
Vol 5 Chapter 1123: Want to cooperate

Pan-No-Disease is more coveted for the Russian arms industry. It's a pity that I just don't have the ability to handle a lot of weapons and equipment, especially in the lack of channels.

The domestic arms market is officially procured. My current Jiangnan Heavy Industry obviously does not have to worry about the sales, but if you consider it in the long term. It is necessary to carefully analyze the success of Russia's international arms market channels. So that I can enter this market in the future and make some money to spend.

Although Russia’s overseas arms market is shrinking after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the current annual arms exports are only four billion US dollars, but only the amount of the agreement reached between Russia and India to purchase fifty Su-3 and four and self-assemble one hundred of this type of aircraft It is as high as 3 billion U.S. dollars, which shows the significance of the Soviet Union's series of exports to the Russian arms industry.

In the operation of the Quanshu fighter jet market, the Su Yidao family accounted for 14% of the share, and the designer of the Su Blade, the Sukhoi Design Bureau, expects to increase this share to 20% in recent years.

The British "Jane's Defense Weekly" once analyzed that the Russian aviation industry can only be supported by the hard currency earned by the Soviet Union family. According to the Russian government's own estimation, by 2015, Russian military procurement will only absorb about 10% of the output of the entire military aircraft industry. In other words, more than 80% of Russian-made fighters must find foreign buyers. In the past five years, the Russian Air Force has not even purchased a new aircraft.

From the current point of view, the development of Russia's next-money fighter jets largely depends on the export performance of the Soviet Union. The shortage of funds is the biggest problem that plagues the development of new Russian models. The Russian government can provide research funding of 2 billion U.S. dollars, but experts believe that these funds are only enough for project planning.

The Sukhoi Design Bureau plans to fly the fifth-generation fighter jets in three years, but this requires about 10 billion U.S. dollars in research funding. The bureau said it will raise five billion U.S. dollars for itself, which means in the next two years. They must sell at least 120 Suwan series aircraft.

Even in accordance with Western standards, the Su Blade series is the leader among the third-generation fighters. If you don't consider the performance of the weapon you set up, Su Yidao can be said to have its own advantages compared with Kan Suizha.

In terms of flight quality and agility, Suwan is significantly better than Shunzha, at least the Cobra maneuver is something Shuuji can't do. Although many experts pointed out that the Soviet side's kinetic energy for entering and recovering during the completion of this maneuver is too low, making it easy to be shot down by enemy aircraft in multi-aircraft combat, so it has no actual combat value, but few people dare to deny it. Suwan's mobility will give him an advantage in close combat with the old ones.

Suwan's weakness lies in line-of-sight combat. It is a well-known fact that the avionics of the former Soviet Union lags far behind the West. The electronic equipment in the Sublade cockpit only reaches the level of the United States in the 1960s and 1970s, and the fly-by-wire control system is still analog.

With regard to the fire control system, due to the gap in computer software and hardware, the hole in the Su edge equipment. The blade radar is inferior to the tire blade multi-mode radar in terms of automation and reliability. Objects similar to corner reflectors can be seen everywhere on Suban. The rectangular section of the engine air inlet and the huge double vertical tail with no camber make it almost invisible.

Unfortunately, maneuverability is compared with line-of-sight combat capability. It is the latter rather than the former that represents the inferiority of the modern fighter exhibition. The former may depend more on the designer's talent and inspiration. The latter is closely related to the technological level and industrial capacity of the entire country.

If the Su edge and Zhan are still able to compete, then after the birth of the fourth-generation American fighter jet, the Su-27 is completely at a disadvantage, in terms of sound cruising, stealth and electronic warfare capabilities. Sub-wide dominates, even if it is equipped with thrust vector motives in terms of agility, ugliness will be slightly better.

However, it is obviously too early to say that the Su-27 era is about to end. In any case, for the developing countries, the Su Blade series is still a high-performance fighter that cannot be matched by their own scientific and technological strength. Therefore, the role of the Soviet Union as the darling of the fighter jet market will continue for a long time.

But for the Russian aviation industry with a glorious history, this period of time is obviously too short. The United States has made use of Yichou's accumulation of advanced technology to pave the way for relatively low-end joint strike fighters.

The goal of the joint attack fighter was to focus on actual combat and seizing air supremacy. The joint strike fighter was to completely squeeze the Russian and European aviation industries out of the fighter market. For this reason, the United States strictly limited the unit price of the joint strike fighter under 38 million U.S. dollars.

