
Vol 5 Chapter 1085: You have to rely on yourself for everything

When the concubine came down, the other laboratory that Fan Maobing visited was also the whole Southeast Muyi. The focus of the laboratory system is the computer network defense project laboratory.

Compared with several other laboratories. The situation in the computer network defense project laboratory is different, and it's all young technicians taking over the overall situation.

When Fan Wuyi came over, he saw the staff who were generally in their early twenties. The oldest were just a few doctoral students in their early thirties. There were also a few experts from the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. With more than a hundred people, it can be regarded as a relatively large research room.

For this piece of business. Fan Wubing is still more interested. After all, his understanding of computers is obviously much better than that of radar arrays and fire control systems, and he is also clearer in some general exhibitions.

And as far as the atmosphere of the staff is concerned, this laboratory is also much more active.

When Fan Wuyi came over, he immediately met an unprecedented warm welcome. It seems that Fan Gui, Biao himself has a very good impression among young employees, especially those engaged in the computer industry, whether it is the wealth effect or not. Fan Wuyi's actions to revitalize the national industry in a hurry for justice and justice have always been the goal of young people.

Subsequently, Fan Wubing learned in detail about the various goals and progress of the laboratory.

In modern warfare, computer network defense has become very important. Its application and principles are an active part of computer network warfare, which is vital to all combat fields, including computer network attacks. Computer network utilization and computer network defense.

Computer cyber attacks refer to the activities of cyber fighters who use computer networks to interrupt, resist, weaken, or destroy information in the enemy's computers and networks, as well as the computers and networks themselves.

The use of computer networks refers to network activities that enable us to have combat and intelligence collection capabilities and guide us to use computer networks to collect data from the enemy's automatic information systems and networks.

Computer network defense refers to the use of computer networks by cyber fighters to protect, monitor, analyze, detect, and respond to unauthorized actions in the Department of Defense’s computer information systems and networks.

In general, the goal of a computer network defense strategy is to establish a reliable information and network infrastructure. In other words, to minimize the impact of the enemy's attack, the enemy must be prevented from entering, staying, and moving.

"In short, cyber workers will implement this strategy in a complex and changeable environment. By implementing defense-in-depth methods, the enemy will be forced to break through multiple defense layers or pass through multiple defense layers to achieve control of the network. The probability of its success. Based on the principle of strong information protection, the computer network defense strategy relies on the effective cooperation of personnel, technology and computer network defense." A laboratory director Xiang Fan Wuyao explained.

Fan Wubing nodded, knowing that domestic progress in this area is much slower. After all, the digital transformation of the whole army is far from being achieved, and the penetration rate of children’s computers needs to be further improved. In the absence of reorganized hardware utilization Under the premise, it is obviously a bit unpopular to develop a digital integrated command and control system for the whole army.

But this work is also very important. You have to do it in advance, otherwise you will change your outfit when you arrive. After the full use of digital combat equipment or digital command system, the trouble will be big. After all, a complete set of digital command and decision-making system with complete content and powerful functions cannot be developed in a short while.

This work requires not only the design in the laboratory, but also the actual test, and the module interface that can be continuously developed is reserved, so it is not something that can be done in a short time.

The main service content of computer network defense is to protect, monitor, analyze, detect and respond to network attacks. These services refer to computer networks and information systems in order to prevent or weaken the interruption, denial of access, degradation, and collapse of computer networks. A combat operation carried out by a cyber attack in which intruded information is stolen.

In order to develop the domestic computer network defense system, the research office is carrying out some initial work. The first is to collect, correlate, integrate, analyze, display, and distribute data from various channels to create a set of powerful and comprehensive command and control systems. The actual combat system, and continue to expand its functions.

In it. Not only the host security system must be included, but also the malicious adware and spyware detection, removal, and protection system, relying on the active defense function of the host-based security system to achieve defense purposes.

One of the important means is to strengthen the protection between internal and external networks. The researchers said that they are now cooperating with the Security Agency and the Department of Defense Information Department to strengthen the information assurance strategy when exchanging information between internal and external networks. While protecting the internal network from external network attacks, it restricts the use of public information by untrusted external resources.

There is also an intrusion protection system that monitors network and system activities, finds malicious and redundant network behaviors, and allows network defense personnel to take decisive actions in real time to stop or prevent them.

Through intelligent agent security management, it is possible to obtain and standardize security event logs and alarms from main sensors, firewalls, routers and operating systems almost in real time, and complete the analysis of standardized events based on signatures. It also evaluates the abnormal events that led to specific security attack alerts. The intelligent agent security management can monitor the communication in the network, and judge whether it is wrong operation, deception or network attack based on a variety of criteria.

It can collect, standardize, correlate and analyze data, and judge the overview of network attacks in real time.

In order to overcome the weaknesses of the software public key infrastructure, they are now completely shifting to the use of hardware code names such as universal access cards, alternate codes, hardware-based external authorization codes, and hardware-based joint codes.

In order to improve security, reduce costs, and reduce software compatibility issues, a unified standard enterprise-level operating environment will be provided for desktop computers and microcomputers running Microsoft operating systems, using common configurations for enterprises instead of various self-made Configuration.

