
Vol 5 Chapter 1075: By mistake

After Er Er Bing left Lan, he soon received a call from Jiang Lue from the Ancang Department. The old second product only visits the office once.

This made Fan Wubing feel a little surprised. Jiang Lue hadn't called him to his office for a long time. Now he suddenly called himself over in a mysterious manner, and he didn't clearly say why. There was indeed something strange in it.

But think about it carefully, I haven’t been to see Jiang Lue for a long time, so I just went to visit him. After all, because Jiang Lue became the Minister of the Ministry of Security, most people are reluctant to approach him, that is, they are cooperating with him. There are more, and there are not too many scruples, it is more convenient to speak.

By the time Fan Wuyao went to the Ministry of Security, Jiang Lue's secretary had been waiting for a long time and saw Fan Wuyao's sick relatives arrive. Immediately greeted him to Jiang Lue's office, and said that the leader happened to meet a subordinate, and he would be able to come over soon, and asked Fan Wuyi to drink some tea and eat some dried fruits.

Fan Wubing thanked him, saying that he was free, and then rummaged through the papers on Jiang Lue's desk. The secretary suddenly felt a little embarrassed to answer, not knowing whether to stop it or just let it go.

"Hehe, don't worry, it's okay to tease you." Fan Wuyi couldn't help but smile.

The old guy Jiang Lue actually used a young and beautiful female secretary. Seeing that the girl who had obviously just entered the business was flushed and didn't know what to do, Fan Wuyi was immediately overwhelmed.

Fortunately, Fan Wubing didn't really want to deal with Jiang Lue's documents, so he quickly put down those documents, and then looked through it with a magazine spread out on the table. "The female secretary.

"What's the matter?" Fan Wubingxin said, what's the matter?

"That is our confidential manual, not an entertainment magazine." The female secretary.

Fan Wubing uttered a loud voice, and then opened it. Sure enough, there are a lot of codes in it. It really doesn't look like an entertainment magazine, but Fan Wubing is also quite dissatisfied with it. Well, why do you have to make the cover a bit similar to Longhubao, so that Fan Wubing thought there was something worth looking forward to in it.

"You Minister Jiang just like to play mystery." Fan Wubing shook his head, and returned the secret manual to the female secretary. "So is there anything I can do to save time?"

The female secretary hurriedly put away all the things that should be kept secret on the table, and then replied, "Here is a Kangxi dictionary for you to read. Our minister also has a pair of Go, which is not classified as a confidential material."

Fan Wubing smiled immediately, "What do I read Kangxi Dictionary? As for Go, I really can't play Go, it's almost the same as Gobang."

But at this point, Fan Wubing had an idea, so he asked the female secretary if he would play backgammon, and then the two of them took Jiang Lue’s Go board, grabbed a piece of chess each, and began to use Go as a backgammon. Next, to reach is a good way to fight time.

What surprised Fan Wubian was that the female secretary looked shy, but she kept a dripping posture when playing chess. With the experience of playing Gobang for many years, Fan Wubing had not met an opponent for a long time. He was very surprised.

Fortunately, after three sets, Jiang Lue finally came over.

How does it feel to see Fan Wubing playing chess with his female secretary, Xiao Miao, and President Fan? "

Female Secretary, "Mr. Fan let me.

Fan Wubing waved his hand depressedly, "Minister Jiang, there is a hidden dragon and crouching tiger in your Ministry of Security. Anyone can eat me to death."

Jiang Lue laughed, and then signaled the female secretary to go out and make a pot of coffee. After she left the office, Jiang Lue said to Fan Wuyao very cautiously, "This time I am in a hurry to come to you to discuss about the last time Fan. Comrade Heng was poisoned in Guangxi."

Fan Wubing heard Jiang Lue's words and suddenly became very serious.

The last time his father, Fan Heng, suffered a poisoning incident in Gangxi, the cause and context of this incident have not been investigated clearly. Fan Wubing himself is relatively weak in Guangxi, and it must be impossible to find out by relying on his own local staff. It really came, but this matter always lingered in his heart and didn't let it go.

After all, if someone deliberately poisoned that time, Ran's question would be big.

"After the poisoning incident of Comrade Fan Heng, the senior leaders said that they must thoroughly investigate the matter and figure out what happened." Jiang Lue said to Fan Wuyao, "It's just because the situation at the time was more complicated. So we have been They acted relatively low-key, and now they can finally come to a conclusion relatively clearly."

