
Vol 5 Chapter 1055: Bring foreign girls to travel with

In the first month of the month, Fan Wuyi's innocuous walk is slightly more skilled than the busy sulphur.

This time I came, but the very important guests Fang Lao Kangbing and Yu Lei’s invitation, Putin’s two little princesses, Masha and Katya, the Russian tour group finally arrived in Beijing, which made his life much There were some waves.

Because Putin’s two princesses, Masha and Kabai, said that they came to the country to travel, and Putin and his wife also agreed. Fan Wuyi acted as a self-seeking and humble receptionist. After all, he was in Russia. The reception I received was also very enthusiastic. Respect is mutual.

But two. The little princess was most interested in learning from Shaolin Temple and Deng Xiaoping. This made Fan Wubing feel a little funny. The feeling is that the two little princesses also directly told that they had developed a keen interest in the dry towels.

Although it is said that in the novel, Shaolin Temple does not accept female guests, it is true that there is a total of nonsense. Now that the domestic market economy is engaged in, the Shaolin Temple naturally cannot keep the currency customs in the midday network tide, and the ancient temple that has been closed for thousands of years. At this time, I also talked about the Internet age.

When they rushed to the Shaolin Temple, Lijiaojing received a very grand welcome.

Shaolin Temple is located in the source of Shaolin martial arts in Songshan Mountain in Dengfeng, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. Shaolin Temple was in the Tang Dynasty. He enjoys a great reputation, and is also called Qianshi for Zen and martial arts.

According to historical records. The first abbot of Songshan Shaolin Temple was a Buddhist monk named Ba Tuo, Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty Yuan Hongtaihe in the 20th year. He traveled from ancient India to the Kingdom of Scarves and was worshipped by Emperor Xiaowen, a devout Buddhist.

Yin Ba Tuo likes to live in seclusion. Emperor Xiaowen built a temple for him deep in the dense forest under the mountain, named Songshan Shaolin Temple.

Ba Tuo accepted hundreds of disciples in the temple and turned up the classics he brought with him. After Ba Tuo passed away, because there was no rule of passing the lamp to the sect, his disciples were also scattered around the province.

Decades later, Songshan Shaolin Temple became the base of Mahayana religion.

In the last years of the Southern Dynasties, Bodhidharma came to Jin Guofu to teach Mahayana Buddhism after three years of wandering on the sea. He first preached and preached at Guangxiao Temple in Guangzhou, and was later picked up by Emperor Liang Wu to play Nanjing Xiangbei

Emperor Liang Wu thought that he had a lot of merits in building temples, writing scriptures, and saving monks like him. But Bodhidharma said that he had no merit, and that he did nothing but tangible merits.

The two are not speculative. Bodhidharma then used the five-leaf Mowei as a boat to cross the river and came to Dianshan Shaolin Temple and founded Zen Buddhism.

The Zen Buddhism that he preached does not emphasize the profound principles, but advocates sitting on the wall of Zen Buddhism. Deng should face the wall to meditate and hold back the thoughts to comprehend Zen. This simple and easy method of cultivation is naturally easy to promote. Afterwards, Zen Buddhism became the mainstream school of Chinese Buddhism. Zen Menyu was bestowed by the first ancestor of the Tang Dynasty to Mi Yuanjue.

Because the Mahayana taught by Bodhidharma was an innovation to the old Zen method that was popular in the vast areas of the dry towel country at that time, the struggle was fierce. After the death of Bodhidharma, his disciples formed the Nanzong based on Huineng and the Beizong based on Shenxiu.

There is not much difference in the doctrine of the Southern and Northern Sects, but the practice of the Northern Sect but gradually leads to enlightenment while the Southern Sect advocates enlightenment and advocates putting down the butcher knife and standing as a Buddha.

After more than ten years of disputes, the Southern Sect finally replaced the Northern Sect at the time of Dezong of the Tang Dynasty. Since then, Songshan Shaolin Temple has become the province of the Southern Sect. The inner part of the Southern Sect is divided into Caodong, Linji, Yunmen, Five sects of Dharma Eye and Po Yang. Among them, Cao Lin Second Sect was the most influential. After the early Yuan Dynasty, Songshan Shaolin Temple clearly regarded Cao Dong Sect as the authentic sect, and one hundred continued to the present.

Songshan Shaolin Temple was abandoned once and greedy twice.

Was abolished in the time of Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. At that time, the number of domestic believers in Buddhism accounted for half of the residents, which affected the production and learning, which seriously damaged the interests of the royal family. It was Emperor Wu of Zhou who ordered the second teaching of Lin Fomei, Songshan Shaolin Temple was abandoned, and the monks were deported back to their hometowns.

At the beginning of the seventh century, the Shaolin monks were so successful in the battle of Li Shimin that the king of Tang strongly supported them and rebuilt the Songshan Shaolin Temple. In the Song Dynasty, the Shaolin Temple had more than 2,000 monks, more than 5,000 towers, halls and pavilions, covering an area of ​​more than 500 acres, and nearly 10,000 volumes of Tibetan scriptures, which was known as the number one temple in the world.

