
Vol 5 Chapter 350: Pick up

However, Wuzhi Xiaoji has a son who is a Zhongshan wolf, and his crazy appearance and disease-free appearance are more important to him, so he entrusted him with a more difficult task, designing all the vehicles used in the wedding for himself in the future.

Fan Wubing's explanation of Wuzhi Xiaoji in this way was actually a bit of a joke. He also felt that if Wuzhi Xiaoji was not under pressure, he was afraid that he would lift his tail into the sky, so he arranged it for him. Such a troublesome task.

Who knew that Wu Xiaoji immediately jumped up with his eyes after hearing Fan Wu's words, first walked around in the room, then began to mutter to himself, and finally it took a long time before he brought a pair of five-body worship to the ground. The expression said to Fan Wubing, "Boss, you are so great! You have created a new profitable industry with just one sentence!"

"Am I that great?" Fan Wuyao touched his nose and said, "Why didn't I notice it at all?"

"Great! Absolutely great!" Wuzhi Xiaoji nodded and said, "From your words, I thought of a question, why can't we build a wedding service fleet?"

Fan Wubing nodded when he heard this, but he agreed with it very much.

The Chinese are a people who like to lively and lively. Weddings are the most important events in their lives, and Chinese people who are getting richer prefer to put on ostentation in these wedding events, such as rich people marrying their wives. Always pull in a convoy of dozens of cars to support yourself.

But there are so many kinds of cars that come and go. It is rare to be able to ride in a Big Ben or a BMW as a wedding car.

If you want to do what you like, really design a one-stop wedding fleet service, at least in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai or Shenzhen, it is very popular.

After thinking of this, Fan Wubing couldn't help but smile, "Very good! Your idea is worth considering! I have a question. Since you started to manage this car factory, you have been able to show off your ingenuity. Now, what inflatable doll you used to do is a blasphemy to your intelligent brain!"

Fan Wubing said so. But Wu Xiaoji also remembered that he used to dress the inflatable doll. Only then did Fan Wuyi strengthen. The last two started a business together in the United States. This is the foundation of today's foundation. Unconsciously, more than ten years have passed. I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"There is no inflatable doll back then. There would be no Fan Investment Group today." Wu Xiaoji smiled.

Fan Wubing nodded. It did agree with Wu Zhi Xiaoji's statement. "Our first pot of gold. It should be earned in the United States. Although the country has also earned hundreds of millions of yuan. But in comparison, it cannot be regarded as the foundation for getting rich."

The two people said something about the past. Then they exchanged some opinions on the design of wedding cars.

For what kind of wedding car I design for myself. Fan Wuyidi still didn't think much in his heart. But he is very clear in a complete team. What types of vehicles should be used. So he briefly talked about his views with Wuzhi Xiaoji.

But Wu Xiaoji followed Fan Wu's thoughts. I gradually put forward some opinions of my own. The two discussed it all afternoon. It is basically determined for a period of time in the future. What kind of special vehicles should the company produce? In order to broaden their own vehicle varieties.

"This kind of vehicle, I'm afraid we still have to lease the land." Wu Xiaoji said to Fan Wuyao.

"Nonsense, can anyone get married every day?!" Fan Wuyao laughed and cursed.

Two people studied it, and felt that a fleet like this could be allocated according to the population base within a city. For example, in a city with a population of more than one million, there could be a few more fleets. As for the population of 300,000 In the following cities, Fan Wuyi personally thinks that there is basically no need for promotion, and besides, this kind of business can be booked in advance.

Test operation for a period of time, and then consider the specific number of fleets to maintain, neither waste of resources, nor short supply, maximize the service efficiency of the wedding fleet, this is a scientific management method.

Two days later, Fan Heng flew to the capital.

He came here this time to report to his superiors. In addition, there are some foreign-invested projects that need to go to the capital for approval. In order to improve work efficiency, Fan Heng personally took the battle, after all, let the US dollar settle earlier. , You can make Panshi richer sooner.

After getting off the plane, Fan Heng looked left and right looking for Fan Wuxian's car, but he didn't find it. He was a little unhappy in his heart. I thought I had told this kid that the plane was coming over today. When it came to an end, I didn't even see a shadow, this guy didn't know where he went to play.

