
Vol 5 Chapter 280: Illegal fundraising and venture capital

Whether it’s mining or planting trees to raise ants, this kind of private business is based on high returns as a selling point. Generally speaking, as long as the profit return rate exceeds common sense, it may exist. In the case of illegal fund-raising.

Regarding illegal fund-raising, many people's earliest impressions are staying in the early 1990s. At that time, the domestic financial order had just been established. Some lawbreakers took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, and the collusion of officials and businessmen to create false prosperity and raise funds from the people who did not know the truth became a characteristic of the time. The big case of Wuxi Deng Bin's 3.2 billion illegal fund-raising case was thrilling, and the nationwide attention for a while also led to the rectification of the national financial system. This is also the first wave of illegal fund-raising.

Of course, not all fund-raising is lost. In Lishui, Zhejiang, the local people raised funds to invest in the construction of small hydropower, and they made huge profits. At that time, the policy was not comprehensive or standardized, and the profitability of investing in small hydropower stations was extremely high. At first, the common people didn't know these things, and government officials were mainly involved.

How high was the profit back then? For example, if you invest 10,000 yuan at the beginning of the year, you may get up to 100,000 yuan at the end of the year. Many of the civil servants with a monthly salary of several hundred yuan could become high-income groups in Lishui and later played an important role in Lishui commerce and private investment. This has a lot to do with the profits they made from their investments.

Until now, Lishui is still known as the first city of small hydropower in China. In Jinjiang County of Lishui alone, there are 120 small hydropower stations. In recent years, Lishui small hydropower investment has begun to export funds to other provinces to make profits.

As for the illegal fund-raising case of Mrs. Deng Bin, which has the largest impact and the largest number of cases, the case was formally filed in August this year and is still in progress.

Deng Bin, an old lady of Wuxi's emerging company, was fifty-seven years old at the time. The large illegal fund-raising case she led swept through southern Jiangsu like a tornado.

With a strong political background and under the banner of supporting economic construction, Deng Bin defrauded more than 3.2 billion yuan of funds raised by using high returns as bait. In the two hardest-hit areas in Wuxi and Jiangyin, the units that suffered the utter disaster were batch after batch, and many of them were advanced models interviewed by the national media. In all fairness, it's hard to blame them for not being vigilant. It is because Deng Bin has too much background and too confusing.

Although the case has not come to an end, the high-level investigation of the Wuxi Deng Bin fund-raising case is nearing completion. Deng Bin, as a female worker in a neighbourhood factory, cannot have the energy to pull 3.2 billion in funds. The task force moved all the way up the row, and the backstage behind Deng Bin appeared one by one. Zhou Beifang, known as Zhou Gongzi in Hong Kong's rich circle, Chen Jian, the secretary of the police, and He Shiping, another high-ranking secretary. People in Beijing have been arrested one after another.

The problems of Wang Baosen and the police also emerged for the people behind them. There were more than 50 cadres involved in the case at or above the prefectural and department level.

Just like the monsters that Monkey King encountered in "Journey to the West". Every time the golden cudgel has to be pulled up to the ground. There is always a **** in the sky coming to rescue him. Deng Bin is just a kid. But she has someone in the sky.

Want to be rich. Build the road first. Heavenly high-ranking officials. To build roads in the ground market. Find a white glove. And those who want to break the rules of the law and get rich suddenly. Also build roads. Build a road that leads to heaven and earth. In this way, the two sides hit it off. Naturally, something earth-shattering can be done.

Although until now. The case of Deng Bin was not announced. But this does not prevent Fan Wubing from having a deeper understanding of this. He understands these things. It's much deeper than Dad Fan Hyung. Although Fan Heng is already a ministerial-level leading cadre. But he is on the channel to obtain information. It is much inferior to Fan Wuyi.

