
Vol 5 Chapter 370: Absolute controlling rights and door-to-door sales

Sheng Shui's brows were immediately tangled. Although Fan Wubian proposed a percentage change, it was a very complicated issue for him.

It is a very sensitive topic to obtain absolute controlling rights, especially for large factories like Jiangnan Wool Spinning Factory.

"I'm afraid it's very difficult. It's hard for Jiangnan Wool Spinning Factory to accept." Jiang Shengshui said to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing smiled and said, "There is nothing difficult, just let other people do it, why bother with you?"

Jiang Shengshui also laughed when he heard the words, "Mr. Fan is right, I must be worthy of this high salary."

"If there is no absolute controlling rights, there will be a lot of trouble in the future. Anyway, the plan has to be reported to the State Council for approval, but there is no need to worry about someone chirping." Fan Wubing said to Jiang Shengshui.

In fact, there are more people embezzling state-owned assets. Most of them are empty-glove white wolves who have turned enterprises into private companies. Fan Wuyao has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in debt-to-equity swaps. It is really true. Rarely, I guess when others see it, they will scold him for being stupid. I don't know how to use such good political resources, and I still need to spend money to replace equity, which is really stupid.

Sure enough, when Jiang Shengshui and Cui Hao and others discussed the opinions of the company headquarters, the leaders of the wool spinning mill appeared very cautious. Although it was only a one percent change, the nature was different. They really did it. Not the Lord.

Indispensable, I had to report to the province again. Fan Heng received the vice-governor Lin Xiru, who was in charge of industry, and exchanged opinions. He simply reported the plan to the State Council immediately, so that the leaders' headaches were relieved.

However, when the plan arrived at the State Council, it was approved immediately. It also emphasized that this case is a reference case for the restructuring of state-owned enterprises. It is hoped that it will be implemented as soon as possible, and it is recommended that other domestic enterprises with similar conditions discuss it to see if it can be approved. The Jiangnan Wool Spinning Factory solved the debt-to-equity swap problem.

So it only took half a month. Fan's Investment Group entered the Jiangnan Wool Spinning Factory. Become the largest shareholder with absolute controlling rights. The promised six billion yuan of funds has also been allocated. In addition to paying four hundred million bank loans. The remaining funds were immediately invested in the work of technological transformation.

Cui Hao and others worked very well. Before the company had such a big loss. On the one hand, it is caused by the environment. On the other hand, it has something to do with the leaders of the provinces at that time. At this time, the province has the support of Acting Governor Van Heng. There is a management team from Fan Investment Group to assist in the management. Cui Hao worked a lot better.

The employees are debt-free and light. The spiritual leader has also moved forward. The whole factory is rushing to work. I hope to have a turnaround this year. Realize profitability in the past five years.

Once this matter was reported by the domestic media. Aroused the attention of various companies. Everyone is still a little envious of Jiangnan Wool Spinning Factory. After all, the price of the land they sold is very high. If it is like some local enterprises. Basically, they were packaged as waste by the local leaders and sold to foreigners on a big scale.

Of course, many people asked. Why is Fan Investment Group willing to spend such a large price to engage in debt-to-equity swaps? Finally, I got insider information. The owner of Fan's Investment Group is the youngest son of Fan Hengdi, acting governor of Jiangnan Province. This time the local affairs can be regarded as helping Dad solve the crisis.

Everyone suddenly realized. No wonder they are so active. It turned out to be a land of political capital. Of course, there are many people who say strange things. But anyway. People can easily get hundreds of millions of dollars to build momentum for Dad. If you have such a rich son. You can follow suit.

Fan Wubing himself took advantage of the summer vacation to travel around Jiangnan Province non-stop to see where he could support his father, Fan Heng, to do his work. It not only supported his work, but also allowed himself to get good income. , So that everyone can get a win-win situation.

The problem in Qingshui City was finally resolved. After Fan Wuyao carried out large-scale security rectifications in Qingshui City, he sent people into Qingshui City and initiated the acquisition of fireworks and firecracker manufacturers, and the largest private individuals in the city Fireworks and embroidery production enterprises were acquired. Based on this, through reasonable process allocation, part of the decentralized processes were handed over to ordinary family workshops for production, and the integrated large enterprises would perform post-design processing and processing.

As for the firework automation equipment, the engineers of Panshi Heavy Industry conducted field inspections on fireworks production. All equipment is integrated in modules, and different firework release equipment can be processed according to different needs.

