
Vol 5 Chapter 1064: Treat

, The second disease is basic at this time! The situation of Fan Hyung can already be ascertained. No. No. Two, I asked Dad, he still had to be more careful, so he infused a little bit of inner energy, walked carefully along Fan Heng's meridian, and then he was more affirmed of his own thoughts.

After Fan Wubing put down Fan Heng's hand, Song Qing asked nervously, "How's it going?"

"First throw out the miscellaneous people. Fan Wubing did not speak directly. Instead, he looked at the doctors and nurses in the room and told Song Qing." A leader of the autonomous region who followed up expressed doubts.

But Song Jing immediately stated his position at this time, "Please go out first, Mr. Fan is about to take care of it, and there is no interference."

At this time, the chairman of the autonomous region came over. After listening to the situation, he thought about it for a moment, and then said to everyone, "Everyone, go and avoid it on the spot, and wait until Mr. Fan needs it again.

He said so, and Fan Hyung’s secretary Song Jing also expressed his attitude. And Fan Wubing's immediate family members have made clear demands, so it's hard for everyone to say anything. In fact, the doctors gathered here for a few hours. Did not figure out what happened.

After everyone left, Song Jing and Fan Wuyi were left in the room, and then Fan Wuyi said to Song Jing, "It's poisoned.

"Poisoned?!" Song Qing was shocked when she heard it, obviously she didn't believe it would happen.

"That's right, it's the poisoning. Fan Wubing nodded very surely, and then said," "After coming in just now, I felt that Dad's face was a bit wrong. After careful inspection, it was indeed poisoned."

"Then Song Qing felt a little weird, thinking that so many doctors were on the scene. How could it be possible to not understand Fan Hyung's condition?

Fan Heng snorted, "Because the characterization is very weak, how can ordinary Western medicine doctors see it? Relying on instrumental inspections always has some weaknesses. Some toxins cannot be identified by routine inspections at all. If it weren't for me The inspection method does not need to rely on the machine, and it is estimated that it is difficult to determine this

This time Fan Wubing felt very angry, his father was poisoned, and he was in a state of fainting. However, these doctors didn’t take any measures at all. They simply dropped a few bottles of glucose water and didn’t take any symptomatic drugs. This is simply delaying the condition. If it weren’t for Fan Heng’s good health, I’m afraid. It won't last long.

"I don’t have time to say so much for the time being. I need to treat my dad immediately. After you go out, let the bodyguards keep the door closed. No one is allowed to come or go. At the same time, report the situation here to the central government. The first statement is the symptoms of poisoning. , Secondly, I said that I was already under treatment. I guess the problem is not too bad. Fan Wuyi whispered to Song Jing and then beat her to leave.

After Song Jing nodded and left, Fan Wubing took out an instrument from his arms and turned on the switch. This is an electronic signal shielding instrument that can detect signals from various electronic instruments within a radius of 50 meters. To shield it, for example, any wireless devices will fail in this space.

At the same time, Fan Wuyao's gaze swept across the room. I saw two cameras for monitoring. At the moment, he waved two cotton swabs and cut off the power cord. Then he returned to the front of Dad's hospital bed, removed the drips, and then took out his golden needles.

After thinking for a while, Fan Wubing took out a small piece of the ambergris he had obtained from his previous eye, ignited it and placed it in the room. This thing has a calming effect, and from another level , Also has the effect of evil, the thousand-year-old ambergris, the effect is even more remarkable, it can only be said that it is a treasure that can be encountered but not sought.

For Fan Hyung's situation. Fan Wubing himself felt a little strange. It is said that the possibility of poisoning is not high. It is very safe to eat and live along the way. How could something go wrong? However, his own diagnosis showed that Fan Hyung was indeed poisoned.

In any case, it's the business to get my dad back first.

So Fan Wubing got his things ready, and then lightly patted his father Fan Heng's Baihui acupoint, and stimulated his Baihui acupoint with a little bit of true energy. Motivated Fan Heng's blood circulation to become more active.

