
Vol 5 Chapter 390: Beidou system

Although the economic situation in the past few years has been a bit severe, in Fan Wubing's view, even Boss Zhu is frowning. Could it be that there is something wrong with him?

Naturally, he couldn't ask clearly about this matter, so he called Jiang Lue and asked what was so serious recently? Boss Zhu's tears are not just because of watching the show, right?

Although Boss Zhu has a true temperament, he can be regarded as Tie Hanwu. The opportunities for this kind of true feelings to be revealed are really rare, which makes Fan Wubing a little puzzled.

Jiang Lue was a little humming haha ​​on the phone. He was not willing to reveal the inside story, so he said to Fan Wuyao in a hurry, "Anyway, you will be here soon for the elder's routine check. When the time comes, Or the number one leader will meet you, so you can ask him directly. Or if the elder leader is in good spirits, he can also talk to you."

"You just tell me that it's over? What makes it so maddening?" Fan Wuyao became more and more weird.

"Oh, the ugliness of the family should not be exaggerated--" Jiang Lue shook his head, but still didn't say.

Fan Wubing went to Beijing to check the body of the elder this time, and the reception he received was higher than usual, but this time the review work was also stricter. At the same time, before he went up the mountain, all the guards had changed. , Are all newcomers.

"You're here—sit—" The old elder was basking in the sun, nodded when he saw Fan Wuyi's arrival, and ordered him to sit down.

Fan Wubing pulled a chair by himself, sat down in front of the old elder, and watched him close his eyes to calm his mind. After five minutes, the old elder opened his eyes and said, "I have learned to raise my qi with others recently. Yes, it's easy to fall asleep."

Hearing what the elder said, Fan Wubing smiled and replied, "It's not bad to fall asleep. This is a deep sleep, which is beneficial to the recovery of the body. It is better than sleeping with sleeping pills."

Many elders have reached this age. Everyone is not down to earth. It's probably because I thought too much when I was young. Later, overuse of the brain caused some weakness in the nervous system. Basically, it is difficult to sleep soundly. And sleeping pills are actually drinking poison to quench thirst. Once used, it will become dependent. And constantly taking sleeping pills. It will make the body have strong drug resistance. One slice works. After that, it was a handful.

If you can be like the old man. You can fall asleep by raising your qi. That's an unexpected harvest.

The old man nodded and said. "Did you notice. Our guards have changed this time?"

"I saw it. It feels very strange. Is there anything inconvenient?" Fan Wubing answered honestly.

"Jiang Lue didn't they tell you?" the elder asked.

"God is mysterious and secret. Hesitating. It doesn't seem to dare to speak." Fan Wuyao replied.

"Oh, they are like this, their ugliness can't be publicized——" The old man shook his head and said, "I was slapped in my face recently, and I couldn't make it out. I was sulking by myself. Naturally, I felt miserable. Can't come out."

"Isn't it?" Fan Wuyao's curiosity was immediately aroused.

Although the elder does not ask about political affairs, it only refers to general affairs. Whenever a major event is encountered, the senior management still has to report to the work. After all, after so many years of military service, coupled with the subsequent decades of national construction, The experience of the elders is so rich and so old that ordinary people can't compare them. Their decisiveness is also very supportive of the current leadership.

"Do you know something about the missile crisis a while ago?" the elder asked.

Fan Wubing nodded and replied, "I heard that, didn't you say it was good? The missiles were shot very accurately, and the Americans were scared away."

The official propaganda is that the deterrence action played a role. The arrogance of the elements was severely hit. Three missiles landed accurately in the designated area, achieving the strategic intent, and the Americans approached the center of the Taiwan Strait and the two aircraft carriers were also followed by submarines. , Was forced to retreat.

That's why Fan Wubing made these remarks, which is completely consistent with the official statement.

After listening, the old man said angrily, "That's propaganda!"

After listening to the elder's explanation, Fan Wubing found out the truth of the matter, and he couldn't help but feel a little frustrated in his heart.

In March, due to Lee Teng-hui's excessive behavior, the relationship between Beijing and Taipei fell into a state of high tension. Beijing believes that this is Taiwan's move towards complete independence.

In order to combat Lee Teng-hui’s arrogance, the military carried out a large-scale military exercise, conducting missile test launches and amphibious boarding 6 exercises in the Taiwan Strait. The United States dispatched two aircraft carriers, Independence and Nimitz, to the adjacent Taiwan waters for military deterrence. .