Due to the problem of Shen Taifu and Deng Bin, it exploded. National legislation began to regulate private fundraising. The "Commercial Bank Law", "Decision on Punishment of Crimes That Disrupt Financial Order", and "Criminal Law" stipulate three crimes: the crime of illegally absorbing public deposits, the crime of fund-raising fraud, and the crime of stocks, companies, and corporate bonds. The administrative law enforcement and legal responsibilities of the place of private fund-raising are also stipulated. The State Council’s "Measures for the Banning of Illegal Financial Institutions and Illegal Financial Business Activities" has put forward the concept of a place to absorb public deposits in a disguised form. The Supreme Law promulgated the "Minutes of the National Symposium on Trial of Financial Crime Cases by National Courts." The Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security issued the "Regulations on Standards for Prosecution of Economic Crimes."

As a result, illegal fund-raising cases in the economic field and in the market have been hit in accordance with the law. Accompanied by the strength of the blow. Illegal fund-raising cases show ups and downs. But it did not disappear.

Overall. The private fund-raising behavior is to directly absorb funds through high-interest loans. Land is to absorb funds in the form of marketable securities, membership cards or debt certificates. There is also land that equalizes property, real estate and other assets. Raise high-interest capital by selling its share disposal rights. Others use non-governmental associations, societies and other organizational forms to raise funds. There are also fund-raising in the form of online or disguised lottery. Or use the name of orchard and manor land to raise funds, etc.

"Panshi's current private fundraising is mainly concentrated on the construction of coal mines, iron ore, and small hydropower. These projects have a lot to do with luck, so the return problem is often uncertain." Fan Heng said to his son Fan Wuyao.

The situation of Panshi is also related to the government's guidance. Everyone can see how big the return of coal and iron investment is. Every day, I only need to pay a small amount of labor costs, and at most I pay a small amount of electricity, and all that is dug out is money.

This kind of temptation cannot be resisted by many people, so people who participate in the fundraising are eager, and the rate of return given by the fundraiser is also very high, about 50% of the annual interest rate, which attracts Many people are involved.

"This wind cannot grow." Fan Wubing frowned and said to his father Fan Heng. "The most important point is that this kind of illegal fund-raising by the people is not pure, and this collective investment in common prosperity. It is different, but an illegal means of interfering with normal international financing for the purpose of making short-term profits. Now the country is vigorously rectifying this trend, and we cannot open this hole. Moreover, once there is a problem, the interests are damaged. Ordinary people, they don’t know who will bear the responsibility, and the government will have to come forward to solve the problem for them at that time."

"I'm making people sort out the materials in this area, and at the same time, I'm learning about the relevant handling policies from the above, trying to stop this unhealthy trend as soon as possible." Fan Heng said to his son.

Fan Wubing nodded, but thought of something else in his heart.

State system

Regulations governing private fund-raising activities and their enforcement actions are beyond reproach. They are based on the concept of financial business franchise and strengthening financial supervision, and rarely consider the purpose and results of private fund-raising activities.

The characteristic of this national statutory law is that it does not consider whether investors will use the funds for production and operation, public welfare or other purposes, but it has a strong control color rather than a guiding color, and it is less concerned about the private economy, small and medium-sized enterprises. The reality of the legitimate financial interests of enterprises and the lack of financial channels.

In fact, the existing formal financial institutions cannot solve the problem of legitimate financial interests in the private economy and small and medium-sized enterprises in terms of channels and service methods.

A high-tech private enterprise like Wanyan Company, if it weren’t for the lack of convenient financing channels, would not fall to the point where it needed to be sold at a low price. If it hadn’t been for Fan Wuyao’s own leadership, the end would be the same. It can be expected that it will gradually fall into the category of third-rate enterprise land as before, and gradually disappear into the long river of history.

When Fan Wubing remembered this incident, he chatted with his father Fan Heng casually, and then said to him, “The domestic economic order has just been established, and there are imperfections in many places. These deficiencies or loopholes. It's easy to breed sex, and it's easy to create deformed social products."

"Then what do you suggest? How do foreign countries deal with these things?" Fan Hyung asked with great interest.

"Foreign countries, there are many financing channels, the most common is venture capital." Fan Wuyao replied.

The abbreviation of venture capital is a concept with specific connotation by convention. In fact, it is more appropriate to translate it into venture capital.

