
Vol 5 Chapter 1105: Pressure from TSMC

Peng Born "Almost there are various reasons. Mentioned that everyone asked about the minister, Rongchang, he seemed to be a little embarrassed, and he replied in a concealed manner.

In fact, Wang Rongchang's fear of Zhang Zhongmou is not without reason.

Although Zhang Zhongmou is a Taiwanese, he left Taiwan very early to study in the United States, graduated from Harvard University, then transferred to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Institute, and then received a doctorate from Stanford University. Since the age of 24, Zhang Zhongmou began to accept the operating philosophy of American companies and served as vice president of Texas Instruments.

What Wang Rongchang praised was Zhang Zhongmou's excellent handling of political-business relations.

“Industry insiders said that the foundry industry needs strong support from the government, otherwise it will undoubtedly die, but if the binding is too tight, administrative intervention may lead to another death.” Although Wang Rongchang was afraid of Zhang Zhongmou, when he mentioned the other party, But there is no lack of admiration, "and Zhang Zhongmou's performance in this area is obviously much more elegant than most professional managers engaged in the semiconductor industry."

In the early days of TSMC, government shares accounted for a large proportion. However, with the continuous expansion of TSMC, the current government shareholding has fallen below 9%. TSMC is not tied to any political party. Instead of asking which party TSMC has a good relationship with, It is better to say directly, as long as the relationship between the ruling party is good.

One, before and after comparison, during the Kuomintang administration, the then "Prime Minister" Xiao Wanchang visited Da6, and Zhang Zhongmou was among the entrepreneurs accompanying him. Now, although the ruling party has changed, TSMC is still the government pulling up the stock market. Weather vane of time.

Many Taiwanese companies can see the benefits of the Big 6 market, especially some chip industry counterparts on the island. When everyone is eager to find various ways to invest in the Big 6, Zhang Zhongmou seems indifferent, just In September last year, at the annual VIA Semiconductor Forum, he changed his previous style of speaking in English and spent half an hour in Chinese explaining the need for the authorities to loosen restrictions on investment in the Big Six.

At the beginning of this year, taking advantage of the opportunity of Big 6 and Taipei to join...still, TSMC formally proposed to the Taiwan authorities a proposal to invest in the Mainland. According to the inside information obtained by Wang Rongchang, the investment bill is highly likely to be approved. It is said that the Bian government has stated that TSMC can set up an eight-inch wafer fab in the Mainland without interference, provided that technology below 10,000 microns is not used. .

In fact, TSMC has long been interested in investing in the Big 6 market. After considering multiple factors including politics, it has been defined in the scope of close attention before.

Outside of politics, Zhang Zhongmou’s understanding of the Big 6 market is that although the Big 6 market has a promising future, there are no outstanding local design companies. From the perspective of serving customers, there is no need to invest in setting up factories for the time being. It wasn't until two thousand years that TSMC made the decision to set up factories to occupy a place.

"This is exactly where Zhang Zhongmou is a general. In fact, it will take a long time for the North Design Company in the Mainland to get up. Most of the existing design companies still use 10,000-micron technology. TSMC has not because of this. The issue of investment law is constrained in any way. In the big six market, Zhang Zhongmou is considered dead. The only thing that is not clear now may be ours." Wang Rongchang said to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing nodded, seriously considering this matter.

In fact, Wang Rongchang still didn't explain that it was for the sake of face.

When he and Fan Wuyao founded the core factory in the Mainland, there was a joke among industry colleagues on the island of Taiwan, saying why Wang Rongchang should be engaged in the chip industry at Big 6? It’s because Zhang Zhongmou Mao Jing is the father of Taiwan’s semiconductors, and Wang Rongchang has no chance to sit in this position, so he has to run to the sixth year, because he hopes to do the big six chip industry in the future, so that it can overwhelm Zhang Zhongmou. .

In fact, Wang Rongchang didn't mean it in his heart.

Just this year, the Taiwan authorities, who have expressed dissatisfaction with Wang Rongchang’s large-scale investment in the Big Six, issued a fine against him, stating that he violated the Taiwanese government's large-scale investment quota policy.

Obviously, Wang Rongchang is becoming more and more inclined to a large 6, which has already annoyed the Bian government and violated the Taiwan authorities’ policy of no haste, be patient, and the Bian government hates him, but he can’t move him, so he can only Impose financial penalties.

It is also for this reason that Wang Rongchang rushed to the sixth year with a cruel heart, and did not intend to go back. At the same time, he was very dissatisfied with Zhang Zhongmou, who still has good relations with the Bian government. , There is actually no big feast between the two old men.