As long as the design of the fireworks graphics and the specific requirements such as the release sequence are available, Panshi Heavy Industries can come up with a proven solution within three days and specific equipment within a week.

And there is one more point that needs to be explained. This is only in the early stage, and everyone is a little unfamiliar with the newly designed equipment.

Once the employees of Panshi Heavy Industry are familiar with these contents, it will be enough for three days.

As soon as the fireworks automation system was produced, Fan Wuyao immediately ran to Beijing and started to pull business for his own company.

Boss Zhu was a little stunned by Fan Wuyi's appearance in Beijing and he didn't know why he left the busy Jiangnan Province, so when he met him, he asked, "Your father is so busy, why do you have time to come over? Yes, about the Jiangnan Wool Spinning Factory, didn’t I nod and agree?"

There was still a bit of dispute about the Jiangnan Wool Spinning Factory during the meeting of the State Council. Regarding the issue of controlling rights, everyone was arguing very fiercely, but in the end Boss Zhu decided it. Since the original team couldn’t handle it, Then we should abdicate and let the capable people handle it. As for the controlling rights, he said, no matter who holds the controlling shares, the tax revenue cannot escape, and the interests of employees need to be guaranteed. Some things are now seen. I don’t understand, but slowly, I’ve solved the current problem first, and it’s more important than anything else. The living problems of tens of thousands of employees are the most important thing!

After he made such a statement, there were naturally fewer arguing opinions, and the matter passed smoothly.

Fan Wubing heard the words of boss Zhu and said with emotion, “In China, long-term will is still very important, but relying on upright management to achieve national management seems to be a bit behind.”

Boss Zhu didn't comment on this, but asked about the purpose of his visit this time.

When it comes to this matter, Fan Wuyi's interest is still high. He said to Boss Zhu, "I'm here to invite you to watch the fireworks."

"Where do I have time to watch the fireworks with you?" Boss Zhu said half jokingly, "Mr. Fan, you are probably confused? You should find some little girls to watch the fireworks. What kind of fireworks are you pulling my old man to see? "

"It's just watching the video--" Fan Wubing replied with an expression on his face.

Fan Wubing stuffed the dd DVD that he had brought into the D DVD player in Zhu’s boss’s office. By the way, he checked the brand of the DVD player, which is now also his company’s brand, and said with a smile, "Well, thank Zhu The boss’s strong support for our company, this DVD player works well, isn’t it?"

"I don't use it frequently, and I don't know how effective it is?" Boss Zhu replied realistically.

He is so busy at work, where can he have time to watch movies for entertainment?

Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders and said, "The way of civil and martial arts is to relax, and to be a leader has the knack of being a leader, grasping the big and letting go of the small, and can't be careful. Premier Zhou is too tired to leave us early. ."

Boss Zhu picked up the tea cup and said, "Hurry up and work. My time is very tight. I have to go to a foreign affairs event later."

When Fan Wubing released the DVD, Boss Zhu noticed a problem, all of which were dark and lacquered, and he couldn't help but asked with a bit of embarrassment, "Is the machine broken? This is not good! The machines given to the State Council are all used. In a few days, how does this make people think of your company? Isn't this inappropriate!"

"This was filmed at night--" Fan Wubing replied with some speechlessness.

"Oh—" Boss Zhu took a sip of tea, and then watched Fan Wubing want to play a trick?

The dark scene lasted for a few seconds, and then the fireworks started to be set off. The automatic firework release equipment controlled by the program continuously sent a variety of flower patterns to the sky, changing the patterns, and there were digital ones. , There are animal-shaped, and some very complicated patterns in layers, with various tones, very beautiful.

"Are these real or fake?" Boss Zhu couldn't sit still after watching it. He approached the TV and asked Fan Wuyi about the picture on the screen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ of course it was true. Yes, I will not fool you with fakes, am I? Fan Wuyao nodded affirmatively.

After being surprised for a while, Boss Zhu calmed down, rubbed his forehead for a while, and then asked, "Did you return to Hong Kong for 1997? These things are really good, if the actual effect can reach this level. , Then I will recommend your products to the preparatory committee for use."

Fan Wubing replied, "The actual effect is much better than what you can see from this. If you are interested, during the Chinese New Year next year, or in Panshi, or in Changping, Jiangnan Province, how about the real fireworks? "

"Why didn't you get to Beijing?" Boss Zhu asked.

Fan Wuyao paused, and then explained, "Beijing's air quality is bad enough. I really can't bear to increase the burden on the environmental protection department!"

"Cut--" Boss Zhu rolled his eyes at Fan Wuyao.

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