
Vol 5 Chapter 291: Uncertainty "Ask for monthly ticket support"

When everyone was a little overwhelmed by this twist, Fan Wuyi didn’t know why, he just smiled and said, “The market is often very cruel. You can’t do everything so ideally when you are a pioneer. When it is necessary to adapt, you have to adapt, survive in the market and obtain opportunities for development. This is the most important thing. As for everything else, it's just nonsense."

Mr. Jiang didn't agree with this very much, and he shook his head, but after another thought, Fan Wuyi's approach is understandable. He is not a ethical standard setter, so why bother to be so serious? At the beginning, I paid a heavy price for the genuine business, and almost let myself be overwhelmed, but who would say that I am good?

On the contrary, many people call themselves fools behind their backs, right? There is so much money that I don’t know if I keep it for myself, so I have to engage in genuine recognition. In the end, it’s not me who is unlucky?

Thinking of this, Mr. Jiang didn't have anything to say. Instead, he thought about it and looked at Fan Wubing's proposal to increase error-correction and fault-tolerance. Where should he start?

Simply put, the error-correction fault-tolerant technology is that when data, files are damaged or lost in the system due to various reasons, the system can automatically restore these damaged or lost files and data to the state before the accident, so that the system can continue A technology that works normally.

Error-correction fault-tolerant technology generally uses redundant hardware to cross-check the results of operations, but in the following years, as processor speeds increase and prices drop, more and more are transferred to software. Later, the error-correction and fault-tolerant technology was basically completely completed in the software environment, and the difference between it and the high-availability technology then disappeared.

But for the D drive, for the current D drive, error correction and fault tolerance technology is still very important. How to realize the error correction and fault tolerance technology of all hardware is indeed a test for the technical team led by President Jiang. However, for the D drive, the first problem to be solved is the damage to the laser head caused by improving the error-correction and fault-tolerant capability.

Generally speaking, the error correction ability is inversely proportional to the service life of the laser head, that is to say, the high error correction ability is brought about by increasing the loss of the laser head. Therefore, Wanyan company adjusts the laser head within a certain range. Ground working frequency to ensure the best performance.

In order to improve the ability in this area, it is necessary to make corresponding adjustments. How to improve the life of the laser head and appropriately increase its power is a very important issue.

Seeing that Mr. Jiang had accepted his opinion, he went to one side to think about technological improvement, Fan Wubing also went to bother him, but turned to the person in charge of market operation, and talked to them about the issue of advertising investment. .

"Mr. Fan. The advertising time is still sufficient. Now we plan to draw up a new land advertising slogan. And hire mainland film stars to advertise. Please Mr. Fan to review whether our advertising creative meets your requirements?" The head of the advertising department took out A carefully preserved plan comes. Passed it to Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wubing took the folder. Turned it over and took a look. He frowned. It's different from what he imagined. Advertising department, these guys who have drunk foreign ink. Still put some creativity first. It ignores the nature of advertising. So he said with a dangling face. "I have clearly explained my concept to you before. What is the basic meaning of the advertisement. Wouldn't your teacher fail to teach you?"

The head of the advertising department suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Although Mr. Fan's position is supreme. But generally speaking, the attitude towards them is very easy-going. But this time he scolded himself uncharacteristically. I think I am extremely dissatisfied with the creative advertising of this place.

So he had to bite the bullet and said. "Mr. Fan. We really think that too simple advertising may affect the effect. You can't do things with money. That would be ashamed of Mr. Fan's entrustment."

Fan Wubing looked at him. He said with a sigh of relief. "You do advertising. You always want to make advertising beautiful or creative. I want to win all the advertising creative awards. To prove the value of your own existence. But you have to know. Who do you serve? You advertise. What's the goal? When your advertising works have won various awards. Your advertisers have suffered a sharp decline in their business due to poor advertising effects. Where will that put you?"