During the Qing Dynasty, the emperor was afraid that the monks would rebel, so he set fire to the monastery and placed the Songshan Shaolin Temple in a sea of ​​flames. It was rebuilt at the time of Qianlong.

In 1928. The warlord Shi Yousan set fire to the ancient Shaolin temple. The damage caused by the fire was even more serious. The fire lasted for five days and nights, and only two or three courtyards were left. Numerous classics, artifacts and other valuable cultural relics were set aside. Right Feiyan Page 1

After liberation, it has undergone many renovations and gradually restored its former appearance.

The current Shaolin Temple has a total of seven entrances, with a total area of ​​more than 30,000 square meters. Zhu Zhengmo is magnificent, and there are frequent hospitals, Chuzu Temple, Erzu Temple, Sanzu Temple, Tarin Ganleitai Ancestral Hall and Nanyuangan auxiliary buildings.

The most important thing is that the film "Shaolin Temple" at the beginning of the reform and opening up made this thousand-year-old temple famous all over the world, and it has been acclaimed at home and abroad. People who rushed to Shaolin Temple to be a monk and practice martial arts because of the influence of the movie. However, there are not a few people who are related to the situation. At that time, there was also a wave of martial arts practice among the whole people, and it lasted for several years before it gradually faded.

In fact, Shaolin Kungfu is the most powerful martial art of the Han martial arts. There are more than 700 kinds of martial arts routines. Practicing martial arts and meditation are called martial arts meditation.

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the thirteen monks of Shaolin Temple were rewarded for helping the King Ge Shimin of Qin defeat Wang Shiyou, and were specially approved to set up a standing monk soldier. Therefore, Xiao used Shaolin martial arts exhibition. Shaolin Temple is famous at home and abroad for its martial arts. The word Shaolin has also become one of the symbols of Han traditional martial arts.

The two little princesses Masha and Katya were very excited as soon as they entered the gate of the Shaolin Temple. It was the summer season. But the fortunate time on the mountain is still cooler, which makes the net come to China. Maluo and Karen Qiu, who are very uncomfortable with the hot weather, are more comfortable.

In addition, the purpose of this trip was to come to travel and learn from the teacher, so the two princesses looked very solemn and pious. The Zijie in the study movie bowed down and then walked up the steps. This made Fan Wubing feel a little funny after watching it, but he also secretly admired the Shaolin Temple’s Fu Chuan offensive, a man who can make foreigners admire so much. However, this work is very well done.

I have to admit that Dengfeng County Specialist or a certain Kaifeng City Yangqi Department of Henan Province has done a good job of wealth transmission. It has spread the reputation of Shaolin Temple, a thousand-year-old temple, all the way to overseas. Now even foreigners have heard about it.

"Where is Master Hai Deng? Not long after we wanted to worship him as a teacher, Martha made a request to make Fan Wuyi laugh and laugh."

The leaders of the Kaifeng Municipal Party Committee who accompanied the visit were also dumbfounded. Other requirements were good to say, but the request to worship Master Hai Deng as a teacher was really too difficult.

Fan Wuyin explained, "Your information is probably out of date. Master Hai Deng has already belonged to the Western Paradise. Now the Shaolin Temple’s sentiment is very different. If you want to practice martial arts, you can follow it. The masters have discussed and discussed to transcribe a copy of the map of martial arts secreted in the temple that is suitable for you to practice martial arts. If you want to report to a teacher, you can also choose a respected monk to be your master, but if you are looking for other things, it is not easy to say NS."

"What is the name of the Western Paradise, has he swam with a sharp enemy?" When Masha and Katya heard Fan Wubing say this, they felt disappointed that the name of Master Bi Yinhaideng was very loud.

"Western Bliss. Just hanging out with your Zen heaven, understand? Brother Mi explained.

"Oh, it's a pity." This afternoon, the two Gongxinsuanxians completely understood.

On the tenth day of the previous propaganda. Take Master Hai Deng as the abbot of Very Shaolin Temple. But in fact, Master Hai Deng has not been the abbot of Shaolin Ben. It is said that he has been to Shaolin Temple many times, and he has also studied Shaolin martial arts. Monk.

Some years ago, there were also disputes on this issue. Later, some people suspected that Master Hai Deng's two-finger Zen was also fake. After building up a lot of public and stupid things, these things have gradually ceased to be discussed for many years, but now Shaolin Temple pays more attention to the promotion of temple servants and Shaolin martial arts itself, and does not pay much attention to the promotion of personal models.

As soon as I entered the mountain gate. I saw Maitreya Buddha offering dry Buddha gold towels and poo with a big belly, laughing often. There is a wooden statue of Wei Tuo standing behind the cage. The **** stick holds the guardian **** of Shaolin Temple.

