
Vol 5 Chapter 388: Jump from here

It was Fan Wubing who emphasized one point in the end, "It is necessary to pay close attention to the problem of car and other things. As for the additional configuration, more or less, it is all clear where the money is going."

"Boss, don't worry. Our crash test is the first one used in China, so there is no need to mention anything else." Wu Xiaoji assured Fan Wuyi, "It's just when the mini car will be launched. ?"

Fan Wubing considered it for a while, and then said, "You are launching a mini car now, and the user group is not large. My opinion is to finalize the design and perfect the technology, and then launch it according to the timing. The main work of the first stage is still It’s better to put it on the top of the off-road vehicle."

The complex terrain in China is the basis for the survival of off-road vehicles, especially many government departments often go to the countryside. Indispensable off-road vehicles with good performance and strong adaptability are used. As for the higher fuel consumption, it is not a problem. Anyway, How many people care about public reimbursement?

Two major cases in Jiangnan Province, the case of a 20 billion funding loophole is not easy to publicize, so it can only be handled internally. Two former officials from Jiangnan Province were double-regulated, and more than a dozen people involved were transferred to justice. Handling, not publicly pronounced.

As for the Jiangdi case, the impact was too great, and the people’s anger was so great that it would not be enough to not kill the civilians. Therefore, after Fan Hyung put forward the proposal of a public trial, the senior officials agreed after considering it. On the one hand, the complaints of Jiangnan Province were quelled. On the one hand, it can also let domestic and foreign governments see the determination and courage of the domestic government in anti-corruption, which is worth a try.

Of course, this public trial does not refer to the usual shooting of homicides, a grand event involving 10,000 people in the stadium. This was conducted in a conference room that can accommodate 500 spectators. The whole process was broadcasted by provincial channels. So everyone Sitting at home, you can watch the whole trial.

This live broadcast also created a grand event for thousands of people. Many people watched the trial process live on TV at home. Neighbourhoods were also discussing the Jiangdi case. Everyone made up with Acting Governor Fan Heng as soon as he took office. I was very excited about such a big scene.

The people's aversion to corrupt officials has a long history, but they never thought that this time the attack would be so strong. Dozens of officials and deputy department-level officials at or above the county and department level were dropped at the same time, which is definitely one thing in China. An incredible event.

Therefore, it was not only broadcast live on TV stations in Jiangnan Province. Even many brother provinces, cities, and local television stations are competing to broadcast this trial. Caused a new peak in ratings. It is several percentage points higher than the case of Wang Chen. The ratings of popular TV dramas far past prime time.

The persons involved in the case are under the accusations of detailed evidence and witnesses. They all expressed their willingness to plead guilty to commit crimes. Obey the verdict. Therefore, the entire trial process is relatively easy. It is nothing more than stating the facts. The suspect pleaded guilty. After that, he was convicted and sentenced through normal legal procedures. Rao is so. It took three days to complete the trial and sentence of this major case.

The final result was six life imprisonment. The rest were sentenced to fifteen to ten years in prison. In addition, fines or confiscation of illegally obtained and huge amounts of property from unknown sources.

As for the two senior figures involved. Then disappeared immediately. The whereabouts are unknown. Even Van Hyung didn't know how they were dealt with. All in all, these two people have already steamed in the country.

After dealing with this big case. The prestige of Acting Governor Fan Heng in the interior of Jiangnan Province has risen to the point where it cannot be increased for a while. Residents near the river embankment even beat gongs and drums to send the "Blue Sky Reappears. Jiangnan Yifan" flags and plaques. In order to thank him for resisting the tremendous pressure in the Jiangdi case. Finally helped the people of Jiangnan get back justice.

However, Fan Heng and Fan Wu's father and son are very clear. There is a long way to go to clear up the local problems in Jiangnan Province. Only one of them has been solved right now. But this kind of big case is not always accessible to the ground. If not for that strange e-mail address. At this time, it is still very difficult to open a breakthrough in the Jiangnan River Embankment case.

"Can the technical department find this person?" Fan Heng specifically mentioned this issue when he held the celebration party.

"There is no way yet." The technical department person replied with embarrassment.

Speaking of this, Fan Wuyi is still to blame.

Because of the competition between Fan Investment Group and the State Administration of Telecommunications, the two companies are in a big fight, pulling business everywhere to pull network equipment, so now many places in Changping can easily access the Internet, and many government departments, schools and other units are also connected. Go online.