The head of the advertising department listened to Fan Wuyi's words. Cold sweat was gurgling suddenly. Wiped the sweat on his forehead with his hand. This nodded his head. "We are a little eager to get things done. We always want to make advertising perfect. But we didn't realize the essence of advertising. It's really wrong."

Seeing that he realized his mistake, Fan Wubing patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, “It’s okay. I still appreciate your talent. From an artistic point of view, you really did nothing in this advertisement. Can be picky."

"Really?" the head of the advertising department asked flattered.

"Of course it's true." Fan Wubing pointed to the description of the advertisement and said to him, "This thing is very brainy at first sight, but we can't use it, because too flashy decorations often conceal the theme of the advertisement. Existence, this is not good."

"Ah, that's still useless—" Hearing Fan Wubing's comment, the head of the advertising department suddenly declined again, and said with his head drooping.

Fan Wubing is a genius in the eyes of everyone. No one dared to deny this. Therefore, as the director of the advertising department, he was also very concerned about Fan Wubing’s approval. At this time, even though Fan Wubing fully affirmed his advertising creativity, He also made it clear that this thing was not suitable, and the blow to him was very strong.

But Fan Wubing smiled and said, "Don't be discouraged, you still made a great contribution to the company. Although we won't adopt this advertisement, you can sell it to other companies in need if you make a new look!"

"Can you?" the head of the advertising department asked a little surprised.

He never thought that after Fan Wubing had beaten him for a while, he affirmed his idea, and then asked him to sell the idea to other companies. What does it mean to say whether his idea is good or bad? ? He is really a little confused.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand it. The most important thing is that I agree to it. Then you will know the mystery. In short, whether an advertisement is good or not, just one sentence, don't look at the advertisement, look at the sales." Fan Wubing said to him .

Uh, this statement is also very reasonable.

After thinking about it for a while, the director of the advertising department said, “No matter what the format of the advertisement is, as long as it greatly increases the sales of the product, it is a successful advertisement. Otherwise, it is a failure. Won numerous prizes, but the tickets

It's a mess, as the so-called is high and widowed! "

After hearing what he said, Fan Wubing knew that he finally understood, so he smiled and said to him, "Congratulations, you finally found the truth of the advertisement. Remember, sell your gorgeous ideas to others. The company is making money, and it is simple and straightforward to keep us in the market."

"Mr. Fan, I understand." The head of the advertising department nodded very firmly and assured him.

Fan Wubing nodded, feeling that he had really understood what he meant.

But think about it, using these gorgeous and unusual advertisements to cheat other companies, Fan Wubing still finds it a little funny in his heart. If this is something he can't get along with, he will give him such flashy advertisements. The guarantee has exhausted his advertising expenses, and he can't fault it.

"So, which one is our company's advertising slogan?" The head of the advertising department asked another very important question.

Fan Wuyao should always decide this kind of big matter in person, and no one else can do it.

Fan Wubing smiled and said, "It's very simple, just two lines, Wan Yan DD, number one in the world. The most important thing is to find a few heavyweight advertising figures to come over to shoot the film, such as Jackie Chan. Jet Li, and Gong Li, too. Foreign movie stars don’t consider it, because the main theme we want to promote is national, national, and independent intellectual property rights."

The director of the advertising department wrote down all these words of Fan Wuyi, and then resigned.

After looking at the several branch factories that Wanyan Company was building, someone came over and told Fan Wuyao that several leaders from Anhui Province had come over and said they wanted to sit down with Mr. Fan.

"Well, the face is still to be given, after all, they are landlords." Fan Wuyao agreed after thinking about it for a while.

For these people in Anhui Province, Fan Wubing didn’t leave a good impression. Before, they didn’t mention that Wanyan Company was fooled. Great bargain.

But since returning from a trip to Huangshan, Fan Wuyao felt that the development of Anhui Province has been relatively lagging in recent years, and it really has a lot to do with the leaders of the province.

As the so-called corpse-position vegetarian meal, wood puppet stalks, it is quite appropriate to describe them. Fan Wubing is very curious that the Chinese invented so many adjectives at the beginning, and they were simply tailored for mediocre officials.