"Aside from personal grievances, I still admire Zhang Zhongmou very much. This man is indeed a generation of great talents." Wang Rongchang expressed his evaluation of Zhang Zhongmou to Fan Wuyao very objectively.

According to Wang Rongchang, Zhang Zhongmou is a person who can define an industry.

"Before him, no one in the four industries was talking about OEM. How can the North make OEMs? It's production. All the industries are set up by themselves. Xi Yuhuang asked to set up factories and do them by themselves. Bei, making chips. But Zhang Zhongmou said that in the future, this design is separated from Si manufacturing, and Si’s brand is separated from Si’s design and North’s manufacturing." Brand, Bi’s design and mouth manufacturing have already begun to separate. Bi’s manufacturing is through o'er, the design is, such as the Sigang brand, which can be sold by himself. However, he said that Bei is the same more than ten years ago. It can be landed. Why can the four of them survive? Because after his production, equipment, and investment go down, the yield, flexibility, and quality of production have surpassed those of northern designers."

"He said before that designing a machine is indeed very good, but production is not great. My cost is half of his, and my quality is twice as good as his. I can help him to OEM. Zhang Zhongmou said this at the beginning. In other words, basically no one in Taiwan believes it, and no one without a vision does not believe it." Wang Rongchang said.

"A very interesting person, a person, a person with a vision, a person with a great idea," Fan Wubing shared four attributives when evaluating this person.

Fan Wubing agrees with Zhang Zhongmou's statement.

Why can we compete with Siran? You have to know that music is much less than money, but four can be contended. The important thing is that there are people like Zhang Zhongmou.

Because as long as a good product is designed, it is comparable to the design and TSMC manufactured by Zhang Zhongmou.

Muscles need to be designed and manufactured, and the people who design and manufacture must be raised, and then they have to invest in production by themselves. The sum of all kinds of funds is a very scary figure. And now it specializes in design, and TSMC manufactures it for it, using low-cost and high-quality manufacturing and materials to fight it.

In the end, because the manufacture of Qu is twice as expensive as TSMC, and the manufacturing quality is inferior to others, the manufacturing has become a burden for West.

Muscle's brand is an asset, design is an asset, but manufacturing is its burden, and the design is also very good. TSMC's manufacturing is very cheap, so you can bite into it and make your own brand. This is how the entire strategy is formed.

It’s no wonder that Zhang Zhongmou’s TSMC products are so much cheaper than the company’s gross profit that the company’s gross profit can reach 50%. He thus defined an industry that saved the entire island of Taiwan, which is now the most concerned by the world. It is not better than this industry, but this industry of North.

After listening to Wang Rongchang's introduction of Zhang Zhongmou's glorious history, Fan Wubing also hesitated for a while. It seems that this time the Raptors crossed the river, but I don’t know if it was the strong dragon that overwhelmed the snake and also passed the river and drowned. In the river, all in all. There must be one injury in the battle between the two powers.

Although it is said that my current position as the leader in the domestic chip industry has been established, in some respects, there is still a big gap compared with the old chip generation industry giants such as TSMC with more than ten years of technology and experience. There was a conflict, and it was indeed more headache.

When Wang Rongchang saw Fan Wubing touching his temple and meditating~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he said to him, "I guess it will be difficult for TSMC’s Big 6 investment proposal to pass, how come it will be half a year later. .If you want to be able to make a little bit of energy on the big 6 side, there will be no problem after another year and a half. There is more than this year, enough time for us to make the necessary adjustments, and then TSMC It takes a certain amount of time from the establishment of the factory to the start of production. I don’t believe that with this time buffer, we will not be able to beat them?"

After Fan Wubing rubbed his temples, he thought about it seriously. He felt that Wang Rongchang's analysis was a more idealistic result, in other words, it was too wishful thinking.

Regardless of whether the Taiwan authorities will delay the first half of the year on this issue, it is said that the Big 6 side will definitely not take the investment of Taiwanese businessmen lightly, even if he can exert a certain influence from the upper level. But if you really do this, it will inevitably give the Taiwan authorities some excuses for attacking the Big Six, which Fan Wuyi doesn't want to see.

Therefore, Fan Wubing can be sure that as long as TSMC has the intention to build a factory, and the Taiwan authorities pass it successfully, one year later, TSMC’s large fab 6 will definitely be completed and put into production.

As a result, the chip factory under the Fan Investment Group is facing considerable pressure!

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