
Vol 5 Chapter 1102: The situation is still grim

. Ou Ming introduced Ou Shi banknotes and coins. Since then, Ouerfan has been the only currency of eleven countries including Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal and Spain. On the same day, China and Chinese Taipei formally joined the World Trade Organization...

On January 5th, a 15-year-old student pilot rammed a small plane into a building in Tampa, Florida. It caused some people to panic about the terrorist attack.

This year has been a terrible year for the American economy. Millions of Americans are not getting a raise, but a hard life. Financial fraud incidents were exposed one after another, some large companies crashed to the ground, and the credibility of American companies was severely damaged.

The economy is sluggish and government leadership is questioned.

U.S. Treasury Secretary O’Neill and White House economic adviser Lawrence. Lindsay was both fired, and the company's financial fraud incident also forced the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Pete, to retire.

It will take time to prove whether the US economy can make a bright future. What people are waiting for is that Bush’s new plan to stimulate economic exhibitions will be launched in January. Not all economic trouble

The storm of bankruptcy is also intensifying. With total assets of 100 billion U.S. dollars, the U.S. World Communications Corporation filed for bankruptcy in the courts, which brought the reputation of being the largest bankruptcy case in the history of the United States with great unwillingness. The doom of bankruptcy.

One after another, the once dazzling Xidi Xingguan was accused of existing moral problems, and some others were even accused of illegal acts. The divorce case of Jack Welch, the former president of General Electric, has become a target of media chase. His luxurious life, including his lifetime use of general-purpose airplanes and expensive apartments, has negatively affected his image.

Both bioterrorism and the West Nile virus outbreak made Americans feel that their lives are so insecure. But for the world as a whole, the millions of people in Africa and Asia who are infected with HIV are even more shocking, and hunger threatens the lives of millions of people.

Fearing that terrorists might use smallpox to attack, the US government increased its storage of smallpox vaccines. US President Bush announced that he would vaccinate American soldiers with smallpox vaccines, and Bush himself was vaccinated with smallpox vaccines.

Or ordinary people’s feelings for this year began with Daolang’s "Four First Snow", but as a senior, there are many challenges. Even Fan Wuyi, who has always been happy and comfortable, feels that he has recently The thing is a little bit more.

The entertainment industry has always been a place of right and wrong. Last year's "Meteor Garden" was just a temporary combination title, but it was a miracle combination because of its popularity. They led to the emergence of a group of men of flowers, and made people marvel at the arrival of the era of male sex.

The new generation of creative young king Jay Chou's songs have also created very good results. However, this year's uniform style always gives people a feeling of being at a low ebb, and has not shown his strength at all. It seems that it will take time for the little king to grow into a king.

Music is called rubbish, and Jay Chou is called genius, but they can all be popular. Obviously, the old saying is hard to tune. Everyone in the entertainment industry has diverse tastes, or you are talented. Either you are handsome or you have a cool personality. If you don't have any of these, then as long as you are disgusting enough, you can stand out. If there are no advantages, then disadvantages and packaging them are considered advantages, as long as there is one. Advantages can win the market, but this is not a long-term solution after all. To truly win word-of-mouth, it requires continuous efforts of its own.

The film "My Savage Girlfriend" became popular throughout Asia, not only to Jun Ji Hyun and others. It also made the Hallyu completely spread throughout Asia, and it was frozen, so that many films in Asia were branded as barbaric girlfriends, and even in real life, many couples also learned the style in the film.

Zhang Paizhi's "Hedong Lion Roar" also featured the Chinese version of Barbarian Girlfriend. Although this film has a far-fetched plot, it still has a good box office. It seems Barbaric really makes sense.

Judging from Fan Wu's feelings. Now the relationship between men and women in the entertainment industry is likely to be subverted. After this film. In reality, savage girlfriends have also become popular. Although Zhang Yimou’s and other men’s dramas have been released one after another, which inspires men, in the entertainment industry, this practice of pressing women over men will probably continue forever.

It's the time of Chinese New Year this year. Fan Wubing and Shen Ying went to visit his father-in-law Shen Peiming. The old man was in a good mood. The feeling of calling for rain and wind in the rare earth industry is obviously very good. The profits in the past few years have been quite good, so I bought a special bulletproof Bentley and gave it to Fan Wuyi.

Although Fan Wubing didn't have any special feelings about a Bentley, the old man who had always had a mediocre opinion of him suddenly gave him such a generous gift, which made him feel pampered.

