
Vol 5 Chapter 1058: Salvage the Kursk

, Er Bing personally sent Martha and Katya back to Russia. Not only because it means Liu! …The importance of the two things is also because Russia has officially started to salvage the Kursk.

In order to ensure that the salvage of the Kursk nuclear submarine can proceed smoothly, the Russian Ruby Central Navigational Design Bureau has developed a large-scale simulated salvage test plan. According to Valenkin Pashin, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and dean of the Krylov Central Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, previously revealed that the simulated salvage experiment has ended.

Paschen said that the experts from the previous research institute intensively used a large number of Kursk nuclear submarine models to carry out simulated salvage tests. These two- to three-meter-long models were all made according to the test requirements.

The Krylov Central Academy of Sciences has its own nautical base, where experts completed the wave simulation operation of salvaging the Kursk nuclear submarine. In addition, they are also recently inspecting whether the towing device and transportation equipment of the salvage nuclear submarine are firm and reliable.

In May of this year, Russia and the Dutch company Mamut formally signed an agreement to salvage nuclear submarines. According to the agreement, the salvage work will end before September 20 this year.

This time, Fan Wubing sent Martha and Katya back to Russia, and just dropped in to visit the cooperation team of CCTV and New Silk Road Entertainment, which had already launched a team in the Barents Sea, to see how the Kursk was salvaged.

As a major creditor of Russia and the owner of the Kursk salvage this time, Putin attaches great importance to the arrival of Fan Wuyi, especially since he sent his two daughters back. This is a favor. It is inevitable to pay it back properly.

Therefore, Putin specially hosted Fan Wuyi in the Kremlin and sent someone to take him to the scene of the Kursk salvage.

Submarines are often remembered because they carry a wealth of advanced military technology, and salvaging the wrecked submarine is definitely a great opportunity to get close to the core military secrets. As a result, in the process of salvaging the wrecked submarine, overt or covert struggles for secrecy and theft of military technology often occur.

Last August. The Junros nuclear submarine Kursk was unfortunately lost to the bottom of the Barents Sea, and none of the 118 people on it survived. In order to retrieve the remains of the dead officers and soldiers and protect the secrets of the boat from leaking, Russia decided to salvage the wrecked submarine and announced that the salvage work would be carried out through international tenders.

Western countries are overjoyed when they hear the news. The Kursk is Russia's most advanced missile nuclear submarine. It is usually not possible to see the true face of Lushan. This time, if you are lucky, you can get a lot of valuable information.

Speaking of which, Western countries have coveted the Kursk for a long time.

One is the details of the sound-absorbing material on the surface of the hull. A layer of unique sound-absorbing material is laid on the surface of the library boat, which can greatly reduce the noise of the submarine when it is submerged, and enhance the concealment. But what kind of material it is, and what kind of effect it can achieve, the details are not known to outsiders.

The second is the granite long-range sound anti-ship cruise missile. This is an aircraft carrier killer steel weapon that most headaches Americans. It can fly over the sea with a cruising degree of more than twice the sound, and attack surface ships within a range of 20 to 550 kilometers, and its anti-jamming and penetration capabilities are no match.

The third is the storm high torpedo, which is the prototype of the snow storm torpedo that Fan Wuyao made before. In the eyes of Westerners, this abnormal weapon is simply an underwater missile, capable of flying underwater at a height of over 100 knots. Under its attack, the ships may not even have time to evade or even react. No country is not tempted by such advanced torpedo technology.

In order to keep secrets, Russia has taken great pains.

The Northern Fleet was ordered by Putin to dispatch a large mixed fleet consisting of a dozen ships consisting of the heavy nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser Peter the Great and the cruiser Marshal Uskinov, as well as five armed helicopters and two transport aircraft of the naval aviation. The pre-determined area, under the invisible water, also has the alert of the attacking submarine staring at it.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also made a statement that the area where the Kursk nuclear submarine crashed was a restricted navigation zone. Russia would be rude if anyone dared to trespass. In order to make a ghostly country take its own words seriously, Russian President Vladimir Putin also It ordered the Northern Fleet to repeat this information to various countries via radio on a regular basis, and authorized its own warships to regularly implement preventive blasting in the restricted navigation zone, wishing to blow up the Goding area.

