
Vol 5 Chapter 392: The college era that is about to be unveiled

Ming quickly got in touch with the business, and Fan Wubing also communicated with them.

In fact, Fan Wubing plays an important role in the entire rare earth industry, so after listening to his explanation, the senior executives immediately agreed to his opinion, and only the relevant units gave the green light all the way to create obstacles.

The reaction of the Japanese was indeed expected by Fan Wubing. Although Fan Wubing offered twice the price, they still accepted it through gritted teeth. After all, money is very profitable, but rare earth resources are what they have been eager for. Yes, according to the current situation, they once judged that the Chinese would not enlarge their exports, but they did not expect that Fan Wubing would actually agree to this business. Although the price was too high, it was not unacceptable.

Their only concern is whether the Chinese government will interfere with this. Therefore, it is better to reach an agreement as soon as possible and ship the goods back in time.

Therefore, as soon as the two sides reached an agreement, the Japanese eagerly sent a delegation to Shanghai, preparing to negotiate with Fan Wuyi, in order to urge these rare earths to be shipped to Japan as soon as possible.

This batch of rare earth minerals cost the Japanese a total of 3.2 billion U.S. dollars. It can be said to be the largest rare earth transaction in history. The Japanese also feel a little distressed, but it is worth thinking about it carefully.

Fan Wubing spent a few days with Shen Ying and Shen Peiming in Beijing, before both set off for Shanghai. On the one hand, he wanted to discuss business with the Japanese. On the other hand, Fan Wubing was already facing graduation at this time. With some emotion, Shen Ying understood his feelings, so she postponed the time to return to the Shandong winery, and made a special trip to accompany him to Shanghai.

"Do you have any thoughts about the college life that is about to pass away?" On the plane, Shen Ying asked Fan Wubing, who was sitting next to him.

Fan Wubing thought for a while, shook his head and replied, "There is really nothing to pay too much attention to. I think that in the past four years of college, it is actually completing tasks. To tell you the truth, exams are all done by cheating. Most of my time is still spent on business matters."

"You are more honest, at least you didn't tell me any bitter shit." Shen Ying smiled.

Seeing the flight attendant of Fan's Air Ground pushing the car passing by. When asking if you need any food. Shen Ying couldn't help but said to Fan Wuyao. "Food, clothing, housing, transportation, and entertainment. Now it's all run by you. What will you do next? I always think. You won't be the kind of person who can stay in one place."

Fan Wubing smiled. "You don't think people are bad. Next. I have considered retirement."

"Puff-retirement?!" Shen Ying just took a sip of coffee. Hearing this, he immediately vomited on the front seat.

Fan Wubing looked at the dirty seat back with a little distress. Said to Shen Ying. "Oh! Can't you be more careful? These are all our planes. It costs money to wash the seat cover of the backrest. It is also ours. It doesn't matter if you spray it over. You have to waste dozens of dollars on our land. What about the dry cleaning fee!"

"According to you. These beautiful flight attendants are also ours?" Shen Ying couldn't help but smile.

"These are all long-term workers in our employment," Fan Wuyao replied.

Obviously, the long-term workers in our employment site were a bit dissatisfied with the owner. They saw that the cover on the seat back was soiled. The two flight attendants had to put down other things in their hands and ran over, saying sorry to the guests in the front row. The cover was removed and replaced with a new one, and then the coffee liquid spilled on the carpet was cleaned up with tools. The two of them were busy for a long time.

Shen Ying saw that the two flight attendants were busy, but did not express any displeasure. She couldn't help but feel a little sad, so she said to Fan Wubian, "The quality of the flight attendants in your company is really good, and there are no complaints at all. The things will be cleaned up soon, it seems that the usual training is in place!"

"This is the most basic thing. In fact, if you just scold her, she will never use bad words at each other." Fan Wubing is not surprised by this. He is still more confident about the quality of his company's employees. Of course, this is only for flight attendants. As for some other companies, it is difficult to say, or when you scold him, it is possible for him to use his fist.

However, Shen Ying soon came up with another question. She frowned and asked, "Who designed your Fan's air flight attendants? Why is the skirt so short?"

She asked this for no reason, because when the two flight attendants squatted down to pack their things, Shen Ying discovered that their skirts were a bit too short, so that the thighs wearing silk stockings were exposed.

