
Vol 5 Chapter 357: Anti-counterfeiting problem

In the mid-teens, counterfeit products were rampant in China's consumer goods market, and commercial firms did not use extreme measures. The difference between product quality and commercial credit was staggering.

Last year, the government promulgated the "Consumer Rights Protection Law." Article 49 of which is that if the business provides goods or services fraudulently, the compensation shall be increased in accordance with the consumption requirements, and the amount of compensation shall be increased by Consumption is twice the price of the purchase of goods or the cost of receiving services.

In the previous civil law, the best result of buying fake goods for consumption is to return the goods at the price. Now the compensation can be doubled. This is also a huge improvement in policy.

The production and sale of counterfeit and inferior goods for the purpose of making illegal profits, violates the laws and regulations of the country, and infringes on the intellectual property rights of others is an act of making and selling counterfeit goods. In order to promote the progress of society, intellectual property rights must be protected, and the manufacture and trafficking of counterfeit products must be severely cracked down. The whole process of cracking down and punishing such illegal acts is collectively referred to as anti-counterfeiting.

The existence of counterfeit production and trafficking stems from the lure of huge profits, loopholes in the legal system, government inaction, weak enterprises, and consumption trends. The solution to the problem of manufacturing and trafficking of counterfeiting lies in enterprises to strengthen technological research, enhance product competitiveness, and enable consumers to increase their awareness of intellectual property protection and the ability to identify counterfeit products, create public opinion, and unite all social forces in the manufacture and sale of counterfeit products. Be severely cracked down.

The struggle between human society and the illegal activities of producing and selling counterfeit and shoddy goods has gone through a history of one to two hundred years, and it has not ceased to this day. As early as the 1870s, after the European Industrial Revolution, industry was in a period of high development, which was a period when counterfeit and shoddy goods were rampant.

For example, in the United Kingdom, in order to make money and get rich quickly, unscrupulous businessmen seek profits by unscrupulous means, such as mixing clay in food, mixing yellow wattle leaves in tea, and putting drugs on the market without testing and identification. These phenomena forced the British government to adopt legislative, administrative, educational and other means. It took about two decades to bring the proliferation of counterfeit and shoddy goods under control.

Another example is that France is a famous country and a country that has been plagued by fake and shoddy goods. At present, there are four organizations in France engaged in anti-counterfeiting work. The first is the industry association, which is established by manufacturers of brand-name goods. One of its important functions is to use information networks to cooperate with the government in anti-counterfeiting. The second is the government agency, the Consumer Party Fight and Anti-Fraud Administration.

The third is the French gendarmerie and police agencies. The law gives them the function of anti-counterfeiting. The fourth is the French customs. As long as the goods are currently inquired by the customs, they can be detained. Once they are confirmed as counterfeit and shoddy goods, they can exercise the right of punishment.

What is counterfeiting? Internationally, there is no accurate definition, and the definitions under the United Kingdom, France, and Germany are all consistent. The World Trade Organization focuses on trademark, copyright, and patent infringement to define land in its documents on the protection of trade intellectual property rights. In fact, the scope of counterfeiting is much broader.

There is a more acceptable definition in the world. Counterfeiting refers to imitating the appearance of a product very realistically. As a result, consumers and users mistakenly believe that the product is its product. Without authorization, permission or approval. Copy and sell products protected by intellectual property rights. The object of copying is usually the trademark, packaging, label or other important characteristics of the product.

The World Trade Organization said. The objects protected by intellectual property rights are not limited to trademarks, patents, copyrights, etc. Countries can determine some content that needs to be protected according to their needs. For example, other important features related to product identification can also be protected as needed. These important characteristics include the country of origin. Quality marks such as labels, certifications, production licenses, and factory names, addresses, etc.

Counterfeit and inferior goods are repeatedly banned because the main reason is that counterfeiting is profitable. It is more profitable than smuggling drugs and arms. And relatively speaking, the risk is small. It is a high-profit and low-risk real estate industry. According to the information provided by the World Trade Organization. From 1990 to 1995. The volume of global trade has increased by 47%. In the same period, the trade volume of counterfeit goods has increased by 150%.

Many countries have unsound laws on anti-counterfeiting or protection of intellectual property rights. Except for a few bad things. Generally speaking, counterfeiting is a low-level harmless crime. It is often placed in a secondary position by the law. The elimination and reduction of trade barriers in international trade. It also allows fakes to take advantage of.