Passed the mountain gate. It is Pudao. The two pavilion steles are like forests, so they are called Forest of Steles. Hammer Spectrum Hall is on the west side of the forest of steles in the mountain gate. Inside, there are mud trees and wood carvings group statues deducting the exhibition history of Shaolin martial arts and its outstanding achievements.

After passing through the forest of steles, there is the Palace of Heavenly Kings. It hangs a three-sided double-eaves and Xieshan-top hall. On the outside, there are two kings. Inside, there are four great heavenly kings. Then there is the Daxiong Hall. The temple enshrines the statues of Sakyamuni, Amitabha, and Medicine Buddha. A statue of Guanyin hangs behind the screen wall. There are eighteen arhats in the two countries.

After the Daxiong Hall, there is the Buddhist scripture pavilion, a place where monks in a certain monastery collect scriptures and meditation methods. In the front corner of the temple, the big iron bell cast during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty and the Wanli period weighs about 1,300 jin. The east rain side of the Tibetan scripture pavilion is the meditation room, where the monks take part in meditation, and the west meditation room on the opposite side is the hall that receives guests.

After passing the hall, I came to the abbot's room. This place where the smelly alchemist and the director lived. There was a bronze statue of Bodhidharma presented by Japan in the room, and the bronze statue of Ku Miqin Buddha placed by the East Rates was behind the abbot's room. It is a single-eave Pangdian style building. According to legend, it was the place where the second ancestor had broken his arm in the snow.

Not far to the west of Shaolin Temple, there is the largest tower of potassium in the country. These ancient towers are the tomb towers of monks in Shaolin Temple in the past. There are a total of more than two hundred and thirty towers that have a non-net architectural style and are elegant in shape due to the different ages of the sisters. The stone carvings are exquisite, and most of the ta inscriptions involve ancient Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges and Shaolin martial arts.

From Chuzu An. You can reach Huomo Cave by ascending the Wuzhu Peak along the mountain road. Legend has it that Bodhidharma has been facing the wall here for ten years. Because of his profound skill, his figure has been imprinted on the rocks, leaving behind the legendary Bodhidharma shadow stone.

There is a poem by the prime minister.

Since Masha and Katja have been arguing about martial arts, they participated in the Dengzi after Shaolin Shengjing. The Shaolin Temple arranged a performance by the monks to show them that they could suspend 72 stunts. There is no such kind of worship, everyone applauded. And the performance of the domesticated Shaolin monks is different from the past. In the past, it used to be stupidly sparring or singles with up to one, equipment or routines, but now it's completely different.

Under the guidance of modern technology. Shaolin Kungfu performances are straightforward and bigger, keeping pace with the times.

In order to allow people to better enjoy the Wushu Gongyang performance temple, not only a special performance stage is built, but also supporting equipment such as sound and light is added to dry the car atmosphere. It's very powerful, and it makes people excited after watching it.

Fan Wubing looked at the monks performing on stage, and looked at the emotional Ma Ya and Katya under the stands. He was really a little worried. If they decided to stay at Shaolin Temple and make martial arts on a whim, it would be troublesome. Big. He took over the two little princesses who seemed to be like, but don’t send them back, they became two bald-headed nuns. Putin would not lead someone to chase him down personally!

Even if he was able to live in peace, he wouldn't be willing to pay back a penny for his $50 billion loan if he didn't run to chase after Yin Danfang.

Thinking of this possibility, Fan Wuyi’s heart was so nervous, so he objectively enlightened the two little princesses, Masha Kekajia, and said that this is all about performing arts~www.wuxiaspot .com~ is not as magical as Shaolin Dingfu that they have seen from the foreign media who said or Fang's irresponsible foreign media.

"Performance art. Actually, many of them are pretty, just take a look. There is no advantage in actual combat." Fan Kangbing said to them. For example, in actual combat, your enemies rushed over. You. What kind of routine should I use? After practicing the Zen routine, it is indeed able to make the body automatically make a defensive counterattack movement, but the connection time of Fang will be very long, and the short-term learning will at most make you Zhang Zhang Bei, recognize and strengthen the body.

As for the kind of advanced martial arts, in fact, it is not something that this kind of outside martial arts can achieve. "

Fan Wubing said the above words. Suddenly the interest of the two and the princess was diverted. As a result, even the monks performing in the stands were a little absent-minded, and they all gathered around Fan Wuyi to ask the net what is his advanced martial arts?

However, he is so white, the Shaolin Runners are not stinky and Jingxing. Everyone in Bi Jing knows that these two little Ni'er are distinguished guests. However, it is inevitable that Fan Wuyao's identity is unavoidable, and it is inevitable that he is a bit overwhelming.

After the monk performed. Someone took everyone to the Shaolin Temple Online Bookstore Pavilion, which was recently built in Xinsi, to see the various martial arts classics that have been sorted out.

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