In spite of Russia's vigorous fighting, there are still unintended guests breaking into the restricted area.

Once, Admiral Kolavchenk, Chief of Staff of the Russian Navy, inspected the salvage work by helicopter. When the helicopter flew over the North Morsk anti-submarine ship that was on alert in the operation area, a foreign naval helicopter actually passed by the general's plane.

Obviously, this helicopter is using the general's plane as a cover to conduct aerial reconnaissance on the salvage of the library boat. The general was very angry about this. He remembered the boldness of a foreign reconnaissance ship and a sonar probe ship at sea not long ago. The two ships ignored their warnings and moved closer and closer to the sinking area of ​​the Kurdish ship. The Russian frigate The two ships reluctantly left until the guns of the ships were pushed onto their foreheads.

With these previous convictions, Russia has become more concerned about the Kursk nuclear submarine, and ordinary people can’t get close at all. Even the CCTV and Fan Investment Group’s joint film crew, which has obtained the right to interview, must strictly abide by it. According to Russian regulations, shooting at close range is obviously not allowed.

Two days after arriving at the destination. Fan Wuyi's Norwegian deep-sea salvage mother ship Regalia finally arrived at the sinking site of the Kursk submarine.

The weather was good, the sea was calm and the sea was calm, and Fan Wubing and others had the first opportunity to see the absolute protagonist of this salvage operation that attracted the attention of the whole world.

Russian, British and Norwegian divers, in addition to Russian military security divers, Norwegian divers come from Hrabton Petroleum, the Norwegian branch of American oil company.

During the interview. Russian diver Petrovsky took the lead to say what he said in his heart, "The difficulties and dangers we face are too great. Who would say that they are not afraid that it is a lie?

According to Petrovsky, divers from Russia, the United Kingdom, and Norway dive in batches. Each group of three is two Russian divers and one foreign diver. Their first task was to cut through the thick walls of the Kursk submarine and forcibly open a channel leading to the interior of the submarine.

This is not an easy task. Unlike other modern large nuclear submarines in the West, the Kursk nuclear submarine has two layers of thick hulls filled with rubber that is 20 centimeters thick. The purpose is to absorb the mechanical sound from the submarine, making it difficult for the enemy's sonar system to catch it.

However: No plan undoubtedly adds a lot of difficulty to the divers. The divers trained high-pressure water guns and diamond steel drills to forcibly cut the hull, and then used a crane on the water to forcibly tear off the rubber protective layer.

On the bright side, the purpose of this salvage operation is of course to salvage the bodies of the soldiers killed on the Kursk.

Whenever a diving team is working on the seabed, other divers stay in the pressurized cabin of the Regalia mother ship so that they can dive in shifts or deal with unexpected dangerous situations at any time.

When divers are working on the seabed, they breathe helium mixed gas. This gas will affect the sound effect of people. Therefore, the sound of divers returning to the surface of the sea when working on the seabed is particularly sharp and a bit strange.

However, what the divers fear most is not the difficulty and dangers of the salvage operation, but the psychological test they face, meeting the dead in the submarine unexpectedly in the dark.

Petrovsky told the reporter, "Think about it, in the darkness where you can't see your fingers, you suddenly face to face with the corpse that was soaked in the sea and was blown out of shape. What should it be like? Then, you Even if you drag, carry or hold the corpses to get out of the submarine smoothly, that’s not done, because getting these corpses to the surface also requires careful decompression, bit by bit, if they float too fast, then The corpses will be crushed by the pressure in their bodies. Think about all this and you will know what kind of psychological endurance divers need."

British divers said, “There are some experts who think it’s impossible for us to find the dead bodies of the soldiers. Why do you say that, because looking for the dead bodies in a dark submarine cabin is like finding a needle in a haystack. Specifically, every diver’s head The lights on board can only illuminate a distance of four or five meters, and the Kursk has a volume of 10,000 cubic meters. More importantly, there are three-thirds of the 118 officers and soldiers on the Kursk. The second is to stay in the weapon room and control room where the divers were born. They were killed on the spot during the explosion, and the corpses were estimated to be shattered. Therefore, the divers are most likely to recover about 20% of the corpses."

