
Vol 5 Chapter 379: The tip of the iceberg

There was no before, now there is. "Fan Wubing replied.

Fan Heng looked around and found nothing. I really don't know what Fan Wubing was doing.

Although it is night, the river embankment is not very dark, and there is a telegraph pole standing there every some distance, and the dim light on it can illuminate the road on the top of the river embankment clearly.

It is winter now, and there are few activities on the river embankment, but in summer, there are many people playing poker in the cool breeze here. The road on the top of the river embankment is often full of private cars. The whole family came to play.

There will also be many vendors selling barbecue and snacks here to solicit business, and there are even some pheasants.

"Do you know what telegraph poles are made of?" Fan Wubing asked suddenly.

Fan Heng smiled, "Cement steel bars, how could I not know this? Anyway, it used to be from a company. In the past, the electric poles used in our factory were all made by ourselves."

The usual electric poles are built out of steel bars and then filled with cement. The interior is often hollow to form a cylindrical shape. It is said that such a structure conforms to the principles of mechanics and is light and strong to use. There is basically no difference between the north and the south. Everyone does this.

"If there are no steel bars in this telegraph pole, what will be the result?" Fan Wubingqi's father said.

"No steel bars?" Fan Heng was stunned for a moment, apparently thinking that Fan Wubing would not be able to assume casually, so he asked, "You mean, there are no steel bars in the middle of the electric poles on the river embankment, they are all cement? Doesn't it mean that these are all solid?"

Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know if it's solid. But there is no steel in it."

The number of telephone poles above the river embankment is not rare. And the role is also very important. When the flood season comes every year. Where the command post on the embankment needs to rely on these lines to provide lighting and to ensure the normal operation of some equipment in other places. If it is because of the quality of the poles. Affect the entire **** on the ground work. That was a very serious accident.

And falsified on the telephone poles. The problem is also very serious. The nature is also very bad.

Fan Heng thought for a moment. The equipment above the embankment was built at the same time as the embankment. In other words, the Water Conservancy Department has moved its hands and feet in this regard. Although there is no steel in a telegraph pole. Can't save much money. But the various telephone poles above the river embankment are added together. The quantity is very impressive. How big a deficit is that?

"Can you be sure of this?" Fan Hyung felt a little worried. So he asked Fan Wuyi for proof.

Fan Wu fell ill and did not speak. He just led Van Hyung to a telegraph pole. Gestured with his hands. A palm slapped it down. Suddenly I saw a large piece of cement being photographed. A large gap in the bowl was exposed on the telephone pole.

Fan Heng leaned over to see that there was no existing steel bars in it, and he couldn't help but furiously said, "What a Qin Yue! I dare to do this kind of thing, I really don't want my life!"

However, when Fan Heng calmed down a little bit, it was found that although the nature of the matter was bad, it was not enough to convict Qin Yue. He could deduce that he was fooled when purchasing, and he could shirk most of the responsibilities, and at best he was a job in a different place. That's it.

Although it was said that Qin Yue was sent away, he could also show his authority, but he still felt that his strength was too small, and his deterrence for Jiangnan Province's officialdom was not enough.

"This is what you told me about the iceberg?" Fan Heng asked his son.

Fan Wubing shook his head and said, "This is the tip of the iceberg."

"There are more serious problems than this?" Fan Heng felt a little surprised when he heard Fan Wuyi's words. It is really hard to believe that there will be so many troubles in Jiangnan Province. There are so many problems in just one water conservancy agency. .

Or, choosing to stay in Rock is the best choice at the beginning. At least I don’t need to think about these intrigues. I only need to develop the economy wholeheartedly. Now, in addition to developing the economy, I also need to fight against these black sheep. It’s really true. It feels exhausted.

Fan Wubing replied, "Of course there are more serious problems in this, but you still don't know it, so that when I uncover the mystery of Jiangnan Province, your expression will be more natural."

"Are you planning to keep me in the dark?" Fan Heng asked with a smile when he heard his son say so confidently and felt more at ease.

"I won't hold you for too long, and you will be angry at that time." Fan Wubing said in his heart that he didn't want his father to get involved in this kind of thing. Here comes, and something goes wrong, it is easy to blame the blame on Fan Hyung.

