
Vol 5 Chapter 405: The eager financial predators "Ask for monthly pass support"

There is a reason why I will leave Shanghai without illness, because Kevin: I'm doing troubles.

In 1992, Soros led the Quantum Fund to successfully attack the British pound and made a profit of more than 2 billion US dollars. At that time, Fan Wuyi followed suit and made even higher profits.

But because Soros is the representative of sniping the pound in public, the British and Europeans hate him deeply and call him the rebirth of Sherlock.

In any case, Soros was victorious in this attack on the pound sterling. He was known as the one who defeated the Bank of England. He declared that he even surpassed the heads of states of certain countries for a while, and he was called the leading figure in the financial world.

After cleaning up the Bank of England, Soros turned his guns. At the end of 1994, he was up and down in Mexico, causing the Mexican peso to depreciate by half, triggering the Mexican financial crisis, and almost devastating this Latin American country. , The fruits of decades of economic reforms were destroyed.

After fixing Mexico, Soros has indeed been honest for a few years. This time coincided with the drastic changes in Eastern Europe. Soon after the Soviet Union disintegrated, he was more concerned about the development of his motherland, invested heavily in helping Hungary’s political and economic construction, and centered on Hungary. , Established a network of Soros funds throughout Eastern Europe, mainly investing in infrastructure construction in these countries.

It seems that Soros seems to be satisfied with his achievements, no longer relying on destroying a country's economy to make a fortune, but has become a great philanthropist.

Thanks to his gift, until 1996, which is this year, the entire world economy has not experienced major ups and downs.

"I thought he would live his rich life well somewhere, but I didn't expect him to go to Thailand." Kevin said to Fan Wuyao in the video.

At this time, Fan Wubing was talking with Kevin on Zhengzhou's own dedicated communication network. He was the only one in the huge office, and none of the staff from other Zhengzhou companies reached the level of being able to participate in this kind of conversation.

Fan Wubing said casually. "How can a hungry wolf give up the opportunity to prey on the ground? He is just quietly waiting for the opportunity to prey on the ground.


Judging from the recent formation of Soros. Fan Wubing can be determined. At this time he is preparing to attack the Southeast Asian target.

There is a period. Southeast Asia was once the darling of the New World.

South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore were once known as the Four Little Dragons. It rose rapidly after World War II. After decades of struggle. Finally successfully ranked among the ranks of developed countries or developed regions.

Following them. Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and other countries have imitated the successful experience of the Four Little Dragons. Take advantage of cheap labor costs in your home country. Vigorously develop labor-intensive processing and manufacturing industries. Such as textiles, leather shoes, luggage, ordinary machinery and its spare parts, etc. Export to developed countries at very low prices. At the same time, with various preferential terms. Attract foreign capital to come and invest. Suddenly made the wind flourish. Become the new growth focus of the world's attention. Known as the Four Tigers of Asia. Great potential to reproduce the glory of the four little dragons that year.

But the Four Little Tigers and the Four Little Dragons have changed a lot.

With the end of the Cold War and the development of information technology, the process of world economic integration has accelerated, and a global unified financial market has begun to form, and a huge amount of global speculative funds has been generated.

With the help of modern information technology, these speculative funds have a very rapid response speed. Once they find something turbulent, they can swarm from all corners of the world between Israel and Russia, launch a devastating blow to a country’s economy, and quickly retreat after gaining violence, leaving behind. A scene of economic collapse and people's livelihood.

Fan Wubing said to Kevin, "Compared with old foxes in the international financial world like Soros, the leadership and business circles of Southeast Asian countries are still very naive on financial issues."

After the end of the Cold War, democratic capitalism became the only surviving economic system, controlling everything it looked at. In the race to create wealth, it completely surpassed **. Globalization, the development of national economy and corporate entities on a global basis in the direction of integration through trade and transnational investment, has become a new slogan.

In a world without borders, the national borders marked on the map become meaningless. The biggest function of governments in the world is to persuade those who have control over the company to invest funds in their country, and then walk away and stop interfering. NS. Regarding the road to the future, a view was generally formed among the authority of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and some well-known universities. This view was later called the "Washington Consensus."

After Tom Ridman crowned the "golden tights", this view spread widely. This plan requires a balanced budget, lower taxes, free circulation of capital, goods and services, privatization, deregulation, and protection of property rights, especially intellectual property rights. The government should be small and interest rate restrictions should be relaxed. It is believed that the implementation of the above measures will bring prosperity and narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, thereby bringing about democratization, which in turn will bring stability and peace. Free

One step explained that the main way to achieve all of this is through the "body". They are a group of treasure patron saints who never show up in public. They usually hide in Wall Street in the United States, in Japan (Stock Exchange Street), and business in London. In the high nests in the district and other places where no one made any noise, his eyes were fixed on the computer screen. But with a single click of the mouse, they can quickly make trillions of dollars travel around the world.