While whispering secretly, I saw a high-class sedan on the opposite side approaching, and inside it was actually the State Council Office.

Don't pass.

Fan Heng is now in contact with a wide range of people, and he also knows that this level of special pass is very difficult to obtain. It can be said that it is second only to the effectiveness of the special pass held by the general state-level leaders. It is smooth in most places. Unimpeded.

"It's not the same in the capital! This high-end car actually has a special pass of this level. It won't work if you don't want to be eye-catching! If you build such a car in Panshi, you can guarantee that it will be pointed at by the common people!" Fan Heng Said casually to the secretary Song Qing who followed him.

Song Qing noticed something. He pointed to the car and said to Fan Heng, "Secretary Fan, that car seems to be a disease-free car, right?"

"Ah?!" Fan Heng was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the car stop, and then he saw Fan Wubing get out of the car with a smile, and then he carried out a sign that said I am No. Illness is a big word.

Because Fan Heng's name was a bit sensitive, Fan Wubing thought of a way to let his father see his position, but he had forgotten a bit, his name was really a bit different.

So many travelers passing by him couldn't help but look at him more, and then whispered, "Where is the neuropathy coming from, right? Alas, it's a pity that it looks so abnormal at a young age! What's no disease? , Is it obviously sick! Normal people who say this to themselves?"

After hearing this, Fan Wubing almost didn't vomit blood with anger. He looked at the passengers fiercely, but scared them away. After all, it's okay to compete with anyone, just don't compete with a neuropathy. You will be beaten like that. There is no need for others to be responsible. After all, neurosis is a special group of people who cannot be fully responsible for their actions.

Fan Heng heard these words too. He laughed and walked over, patted Fan Wuyi's shoulder and asked, "Son, how do you feel?"

Fan Wubing rolled his eyes and said, "Being so angry with them, he became sick even if he was not sick!"

After Fan Heng and Song Qing got into Fan Wu's car, they suddenly realized that the layout inside was really luxurious!

"This seems to be gold?" Song Qing curiously touched a golden unicorn with a jade base on the bridge, and asked with some sternness.

Fan Wubing glanced at her, and then replied, "The highest purity gold now uses about six hundred grams of gold! If you don't bring money with you one day, you can take this thing down to the top of the account."

More than 600 grams of gold? ! Song Qing immediately stretched out her tongue, shook her head and turned to a small ornament hanging above her head, and exclaimed again, "Isn't this a real diamond? It's a big one!"

Fan Wubing looked up and said, "The authentic South African diamond, but the purity is not too high, and the value is more than 200,000 yuan. You can also exchange it for money when you are in a hurry, but it is not as convenient as gold."

Then Song Qing's eyes circled around the inside of the car, wherever they looked, they were basically expensive accessories, and her eyes were a little straight.

Fan Heng frowned and asked, "Why did you get such a car? Wasn't the original car good? Such a car, it looks like you are deliberately showing off, and the impact is very bad!"

Fan Wubing shook his head and replied, "Where is there? Anyway, my car is just sitting on my own, and outsiders won't see it. At most, it's just a little cooler in appearance. But if I Driving a car is too shabby, but it will have some negative effects on my career."

Fan Heng listened to Fan Wu's answer, but felt that there was some truth. After all, many people like to look at people with their clothes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The bigger the spectrum you put out, the more powerful you will be considered, and vice versa. The same is true.

Nowadays, Fan Wuyao’s status is extraordinary. If he really sat in a broken car, it would be considered that the Fan Investment Group’s business had a major problem and the capital chain would be difficult to maintain. If there is such a judgment, it will definitely affect the company's business.

Therefore, when Wuzhi Xiaoji’s car was just off the line, Fan Wuyin ordered him to arrange for the company’s middle-level and higher leaders to arrange the car. Every water is a city hunter car. According to the difference in level, it is included. I have done some articles above, but the hardware configuration is still treated the same.

As for the few high-level executives of the company, they are configured in accordance with Fan Wu's car's hardware standards. Of course, things like gold and diamonds will be exempted, otherwise the investment will be a bit too large.

This is so, Secretary Fan Hengfan, who had just stepped off the plane, was also a little dissatisfied with Fan Wuyi's extravagance.

"It's better to keep a low profile in the future." Fan Heng told his son.

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