When it was in 1992. The domestic government once organized relevant departments to launch a large-scale joint anti-counterfeiting struggle. And the results are outstanding. It was a good success. And the National Anti-Counterfeiting Office was established in 1993. It has promoted organized and guided anti-counterfeiting work across the country.

But the work efficiency of these departments is very inspiring. The key issue is also local protectionism.

Some local chief executives and law enforcement management departments, in order to complete the original accumulation of the local economy, secretly support smuggling and trafficking, counterfeiting and counterfeiting, which have become a hotbed of gray economy. Of course, the local economy will also present a temporary prosperity.

This demonstration effect will encourage other regions to follow suit. In this situation, it is difficult for an official to take into account the principles of fairness and sustainable development to achieve local economic development.

For example, the economic pillar of a district in Guangzhou is mainly the small production of self-employed electrical appliances. In a sense, the local economy in this area is essentially a gray economy. Local leaders and government functional departments are responsible for gdp and political achievements. , Borrowing local economic pillars as a real reason for local protection. When the central media exposed it under the condition that it had the true evidence, the relevant government departments of the place not only publicly stated the article to distort the facts, but also organized fraud to take a group photo with the right hand under the sign of the private enterprise association in the city, and published the photos everywhere. .

In the letter of commitment, there is still a considerable amount of infringement and counterfeiting of the trademark rights of others. The legal enterprise promoted at the news conference hosted by the local government is actually the largest local counterfeiting company. The news conference announced to Ji The rectification-qualified enterprise was still producing and selling infringing products the next day.

After the problems in this area were exposed and investigated, many new infringing companies of the same kind were still approved for registration in the surrounding areas, and their arrogance has reached the level of lawlessness. Although two vice mayors in charge of the economy have been punished by law for economic crimes, the illegal economy supported by the local government and the interest groups formed therefrom have not been investigated more extensively.

Most of the large-scale bazaars dominated by self-employed individuals have government investment backgrounds. In order to recover the investment as soon as possible, some local governments even give ordinary civil servants the task of attracting investment. Under this situation, market access and supervision have become a form, coupled with the implementation of a tax package system, and cash transactions are the mainstay. These markets have become A paradise for crimes such as smuggling and trafficking, counterfeiting, trademark infringement, money laundering, and tax evasion.

All in all, driven by interests, the collusion between officials and counterfeiting companies has caused great trouble to the normal economic order.

At present, the counterfeit companies under Fan's Investment Group are no longer limited to low-voltage electrical appliances and ham sausage products. Various other electronic products have appeared. Even the personal computers produced by SS have become popular in the market.

Fan Wubing feels a little worried about this. Although he is not worried that the company will fall because of this, the intensified domestic counterfeiting behavior really makes him very unhappy. This will cause a large number of outstanding companies to be knocked down by fakes.

Take the liquor industry in Shanxi as an example. It was originally a very mature and stable industry. However, after foreigners began to use industrial alcohol blending, the entire market order was completely chaotic. Not only did the already formed market suffer a devastating effect. The blow also greatly reduced consumer confidence in Jinjiu.

Not to mention others, after the news of several deaths caused by fake wine was exposed, Fan Wuyi, who originally liked to drink Fenjiu, had to ask the employees of the Shanxi branch to pick up the goods in the winery in person, so that he would dare to drink such wine. .

For ordinary consumption, it is natural to face this huge confusion.

Fan Wubing thought about it. The high-end products in his company are easier to counterfeit. By opening the voice service phone, combined with the anti-counterfeiting code of the product itself, you can easily help consumers identify the product. With the help of the company’s complete consumption and management network, the company’s high-end products can be recorded in the company’s computer database within the day of sale.

But for low-end products ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it is not feasible to do so, it will cause the cost to rise suddenly, and the things will not be able to sell.

For simple food products such as ham sausage with low production threshold and low input cost, it is difficult to solve the phenomenon of counterfeit and inferior products.

Fan Wubing also discussed this issue with his senior executives. Everyone agreed that the reason for the intensive appearance of counterfeit and shoddy products on the market is due to the very low cost of the crime of counterfeiting.

Although the Consumer Rights Protection Law stipulates that the purchase of counterfeit goods can obtain double indemnity items, in specific practice, it is not so easy. Consumers have to prove that a product is a counterfeit. The price is often compared to The value of the product itself is much higher. For this reason, generally few people are serious about this issue, but they think they are unlucky.

"We have to make laser anti-counterfeiting signs! And some other low-cost and high-tech anti-counterfeiting methods!" Fan Wuyao instructed everyone.

Since it is difficult to use administrative means to solve the problem, we can only resort to technical means.

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