Fan Wuyi avoided answering, but instead said to Shen Ying, “According to a survey, the attendance rate of an airplane flight is inversely proportional to the length of the flight attendant’s skirt. In other words, the shorter the flight attendant’s skirt, the more the attendance rate will be. The higher. Based on this point of view, our company designed this uniform dress. Although the skirt is a bit short, but

It's pleasing to the eyes, girls wear short skirts, aren't they just to show their most beautiful to everyone? This is also a manifestation of the value of life! "

After hearing this explanation from Fan Wubing, Shen Ying asked with a smile, "If I dress like this, would you think it would be a pleasing feeling?"

"That won't work!" Fan Wuyao immediately denied, "You can only wear it to me alone! When you are outside, it's best to wrap it up tightly and look like an Arab woman!"

"Why are you doing this? I have to consider whether to marry you--" Shen Ying protested somewhat dissatisfied.

After Fan Wuyi got off the plane, he greeted the people at the headquarters. Instead of going directly, he took Shen Ying to visit his dormitory in Fudan.

Shen Ying didn't expect Fan Wubing to transform the dormitory into a deluxe room, so she couldn't help but smiled and said, "You are losing money now? I think you haven't lived here for a few days, right?"

Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's really true."

However, he thought of the time he spent with Tong Xiaoyun here, and he couldn't help but feel distracted. After a long time, he turned around, only to see Shen Ying sitting on his bed staring at herself in a daze.

"How do you use this look? It feels a little weird?" Fan Wuyao asked uncomfortably.

"It feels weird to me here--" Shen Ying stared at Fan Wuyao and said, "Are you fooling around with other women here?"

"Nothing!" Fan Wuyao denied immediately, "This is the school!"

"Really not?!" Shen Ying asked in disbelief, "I always think there is a smell of other women here."

Fan Wuyi’s scalp suddenly felt a little numb, and the girl’s feelings were really sensitive. She hadn’t been here for a long time, and Shen Ying could smell Tong Xiaoyun’s smell all at once, she was a hound. Don't have such a strong ability, right? Or, should this come down to the sixth sense?

Fortunately, Shen Ying did not struggle with this issue, but was somewhat interested in seeing what Fan Wuyao's headquarters looks like in Shanghai.

When Fan Wubing heard this request, he was in the right place. He was also worried that Tong Xiaoyun would suddenly come here, when his fiancée and his first woman collided with each other. It was really a dilemma where to put this position.

So Fan Wubing took Shen Ying to his Gemini Tower.

Shen Ying was amused when she saw the Twin Towers, "Haha! This must be your masterpiece? It's completely plagiarizing the World Trade Center in the United States. There is no creativity at all, and the height is a little bit worse. Did not show momentum."

"Our nest is not called Gemini Tower, but Tianwaitian!" Fan Wuyao explained immediately.

Shen Ying looked at the number of floors in the two buildings, and suddenly realized, "No wonder, the 33rd floor is heaven! That said, it's so creative."

"It's more than a little bit, it's a genius!" Fan Wubing first boasted, and then said to Shen Ying mysteriously, "Tell you a secret! I think there is a problem with the Feng Shui of the World Trade Center, and it must last for a long time. So just imitate this and did this. If there is a problem with their building, our building will become a spotlight!"

"Really? You always like to show off feudal superstition. Are you a college student in the new era?" Shen Ying said with a smile.

Although the two people are talking and laughing here, Shen Ying can feel a feeling of parting in Fan Wubing's words and deeds. Although Fan Wubing has only been in Fudan for four years, he has not made friends. How much, but she has reason to believe that Fan Wubing is still more affectionate for this alma mater ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ who has stayed for four years in name.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be what he is now.

Well, after all, he is still a loving and righteous person. Shen Ying looked at Fan Wuyi, thinking so in her heart.

However, what Fan Wuyao thought in his heart was not what Shen Ying thought in his heart. Most of his thoughts are now on meeting with the Japanese. How to complete this business quickly is the current situation. The most important thing.

After a while, as the situation in the Taiwan Strait eases and the signal of reconciliation between China and the United States is released, this grim situation is eliminated. I want to squeeze more oil from the Japanese, I am afraid it is not easy. NS.

"The timing is often in that instant. If you seize it, you seize it. If you can't grasp it, there will be no such opportunity in the future!" Fan Wuyao secretly said to himself.

"I'm going to your office to take a look." Shen Ying said to Fan Wuyao.

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