Even if the root cause is found after investigation, Fan Hyung’s reign in Jiangnan has not found any problems for several years. At least it is a charge of oversight. When the time comes, someone with a heart will push him.

Even if it is completely destroyed, although it may not be guilty of this, but leisure is certain, and there will be no chance to enter the center.

"Don't play with Huo'er." Fan Heng trusts Fan Wuyao very much. His son is not trustworthy, so who else is trustworthy? Besides, Fan Wubing never worried him.

However, Fan Heng still asked, "This kind of thing can be big or small. If it's uncovered in this way, the most likely result will be ignored, because it is really not worth mentioning."

Fan Heng’s words are reasonable. If it was during the flood season when the power support was most needed, the inferior telephone poles fell, causing an accident and affecting the flood prevention cause, this must be strictly held accountable, but the timing is wrong. Even if there is something tricky in it, it is impossible to set off a lot of storms, so he would say this.

"I know in my heart that I promise to make a big scene so that they won't even have a chance to avoid it." Fan Wuxian replied confidently.

After the father and son left the river embankment and returned to Fan Heng's dormitory, Fan Wuyi began to consider how to arrange the game.

At first, his idea was to invite a more influential person to Changping to play, and then accidentally discovered the secret of this telegraph pole on the river embankment, and then attracted the attention of the media, but the traces of doing so were It was too serious, and a person who knew it could tell what was going on at a glance, so Fan Wubing felt that this plan was a bit imperfect.

While he was thinking about it, the old sister Fan Ting called him and said solemnly, "Sir, are you asleep?"

"Huh?!" Fan Wubing didn't understand for a while, so he couldn't help asking back.

"Your princess is here—" In Fan Ting's tone, she didn't know whether it was gloating or what, anyway, she was smiling and grinning, as if there were other people nearby.

When Fan Wubing heard this, he felt a little big head. He didn't expect the Cambodian Princess to find her home in the capital. I don't know how Fan Ting would react after hearing the story between them? Not to mention, if my mother Zhang Mei knew about this, would she scold herself bloody.

Princess Norodom Hassaniya is also considered an infatuated woman. She followed Fan Wuyi's footsteps with such perseverance, from Cambodia to Shanghai, and from Shanghai to the capital. Now looking at this posture, it is likely to be Came from Beijing to Changping.

Fan Wubing subconsciously wanted to tell Fan Ting not to say where he was, but his mind changed in a flash.

A princess visited Changping. Under her guidance, she discovered the problem of telephone poles on the embankment. Wasn't the motivation to be reported by the media even greater? At least the possibility of being conceived intentionally is much smaller. After all, in most people's minds, the princess is not a maid, and is always on call.

Thinking of this, Fan Wubing couldn’t help but smiled knowingly, and then said to Fan Ting, “Oh, there’s nothing you can do with her. Forget it, you can arrange for her to come to Changping. I’ll just entertain her. There are some things, yes. It should be stated clearly, otherwise it will not be a problem to keep entangled in this way."

"It's fine if you know it." Fan Ting approves of Fan Wubing's words.

After that, Fan Ting also talked about his father Fan Heng’s recent predicament in Jiangnan Province, and said to Fan Wuyin, “When you get to Jiangnan, help Dad find a way. His upright temper will probably suffer. ."

Fan Wubing smiled and said, "Don't worry. No matter who you are, as long as you sit in this seat, there will always be a lot of crooked intestines. It is the so-called environment that makes people."

"Okay, the princess is next to me, do you want her to say a few words to you?" Fan Ting asked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ no, she ran to our house? "Fan Wubing suddenly sweated, thinking that this foreign woman is open.

However, Fan Wubing refused very firmly, "Forget it, I don't understand her."

"I can speak Mandarin--" As a result, there was a somewhat blunt voice on the phone, but the princess herself was having some difficulty communicating with him in Mandarin, "In the past two years, I have been working hard to learn Chinese."

Fan Wubing was speechless, and after a long time he said, "Well, your Royal Highness, I officially invite you to visit Changping. There are still a lot of fun things here. In addition, we can also have in-depth exchanges between us. Thing."

"Okay, I will book the air ticket tomorrow, no, I will book the air ticket now." The princess replied very happily after hearing Fan Wuyi's words.

After Fan Wubing hung up the phone, he let out a long sigh, his heart said that the price paid this time was a bit big.

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