Broadly speaking, venture capital refers to all investments with high risks and high potential returns. In a narrow sense, venture capital refers to the investment in the production and management of technology-intensive products based on high and new technology.

According to the definition of the National Venture Capital Association of the United States, venture capital is a kind of equity capital invested by professional financiers in emerging, rapidly developing, and huge competitive potential companies.

From the perspective of investment behavior, venture capital is a research field that invests capital in high-tech and its products that contain the risk of failure. It aims to promote the commercialization and industrialization of high-tech achievements as soon as possible to obtain high capital returns. Investment process.

From the point of view of operation mode, it refers to the process of investing venture capital into high-tech enterprises with special potential by investment intermediaries under the management of professional talents. It is also the coordination of venture capitalists, technical experts, and investment relationships, benefit sharing, and risk sharing. An investment method.

Venture capital generally operates in the form of venture capital funds. The legal structure of the venture capital fund is in the form of a limited partnership, while the venture capital company manages the investment operation of the fund as a general partner and obtains corresponding remuneration. In the United States, a venture capital fund that adopts a limited partnership system can obtain tax concessions, and the government also encourages the development of venture capital in this way.

Venture capital is a kind of equity capital, not borrowed capital. Venture capital is the equity capital invested by a venture enterprise generally accounting for more than 30% of the total capital of the enterprise. For high-tech innovative companies, venture capital is an expensive source of capital, but it may be the only viable source of capital. Although bank loans are relatively cheap, bank loans avoid risks, safety comes first, and high-tech innovative companies cannot get it.

"Bank loans emphasize safety and avoid risks, while venture capital prefers high-risk projects, chasing high returns hidden after high risks, and is intended to manage risks and drive risks. Bank loans focus on the status quo of enterprises, their current capital turnover, and Ability to repay, while venture capital focuses on future returns and high growth.

The evaluation of bank loans is physical indicators, while the evaluation of venture capital is whether the management team of the invested enterprise has the management level and entrepreneurial spirit, and the evaluation is the high-tech future market. "Fan Wubing explained to his father Fan Heng, "The most important point is that bank loans need mortgages and guarantees. They are generally invested in growing and mature companies. Venture capital does not require mortgages or guarantees. It invests in emerging and High-growth companies and projects. "

Fan Heng frowned when he heard it, and asked Fan Wuyi, "So, the capital of venture capital may not be able to be recovered smoothly, right? Is the so-called risk right here?"

Fan Wubing nodded and replied, "It's true, it's like gambling. I would like to bet to lose. If you win, you can get a lot of money. If you lose, you may go home alone. It's that simple."

Then Fan Wuyao said to his father Fan Heng, "Risks and rewards are always complementary. There can be no good things for nothing in the world. Since you want to pursue profits, you should see the huge risks hidden behind the profits. At this point, foreigners have long been ahead of us."

Fan Hyung lay on the sand and tapped his fingers on the backrest lightly. After a long time, he suddenly asked, "No illness, you should have a lot of money now?"

"Well, many, many." Fan Wubing smiled and nodded.

What does his father Fan Heng mean~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is quite clear, so Fan Wuyi considered it for a while and said, "If I cash out, I might be able to concentrate about 300 billion US dollars of wealth, but I will wait until After four to five years, the total amount of these wealth will increase to more than one trillion U.S. dollars."

Hearing what his son said, Fan Wuyao was silent for a long time. After a while, he smiled bitterly, "The country’s foreign exchange reserves are only 30 billion U.S. dollars. You are really good! Hey, rich and powerful. This word is actually used to describe my son? Hey, something that I didn't even dream of!"

Fan Wubing smiled and didn't say anything humble. His own estimate is still a little conservative. At least the value of the acquired Internet companies is enough to exceed the value of trillions of dollars, plus some more. The small companies with a total of seven or eighty-eight are all cash cows!

When the time comes, as long as you make a move, you don't have to worry about not having a large sum of money to develop a brighter industry. All you have to do is to wait for a few years.

In addition, you can't let time go to waste. Finding something to do in addition to playing time can also help your own income.

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