"But now there are two main problems before us. One is the available low-level core chip with independent property rights, and the other is our own operating system. If these two problems are not resolved, our work is based on Above the sand is meaningless.

The person in charge of the Bu's room had said this to Fan Dan's disease. "Um. Fan Wubing nodded, expressing that he understands.

In fact, there is no need for them to say more, Fan Wubing is also very clear that these two problems have always been a major problem that plagues domestic national defense construction. If these two problems are not solved, a lot of work will be useless.

Most of the domestic units use computers that use processor chips from American companies, and the operating systems are all like Microsoft’s Windows operating system or some other operating systems. These processor chips and operating systems have problems. a lot of.

There is evidence that both the company and Microsoft have been used by the U.S. security department to set up backdoors in their products on the grounds of national security; therefore, when the U.S. military strikes a certain country, it can use other backdoors. Conduct targeted cyber attacks on them to achieve the goal of paralyzing their command system and weapon control system.

Although it sounds complicated, it is actually very simple to operate. Only need to issue some very simple instructions, you can achieve the strategic goal of defeating others without fighting.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that having one's own core chip technology and products, and having one's own general-purpose computer operating system from the bottom is of great significance, no less than building an invisible steel Great Wall for oneself.

At this time, the laboratory is still making some solutions for the software and hardware architecture of Microsoft. Although the military is also using professional chips and operating systems developed by itself, the software and hardware equipment developed earlier is obviously gone. Too far behind.

Although it has been said before that even on the space shuttle, the use of Jin chips is sufficient for various tasks, but in fact, with the development of the times and the advancement of technology, people now need to solve and face more and more difficulties. , There are more and more issues that need to be considered. The development of computer software and hardware will never satisfy people's practical applications.

Under this circumstance, it is imminent to develop more high-end chip technology and software technology.

However, seeing the expressions on the faces of these young people in the laboratory, Fan Wubing couldn't help but reveal a little bit of news, "We are working on the issue of general-purpose core chips and operating systems, and there are already some low-level applications. Product launch, it is estimated that at this time next year, technology products close to the current fashion trend should be launched."

Then he added his brother, "This is a product that we completely rely on our own research and build from the bottom. There is no need to worry about backdoor problems. Even if there is a backdoor, it is our own. Eyes. I will let people share relevant technical information here. In addition to making cyber defense planning for the American software and hardware systems, you can also start to conduct comprehensive software and hardware cyber defense systems on our own. designed."

Everyone heard the news of Fan Wuyi, and there was a heated feeling in the laboratory, and the laboratory was full of enthusiastic applause.

In fact, young people in China have always been the most distressed for not being able to provide general-purpose computer core chip products and their own operating systems. At this time, they heard that it is expected to be realized, and naturally they can't hold back their inner joy.

As we all know, just is the core component that determines the performance of a computer, and it is also the core of the entire system. It is responsible for the execution of the instructions of the entire system, the storage and transmission of mathematical and logical operation data, and the control of internal and external input and output.

And in this computer core component market. The two most familiar brands are undoubtedly. And, their strong position in the processor market seems no one can shake.

In terms of technology, we have a large gap with foreign manufacturers. The lack of bichips with independent intellectual property rights is a major problem in China's computer industry, and it is also a constant pain in the chest of electronic workers and the Internet.

In the past, the Gang Chip, which represents the world's fourth and top technology, has been blocked by foreign giants such as Intel, and Chinese companies and consumers have paid huge copyright fees for it. Fortunately, the chip company under the Fan Investment Group has successively launched a series of self-developed core chips, breaking the history of China without cores.

The birth of Fan's domestically produced steel was also hailed as a milestone on the road of national technology industrialization by industry insiders. The successful development of the commercialized Fan Shigang also marks that it has broken the foreign monopoly, and has initially mastered the key technology of contemporary Gang design. It has taken important steps to change the unfavorable situation of the domestic information industry and has independent development in the country. The computer industry of intellectual property rights plays an important role in promoting China's core technology, national security, and economic development.

Especially in some commercial fields, such as embedded chips in smart home appliances, Fan has already occupied most of the market. After all, the price advantage of domestically produced low-end general-purpose chips is unmatched~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Although there are many problems in the current domestic production, there is still a lot of gap in performance compared with the current mainstream Gang. The company has just competed in the market, but frankly, the situation of domestic cores today is much better than that of products such as Hanka.

Recall that when Fan Wubing's company made Hanka, they were all made by hand welding piece by piece by scientific researchers with no industrial experience who were from mainframes, and then manually inspected piece by piece.

Fan Wubing still remembers that back then, Fan’s front-line sales staff received almost the same number of calls for complaints and orders every day. For every one hundred Chinese cards sold, almost ten would go wrong, and today’s domestically produced products The Gang project has not only received strong support from all aspects, has passed rigorous achievement appraisal, benchmark program testing and product testing, and has entered commercial production. It has also received strong support from local governments and enterprises. It has been launched in Shanghai, Chongqing, Jiangsu Industrialization bases have been established in places such as Guangdong and Guangdong, and domestic home appliances have been used. Substituting a large number of foreign general-purpose chips.

And there is one more recently. The news is that the Chinese Academy of Sciences is also working on a Loongson project, and the country is paying more and more attention to this area of ​​research work.

One, one today, the first one will be sent to one one to be continued

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