The other party's meaning is very clear, that is, he wants Fan Wuyi to help the province to support several industries and build an economic circle around Hefei.

Although the other party’s attitude is very sincere, he is also willing to give Fan Wuyao some preferential policies. What he asks is Fan Wuyao’s funding, which will bring a demonstration effect to many funds. After all, Fan Wuyao has become a domestic The weather vane of the business world, wherever he goes, there will be a lot of follow-up funds swarming, and the example of Rock is clearly in front of him.

In everyone's opinion, the conditions in Hefei are better than the Panshi of the year, right? If Panshi can go like this, Hefei should go further.

Fan Wubing was a little hesitant about this. Although the province's attitude was relatively positive and the preferential terms offered were difficult for others to pray for, he always felt a little unreliable in his heart.

A large amount of data shows that the current province has fallen far behind Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other neighboring provinces. At present, many major decisions and major projects in the Yangtze River Delta, such as the construction of expressways and express railways, are in close cooperation, close contact and close cooperation.

Faced with the sibling provinces, which are economically backward and inefficient, they seem to be disdainful of cooperating with them, and even less willing to mention them. Facing the Yangtze River Delta, the sixth largest urban agglomeration in the world, China’s most developed, as a neighboring province of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, it is very anxious to join the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, but Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai have always closed the door to him. Feeling incomprehensible.

The Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone is now very scarce of its own mineral resources, energy, and basic industries. In recent years, there have been land shortages and electricity shortages. Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai have come to the provinces for cooperation. What they are interested in is its cheap energy and abundant resources. Of mineral resources. Due to the massive expansion of labor-intensive manufacturing industries in the Yangtze River Delta, more land resources are needed. Expansion is urgent. In the face of some cities in the province and provinces have proposed to join the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, the rich people’s club in the Yangtze River Delta has always treated the poor. Provinces are excluded.

The Nanjing-Hangzhou Expressway also takes a detour to Jurong, Liyang, Yixing to Zhejiang Changxing, and Huzhou to Hangzhou. If analyzed from the map, this railway will go from Nanjing Gaochun to Langxi and Guangde to Zhejiang Anji to Hangzhou. It seems that the distance will be shorter and it will bring greater economic development opportunities to the south, but I don’t know if it is. The decision-makers in the provinces have never had the courage to conceive and plan, or do the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces would rather build a railway around an arc than cooperate with him?

In many counties in the province, it’s only a few blocks straight, and even some administrative villages in developed areas can’t be built in scale, and there are not many factories. However, some government officials always talk about it on TV or in meetings. In particular, I will talk about how the situation is good, how much investment is attracted, and how much GDP growth is. Maybe you are used to playing digital games as an upward move?

In many places, officials have conservative and rigid ideologies, favoring cronyism, reusing people who are sloppy and cater to others. It is precisely because of the existence of such a system and mechanism that a large number of outstanding talents in the province have been lost to developed areas. There is not a large number of outstanding talents in the province. What else can be used to develop and compete? Even Shi Yuzhu, a provincial person who went out as a representative of modern Huizhou merchants, has never heard of any major industrial investment he has made for his hometown. This shows his reputation as an unreserved person.

The road from Jiangsu and Zhejiang into the province has not only become thinner, but also some sections of roads are pitted, and the trees planted by the roadside are not managed. They are crooked, yellow, thin, thin and dead, and they are decent and beautiful. The highway green belts are all :: not much.

Some officials cling to the weird idea of ​​keeping fertilizer and water without leaving outsiders’ fields. Any project is only requested from the province. The special funds for road construction have been exploited layer by layer, and the funds that can be used to build roads are very small, and the repairs are completed. It didn't take long for the road to break down, and he began to invest again and again.

Fan Wubing thought about it, always feeling that if he invested a lot of money in such a place, he would not see any good hope. Either I have some prejudice here, or this is really the case.

************** The third update arrives today, and I strongly request monthly pass support. *************((To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please log in to m, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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