
Vol 5 Chapter 275: Kill or bury

After Tian Takeo finished speaking, there was a sound in the originally noisy dojo.

Although the disciples all went to Murata Takeo to cry and ask the master to teach the Chinese boy named Fan Wuyi, but their real idea is to let the master pick the head, teach themselves some skills, and then concentrate their superior strength to the group. Assault Fan is not ill.

As for asking the teacher to come out to clean up Fan Wushu, the idea has been, but it is not so strong, because the teacher Murata Takeo is the top three martial arts masters in Japan. It has weakened his reputation to a large extent.

Japanese martial arts schools like to use the word "Tao" to show that they have truly acquired the supreme genre. Therefore, many things like Aikido, Judo, Karate, and Kendo are for this purpose. Flaunt your unique position.

Murata Takeo is the first of this generation of Aikido masters. Together with Judo's Toyoshi Yasuda and Karate's Hirota Hirota, he is also known as Japan's three major masters. His position in the Japanese martial arts world has remained unshakable for 20 years. Therefore, these three people are also called "Santian".

Therefore, when Murata Takeo said that he wanted to attack Fan Wubing, all the disciples rushed to be very surprised. With the reputation of the teacher, Murata Takeo, it doesn’t matter if he is challenged, but now it seems that Fan Wubing is not challenged. What the teacher meant, on the contrary, the teacher Murata Takeo deliberately challenged Fan Wuyi. This kind of huge contrast really made the disciples unacceptable.

Could it be that Fan Wubing is really that powerful?

The Aikido practiced by Takeo Murata is a modern martial art rooted in Japanese Aikijitsu. The main feature is that it overcomes strength with softness, uses strength and does not attack actively. Nowadays, Aikido is generally divided into two genres, Japanese and Korean, and there are some differences between them under their respective exhibitions.

Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Japanese Aikido, had learned Jiu-Jitsu when he was young. In 1915, he paid homage to the head of Daito-ryu Aiki Jiu-Jitsu, Takeda Kakuno, and followed Takeda as the instructor. Five years later, at the invitation of the founder of the Omoto Sect, Wang Nisaburo, he opened the Ueshiba School in Ayabe, Kyoto to teach Jiu-Jitsu, and incorporated the teachings and ideas of Omoto Sect to establish another style.

Because there are many soldiers coming and going in the university, it will help him a lot in his future achievements. About two or three years later, due to the spiritual influence, Ueshiba's research on martial arts paid more and more attention to the spiritual level, and began to exhibit a set of martial arts theories that were different from Aiki Jiu-Jitsu.

1931. With the assistance of Admiral Takeshita. He established the imperial martial arts dojo in Tokyo. Later, a consortium was established to promote Aiki martial arts. Officially began to use the name Aikido.

After World War II, Koreans Cui Longsu and Cui Hongxi introduced Aikido and Tangshou into South Korea and formed Korean style Aikido and Taekwondo.

The characteristic of Aikido in Japan is that it cuts into the blind corner of the opponent. Destroy the opponent's center of gravity. Focus on joint skills and wrestling skills. Do not attack the opponent with brute force. It directs the opponent's power to a non-threatening direction. Even assimilated into their own strength and counterattacked. Emphasize that skills have nothing to do with age, gender, or physical fitness. Completely reconcile and use one's own Qi. Control and destroy the opponent's qi to determine the outcome.

On the other hand, Korean Aikido is more rigid.

Aikido is a secret. There are many explanations among high-level exercisers. It is similar to Qigong and has the same effect. Avoid fluid conflicts between exercisers. The unity of strength among those seeking exercise. Pursue an indisputable and attractive position.

Murata Takeo is considered the number one master of Aikido in 20 years. It is said that he has skill at this time. Has reached the realm of Yishen Yuqi. It has even passed the ancestor Ueshiba Morihei, the founder of Aikido.

It’s just that although Murata's own cultivation is very high, he is not good at teaching his disciples. Therefore, many of his disciples have a famous teacher, but they are confused in their cultivation, and they are not even as good as many second-rate martial artists. This also makes him feel One thing very confusing.

But in any case, Murata Takeo's status in the Japanese martial arts world is very high, and no one can replace it.

"Teacher, in your capacity, how can you challenge an anonymous Chinese boy?!" Many apprentices immediately opposed fiercely.

Compared to defeating Fan Wubing in the ring, the disciples paid more attention to the fact that Murata Takeo’s reputation would not be affected in any way. After all, Murata’s reputation is a great asset, even though many apprentices now have their own skills. Not very good, but they already have disciples. These three generations and four generations of disciples who have exhibited throughout the country and even around the world have brought them a very considerable fortune, and even they have also used Aikido. Brought into China Big 6.

