
Vol 5 Chapter 1112: A career built on a pile of sand

San Zhan and Tong Xiaoyun are engaged in production. …The communists were very interested, so I saw Zhou Jingjin and the others to take a look.

In fact, there is nothing good. But since you want to see it, go there. "Fan Wubing couldn't stand their entanglement. So he agreed.

Of course, going to see Gang’s manufacturing process is different from going to see growing Chinese cabbage. Fan Wubing greeted the factory in advance and asked them to arrange a convenient time.

After staying with Wang Rongchang for two days, Fan Wubing took Cuiqi and Tong Xiaoyun to Fan's chip manufacturing base to visit Bi's manufacturing process.

Fan's chip manufacturing base, with a total investment of more than one billion U.S. dollars, was built by 5,000 workers in more than two years. A total of 30,000 tons of steel and almost 100,000 cubic meters of concrete were used during this period. More than one million meters of cables and 200,000 meters of pipelines were laid.

This manufacturing base occupies a total area of ​​about 200,000 square meters, which is equivalent to nearly 30 standard football fields, of which the area of ​​the first-level clean room reaches 40,000 square meters. In such a large clean room, the number of dust not less than 0.5 microns per cubic foot of space is not allowed to exceed one, which is a hundred times cleaner than the hospital operating room.

In order to maintain a dust-free environment, a high cost is invested, but not all workshops need such a dust-free environment. What's interesting is that the ground is not a hard floor as we usually know, but a kind of mesh-like design by Cairan, but it is very sturdy, the purpose is to keep the air circulating. The air of the room. It must be completely replaced every four minutes.

After very strict and cumbersome dust removal and other links, Fan Wubing, Cuiqi and Tong Xiaoyun were accompanied by factory engineers. Entered one of the dust-free workshops, where the staff must wear dust-proof clothing to avoid contamination of the wafers.

When they looked far away. I found that the technicians in the distance were walking around holding a kind of box in their arms. According to the engineer, this kind of box was general and contained wafers. What those technicians have to do is to install this view in a machine or processing tool.

Based on cost considerations, only Yao entrance is in a dust-free room, and the other parts are in the middle of the dust-free level.

Under the reminder of the engineers, Zhang Qi and the others paid special attention to the "workshop floor" mentioned earlier, and also noticed the machines that process those wafers. That is, the processing technicians are holding the Hiroshi.

The number of dust-free rooms and machines in the entire factory is very considerable, because the process of manufacturing a fresh wafer is very complicated.

"One mouth" just used twenty-six photolithography mask processes. Each process requires a lot of processing steps, plus doping and metal plating, etc., the last recess. There are hundreds of manufacturing processes.

Ultraviolet radiation is required in many workshops. This is essential, but white light is usually used in clean rooms. The dust-free workshop that Fan Wubing just visited uses orange light, which is different from other dust-free workshops. According to the engineer, this is because this is the preliminary process of wafer processing. The reason is that a certain layer of Gang is very sensitive to white light.

The staff can't directly touch the wafers, but put them in the black square box called..., each box can hold twenty-five wafers. This uses aluminum material as the metal layer, and the color is black.

When the staff is placed in the processing machine, the machine will pick up the twenty-five wafers one by one. After processing, put it back into the ratio.

From one clean room to another clean room is automatically transmitted according to a predetermined trajectory. There is an automatic track on the ceiling, and that track is used for transmission.

Under certain conditions, "it is directly transported to the corresponding machine, without manual intervention. There is a screen on each machine, and the technicians observe the current working condition of the machine and what kind of wafer has been processed. to the extend.

Here, the final product is not the final product used by the computer user. The wafer contains a lot of chips. These wafers have to be sent to other assembly and testing factories, where the wafers will be cut and the individual The chip is separated from above, tested, labeled and shipped. Finally, it came to the hands of computer users.

When seeing the wafer stick, Tong Xiaoyun asked a very strange question, "Why is it made into a round shape. Instead of making it into a square shape? When cutting, the rounded corners will be wasted, right?"

The engineer next to him explained immediately. "Because when silicon is purified, the raw material silicon will be melted. And put it into a huge quartz furnace, and then put a seed crystal into the furnace. So that the brick crystals grow around the seed crystal until a few crystals are formed. Nearly perfect single crystal silicon. According to the laws of physics, this method of manufacturing is a cylinder, which cannot be square. If you slice the cylinder, it becomes a circle. You can’t do whatever you want. ."

After Tong Xiaoyun heard this, she nodded repeatedly, and Fan Wuyi smiled, "Actually, I don't know much, but I am embarrassed to ask."

The so-called dicing wafer is to use a machine to cut a piece of silicon wafer with a predetermined specification from a single crystal silicon rod. And divide it into multiple small areas, each area will become a rigid core.

The next step is photoprinting, which is to coat a photoresist material on the silicon oxide layer after heat treatment, and ultraviolet rays irradiate the silicon substrate through a template printed with a complex circuit structure pattern. The photoresist material dissolves in the place irradiated by ultraviolet rays.

Then there is etching. The photoresist that has been irradiated by ultraviolet rays is removed with a solvent, and then chemical treatment is used to etch away the silicon oxide layer that does not cover the part of the photoresist, and then all the photoresist is removed. The silicon substrate with grooves is obtained.

The next step is to layer, in order to process a new layer of circuits, grow silicon oxide again. Then a layer of polysilicon is deposited, a photoresist material is applied, and the process of photocopying and etching is repeated to obtain a trench structure containing polycrystalline bricks and silicon oxide.