This is actually a kind of preliminary preparation for the treatment of evil diseases, because Fan Wubing felt that his father's condition had come suddenly this time, and the feeling of poisoning made him feel a bit weird, so he had to be more cautious.

After he patted his father Fan Heng’s Baihui acupoint for nine, ninety and eighty-one times, he felt that the blood in Fan Heng's body suddenly became active, as if water had boiled. It is difficult to grasp the pulse condition.

"Sure enough, there is a problem." Fan Wubing looked completely, and then directly pierced the Baihui acupoint with a gold needle, setting the universe with one needle. It is strange to say that after Fan Wubing Jinzhen entered his body, the boiling blood suddenly calmed down.

After Fan Wubing took a slow twist, he started the treatment. The golden needles also changed their positions. They pierced all the way from Fan Heng’s acupuncture points on his body. He pierced more than fifty acupuncture points in one breath, and finally reached the soles of his feet. When I was in the spring point, I felt a yin and evil force burrowing out along the sole of the foot.

After feeling this, Fan Wubiao immediately followed the evil spell taught by his teacher Fan Tianlan, and his eyes were utterly muttered, until he felt that the evil spirit was gone, then he pulled out the golden needle, and then changed the three-sided needle. Bleed blood on ten fingers and ten toes of old father Fan Hyung.

Sure enough, the blood that came out was all black, and when the blood was squeezed out and the color of the blood turned red, it was relieved.

Then Fan Wuyi cleaned up the hands and feet of his father Fan Heng, and burned the wiped cotton balls. Only then did his internal energy enter the body of his father Fan Heng to help him warm up his energy. .

After finishing all this, two hours passed.

Fan Heng opened his eyes at this time, and his complexion returned to normal, but he still looked a little unhealthy, "Where am I? Why are you here without illness? Didn't I come to Guangxi for inspection?"

After Fan Heng woke up and saw Fan Wuyi, he immediately asked three questions.

"You suddenly fainted last night, I came over from Beijing Mao overnight, but now it's okay, Fan Wuyi replied.

"I fainted? Why don't I have any impression of myself?. Fan Heng shook his head, a little surprised, obviously can't remember the previous events.

It's no wonder that the person involved in the sudden fainting usually feels nothing.

This kind of poisoning was originally different from the inner sickness, because the toxins in Yimu's body were resolved. Then, except for people who feel the loss, there is a loss in the paste. Except for fatigue, there is really no other feeling, unless it is toxins that damage certain internal organs.

Fan Heng went from poison to cure, that is, a few hours. In addition, Fan Wubing did not hesitate to use his true energy to warm him up, so naturally there was no such obvious discomfort. As a result, I felt strange that I had fainted.

"Your diet is safe. Pay special attention. From now on, my people will take over." Fan Wuyao said to Fan Heng, and then he told him about Fan Heng's poisoning.

After Fan Hyung listened to his son's words, he looked at the traces of blood on his fingers. I felt a little inexplicable horror in my heart. I really don't know how this happened. How could I be poisoned in a good manner? If it weren't for seeing the blood stains on his fingers, he wouldn't believe it would happen if he was killed.

So, is the poisoning incident this time a coincidence, or is there a reason? Both father and son felt a little unsure.

In any case, this time the task must be completed. Next, I have to go to Nandan to inspect. "Fan Heng said to Fan Wuyao, "Today's domestic mineral industry is very problematic. The phenomenon of private excavation and illegal mining is very serious, because it has also led to continuous mining disasters. Local governments colluded with evil forces and covered the covers when something happened. Supervision departments were in vain. All these made people feel very worried. I'm here this time. On the one hand, I look at the aftermath of the Nandan mine disaster. On the other hand, I will do some research on this work, so that after I go back, I can come up with some targeted solutions. "

Fan Wuyao yawned and said, "If you want to go, it will be put until tomorrow. I will go to make up for a while later. I feel sleepy."

He rushed back from the Barents Sea, basically did not rest much, the jet lag did not reverse, so he ran into an accident with his father, rushed over overnight, and took a lot of effort to treat the poisoned person. Dad Fan Hyung really feels tired now.