In many countries, there is the habit of worshiping mysticism. As the saying goes, monks from far away can recite sutras, and martial arts are also popular from outside. This is like Buddhism being unpopular in India and being squeezed out to Middle-Earth. As a result, But it shines, and for example, the later Taekwondo and other things were originally

The things inside were learned half-baked by the Japanese, and the scribblings were taken by the sticks. It was a silly change, and finally returned to China, but it was still popular. This is a lot of martial arts masters. Things we never expected.

The reason is that the Chinese themselves have their own problems. If not many people cherish many unspoken secrets, Chinese martial arts will not decline to this point.

If Fan Wubing had not cultivated the inner martial arts by chance and obtained the secret of the outer martial arts, he would not have achieved his current achievements.

On the other hand, there are not many taboos for foreigners. They want to promote their ideas rather than hide their ideas. This is the biggest difference between Chinese and foreigners.

Murata Takeo also knows the thoughts of the disciples, but as a master-level figure like him who has been regarded as a master of the world, his thoughts are naturally somewhat different from ordinary people.

Takeo Murata waved his hand to stop the disciples' dissuasion, and then said slowly, "In the past few days, I have watched the video of Fan Wuyi's match carefully, and there is a problem."

When all the disciples saw the teacher talking, they all pricked their ears up there and listened.

"Fan Wuyi's martial arts have already broken through the physical limits of the human body." Murata Takeo continued, "His martial arts are infinitely close to the word martial arts."

"What?! It's impossible!" Many people clamored in opposition.

No one wants to admit that his enemy has actually reached this point on the road of martial arts. After all, he has exceeded the limit of the human body and approached the martial arts infinitely. This means that this person has already been among the masters, although he did not start a school. But his strength has fully met this condition.

Murata Takeo didn’t pay much attention to Fan Wubing a while ago, but after Fan Wubing appeared in the business investigation group recently, he also aroused the idea of ​​revenge for the two apprentices, and wanted to get to know Koizumi. How did Hatoyama and Hatoyama put them in each other's hands, so they asked for the video at that time to watch.

From this look, the problem appeared. He did not expect that at the age of eighteen years old, Yifan had already broken through the realm of supernatural transformation in Chinese Xingyiquan. What an astonishing phenomenon. Ah? !

As a master of martial arts, Murata is not only concerned about his own martial arts, he is also studying Chinese traditional martial arts in depth, so he is very clear that the Xingyiquan master who has broken through the realm of Shenchang is very important to him. What does it mean for the opponent?

That is definitely an absolute master who can be compared with himself!

But Murata Takeo also understands that Fan Wubing is too young. Even if his inner strength cultivation level has broken through the divine transformation, his martial arts cultivation level cannot be accomplished overnight. If he appears face to face with him in the ring. Above, the certainty of winning is very large.

Therefore, Murata Takeo decided that he needed to set a killer before Fan Wuyao did not grow up.

The eighteen-year-old martial arts master is really scary!

The decision made by the master of martial arts naturally did not need to refer to the opinions and suggestions of the little people, so Murata took the decision immediately and sent someone to write a letter to Fan Wuyi.

Early the next morning, Aso Kojiro took the people to the embassy solemnly and asked them to pass it to Fan Wuyi.

The people at the embassy felt a little dumbfounded when they received this challenge written in accordance with the tradition.

What age is it, there are still people playing this set of tricks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is really speechless, but the other party is also a famous Japanese martial arts master, and the object of challenge is well-known in China. Young talent.

Under this situation, everyone was at a loss. After some discussions, they had to submit the challenge letter to Fan Wuyi himself to see what he thought of it.

Fan Wubing was discussing the transfer of the production line with Wuzhi Xiaoji. When he heard the news that Murata was going to challenge him, he couldn't help but be stunned. He thought I knew who he was? Why are the Japanese so idle? If you are full and have nothing to do all day long, you know to challenge this, challenge that, is it interesting?

However, since the opponent is one of the so-called three masters in Japan, and he has complied with the martial arts rules to write a battle book to himself, it is not good for him not to follow, but it is also a little depressed to accept the opponent's challenge in this way.

So Fan Wubing wrote a few words with a brush on the back of the war book and was sent back to him.

"East to Fusang, you won't be able to wait. If you are not afraid of death, you can kill and bury it." After reading Fan Wuyao's reply, Murata couldn't help but laugh, "What a big breath!"

Today is the second update

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