The old sister Fan Ting has completely faded out of all the management under the Fan Investment Group. In addition to taking dividends, she has devoted herself to charity. At the same time, he was awarded the position of visiting professor by Peking University.

Naturally, a wealthy and influential school sister like her came to give lectures, and it must have been the answer. The school has never organized such an event. It will arouse great attention from all walks of life, and it is not inferior or even worse than looking for those masters of Chinese learning to give speeches.

At the beginning of the new year, my old brother Fan Kang started tossing his Internet companies, because Fan Wuyao made it clear to him that whether Internet companies can fight a turnaround depends on how many years of operation they have been operating. Fan Kang used his own in multiple. The status of major shareholder in Internet companies has begun to make some operational arrangements, increase the role of consortia, and strengthen the operating characteristics of various websites. After such a flurry, there have been obvious improvements, at least several major portal websites. Stock prices have begun to pick up, and the previously invested capital has returned nearly ten times.

Cross-strait relations have also made breakthroughs. In late February, with the special approval of the central government, Shakyamuni Buddha's finger relics in Fufeng Famen Temple, Shaanxi Province, hailed as the ninth miracle of the world by the Buddhist community, were escorted by Buddhist figures on both sides of the strait. Arriving in Taipei via Hong Kong has attracted more than 100,000 Buddhist believers on both sides of the strait to worship along the way.

On February 26th, Kinmen and Xiamen set off fireworks in the sky simultaneously to celebrate the Lantern Festival.

The next day, Zhongzhou Ship, a subsidiary of Xiamen Shipping Corporation, departed from Xiamen Tongyi Wharf and sailed directly into Kinmen Liuluo Wharf. Since the establishment of the cross-strait mini-three links, the large 6-registered freighter has been approved by relevant cross-strait departments to carry cargo across the country. A new record of direct docking in Xiamen waters.

As for Fan Wubing, at the request of his mother, he is reviewing this year's education support projects to determine the amount and specific projects of the Fan Investment Group's domestic education assistance this year.

In fact, this work led by Fan Wubing is basically rule-based. The investment in the Hope Project and the investment in assisting poor college students is relatively stable every year, basically according to the head of the population. At present, the focus of his attention has been Start to tilt towards vocational education.

Most of the vocational education is actually the secondary professional school or technical school mentioned before.

Affected by the general climate of pursuing a higher education diploma, studying in a technical secondary school has become a helpless choice, and employment after graduation is also quite difficult. Therefore, the number of secondary technical students who have been neglected by students and the society has also begun to shrink in 1999. This year has already begun to shrink. Reduced to six million people.

At the same time, the state’s support is gradually declining, and the annual increase is only marginal.

100 million.

Therefore, the technical secondary school has become the one with the lowest proportion and the slowest growth among all levels of primary school and above.

The state invests less in technical schools. Among the more than 1.5 million students in school, only one-third of the students enjoy state investment, and the rest are personal and social investment. Social investment is decreasing by 11% every year. However, the school's need for funding is the same. Without the support of the state and society, the only way to increase the fees for students is a substantial increase. The average personal investment of students this year is more than 6,000 yuan.

Fan Wubing was very dissatisfied with this.

It stands to reason that in terms of education investment, although the country is not capable of making more compensation, or is unwilling to make more compensation, it should not be useless to guide the direction of education.

After all, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Today’s higher education has entered a tasteless link. On the one hand, there is an extreme lack of skilled workers, and employers have a serious desire for high-level skilled workers. On the other hand, students and parents are very Consciously guide, must go to the university campus that has already exceeded the capacity limit to be crowded in swarms.

The consequence of these two phenomena is that there is a gap in the basic links of the manufacturing industry. Many high-skilled jobs cannot be taken down. At the same time, it has caused the proliferation of college graduates and the decline in the quality of higher education. Students can't afford the slightest interest.

Generally speaking, it is all caused by the industrialization of education. It should be a net investment. If you have to make money, it will obviously cause problems.

What Fan Wubing needs to do now is to use personal efforts to reverse this unfavorable situation as soon as possible, continue to increase the enrollment scale of his Fan Investment Group’s vocational and technical schools in various regions, and cultivate students in the digital age. Skilled workers to adapt to the current situation exhibition.

After all, the current Fan Investment Group needs a large number of skilled workers, and they need to do this just for their own sake. What's more, this is a work with great impact and far-reaching significance.

The situation that Fan Wuyi is coming back to is still very serious.

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