At this time, the people outside were also waiting to be more anxious, especially Song Qing who was guarding the door. She didn't know what was going on inside. When it was almost eight o'clock, the door to the ward was opened. Fan Heng walked out from inside.

"Get something to eat, I'm hungry." Fan Heng said to Song Qing who was guarding the door.

Song Qing nodded immediately, as if relieved.

All of a sudden, the leaders of the autonomous region gathered around, and they bothered to ask warmly, asking Fan Heng how he felt. Any questions?

"Well, it feels okay. I'm just hungry. Let Xiao Song get me something to eat. You can do whatever you want. You have work to do. I won't go anywhere today. I'll go to Nandan tomorrow. Fan Heng confessed, then turned around and said again, "Oh, I will requisition this ward first and return it to you in the afternoon. I will live here for now."

The people in the hospital nodded their heads repeatedly, saying that if the state-level standing committee members could live here, the faces in the hospital would be lightened, especially if there was no need for medical treatment. At this time, everyone would have no responsibilities.

Song Qing quickly brought in hot noodle soup, and two other side dishes, even the pot came in.

Only after coming in, Fan Wubing was lying on the bed, slumbering.

"Oh, I have not slept, and I am exhausted. I borrowed their ward just to let him have a good rest." Fan Heng said to Song Qing.

Originally, it didn't matter if Fan Wuyi didn't sleep for two days a day, but he was really busy recently, and he didn't have a good rest, so he rushed over all night and said nothing. It took a lot of mental energy and physical energy to treat my dad. Seeing that there is no problem at this time, I naturally want to relax my mind. Take a good rest, and the environment in this hospital is not bad, so I just put it down and went to sleep.

In this sleep, I didn't wake up until more than 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and I had to sleep for ten hours.

After waking up, there was no one in the house. Get up and look outside the door. His bodyguard was no longer there, and two armed police officers were replaced to guard the door, and he saw Fan Wuyi coming out. He saluted him immediately and explained the situation.

It turned out that Fan Hyung and Song Qing had already gone out to eat in the middle of this. In order to prevent something from happening again, I went directly to a restaurant on the street, and eating the ready-made meal was considered as an experience of the people’s sentiments, so that there would be no more poisoned oolong.

It's just that Fan Hyung didn't famously say that he was poisoned, and Song Qing's mouth was tight. Everyone didn't know what happened. Fan Heng didn't say it himself, and everyone couldn't ask what happened. Fan Wuyi who knew it was lying in the hospital and slumbering.

All in all, Fan Hyung is okay now, this is the biggest key, at least everyone has no responsibility. "After sleeping for so long, Fan Wubing felt that his energy was extremely good, but his stomach was empty, so he called to find out where Fan Heng was eating, and he rushed over.

The food in the south did not fit Fan's appetite very well, but fortunately there were some dishes that were common in both the North and the South. At this time everyone had finished eating and saw Fan Wu's coming over. Waited for him for a while.

Fan Wubing quickly finished the egg fried rice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and drank two cans of beer to relieve the heat, which was considered satisfactory.

After returning to the hotel, Fan Heng said he would take a car at night and visit Nandan tomorrow.

You just happen to be so tossing? "Fan Wubing was very disapproving.

At this time, the central authorities had already learned about Fan Heng's poisoning. Although it was kept secret at this time, Fan Heng's sudden fainting was indeed born under the eyes of everyone. The doctors and nurses all know that it is impossible to guarantee that this matter will not leak out. In addition to expressing the need to thoroughly investigate the matter, the senior management also expressed their condolences.

Boss Zhu also asked if he needed to return to the capital, but Fan Heng felt that since he came out, there was no reason not to clarify the matter before going back. Otherwise, he would end up feeling anticlimactic and he was not responsible enough for the people in Nandan.

"In that case, let me walk with you myself. I am really a little worried about the situation here." Fan Wubing thought for a while, feeling that his father's decision was right. , So he proposed.

The pool is good. "Fan Heng is inexplicable in the poisoning this time. It is impossible to say that there is no whisper in his heart. At this time, there is a son who is there to accompany him, after all, he feels a lot more at ease.

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