his body to the agency fees of the "Legend" game.

After the game agency, the difficulties faced one after another.

The lack of money to rent servers is the biggest problem. Chen Tianqiao used the international contracts of Chinese and South Korean agents as bait to wander between servers and telecommunications providers in various places. Perhaps he is lucky enough or who is moved by his entrepreneurial omissions. The problem was finally solved, and he was eligible to use the server for two months for free.

Since then, it has also kicked off the prelude to China's agent overseas online games.

In June of this year, the "Legend" was in the public beta, and the number of online users at the same time exceeded 400,000. The country's point card sales were almost sold out. The funds quickly returned to the circulation, and the peers looked at it. Obviously, Legend of Pakistan will become the online game with the largest average number of online players in the world in a few months.

Since then, hundreds of thousands of players have joined; the battle for Mafatian 6, the "Legend" at that time carried the dreams of too many people. Shabak, the title of the highest power in this world, made countless people yearn for. .

Three Wutuns: Dragon Slaying Blade, Dragon Sword, and Bone Jade Scepter: the highest peak of a profession.

The teleportation ring has a drop rate of one in 800,000. It was once worth tens of thousands of RMB. With a towel, the door to the treasure house of the best is open to you.

Someone later said that the legend. It was originally one. legend. After Shanda started the test as an agent, from the obsession of middle-aged office workers to the showy of young girls, most of the supporters are working day and night in leveling, playing equipment, being involved, and picking up girls. At that time, it was deeply imprinted in the player's memory during the crazy period, and it made many **** players.

When Shanda signed an agency contract with Bei Ai Xiaosi. The Korean online game corpse industry has just begun to go overseas. "Tianqiao, a crazy businessman who is willing to pay 300,000 US dollars for copyright fees, and 27% of the operating share ratio makes the employees of the company unhappy.

However, the rapid rise of "Legend" after the launch of the online game and the revenue brought by the South Koreans are annoyed that they have not considered the value of the game in the Chinese market.

Seeing the rising cost of sharing, Korean companies have begun to increase their appetite.

But in fact, sigh is not "Legendary Bi’s open deposit, but the operator of the game in South Korea, the game’s developer is...Plus, and the company owns 40% of the company’s

This model resulted in a situation where the copyright fees paid by Shanda belonged to two rare-country companies. Such a triangular relationship also caused endless difficulties in handling after the agency turmoil.

Later, the South Korean side finally couldn't bear the grand arrears of agency fees, and the first round of conflict broke out between the two sides. Shanda, the founding company of "Legend", notified Shanda to suspend the original contract, and then Shanda signed an ancillary agreement to make up for it. It requires the rare party to provide sufficient technical support to make up for the increasingly serious plug-in problems encountered by Chinese agents.

Unexpectedly, the "Legend" plug-in problem has not been resolved, private servers have quickly appeared in China due to the leak of overseas versions, and Shanda's corpse use group has rapidly declined. The government asked the South Korean side to use technology to prevent this situation from being resolved.

Regarding the taboo controversy that appeared in the history of China's online game agency, Chen Tianqiao's handling method was domineering but not ineffective.

The difficulty in handling the incident originated from South Korea, a rare country...Shan is the game's developer, but it is controlled by 40%. With the overseas operation rights of the old Huo Chuan Kebi series, Shanda is the most outstanding company in this batch of overseas operations.

Therefore, when I sighed that there was a dispute with Shanda over the contract issue, "this is the key to solving the problem. The key point of whether Shanda will share the dare is... Whether Zhang Jiafang can solve the problem of private server and plug-in, the performance history is that the family is anxious The sifting agent who asked for money made... quite embarrassed in this turmoil.

In the supplementary agreement signed by the three parties on the sharing fee, Shanda wants to accept the rare party to solve the technical problems of the "Legend" game, which of course also includes private servers and plug-ins that have not yet reached the scale of Hancheng. And only one month after the agreement was signed, the private server exploded, and half a cow has appeared in five white, different private servers.

At this time, Sanjia has actually shown a way to solve this technical network problem, hoping to make a big concession, and the exchange condition is to give priority to the agency of "Legend" and subsequent products.

In fact, Shanda did not fail to consider...such's suggestion. It's just that Chen Tianqiao believes that after South Korean companies saw the huge benefits of online games in China, Baimu's move to increase copyright and share fees caused Chinese agency companies to resent them.

It is said that "Legendary's offers agency conditions with a copyright fee of more than one million US dollars per year, and the share ratio is also nearly 10% higher than the 27% of the previous work."

In addition, the South Korean side expressed doubts about the amount of revenue reported by Shanda, and repeatedly requested audits.

Later, Guangtong announced that it officially represented "Legendary Tame", which meant that Shanda had lost the agency rights of "Legendary".

Later, Shanda injected US$91.7 million in capital, accounting for 29% of its shares, and became the company's second-largest holding company.

As a result, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the two-year entangled problem was completely solved, and Shanda became the owner of all products.

This move also made Guangtong miserable, the legendary Hee Han who won a lot of money. However, after Shanda injected capital, it became the milking cow for it.

But at this time, everyone had no such innocence, so Xian Baoshanda represented a profitable game, and did not realize that this young Ji would always become a wealthy nation after a few cows.

Fan Wubing was talking to Shen Ying about the "Legend" acting by Shanda. Shen Ying said with some regret, "Why didn't I show this game? Look at the love, we are going to compare our two games."

"It's impossible for people to take up all the good things. You have to leave a way for others to survive. To this Fan is not sick, you still use what he often says to respond.

In fact, Fan Wubing is more concerned about another dispute, which is the issue of private service.

Although private servers are just beginning to emerge, the ill-fated nature of it has already been manifested. Over time, this is a huge poison that harms the entire online game market.

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