Then there is ion implantation. Through ion bombardment, the exposed silicon substrate is locally doped. Thereby changing the conductive state of these areas to form a gate circuit. The next step is to keep repeating the above process. A complete recess. The core contains about twenty layers, with windows between the layers, filled with metal to maintain the connection of the circuits between the layers. After finishing the final test work, the silicon wafers were cut into individual rigid cores and packaged, and one was just manufactured.

At the end is the packaging, which refers to the small case before the installation of the semiconductor integrated manglu center core assembly. It not only plays the role of placing, fixing the chamber, sealing, protecting the chip and the performance of the mocha.

Chip packaging technology has gone through several generations, and the technical indicators are getting more advanced from one generation to the next, including changing the ratio of chip area to packaging area closer and closer to one, and the frequency of use is getting higher and higher. The temperature resistance is getting better and better. The number of pins has increased. The lead spacing reduces the weight and the reliability is greatly improved, and it is more convenient to use, and so on.

"At present, most of the rigid cores are packaged in a flip core package. That is to say, the rigid core we usually see is actually the bottom of the silicon chip. It is flipped and packaged on the ceramic circuit substrate, so The advantage is that it can make the than core directly contact the heat sink

This technique is also used in the vast majority of companies today. The other side of the core, that is, the side covered under the ceramic circuit board, needs to be connected to the external circuit. The engineer introduced to the three people. "Now there are tens of millions of transistors in Gangbang, and they all have to be connected to the external circuit. The way to connect is to solder a wire to the external circuit. For example, we made Gangbang. The number of bow lines is 5,000, and the 64-bit processor used in the server has reached 7,500.

Everyone was amazed by it. In fact, to put so many solder joints on such a small chip, these solder joints must be designed very carefully and very carefully.

Since all calculations must be performed on a small chip, the core will emit a lot of heat, the internal temperature of the core can reach Baidu, and the surface temperature will be tens of degrees, once the temperature is too high. It will cause abnormal operation or even burnt. Therefore, many computer books or magazines often emphasize the importance of heat dissipation.

"How many slots does Gang cost? Zhang Qi asked Fan Wuyi." Fan Wubing scratched his head after hearing this.

It's not that I'm afraid to make everyone feel jealous after speaking out. It is because the cost of manufacturing is really complicated to calculate, and it is not a single sentence that can explain the problem.

The first price factor is the salary and treatment of the design team. This is a big investment. After all, I want to design and manufacture rigidly. It is necessary to have a strong design team with a high technical level. Without this as a basis, it is obviously impossible to accomplish a major task.

The second problem is the cost of wafer manufacturing. Generally speaking, the larger the diameter of the wafer, the more rigid cores that can be divided. In this way, the cost of one-time manufacturing will decrease and the profit will increase. The more semi-finished products made under power consumption, it obviously means a decrease in cost.

Look at the current eight-inch wafers. Only one wafer can cut more than a hundred hearts. And if the 12-inch wafer is used for cutting, at least 280 pieces can be cut.

Of course, if the lithography technology is improved and the accuracy is continuously improved, the volume of the rigid core can be reduced, so that the number of segments that can be divided per unit area is greater.

The price of a 12-inch wafer is about seven or eight thousand US dollars. Based on the latest technology of Fan Investment Group, the technology that has been successfully tested can cut more than 600 cores on a 12-inch wafer. if. The cost will drop a lot, plus other expenses, it is estimated that the single-chip cost will drop to less than 300 yuan. And this is Fan's latest and most powerful core technology.

"In fact, the profit of the processor is not very high, because the cost is too large, a factory investment is several billion US dollars, plus labor taxes and operating expenses. The profit is generally around 20%. It's also possible." Fan Wubing said with some emotion.

In fact, there is another point that Fan Wubing did not say, that is, the price of a 12-inch wafer is seven or eight thousand US dollars, which is the price in the international market. In fact, Fan’s cost is much lower than this, the price, and now Fan's latest research technology is continuing to reduce the volume of the rigid core. Once successful, more than two thousand rigid cores can be cut on a 12-inch wafer. In that case, the cost reduction would be very dramatic.

Of course, since these things have not been completed, there is no need to show off deliberately. After all, the outside world still believes that Fan Investment Group’s fab can only process 8-inch wafers, and In fact. Fan already has the technical reserves for manufacturing 12-inch wafer production lines, and the production line is already under construction.

According to the latest goal of Fan's R&D team, they are already challenging the 18-inch wafer manufacturing technology.

From this point onwards, Fan Wubing said that his corporate profits are not high, only 20%. It's not a lie, because most of the current profits have been invested by Fan Wuyao into technology research and development and production line construction ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I always heard people say that it was just made of a pile of sand. The cost is basically zero. After I visited here today, I realized that it was such a complicated manufacturing process one by one. Tong Xiaoyun said with some emotion.

"I've also heard Fan Wubing nod his head before saying, "The cost of Gang is a pile of sand, and the cost of software is a CD-ROM. If most people in this country hold this idea. Then it is easy to understand why the creative industry is dying. "

Not to mention that a very nihilistic thing from Microsoft sells for thousands of dollars. When...When Siyang was born, thousands of senior programmers squatted and wrote for three years. Where did the salary come from? What do these people eat? After the user does not buy it, who will bear the risk?

In the same way, people turn sand into steel. How much did they give? Whether it is deleted or old, each engineer will sign a certificate of life and death to cover his life. Where does the money come from? This is not counted as the cost and input of plant construction, equipment, sales and operation, etc.

. Some people simply don't see the power of high technology. If everything is that simple, how can there be such a thing as the Forbes super rich list? Although Wa is a business built on a pile of sand, not everyone has done it. If you don't respect knowledge, there will be no future, Fan Wuying shook his head.

"Then how do you explain the existence of the coal boss?" Zhang Qi asked immediately.

"This. Er, Fan Wuyi was asked immediately.

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