
Vol 5 Chapter 1098: State-owned enterprise restructuring

It’s a long story for everyone." Fan Heng has a lot of thoughts about things, and he said. "For my father, Fan Wuyi has no scruples. Besides, Boss Zhu present here will not blame him for anything. So he asked.

Song Qing smiled and said, "Let me talk about it. I have compiled all the relevant information."

"That's also very good. Your Mandarin is better than my dad's standard, and it's more pleasing to the ear." Fan Wuyao immediately agreed.

"You kid" Fan Heng smiled and shook his head when he heard the words, and showed a helpless move to Boss Zhu.

"Hahaha" Boss Zhu suddenly laughed, "With a disease-free temperament, it is indeed not suitable to enter officialdom."

So Song Qing told Fan Wuyao about Chunlan's restructuring.

In October of 2000, under the background of the sound of property rights reform and the beginning of large-scale transformation of the Southern Jiangsu model, Chunlan’s board of directors issued an announcement, announcing that Chunlan Group’s investment from nearly five billion yuan without involving state-owned assets Cut 25% of the collective assets of RMB, and use cash to allocate shares to the management and more than 10,000 employees at a ratio of one to one.

Chunlan CEO Tao Jianxing believed that Chunlan's restructuring was in line with the central government's policies, so it was carried out in a high-profile manner, which immediately attracted widespread and enthusiastic attention from public opinion.

He seems to have considered various possible hidden dangers. For example, the restructuring plan clearly stipulates that the company shall not help anyone buy company shares in any form including guarantees, subsidies, loans, etc.

In order to solve the technical problems, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Jianchiliang Bank Jiangsu Branch and Chunlan reached an agreement that the two banks provided 90% of Chunlan's employees with a pledge of shares.

In order to avoid suspicion, Tao Jianxing also refused to accept other people's suggestions for management to control large stocks, but implemented the generalized system of preferences, which also meant that he took the initiative to give up shares worth hundreds of millions of yuan.

At that time, Tao Jianxing told reporters that the relevant departments had considered giving him 10% of Chunlan Group's shares, but he refused.

Working hard in Chunlan is really not for making more money. Give him 700 million, why do you spend it? In his heart, Chunlan seems to be his own child, and money drives him zero.

Then his self-confidence and high-profile, unexpectedly made himself the focus of public opinion discussion.

When Chunlan's restructuring plan was introduced. Someone calculated it and said that Chunlan's restructuring would create thousands of millionaires, hundreds of multimillionaires, and several billionaires overnight, and Tao Jianxing's own wealth has naturally become the biggest focus.

Before the restructuring, his moon arrow was three thousand five. According to the restructuring plan, he may get about 50 million yuan.

So, all kinds of doubts came. The first question was, what is Chunlan's surname?

Someone asked that Chunlan’s state-owned shares accounted for 75%. According to Chunlan’s plan, when employees purchase shares, they will also allocate their job dividends at a ratio of one to one. Then this part of the dividend right is from Where did it come from? Does it mean that the state-owned shareholders give up their right to dividends and give up a piece? Is there a problem of the loss of state-owned assets?

The second question is, why is Tao Jianxing?

An operator of a large state-owned enterprise and a reformer who enjoys a prominent political status has turned into a billionaire overnight. There is a big gap in perception from traditional value judgments.

The last bigger question is, what will the Chunlan effect bring?

Someone commented that the current gap between the rich and the poor in China is widening. One of the most important manifestations is that some operators have achieved rapid wealth expansion in the process of restructuring the property rights of state-owned enterprises.

If the transformation is successful, Tao Jianxing may become a pioneer in the reform of China's state-owned enterprises and a model of wealth. The actions of the Chunlan Group show the world that the state and the whole industry can still become rich.

After the completion of Chunlan's restructuring, a wave of large-scale reforms of the property rights system of state-owned enterprises may occur in China. Zhang Ruimin of Qingdao Haier, Zhou Houjian of Qingdao Hisense, and Ni Runfeng of Sichuan Changhong may all become the first batch of capitalists in the history of China in the new century.

"These are some questions that are difficult to answer positively. In a sense, it almost touches the system and moral bottom line that has been evasively avoided in corporate reform." Song Qing said to Fan Wuyao, "Tao Jianxing's high profile makes Chunlan The restructuring accidentally fell into a very sensitive debate. Some people regarded Chunlan’s restructuring as a breakthrough change of the highest order of magnitude among large domestic state-owned enterprises. The whole of China is paying attention to this matter with breathlessness."

Other opinions pointed out that Tao Jianxing had divided Chunlan in dozens of days.

The British media interviewed the vice governor of Jiangsu Province in charge of industry, and he answered very skillfully, and he personally expressed his support for this.

Officials from relevant central departments stated that the state has not formulated corresponding policies that can do so.

Many economic observers commented. Although Chunlan's restructuring seems to have nothing wrong in economic theory, the number of people and the amount of money that have been affected has never been seen before. Such a quantification is really shocking.