Before cutting the Kursk hull, the most important job for divers is to find out whether the Kursk is safe, that is, whether the two nuclear reactors on the boat are leaking.

If there is a radiation target in the submarine, it means that the plan to salvage the dead officers and soldiers has to be completely abandoned.

To this end, the divers drilled a small eye in the eighth cabin of the Kursk submarine, which is the sturdy hull of the nuclear reactor compartment, and then put the camera and radiation detection needle in it.

The scene captured by the camera gave the divers and the commanders a sigh of relief. The nuclear reactor cabin was in good condition and there was no abnormality. The results of the radiation detection needles showed that the level of radiation was normal.

The Norwegian spokesperson said, “From the preliminary test results, the water samples obtained in the eighth cabin show that there is no leakage from the nuclear reactor, but it cannot be ruled out whether there are leaks in other cabins.”

The Russian spokesperson said, “The water sample taken from the eighth cabin shows that the seawater inside is pure seawater and there is no danger.”

The divers collected water samples in small containers and handed them to two Norwegian radiation experts on the mother ship for identification. Judging from the results of the identification, it is obvious that drilling operations can be carried out.

According to the operation plan, if you want to explore the Kursk Zun’s 154-meter-long hull, at least seven holes have to be drilled in the Kursk submarine, and each hole is an average of two meters square. , And it takes at least fifteen hours to cut a hole.

However, today's operation of cutting the outer hull is progressing very smoothly. It only took ten hours for the outer hull to be cut into a two-meter-square opening. Due to the urgency of some reporters, media around the world have reported that divers can enter the Kursk at first sight, but the actual situation is still far away.

The weather on the next day was gloomy and cold, and there was a big storm at sea, and the divers had to suspend the cutting of the boat hull. The smooth cutting of the outer hull made the divers and the Russian navy commanders on the scene very excited. They were ready to cut the inner hull of the Kursk in one fell swoop.

At the scene, a Russian naval officer who participated in the construction of the Kursk submarine watched the TV pictures from the bottom of the sea and told Fan Wubian, “The divers are really amazing. You must know what the inner shell of this submarine is. It is made of specially reinforced steel, and it is not easy to drill the inner hull in the shipyard under normal circumstances, and they have already drilled 10 centimeters, which is really amazing."

Fan Wubing smiled and didn't say much. In fact, he felt a little disapproving in his heart. After all, it is easy to destroy and difficult to build. There are always many ways people can do damage.

When it was just getting dark, General Wirich, the head of the rescue department of the Russian Northern Fleet, announced that night operations would be temporarily suspended because the wind that had been blowing for a whole day had become strong enough to threaten the lives of divers.

So far, divers have completed one-fifth of the cutting task~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that it will take some time to cut a hole that can allow divers to enter and exit safely. The divers turn the cutting machine before returning to the surface. Left on the submarine hull.

Another one on the third day. If it is cloudy and there are storms at sea, the commander of the Russian navy reserves the right to cancel the operation at any time.

However, the suspension provided CCTV and Fan's joint camera crew with an opportunity to interview Russian Navy Commander Admiral Vladimir Kuroyedov, so that they had a better understanding of how dangerous the divers were.

Due to the violent explosion of the Kursk submarine, most of its internal structure is believed to have been blown to pieces, and most of the heavy equipment in the stern cabins are believed to have also been shaken everywhere. This makes it possible for the divers to enter the submarine. It's like entering a maze, every step forward may be fatal.

When they are groping forward in the invisible submarine, the fragmented submarine equipment and sharp iron frame may break the pressure suit on the diver or cut off their air supply pipe at any time. Any kind of danger will be to the diver. Life.

For this reason, Admiral Kuroyedov heartily praised the divers and said, “This salvage operation is an unprecedented challenge in terms of technological innovation, courage and psychological factors.

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