
Vol 5 Chapter 364: It's an old friend visiting again

Anyone who is interrupted at this critical moment of **** will change.

Fan Wubing would naturally be no exception. He now gritted his teeth with hatred for the Ming Group's President Ye who did not know where he came from.

So he decided to take a look in person, what is the origin of this President Ye?

After going downstairs with Shen Ying, Shen Ying kicked him calmly, and then walked away.

"Damn! This little girl is so cruel, didn't she just touch her? If she was circumcised, she wouldn't be able to chase me around the world with a kitchen knife?!" Fan Wuyao was held and kicked. Ankle bone, gritted his teeth and said.

The female secretaries looked a little strange at Fan Wu's expression.

"I can't help but laugh, holding it back, it looks like it's not having a smooth bowel movement!" Fan Wuyao said to them angrily.

"Punch--haha--" Now the children's secretaries covered their mouths and laughed.

Fan Wubing sat in his boss chair, tilted his foot on the table, and asked, "What does Ming Group do? I don't know Mr. Ye?"

A female secretary immediately replied, "Hee hee. Ming Group is a large company that has just arrived in Shanghai for the exhibition. It is said that their business scope is very wide, mainly engaged in some automation equipment, and also engaged in some real estate development and import and export business. Very big. This Ye is always the third person in the company, and it is said that he has two bosses above him."

"Does our company have any contact with them?" Fan Wuyao asked with some doubts.

The female secretary replied. "We haven't contacted yet. But President Ye has a big name in Shanghai. And he himself said that he always knows Fan before. Now there is business cooperation. So we will inform President Fan."

Old knowledge? Fan Wubing rubbed his forehead. Mind you, don’t I know Mr. Ye? Especially this Ming Group. It is unheard of. But since the other party dared to say so. It is estimated that it will not be a false land. Otherwise, the boss of a famous company in Shanghai lied. Isn't it a matter of giving someone a handle?

"Yeah. Then ask him to come up." Fan Wubing finally nodded in agreement.

A female secretary immediately bent down and called the receptionist in the office below. When she bent down to the ground. Fan Wubing was surprised to see Xuebai's eye-catching Xiaogougou. Can not help but feel a little bit emotional. Now this dress. But it's getting more and more exposed!

soon. The director of the Ming Group came up. Was led in by a female secretary at the front desk.

Damn it! Fan Wubing only glanced at this President Ye and was speechless.

The person here is not someone else, but Ye Tian, ​​Ouyang Xiaowei's real brother!

"Why did you come to Shanghai? What's the matter with that Ming Group?" Fan Wubing asked.

Ye Tian looked at the furnishings in Fan Wuyi's office and said haha, "Fan's investment in the big boss of the land, it is really magnificent|Well! This office is the best for me."

When the female secretaries saw this scene, they immediately relaxed, saying that President Ye did not speak nonsense, he and Fan always knew each other!

Fan Wubing waved his hand and ordered the secretaries to retreat. Then he asked Ye Tian to sit down and found him two cans of beer. "You haven't answered my question yet. What's the matter?"

Ye Tian opened a can of beer, took two sips, and then said, "Why don't you go to my sister these days?"

"Why can there be?" Fan Wubing said with a headache, "Your sister is too obsessed with feelings, how can I tolerate me and other girls?"

Ye Tian said after hearing this, "I still agree with Xiaowei's point of view. Playboys like us are really not good partners for marriage."

Fan Wuyao rolled his eyes and said, "That's you, I'm not a playboy! I'm serious about feelings!"

Ye Tian curled his lips and said, "You are serious about feelings, but you are not specific. This is probably why Xiaowei wants to avoid you."

Fan Wubing shook his head, saying that this matter really cannot be forced, so he asked, "How has she been recently?"

"It's okay. I worked very hard in that academy, and now I've been promoted to a major." Ye Tian mentioned his sister, still a little proud.

"Major?!" Fan Wuyi was taken aback, a little unbelievable.

For example, after Ouyang Xiaowei and the others graduated from the school, they usually have the rank of second lieutenant. It might be better to be called lieutenant. Unexpectedly, she has been put on the rank of major if she is not doing well now? This is a very rare thing.

So Fan Wuyao asked, "How could it be like this, doing meritorious service?"

"It is said that there was a particularly important contribution, and she would not say more about it. Anyway, she is now a major. There are many teachers in their college, which is just a major." Ye Tian replied.

