
Vol 5 Chapter 318: Overnight in the palace "seeking a monthly pass"

After hearing this, Wuyi felt a little surprised, so he turned his head and asked the accompanying road, "Is this in accordance with the rules?"

What he meant was to ask the entourage of the embassy whether the king’s invitation to stay in the palace was in accordance with diplomatic etiquette, and whether there were any factors that weakened or dwarfed or alienated his image. If you don't know much, you should ask the embassy staff who are more familiar with the local situation in case of trouble, so as to ensure that there will be no jokes.

However, the staff of the embassy felt a little weird. I thought I didn't know where the king saw President Fan more pleasing to his eyes. I had never heard of anyone invited by the king to stay in the palace before.

Although the royal family is now in decline, the domestic military and political power are in the hands of the first prime minister Ranariddh and the second prime minister Hun Sen, but the royal family, especially the king's lofty prestige among the people, makes no one can underestimate the great influence of the royal family.

As a symbol of the kingdom, the king enjoys privileges in many aspects. As long as it is outside of national politics, the government will leave him alone, and is unwilling to offend this banner that can condense the national spirit.

The king's request for Fan Wuyi to stay in the palace was a very strong signal. Even if he did not treat Fan Wuyi as the head of state, he was treated as the most important person who could be equal to the royal family.

"President Fan, this is the highest courtesy of the royal family. You should express your heartfelt thanks." The accompanying person introduced to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing nodded, and raised his hands to his forehead to express his respect to the king. The king returned the salute very happily, and all the royal family in the house expressed their joy.

Namaste is the most common meeting etiquette in Cambodia. When saluting, you should grasp the height of the palm tip according to the object, such as children to parents, grandchildren to grandparents, students to teachers, and the tip of the palm should be raised to the eyebrows. When a lower-level government official salutes to a higher-up, he should raise it to his mouth. People of equal status should be raised to the tip of their noses when bowing. In the countryside, people only practice Namaste. In the city, there are also places to give a handshake ceremony. In short, it keeps pace with the times.

The continuous wars of more than two decades have had a great impact on Cambodia’s economy. Basically, it can be said to have caused a devastating blow. The original little Paris in the east was already devastated by this time, even more than it was under the French colonial rule. dismal.

should say. Although the royal family is richer. But in daily consumption. If it weren't for the distinguished guests to come to the door and need to stand on the ground. Also keep everything simple. The custom of Buddhist countries is to be relatively simple in daily life. But in Buddhist activities, it is necessary to talk about ostentation. Therefore, the palace can be built in this magnificent state.

Fan Wubing and his bodyguards. Guided by the guard of the palace to a palace. As a place to stay.

"Mr. Fan. Although I have stayed in Phnom Penh for several years. This is the first time I have lived in the Royal Palace. This is all because of your light." The staff of the embassy where he stayed said excitedly to Fan Wuyao. His name is Wu Jing. While serving as the translation site for Fan Wuyi. Also instruct him to live etiquette. So I was able to stay in the palace.

Fan Wuyi walked into the yard. I took a look at the buildings here. Found that the buildings here are basically bungalows. It's just that the buildings on the palace grounds all have a golden dome that looks tall and sharp. This probably also originated from the Buddhist pagoda.

"Old Wu. You said the king kept me here. What is the purpose?" Fan Wuyi asked Wu Jing abruptly.

Wu Jing was shocked. Then replied with some uncertainty. "It doesn't necessarily have a purpose, right? No matter what the purpose is. It can't be a bad thing anyway."

Fan Wubing nodded and said, "That's what I said."

Fan Wubing didn't think there would be any bad thoughts in keeping him in the palace. Now that he lives in the palace, it can be said that the palace guards are completely responsible for his own safety. He really has nothing to worry about.

There was also a royal family with Fan Wuyi for dinner. Although the other party was still very enthusiastic, Fan Wuyi couldn’t understand what he said, so he hummed and raised his wine glass to deal with it. Anyway, he was a huge amount. If you don't pour a thousand cups, you don't have to worry about how many people will come to fight with him.

Most local wines in Cambodia are fruit wines, which are low in alcohol and taste like wine, but they have a unique flavor. Drinking one glass after another does not feel inappropriate.

But the few people in the accompany party gradually couldn't stand it, and when they were halfway through the drink, they had to withdraw early.

Fan Wubing felt a little urinary after they left. After drinking this meal, his stomach was already swollen, so he went out, ready to release his memory.