This makes it very difficult to trace the source of e-mails. After all, there is no mature and effective monitoring mechanism for Internet access, and there is no record precedent for Internet access in public places. It is not known who is online, when and where. NS.

But after Ip tracking arrived at Jiangnan Normal University in Jiangnan Province, there was nothing to do, because it was in the public computer room.

Did not make a record of the machine.

The most terrible thing is that the current e-mail registration has no restrictions at all, and the registration information can be false, so it is impossible to get to the bottom in this direction.

However, Fan Wubing still suggested that Fan Heng personally sent a reply letter to the e-mail box to express his gratitude, and hoped to know the true identity of the other party and related information, and the provincial government would give rewards.

The other party was rather calm, and after a delay of more than ten days, when everyone almost couldn't remember the matter, another email came over, and it was still a bunch of garbled characters.

Not bothering the two masters for nothing, Fan Heng's technical department naturally asked s'experts to help decipher it, and the content of the letter was quickly revealed.

The other party expressed regret in his heart and bluntly said that he had something to do with the person involved in the case, so he understood the inside story, and originally only wanted to show off his skills, but did not expect that he had processed and processed the content of the letter, and the police would be able to do so. Seeing through the fog to get the real information, I feel very distressed now, but I will never appear in front of everyone.

"If people don't come out, there is no way," Fan Wubing said to Fan Heng. "But it's better to continue the tracing work. You should keep in touch with this e-mail box from time to time, or one day the other party will be negligent, and the truth will be revealed. Shaped."

Fan Heng nodded, and handed over this difficult task to the technical department, asking them to make this the first major challenge after the establishment of the department.

After resolving this major case, what Fan Hyung will face is to rectify the economic order in the province.

In particular, it is the tofu residue project that has invested heavily in the construction of the Changping River Embankment in Jiangnan Province.

The Changping River Embankment has been under construction since 1991. The total investment is about 2 billion yuan. The province and the central government each bear half of the funds. This was originally a benefit to the people in the south of the Yangtze River. This is a great thing, but it turned into a tofu project because of the corruption of the officials in Jiangnan Province. It really makes people feel a little angry.

According to the inspection of meteorological and hydrological experts in the province, it is estimated that the Yangtze River near the south of the Yangtze River will encounter a once-in-decade flood peak this year when the flood season arrives. How to strengthen the river embankment before the arrival of the flood season to ensure the safety of the people in the south of the Yangtze River. Threat.

On this matter, Fan Wubing did not back down. He directly donated 500 million yuan to Jiangnan Province in his own name as funds for repairing the river embankment this year. Fan Heng did not shy away from accepting this.

But how should this money be used? Fan Heng himself was not easy to intervene, so he set up a special fund operation committee, and hired social elites to participate in the supervision and management of the provincial school, to indicate that the provincial government will never repeat the mistakes of the predecessor on this issue, but will The money was actually used completely for the construction of the river embankment.

The people in the provincial capital have also unexpectedly supported the provincial government in rebuilding the river embankment. Because the rebuilding of the river embankment is to protect everyone’s interests, all units have called for participation in the construction, and many people are here. Participated in the call for voluntary labor during holidays.

Although mechanized operations are mainly used in the construction of river embankments, the enthusiasm for participation of the masses has an unprecedented impact on the progress of the entire project. Investigate the dangerous location ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to ensure that all loopholes are blocked before the flood season.

Because of the importance of the Jiangnan Dike, Boss Zhu specially flew over from Beijing and inspected the construction site accompanied by Fan Heng and other leaders of Jiangnan Province. He spoke highly of the self-participation of the people in Jiangnan Province.

On the river embankment, facing the fierce river breeze, Boss Zhu said to the person in charge of the units involved in the construction, “You must not have any problems this time! The Jiangnan embankment is guarding more than three million people in Changping. It is not only the 60 million Jiangnan people, but also the spiritual sustenance of the 1.3 billion Chinese people! It will not be and cannot be the flood that broke our levee! If there is any problem, I can only be worthy of jumping from here. the whole nation!"

Fan Heng said next to him, "How could you jump? If something goes wrong, I should be the one who jumped down! If there are still problems with the embankment after such an ordeal, it's me. Heng's dereliction of duty!"

Then Fan Heng became excited, and pointed to an open space next to him, and said, "Today, I will erect a monument here. It says that the embankment is here, and the embankment destroys me! The inscription must be clearly written. It's me, Fan Hyung!"

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