
Vol 5 Chapter 399: Big gain

When Tian Mao is so docile, Fan Wu is ill of himself. The price has gone up by 50%, but this is only two words, but it also cost the Japanese more than one billion US dollars. There is no treacherous disaster.

Had it not been mentioned by Wu Zhi Xiaoji that Toyota had a competitive relationship with its own automobile industry in rare earth products, Fan Wubing would not have thought of arguing and drew boss Zhu to act with him.

This time, the cost is not small, and the income from it will still be handed over to a large part of the general equipment department chaired by Director Zhang. This is also the promise that Fan Wubing made to Boss Zhu.

But in any case, this time the business was a complete victory, which not only solved Director Zhang's urgent need, gave him sufficient funds for the Beidou project, and a large part of the surplus could be used for other projects.

When Director Zhang learned the news, he wished to rush over and kiss Fan Wushen. Now he doesn’t need to cry poor with Boss Zhu anymore. The research funds for the next ten years are basically in place, so what’s wrong? Satisfied?

Fan Wubing is not at a loss. Even though Director Zhang has been stripped of his skin, the profit left by him is also considerable, enough to keep the rare earth mines and processing plants in operation for three years. This is exactly what he said. No opening for three years, three years after opening.

Three years of full reserves can not only allow one to hoard a huge resource pool, but also make the price of rare earths on the international market soar. If it is sold at that time, the profits will just go up.

As for the Jiangnan Province under Fan Hyung's power, it has received 500 million US dollars of free aid from the Japanese government and 2 billion US dollars of interest-free loans. The loan repayment time is five years, which can be said to be a very critical support.

For some reason, it is not convenient for Fan Wubing to directly invest a lot of money in Jiangnan Province to help his father Fan Hengzhan's economy. Therefore, the conditions proposed by Murata Shigeru this time made Fan Wubing very interested. Such a large amount of funds is enough. To make up for the capital gap caused by the previous appointment in Jiangnan Province.

With the support of such abundant funds, Fan Heng can safely and boldly reform the mechanism of enterprises in the province, solve the accumulated disadvantages that have survived for many years, reverse the decline of Jiangnan Province in one fell swoop, and let it enter the fast lane of economic development as soon as possible.

In a word. Fan Wubing is the kind of guy who doesn't see rabbits or scatter eagles. Wait until the Japanese promise is fulfilled. He just started his own warehouse. The rare earths that have been promised will be shipped out. Loaded on the freighter waiting for Shanghai here a long time ago. Ship to Japan.

"In this way. The Japanese have a year of strategic reserves." Some people still feel a little repulsive about this.

Fan Wuyi said. "What happened to the strategic reserve for one year? I won't be ready to export within three years!"

Others treat him as just talking. But his prospective father-in-law Shen Peiming has publicly stated. Fan Wubing never talks nonsense. Since he said that he is not going to export for three years. Then it will definitely not be exported.

However, Shen Ying did not agree with this. So he called and asked about Fan Wubing. Sure enough, Fan said without illness. "Three years is just a rough estimate. If the opportunity is good, it will not be so rigid and dogmatic. Making money is the first place. I am acting now. It is just to cooperate with the government. Help them raise funds. Next. This kind of thing doesn't exist once. You can toss as you want."

"It's hard to imagine that you can make so much money from the Japanese." Shen Ying admired Fan Wuyi's cheating methods. Although she often plays tricks in business operations. But I asked myself about conspiring with the deputy director to deceive people and money. I can't do it myself. Nor does it have that ability.

"It's nothing, I just grabbed their weakness." Fan Wubing explained to Shen Ying, "Japan's efforts around rare earth resources can be described as overcoming all difficulties and fighting hard. Although Japan does not produce rare earth resources itself, their technology in this area, especially the research on rare earth magnets, is the world's first in terms of the number of researchers and the results achieved. All I have seen In Japanese materials, when mentioning China's rare earth reserves, one word is used: bias, showing a very sour and unconvincing feeling. However, this is nothing to laugh at. On the contrary, as far as I am concerned, it is still I admire them very much. Because there is no great resources to have resources. It is just natural luck. It is true ability to make the most effective use of these resources. Only if there is luck and no ability should be laughed at. Children from poor families are herding cows. While reading a book, would you laugh at him for being poor? If a child from a rich family has nothing to do and burns a book as firewood, would you envy him for being rich. In fact, this is the truth about the attitude of the Chinese and the Japanese on rare earth resources."