At present, the global order for Joint Strike Fighters has exceeded 4,000. With very few domestic orders, the Russian aviation industry will be driven to a dead end. Therefore, the director of the Russian National Aviation System Science and Training Department said that the next generation will be launched as soon as possible. Fighter planes are of vital importance to Aeroflot.

From the perspective of next-generation fighter jets, the Soviet Union era is really coming to an end.

The era of determining the attributes of a new generation of fighter jets based on flight performance has passed. The main difference between the fourth and fifth generations lies in the airborne system, and further emphasis on maneuverability is meaningless.

Public opinion in the industry generally believes that the great achievements of Russian designers in research and development are beyond doubt, but it is meaningless to continue along this path. Even Simonov, the chief designer of the Sukhoi Design Bureau and the father of Su Erdao, holds a similar view. He believes that Suwan's mobility can already meet the needs of future air combat, and the fifth-generation fighter does not need to demand breakthroughs in this area.

Simonov also emphasized the importance of airborne systems. He said that Chen and Europe’s Mirage IV fighter jets have been equipped with a fairly complete real-time reconnaissance and attack system, which is not available in any active Russian fighter jet. For this reason, Russia is improving the fourth-generation fighter planes such as Su Yizou Fourth. Have to buy electronic ancillary equipment from the West or Israel. Therefore, this backward situation must be overcome during the development of the fifth-generation fighter.

However, the road of Russia's fifth-generation fighter is destined to be full of thorns. The difficulties mainly come from two aspects. One is a huge funding gap. The second is institutional issues.

The fragmentation system inherited from the former Soviet Union by Russian military-industrial enterprises is deeply ingrained. The two major military machinery research giants Mikoyan Design Bureau and Sukhoi Design Bureau have always been in good condition. Although the merger of the two has undergone a lot of discussion, there has been no one so far. progress.

In the United States, market forces have greatly promoted the research and development of American advanced fighter jets. Although Boeing and Lockheed Martin are also fighting for a life and death for an overall project, the winner generally subcontracts part of the contract to the loser in exchange for the latter's technical support.

This year, the spokesperson of the Russian military-industrial complex announced that the date for the announcement of the tender results of the fifth-generation fighter jets will be postponed indefinitely, until the launch of the next-generation fighter jets of Ross once again becomes indefinite.

Until the new Russian sword is successfully forged, Su Yan and his family members will continue to play the role of foreign exchange teller machines, and people will continue to enjoy its shocking maneuvering performances at large and small air shows. For an aircraft that was born twenty years ago, the responsibilities it bears are obviously beyond its own era.

In aircraft technology, Fan Wubing has always been enthusiastic about Russian technology. In the latest stage, the large aircraft project research team has also made certain achievements, especially in the single crystal alloys and narrow alloy components required for aviation motives. Great achievements have been made in composites and composite materials. At present, there are no technical difficulties in products, but the yield and reliability of blanks cannot be improved without time.

Due to some reasons, the large aircraft project team has a relatively close cooperative relationship with the military. With the joint efforts of both sides, the research on the fourth-generation aircraft has also made certain progress. Fan Wubing once went to see the prototype. , I have a lot of feelings. But it feels that there is still a big gap with advanced fighters.

According to the plan, tests such as ground taxiing will be carried out in the middle of next year, which will be a model of national aviation backbone collaboration ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Some are responsible for the overall aerodynamic layout design, and some are responsible for the development of the main body materials, including Titanium alloys and composite materials. There are also those responsible for airborne radar projects, as well as those specifically responsible for their imperial motives. The stealth technology of the aircraft has also been tested and it feels good, especially after getting the key technology of the US military stealth fighter After the data, I have more confidence in this aspect, and I have recently conducted a wind tunnel simulation test.

This time, the problems exposed by Su Yidao made Fan Wuyao consider a possibility. If he said he participated in a Russian military aircraft design project, I wonder if he could get some more satisfactory key technologies?

Russia is now in the most difficult period. If it is said that it can move Putin, it wants to form a project team through military experts. It should be a good thing to work with the Russians on the main design of the new generation of fighters.

In fact, through the efforts of Fan Investment Group for many years, breakthroughs have been made in the technology of some key materials. If you can make a breakthrough in the main design, it will be of great help to your own research on the fourth and fifth generations. of.

According to Fan Wuyi's idea, if the fifth-generation machine developed by the Chinese themselves is put into production. I believe it is compared with the latest American fighters. There is also the power of war. "One by one...gate (to be continued)

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