
Vol 5 Chapter 289: BRIC, BRIC!

Although Fan Heng didn't have much official addiction, and he didn't hope that one day, he would be able to enter the circle of supreme power. However, he suddenly heard the news that he might be an alternate member of the Central Committee, and his heart was still a little uneasy. /

It is natural that it does not take much effort to push the boat along the river and succeed in the process. This is also the foundation of Fan Heng. Only when he has this opportunity to get ahead, if he insists on taking it from the opposite direction, the difficulty is quite large. It is not a chaotic world. Not enough to achieve your goals.

In a word, in peacetime, it is often not the struggle of a generation to enter the circle of members of the Central Committee. The growth of each member of the Central Committee is achieved after the condensing of his life or the efforts of several generations. This is not empty talk. It is really too many difficulties to overcome and too many achievements to be made to get to this position.

It should be noted that nowadays, most of the first batch of the second batch of important leading cadres who developed or developed after the founding of the People’s Republic of China occupy the number of members of the Central Committee, and the number of replacements is relatively small. The resource scarcity of committee members requires a lot of effort even to get a candidate. It is definitely more than just talking.

You know, many senior officials at the provincial and ministerial levels who have real power have not yet reached this point.

Fan Wuyao sat there with a smile, watching his father's thoughts a little vaguely, he couldn't help but said, "Calm! Be calm! Isn't he just an alternate member of the Central Committee? Then he will be a member of the Central Committee, enter the Politburo, and become a member of the Standing Committee. , It depends on whether your work performance, dad, can meet this standard. But if you go further, don't think about it. You don't have that kind of domineering spirit."

"What kind of arrogance?" Fan Heng was dazed by Fan Wuyao.

At this time, the Internet has not yet risen, and naturally everyone does not read yy's novels much. Although Huang Yi's series of fantasy novels have been placed in the rented bookstore, they naturally have no time for high-ranking and busy people like them. To read this kind of recreational novels, Fan Heng has neither heard of the domineering words, nor has he learnt the unique horror shock of Kou's. He is a very regular leader.

Fan Wubing looked at his father's surprised expression, laughed haha, and then explained, "This king is not the king, if someone really dares to say that you are the king, I will let him become the king!"

"Children are always talking nonsense." Fan Heng finally figured out the meaning of this domineering spirit, and he said in a quizzical manner, "It's okay to read more useful books, and read less of those babbles. Local martial arts novels."

However, Xie Yinsheng led a group of his men across the province to investigate things about Liu Jie's land. The harvest is also very exciting. Only now understand the situation. Liu Jie has bought eight million yuan in gold jewelry and gold bars and bricks in local gold shops. Plus the part that has been notified and has not been counted. Presumably the amount of funds raised by him is not far away.

After Xie Yinsheng returned the news. The leaders of the municipal party committee gathered together for a small meeting to analyze this matter. Everyone feels that since Liu Jie has bought so much gold. Then he made up his mind that he must escape and hide for a while. Then take advantage of the fact that the fund-raising place goes down. Come back and slowly get the gold out of the place. Otherwise. Now the state strictly manages the flow of funds. It is difficult for ordinary people to get such a large sum of money out of the country.

"The question is. Where did this huge amount of gold go?" Fan Hyung asked at the meeting.

Everyone's opinions are inconsistent. Some say that or Liu Jie found a treasure cave. It is said that perhaps Liu Jie has transferred the gold in pieces. Finally someone suggested. "Since this matter was presumed without disease. Of course I have to ask him for his opinion now."

This is also true! Fan Hyung patted his head. So he called Fan Wubing. Ask his opinion.

"Oh. It's actually very simple." Fan Wubing said to Fan Heng immediately, "Gold is the easiest thing to keep. Even if it's buried deep underground for a few years, it won't be damaged. It's also very suitable for holding value. Multi-million-land gold products, that is, two hundred catties. They are not too big. Isn't it easy and convenient to bury them in the yard?"

"Buried in the yard?!" Fan Hyung felt a little unbelievable, and then asked, "Why not buried in the house?"

Fan Wubing smiled and said, "It's not that you haven't been to Liu Jie's house. His house is hit on the cement floor. If it is buried in the house, how can it leave no traces? And the cement floor must be broken. Toss again, the movement will not be too small, how can the neighbors not be able to show it?"