Oh, Fan Wubing nodded, thinking that Ouyang Xiaowei must have been working hard in the academy. With her qualifications, if she set her heart to drill into a certain field, she could indeed have

Yes, this is probably because I don’t have any sustenance on my own feelings, so it turned into it?

Thinking of this, Fan Wubing couldn't help but shook his head sadly, and then said to Ye Tian, ​​"You are running over to find me this time, what are you going to say?"

Ye Tian took out an envelope and handed it to Fan Wubing, "You will understand after reading this."

Fan Wubing Yiyan opened the envelope, and after reading the contents, he said in disbelief, "It's unimaginable that you actually worked for the military--"

It turns out that the Ming Group that Ye Tian worked for at this time was a company where the military cooperated with Fan Wuyi for money laundering. This time Ye Tian came over to discuss with him how to collect money in the next operation so that it would not be easy to be spotted by others.

It is hard to imagine that Huahua, one of the eight major pests in Beijing, like Ye Tian, ​​could actually be transformed into a spokesperson for the military's interests? Fan Wubing felt that the changes in this world were too great.

Ye Tian laughed a little proudly, "Actually, my father has always had a good relationship with the military. Recently, because of some things, the military needed to establish a fixed agency company, so I was chosen as a shield. This Ming Group That is, my family gave out part of the funds, and then the military gave part of the funds to form a group together. In addition to doing some real estate business to make some money, the main purpose is to help the military handle some relatively secret businesses."

Business secretly? Naturally, Fan Wubing knew what it was referring to. It was nothing more than selling some arms. This matter also had its own part, but he didn't expect the military to consider more comprehensively now. He actually has established an agency company for external liaison. If such a company comes to deal with itself, it is indeed more secure, even if it is not easy to get into trouble.

Thinking of this, Fan Wuyao thought with a bit of bosom, did the military know his relationship with Ye Tian, ​​so he specifically selected him as a partner? Probably this possibility is not ruled out.

"What's the matter again this time?" Fan Wubing asked Ye Tiandao.

Ye Tianshen secretly said to Fan Wuyao, "This time we plan to sell a jamming bomb, the kind of special missile that can disrupt electronic communications."

It turned out that because of the missile crisis in the Taiwan Strait, the military's senior officials were very angry. They put forward a retaliatory opinion about the crash of the US military's manufacturing of gpss, which is to sell a batch of jamming bombs without nameplates to the Middle East. go.

Ye Tian came here this time, just to discuss with Fan Wuyao about how to successfully complete the transaction.

The situation in the Middle East has always been chaotic. The reason is probably that the Americans regard it as their own weapons testing ground. If they have any new weapons, they always have to squeeze those Arab chiefs to buy a little, and then fight against them. It is a good thing to do two things with one blow, that is, to test the performance of the weapon and the real lethality, and to make a windfall.

"This kind of thing can be done." In fact, Fan Wubing is also dissatisfied with the Americans' hand-holding behavior for a long time. If they can use this kind of jamming bomb to cause them a little trouble, by the way, make more money. Xiaoqian is also a Coke thing, so he thought about it and said to Ye Tian, ​​"How much is the amount this time?"

Ye Tian replied, "The other party has already tested the samples and is very satisfied. When a large number of goods arrive at the port, the money can be collected. But this time, the money to be collected is a little bit more, about 1 billion U.S. dollars, so everyone is here. How can Chou get a reasonable title?"

"Billion U.S. dollars?!" Fan Wubing stared straight after hearing this. It's impossible for such a large arms deal to be noticed.

Although the other party must have some secret overseas accounts, such a large amount of international transfers will definitely make Americans and other Western countries aware of ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ After careful investigation, it is impossible to find things. The truth is still more dangerous.

Although the arms sold by the Chinese are less than 1% of what the Americans sell, it is still very unfavorable under the hype of the Western media. Therefore, it is necessary to find an easier to explain excuse.

Fan Wubing thought for a while under the sun, and then said to Ye Tian, ​​"This matter, it's better to be a gimmick later."

"What gimmick?" Ye Tian asked very curiously.

"Let them send a wealthy businessman here and set up a gambling game. If one loses 800 million, won't it be over?" Fan Wuyao said very naturally.

"A billion dollar win or lose gambling game?!" Ye Tian wiped out a cold sweat after hearing this, and finally smiled bitterly, "You are much harder than me! No wonder they want me to come to you to discuss it! It seems they did it. It really makes sense!"

Fan Wuyao smiled slightly, thinking that this is pediatrics.

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