In the 1990s, the electronic group discovered Southeast Asia, and especially fell in love with Thailand.

What was later regarded as the largest financial bubble in history was also gathering strength in the United States. Low interest rates and the flood of funds released by a booming economy are looking for high profits. Investors in countries with slower economic growth such as Europe and Japan are also looking for greener pastures.

Southeast Asia, because of its high growth rates, high interest rates, and low risks associated with exchange rates linked to the U.S. dollar, looks a lot like a paradise for bankers. In the first three years, banks in Europe, Japan, and the United States lent more than US$700 billion in this region. In those few years, the short-term loans that foreign countries lent to Thailand each year were close to 10% of the GDP.

Foreign direct investment has also flooded in. General Motors, Ford, Toyota, and Chrysler have all announced plans to build new auto manufacturing plants in Thailand.

At the same time, the new skyscrapers darkened the sky.

The year before last, the leaders of the Asia-Pacific countries held a meeting in Indonesia. They readily accepted the theory of globalization, announced the establishment of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum, and announced that the organization promised to fully realize free trade 20 years ago. At conferences held by global celebrities in Singapore, Davos and Washington, knowledgeable professors, ruthless bankers, and seasoned political leaders, all considered Southeast Asia to be the most dynamic part of the global economy, leading to It plays a leading role on the road to an ideal society.

Few people noticed the collapse of Bangkok Commercial Bank at the end of August this year. Some people raised their eyebrows when the Sompson Land Company defaulted on Eurobonds last year and sent the first signals that the real estate bubble might be bursting. Later that month, First Financial, the largest financial company in Thailand, suddenly began to seek a merger partner. Upon seeing this, the electron group quickly began to flee from the fence.

Foreign bankers began to demand the repayment of their short-term loans. Speculative investment companies estimated that the fixed exchange rate between the Thai baht and the US dollar was difficult to guarantee, and eventually depreciated, so they simply sold the Thai baht. Thai companies that have borrowed heavily abroad are also afraid of this result, and have also begun to exchange Thai baht into U.S. dollars. In the process of going all-out to support the exchange rate, the Central Bank of Thailand threw a total of 26 billion U.S. dollar reserves into a wave of frantic buying.

Imports are greater than exports, which means that fewer things are sold and more things are bought.

Since the settlement currency of international trade is the U.S. dollar, the trade deficit can only be filled with U.S. dollars. The funds to fill this gap are mainly from two sources. The first is the U.S. dollar reserve of the Central Bank of Thailand, and the second is foreign debt or foreign investment.

Foreign capital entering Thailand must first exchange the U.S. dollar for Thai baht, so that the U.S. dollar in the hands of the Central Bank of Thailand can be increased.

But these U.S. dollars are not given away for nothing. Foreign businessmen holding Thai baht in their hands can exchange them for U.S. dollars at any time, so these U.S. dollars can be regarded as debts borrowed by the Central Bank of Thailand from foreign businessmen.

After all, foreign businessmen are not philanthropists or patriots. Once they feel that there is a problem with the Thai economy, they will immediately withdraw, and the Central Bank of Thailand must return the US dollars to the foreign businessmen.

It was at this time that the Thai government put on guard, in order to solve the trade deficit, they opened the door for foreign capital to enter Thailand.

In fact, just after the Mexican financial crisis has ended, international speculative funds represented by Soros have begun to enter Thailand quietly.

Their arrival is not to invest in the long-term development of the industry ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but to flock to the Thai stock market and real estate, because these things can be quickly sold in and out, and there is no need to invest in manufacturing. Longer capital turnover period.

Under the impact of these funds, Thailand's stock market and real estate prices soared, causing a false economic boom, which concealed the fact that Thailand's manufacturing industry was declining and the export competitiveness of its products declined.

In the illusion of prosperity on the surface, the Thai government has not been able to timely strengthen the supervision of financial institutions and carry out necessary financial system reforms, allowing foreign speculators to use the heavily overvalued stocks and real estate as collateral, and from Thailand’s financial Institutions get a lot of loans.

By June of this year, the real estate bubble began to burst rapidly, causing the deterioration of the operating conditions of commercial banks and financial companies.

Now, it's time for Soros to brighten his sword. If he doesn't move, he will kill with one blow and be determined to win. This is Soros's favorite style.

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