"There doesn't seem to be anything unusual in the yard?" Fan Heng recalled for a moment, and remembered what he had seen at the time. "The yard of his house is full of green bricks, and it is absolutely not like it. I have moved recently. As for the vegetable field, the tomatoes and eggplants on it were planted at least a few months ago. It is impossible to be buried there"

Fan Wubing immediately pointed out the problem, "Isn't the area west of the vegetable field just dug? It's probably there. It really doesn't take much effort to dig a hole in that kind of land."

"That's OK, we'll send someone to dig the ground now, hoping to find something." After Fan Heng heard it, he felt that it made sense, so he immediately made a decision and ordered the city police station to send a capable police force to Liu Jie immediately. Search the whereabouts of gold at home.

When the police from the brigade came to Liu Jie’s house with a pickaxe and shovel, they were taken aback by the policemen who were in charge of the doorman. Right? Even if his house is bigger, it won’t be worth more than ten million if it’s demolished and rebuilt?"

Another policeman said, "Oh, the land planted by Liu Jie’s family should be overturned. Are you here for voluntary labor? But I would advise you to forget it, and it’s not a waste of toss. This family doesn’t get in. Your kindness, people don't take it seriously!"

One of the deputy directors who led the team immediately laughed and cursed, "You are so silly, what kind of wit! The floor is true, but it has nothing to do with voluntary labor. The idlers are waiting to approach, and if things are delayed, go back and get two punishments for you!"

A few policemen who guarded the gate immediately shut up and went to work. The deputy chief took a dozen policemen and began to dig the ground in the yard. The pickaxe was raised, and the target was the land with traces of digging.

When they were tossing here, the people in the house couldn’t be idle anymore. Liu Jie’s wife Wu Fang immediately rushed out and stopped in front of the police. They were not allowed to dig the ground, and they cried and shouted loudly. Said, "What are you doing and why are you going to turn over my land? This is still a place that Liu Jie takes care of by himself. I keep it as a souvenir. What are you doing?!"

Wu Fang's mother inside also rushed out and shouted, "Don't you know the customs of Rock? There are pregnant people in the family, so you can't dig the ground randomly, otherwise you will be guilty of rushing!"

In short, a few people rushed out of the room, and they all met the police with cold eyebrows and stood in front of them.

The deputy chief took a look at the scene, and felt that the matter was strange, so he asked half of the police to rush over and stop the people, and the rest continued to dig the ground, digging down the land that had been turned over. .

However, the strange thing is that the digging depth of one person has not seen any effect, but everyone has also noticed that this piece of soil is a little more buoyant. Obviously, it was backfilled after digging, and there is no compaction.

The deputy director thought that now that he had dug up, he might as well continue digging, so as not to waste it halfway, so he asked everyone to expand the scope of the excavation and expand to the surroundings. As a result, after digging for a while, it was right next to the tomato field. A hole that was blocked upright with a wooden board appeared. After pulling the board open, you saw a narrow tunnel that just happened to allow an adult to get in.

Immediately a policeman took a flashlight and took a photo inside. It was discovered that there were things inside. A policeman got in and dragged out a large package, followed by another large package, and two large packages. After reaching the ground, the middlemen all gathered around, and the deputy director noticed Wu Fang's face pale for a while.

"Be careful and open this thing." The deputy director ordered.

The policemen under them responded and went forward to carefully open the package, exposing the greased paper inside. After peeling off the greased paper, it was a dense newspaper. After tearing open the newspaper, I saw the contents inside.

"Ah—" The two policemen who dialed the package were immediately stunned, their mouths opened wide and they couldn't close.

The people around immediately gathered around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ staring blankly at the piles of gold bars and bricks that showed their true colors, with the color of gold in their eyes.

"I rely on! Golden bricks! Golden bricks--" The deputy director looked at the gold bricks and gold bars that were obviously privately cast.

The people in the yard who were still making trouble just now were also stunned. Obviously, Wu Fang’s family didn’t know that there were so many gold bricks and gold bars hidden in the low ground. Suddenly they were very complicated in their hearts, and of course there were also. I'm complaining, I knew there were so many gold bars, so it's better to just divide it, and it's a good thing.

Now, they were all copied by the police, and no one can get it.

The deputy director settled his mind, and then told everyone, "Divided into two groups, one group escorted the gold back to the city government, and one group took care of all the people in the yard. This is a typical concealment! Wait until the facts are found out. After that, they all fall together."

Everyone agreed, then split up and went straight to the city government with gold.

************* The first update is delivered today. Shun ask for the support of the BRICS, oh, ask for the support of the monthly pass. ****************

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