Fan Wubing nodded, and he understood the twists and turns in his heart.

In fact, if Chunlan's scale was not so large, Tao Jianxing's reputation would not be so high, and the result of the restructuring would be to criticize millionaires, at most a few millionaires. So the bad problem is not regretting acting for the father

The most shocking thing this time is that there will be several billionaires in Chunlan's restructuring. This is the most unacceptable to the Chinese. After all, there are not a few domestic multimillionaires, but billionaires are not. Many, especially when the managers of state-owned enterprises have become billionaires overnight, the hearts of many people will not be balanced.

Especially this time the change was made through the reform of state-owned enterprises, which is unacceptable to many people.

As Fan Wuyi expected. The shocking result was that Chunlan's restructuring was seen in the light of the sky, and ended without disease.

"In fact, when the news of Chunlan's restructuring was released to the world, its employee stock ownership plan was basically completed. However, under the pressure of huge public opinion, the restructuring came to an abrupt end, and the Chunlan plan was submitted to the central government for discussion. There is hardly much reason for vetoing." Song Qing glanced at Boss Zhu carefully. Seeing that he had no opinion, he said to Fan Wubiao, “At the beginning of last year, Tao Jianxing was told that there are legal obstacles to this plan. It requires more scientific, more rigorous, and more reasonable arguments and calculations, and economic A group consultation between experts and jurists. By this year, this program has ended without disease."

Fan Wuyao nodded, somewhat sullenly.

Things at this stage in China are really not easy to say. In short, it is because of the sequelae caused by the unclear property rights in the early stage of the grassroots reform. Tao Jianxing, who thinks that the situation is good, is overconfident, and the chess is broken. He sighs freely.

The restructuring of Chunlan was stopped. It is a landmark event in the clarification of property rights, for large companies whose situation is very similar to it. The restructuring plans of large state-owned enterprises such as Haier, Changhong and Hisense were eventually shelved one by one, and there was no opportunity to mention them.

In fact, Fan Wubing is also very clear that for a long period of time in the future, the discussion on the reform of corporate property rights will become the economic topic with the most divergent views in the Chinese public society and the political, business and academic circles. There are two important controversies, one is how to treat the serious loss of state-owned and collective assets, and the other is how to treat the redemption of state-owned or collective enterprises.

This controversy over loss has vaguely begun in 1998, and there will be a very hot debate scene within two to three years.

Fan Wubing had a very deep understanding of this, because he had read many books in this area at that time, and he had a deep memory. It is the viewpoint represented by the Hong Kong professor Lang Xianping that the national retreat and the people’s advancement are actually a feast of sharing state-owned assets. During this period, there has been a phenomenon that the chiefs privately divide the big pot of rice, and the reform strategy has suffered serious faults and distortions.

However, Professor Zhang Weiying of Peking University and Professor Zhang Wuchang, also from Hong Kong, disagree. They believe that despite all the gray behaviors in the system reform. However, the overall direction and positive effects of the reform are beyond doubt.

Zhang Wuchang's point of view is more direct. He argues that it is impossible to avoid such a thing at all, but it is always necessary to slowly improve. You want to kill all so many people, you can't kill so many people. During the reform process, some things are inevitable and need to be improved, but you should not say that this country is not good just because of such things. How can it be avoided? I bought this state-owned enterprise, and the means I took may not be correct, but I turned a losing state-owned enterprise into a profitable enterprise, which is not a bad thing for China's economy as a whole.

These are relatively polite statements, and a more radical view than Professor Zhang is the so-called popsicle theory.

Some experts believe that state-owned assets are like popsicles under the sun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If they are not eaten, they will also be completely melted and wasted. Obviously, it is difficult to get the sun to discuss such arguments, because in essence, this is to find a justified evidence for those who privately divide state-owned property.

"In fact, from my point of view, Chunlan's restructuring plan is quite reasonable." Fan Wuyao cautiously expressed his attitude, "The Chinese people can often share adversity, not wealth. Since they are treating Chunlan Rescue from a debt-laden situation and approaching bankruptcy, and became one of the leading household appliances in China, and became a profitable enterprise with an annual output value of several hundred million yuan. This contribution is considerable, and there is every reason to carry out restructuring in accordance with this plan. For the entire country, the most important thing is how much benefit an enterprise can achieve, how much tax it contributes, and how many jobs it solves. State-owned enterprises have clear property rights, but no benefits are seen!"

After Boss Zhu heard the words. He just replied, "At least many people don’t see this now, or they can’t see other people eating meat and drink soup by themselves. If you say you can’t even drink soup, then you are not allowed to eat meat. As for whether the meat is from pigs raised in their own homes, it is not in their consideration."

Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat. This kind of topic is actually the most troublesome. It is useless to talk more about it when there is no consensus in China. There are more chapters in 6 Hanba, support the author, and support the copying of genuine!

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