"What's going on, even or artificial?" Fan Wubing expressed his concern about this.

Since the last time his father Fan Heng was poisoned, Fan Wuyao has increased his protection. After all, although the security work provided by government departments has been very complete, at some point, the protection mechanism is still too rigid. Therefore, Fan Wubing felt that it was necessary to supplement his own set of protection practices.

With regard to the poisoning incident, Fan Wubing feels that if it is an accident, then remember this teaching note and treat it with care in the future, but if it is artificial, then no matter from which standpoint, Fan Wubing feels that there is something wrong. It is necessary to completely deal with the other party. Either way, the mastermind of the poisoning case must bear the consequences, otherwise, what is the decency of a state-level leader?

There is no need for Fan Wubing to think like this on the tip of the matter. The high-level attitudes on this matter are always the same.

Probably no one is willing to face various existential threats without making a counterattack. To poison Fan Heng means to challenge the entire system. This is absolutely unacceptable. Therefore, Jiang Lue received the Central Committee’s advice at that time. Instructions, we must clarify this matter thoroughly and bring criminals to justice.

Of course, if this kind of thing is really caused by poisoning, it is unlikely that it will be heard in public. The greater possibility is that the confidential unit will directly arrest the person and then execute it secretly after the trial.

When it comes to the security of the state-level leaders, that is, they can be completely separated from the rules.

"After our investigation, it was Lu and Wei." Jiang Lue replied.

"Grass! What a guts!" Fan Wuyao cursed immediately.

But Jiang Lue immediately added, "But the other party's goal is not Comrade Fan Heng, it's just a coincidence by fate."

Fan Wubing hurriedly asked the reason, and after Jiang Lue's explanation, he realized that this incident was caused by mistakes.

When Fan Heng went to Guangxi, it happened that a deputy department-level cadre went out to eat and drink. Because he wanted to let Fan Heng experience the local food characteristics, he went to a handmade pastry shop to order. As a result, the deputy department-level cadre had no experience with these matters, so he sent a division chief out to handle this matter.

In places like provincial capitals, the director is actually a very common existence. Therefore, it is very common for them to go to the streets to buy and eat. They are also very familiar with some specialties and famous foods, but the director is in charge. For those who have passed the college entrance examination, this job will often be very lucrative, and of course it may also provoke some people.

The chef of the pastry shop recognized him after seeing the director. At this time last year, the child of the chef took the college entrance examination, and his score was just a little bit worse. It was the director’s way that he was entrusted to walk through, but the result was not I knew for what reason, the money was collected, but it didn't happen.

But the director did not take advantage of others for nothing, and asked the middleman to refund the money.

"Unfortunately, the middleman ran away and swallowed the money for himself. What is even more outrageous is that the candidate was in a bad mood for a while because of a failure in the college entrance examination. He actually committed suicide." Jiang Lue mentioned When it came to this matter, I also felt a little bizarre, "In this way, the pastry chef thinks that it was because the director collected the money and failed to do that thing, that caused his child to commit suicide."

In this way, the seedlings of hatred are planted.

So when he actually found that the chief came to buy food. It became harmful, and the secret poison from the Lingnan area was mixed in the pastry, and there was no trace of the poisoning, but it could make people cut off within a few days. "Jiang Lue said.

Fan Wubing nodded, and said that no matter what ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ something happened to your child, then you can't retaliate against the society, right? You want to kill that director is excusable, but it is not allowed by the law, and this time you almost killed a leader at the level of integrity. In this way, the crime can be serious. .

After clarifying the ins and outs of this incident, Fan Wuyao's heart became more relaxed. As long as it was not from the poisoning of a powerful political enemy, this matter was nothing. The occasional poisoning incident was relieved by himself. , It's not a big deal anymore.

As for how the responsible persons involved in this case should be dealt with, that is another matter. I believe that the senior management will naturally have a more reasonable and reasonable solution, but I don't need to worry about it myself.

"Because this matter doesn't sound so glorious, it must be handled in secret in the end. I have to say hello to you first, so that you don't think we are doing our best on this matter." Jiang Lue said.

Fan Wubing said dryly, "How dare we, the Ministry of Security is doing things. That's pretty awesome."

After discussing this matter, the female secretary's coffee was also made. The two of them drank coffee for a while, and they talked about part of the industry that Fan Wuyi helped the overseas branch personnel of the Ministry of Security operate.

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