"Ms. Fan, where are you going? It's better not to run around in the palace, otherwise it will be easy for people to misunderstand." Wu Jing was already drunk and dimly drunk and saw Fan Wuxie go out. The strong fighting spirit reminded him.

Fan Wubing waved his hand without looking back, "Find a place to pee.


"President Fan, there is a toilet over there—" Wu Jing pointed his finger to the side and became drunk first.

Fan Wubing was a little too drunk. Although he didn't get drunk, he still had some airiness. When he went out, he saw a yard next to him with brilliant lights and the sound of music. He didn't know what activities were being held. , It sounds like it is very lively.

So he went over there, and when he walked halfway, he saw a big and lush green tree next to it. The crown of the tree was like a big lid, making it dark underneath that it was hard to see.

"No one seems to come from this place—" Fan Wubing looked around, walked over to the big tree, then untied his belt, and took out the guy to release the water.

"Ah—" a soft exclamation suddenly rang out from under the tree.

Fan Wubing was startled immediately. The sound was obviously made by a girl. How could there be anyone in this place? His urine was suddenly frightened back, holding back a bit uncomfortably.

When I fixed my eyes, I saw a young girl coming out from under the shade of the tree. She was wearing royal costumes. The gold ornaments on her body were shining in the moonlight, and she wore a European-style crown on her head. The diamonds and gems inlaid on it looked gleaming.

"Mr. Fan—" the girl shouted embarrassedly.

When Fan Wuyao took a closer look, he recognized this girl, who was the Princess Norodom Hassaniya who had been saved by him. Fan Wubing felt a little embarrassed when he thought that he almost took out a guy to **** on someone just now, so he said to her, "Your Royal Highness, why are you hiding here?"

The princess walked out blushing a little, and said to Fan Wuyao in relatively blunt Chinese, "Mr. Fan, why don't you go to the party over there?"

"Is there a party? No one notified me—" Fan Wubing shook his head.

He paid attention to Princess Norodom Hassaniya, and found that compared with the time when he was separated from her, Norodom Sangria at this time was already slim and graceful. She looked like a child earlier. Already matured, it seems that being in a tropical environment can promote human development.

This is probably one of the reasons why people in tropical countries have a much shorter life expectancy than people in cold regions. In addition to economic conditions, climate is also one of the decisive factors, just like tropical rice in three seasons a year.

However, Princess Norodom Sangria still maintains a normal body shape, unlike the more common obese type here, especially her skin is whiter, and she is now wearing Cambodian national costumes with golden armbands on her arms. , Looks very wealthy, especially the large snow-like skin exposed on the chest, which is more prone to reverie.

Fan Wubing suddenly felt that this was the transformation of a young girl, as if the cabbage worm turned into a butterfly.

The princess saw that Fan Wubing was paying attention to herself, and she blushed and bowed, and then said to Fan Wubing, "Mr. Fan, rest early." After that, she ran away.

Fan Wu was stunned. After seeing the princess leave, he shook his head and took out the guy to continue to release the water.

Early the next morning, Fan Wubing woke up.

To be honest, he is not very comfortable with the climate here. The weather is a bit hot flashes and there are many mosquitoes. Although the palace puts a lot of mosquito-proof incense in the room, the effect is not very good. With some effect, Fan Wuyi shot a dozen mosquitoes to death in one night before he was able to sleep peacefully.

There was a loud noise outside, and it sounded like a celebration. Fan Wubing couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Did he ask these small countries to engage in activities all day long?

However, when he went out to see it, he discovered that it was not an event, but that the open area of ​​the palace was opening. Tourists were guided by a tour guide to tour around the palace. Except for some palaces used by the royal family, UU read books. Other places on www.uukanshu.com are completely open. You can take photos or do some other experience activities. In this regard, the royal family is very enlightened. As long as you don’t do things that insult the royal family’s dignity in the palace, they have always Is indifferent.

"President Fan, the head of the royal family, His Excellency Sandra, is asking to see you." Translator Wu Jing walked in and said to Fan Wuyao.

"Did he say it was for anything?" Fan Wubing asked.

"I don't know, he said he wants to talk to Mr. Fan at this time." Wu Jing replied.

"Okay, then please invite him in." Fan Wubing also didn't know what the other party was looking for. He just thought that this time, things were a bit strange, but he didn't know what the purpose was.

Sandra walked in and greeted Fan Wuyi with folded hands.

************The first update arrives today, and the last three hours ask for a monthly pass ****************((To be continued, if you want to know what will happen , Please log in to m, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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