The bureau resisted American pressure and fired three missiles in the East China Sea less than 20 kilometers away from the military base in Keelung, Taiwan, as a warning.

The old man said, "The first missile hit the target accurately.

However, just as everyone applauded for this success

We were suddenly unable to track the second and third missiles. "

"Ah?!" Fan Wuyi was taken aback. Is there anything tricky in it?

Although the current domestic missile technology is inferior to the advanced technology of Western countries, it is not so miserable at Sany, right? If there is no problem in this, Fan Wubing himself doesn't believe it either.

"Post-event military analysis showed that these two failures may have been caused by the sudden interruption of the GPS signal." A middle-aged man in casual clothes next to the elder said, "We infer that it was probably the Americans who intervened."

When Fan Wubing heard this, he understood it in his heart.

Most modern missiles are guided by the computer system and satellite positioning installed inside, and the loss of satellite signals will seriously reduce the accuracy.

Because the country has not yet developed its own satellite positioning system, the military must now rely on commercial gpss for guidance, which makes it easy for the United States to intervene on us.

"This is a great shame for us, an unforgettable shame! We must make up our minds to open our own global satellite navigation and positioning system, no matter how much money it costs! Satellite navigation and positioning system is something we must have. , We have realized this through painful lessons!" The middle-aged man in casual clothes said a little angrily.

Fan Wubing glanced at the middle-aged man, and thought that this is probably a senior military general, otherwise it would not be possible to react so strongly. After all, this time, although it is secret, it is naturally not a secret to the senior military. Everyone. I felt resentment in my stomach.

GPS is completely controlled and operated by the U.S. government. Once there is an emergency in the country, the U.S. government can shut down GPS for use by the U.S. side only. At that time, the White House was worried about the Big 6 missiles and sent the Aegis warships to monitor the situation. The two missiles suddenly lost their targets. It is very likely that the Americans have intervened. A brief shutdown of the gpss is enough to enable the two missiles that rely on this system to navigate. Missing.

After Fan Wubing understood the reasons for this, he nodded and replied, "Now we don't have our own satellite navigation system, which is equivalent to having no eyes! This thing must be made!"

Fan Wuyi is also clear about the current domestic situation. Although the economy is very prosperous, it is still far from the point where real money can be spent. Foreign exchange reserves are still less than 100 billion U.S. dollars. Under this situation, I want to It takes a lot of determination to invest a lot of money, manpower and material resources to develop satellite navigation and positioning systems that are very expensive.

"Speaking of which, we want to thank Mr. Fan." The middle-aged man in casual clothes thanked Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wubing asked with some curiosity, "We don't seem to know each other? Why do you have a word of thanks?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "The satellite that President Fan got back last time has helped us a lot. It has saved us a lot of detours. Now we plan to build our own satellite navigation system within ten years. The system, there is a lot of credit for you, Mr. Fan, which is much more than the contribution made by the design of the snowstorm torpedo in the past."

Fan Wubing said with a smile, "It's not so exaggerated, it's just nonsense. If it's not for a little money, it won't be so tossing." But he went on to ask, "The American satellite navigation system. It's called gpss, what's ours?"

"Beidou! The Beidou used to guide the course!" the middle-aged man replied very positively.

Big Dipper? ! Fan Wuyao was stunned. He knew the reputation of the Beidou system very well, but he did not expect that the origin of the Beidou system turned out to be this. The intervention of the Americans led to the determination of the Chinese to independently develop satellite navigation systems. This kind of thing is a blessing in disguise.

If this kind of thing is not born~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or the country has not made up its mind to engage in its own satellite navigation system, this time I was awakened by the Americans. How can my own destiny and vision depend on it? American commercial satellite navigation system?

Thinking of this, Fan Wuyao couldn't help but feel excited, "It must cost a lot of money to do this thing?"

"There will always be tens of billions of funds. We are worried about how to implement this fund. It is really very difficult--" the middle-aged man looked at Fan Wuyao eagerly and said, as if he was the minister of the Ministry of Finance.

Fan Wubing couldn't help but want to slap his own mouth. Since people say this, do they answer it or not? If you take it, it hurts, if you don’t take it, your conscience will be condemned!

The old man couldn't help laughing when he saw Fan Wubing's embarrassment.

"Then I will sponsor a little bit, but don't let people know, otherwise it will be very troublesome." Fan Wuyao said distressedly.

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