Shen Ying nodded her head after hearing it, "I thought you were very repulsive to the Japanese. I didn't expect you to know them very well, which is really surprising."

Fan Wubing shook his head and said, "You can't only learn about the Japanese from domestic books and reports. You will be affected by the wrong public opinion, and you will never be able to see the truth. For example, the reason why I was able to deal with the rare earth issue this time. It’s just because of a reminder from Wuzhi Xiaoji. Before that, I didn’t know how Wuzhi Xiaoji knew about the rare earth industry. It could even be said that he was aware of the rare earth situation in China. The understanding is not much worse than that of many professionals! What does this show? This is enough to show the Japanese people's thirst for resources, but all Japanese people must be instilled in such thoughts and opinions from an early age!"

After listening to Fan Wu's remarks, Shen Ying also had feelings, “It is said that when Japanese are teaching children, they will always ask everyone about the fruit, what is it? Is it delicious? Do you want to eat it? Where? Is there any? After asking these questions, he will add that these are all in China, where there are the best things. If you want to eat, go to China!"

Fan Wubing has also heard of this story. Although he does not know the authenticity, the Japanese cultivating the younger generation as shown in the story actually follows the previous militarist practices and is full of aggression and possession consciousness.

"However, I think you didn't just do it for my uncle or your father, right?" Shen Ying asked.

Fan Wuyin nodded and said, "Actually, I am worried that the new-powered cars of Toyota and other companies will have a relatively large impact on my new company. Because the Japanese automobile industry has to worry about production resources in addition to automobile technology development. To acquire and develop resource-saving technologies, they face far more difficulties than their Chinese counterparts. If we are envious of China's abundant resources, we have nothing to be proud of, but to respect them. The efforts made. More importantly, we must develop our own technology and effectively use these resources. Now the development of new energy vehicles is the trend of the times, and China has the advantage of abundant rare earth resources. If it cannot be transformed into a technological advantage, it will be too great. If it’s wasted, we will be looked down upon by outsiders."

"Didn't you have acquired the Rare Earth Research Institute? Are there any new developments recently?" Shen Ying asked.

"Both military and civilian technologies have made certain breakthroughs. My goal is to catch up with Japan's system application capabilities within three years, so that we can become a veritable rare earth resource powerhouse." Fan Wuyao said to Shen Ying.

After he managed to get it done, Boss Zhu called over and said to him, "Is it over there? I can't stand it anymore. The international pressure is still quite large. Explain the ban on the export of rare earths as soon as possible."

Fan Wubing smiled, "This time I need more of your support from Boss Zhu. Without your silence, we would never have such a high profit. As for now, it doesn't matter how you want to explain to the media. At least you You can talk to them to promote the increase of domestic rare earth export prices."

"What should I do?" Boss Zhu didn't know what Fan Wubing was referring to, so he asked with interest.

"Just say that although the government will not restrict the export of rare earth resources, the largest domestic rare earth enterprise group does not support the sale of large amounts of state-owned resources at a low price. Therefore, the largest domestic rare earth enterprise decided to do so within three years. Don’t sell rare earths to the outside world." Fan Wuyao put forward his own suggestions to boss Zhu.

"In this way, it still creates the illusion that rare earth resources are scarce in the market!" Boss Zhu asked curiously, "Why do you always want to push the price of rare earths up?"

Fan Wuzhi replied of course~www.wuxiaspot.com~ of course it is certain! Our domestic rare earth resources are the only weapon that can curb military and civilian technology exhibitions in Western countries. If you don’t master them well and sell them easily to foreigners, then it’s a very typical way of giving others a handle! Rare earth prices are in the national interest! "

After listening to Fan Wubing’s explanation, boss Zhu understood Fan Wubing’s intention to raise the export price of rare earths. This was entirely to change the current unbalanced export situation of rare earths, and to ensure that state-owned assets would not suffer drastically. Lost, so he still needs to continue to make up the lie by himself.

So, at the reception on that day, Boss Zhu mentioned this issue.

"The Chinese government has never coerced international customers on the issue of rare earth resources, and we don't think that foreign governments can exert too much influence on our internal resource meetings. That would be incompatible with diplomatic relations between the two countries."

"Then Deputy Prime Minister, will the Chinese government strictly restrict the export of rare earth mines?" You Ji leaned forward and asked Boss Zhu a question.

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