
Vol 5 Chapter 407: Shadow President "Ask for Monthly Pass Support"

Yun Heng stayed in the hotel and did not go out, feeling very depressed in his heart:

She came to China more than half of the reason because Samsung Group is now working hard to develop the Chinese mainland market, and the other half of the reason is because of Fan Wuyi himself.

Samsung’s Lee family is a family that loves to learn. As the daughter of the president, Lee Kin-hee, Lee Yun-hung also bears part of the responsibility for the inheritance of the Lee family, even if it is unable to continue to develop along the glorious path of the grandfather’s generation. In order to build Samsung into the top three business groups in the world, at least the current state must be maintained, and the Samsung Group must not collapse in its own generation.

It is easy to say, but it is very difficult to realize it.

The success or failure of a large enterprise, the rise and fall of the same country, and the prosperity and decline of a family all follow the same laws. Just one thought.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Mainland China, the non-governmental business exchanges between the two countries have become more frequent. Samsung Group has seen the vast market in Mainland China and decided to make the mainland market an important direction for the group to enter the future. The public high-level meeting said that if Samsung is to develop for a long time, it can only take the road of occupying the Chinese mainland market.

However, if you want to do business with mainland China, there are many contradictions. The first is the language barrier, the second is the cognitive difference, and the growing nationalist ideology in South Korea. These are constraints between the two countries. An important factor for the development of good trade relations.

Under such circumstances, Li Jianxi believes that he must first fully understand China, understand China’s political, cultural, economic, and social information, be familiar with Chinese people’s traditional habits, and find out what the Chinese people are doing first. What is the core of reform and opening up? All in all, we must dive headlong into mainland China and turn ourselves into a China Connect, so as to be more in line with the interests of the group and South Korea's national interests.

It is for this reason that Li Yunheng excuses to go to mainland China to study Chinese, and to study Chinese political economy and law and other professional knowledge. He left South Korea and came to Shanghai, which has the most export-oriented economy in mainland China. , On the one hand to learn knowledge, on the other hand, I want to get close to Fan Wuyao and get to know him thoroughly.

It's a pity that even though her father agreed to her request to come to China, Fan Wubing was a little bit evasive, which made Li Yunheng feel very depressed. Could it be that she was a terrible person?

Li Yunheng looked at himself in the mirror. It feels good. He straightened his chest again. I don't think it is too small. I really don't know why Fan Wubing turned a blind eye to him. Does he like Chun Ge's type of woman?

Li Yunheng is also studying in Fudan now. It's just that she is an overseas student. There are special teachers. Fan Wubing had already graduated with a bachelor's degree at this time. I am about to enter the postgraduate stage to continue my studies.

actually. Fan Wubing doubted what could be studied by postgraduates in economics?

For those students who have not experienced the actual battle in the mall. The most is to study some data. Analyze some surface phenomena. Want to truly grow into a generation of business giants. The most straightforward way is to build a career from scratch. Of course. This requirement is a bit too high. But as a talent for studying economics. You know at least some modes of business operations. Specific methods in operation. Otherwise, the geosciences in the past few years will be in vain. The data has been studied for nothing.

But you can go directly to a master's degree without an exam. This kind of thing is also very cost-effective. At least the teachers are acquaintances. Don't worry about them making things difficult for yourself. When the time comes, as long as there is nothing to do, take them out and go around. Learn more about the tricks in the international business circle. Even if you get your own diploma.

Originally. He didn't intend to really learn anything from it. It's nothing more than a formal diploma by the way. It sounds more bluffing. Save my mom often complaining to myself. When I went out and talked about my son's land. People say what kind of prestigious university graduated. I want to say that I dropped out of junior high school. It's finally better now. It can be regarded as graduated from a prestigious university. If you get a master's degree, go back. It is estimated that she will be happier.

In front of Fan Wuyao was the information of Li Jianxi's family, and he was studying it carefully.

Li Jianxi is rare in public. He speaks softly, but as long as Li Jianxi coughs, Korea will catch a cold. Lee Jianxi has unparalleled influence in South Korea's political and business circles, and previous crises have always been able to turn danger into a breeze.

South Korea has a tolerant tradition of white-collar crimes. Even if senior executives are proven to have committed serious crimes, they usually do not get caught up~+ and can continue to run their corporate groups. The South Korean government treats children like a mother,

Tolerance, you love. South Korea’s Samsung Group is the leading conglomerate, but it is huge. With the rapid development of South Korea’s economy, the degradation of the Korean market economy and the loss of business ethics, the government’s pampering has made Samsung, etc. The splendor of the corporate giant also left a huge black hole.

At this time, the total assets of Samsung Group have exceeded 30 billion U.S. dollars. A big figure like Li Jianxi has no less influence on South Korea than the South Korean president, and even in some respects, the president can hardly match his prestige.

After all, the president can choose one in a few years, but Li Jianxi has only one.

In the first half of the year before the Chinese New Year, Li Jianxi started a continuous business trip from Los Angeles. In Los Angeles’ large department store, I witnessed Samsung’s tragic international experience. The international market regards Samsung’s products as second-rate goods and is placed in an inconspicuous corner of the counter. No one cares about it. World-famous brands such as Sony are expensive. Gao is highly sought after, and the intense stimulation he received can be imagined.

In people's memory, Li Jianxi seldom gets angry, but at a conference after Los Angeles, he scolded cadres who shirked responsibility on the spot. He yelled for nine hours and vowed to abandon the second-rate spirit.

He realized that if Samsung continues to remain the same for three or four years, it will usher in a disaster in the near future.

Back in South Korea, Lee Jianxi set an example and asked employees to change themselves by reducing their sleep time by ten minutes each day. In order to let everyone have time to study, he changed the commuting time from "8:30 PM and 6 PM" to "7 AM and 4 PM", and 200,000 employees would go to work two hours earlier.

He has carried out drastic reorganization and reform of the bloated and complex company's business, retaining only the most important and profitable core projects, and abandoning marginal, loss-making or non-core areas.

Over the course of a year, Li Jianxi adjusted three hundred middle and high-level cadres and concentrated resources in the fields of electronics, finance, and heavy chemical industry; from products to customer service, logistics, all fields have identified the industry’s first benchmark opponents, from Sony, Westinghouse, Hewlett-Packard went to IBM and started chasing all the way.

To celebrate the company's continuous success, Li Jianxi presented Samsung mobile phones to friends and key employees.

But a few days later, he kept hearing complaints that these phones were faulty. In embarrassment, he ordered the stock of mobile phones worth 50 million US dollars to be piled on a hill in the factory compound. Li Jianxi led his senior manager and two thousand employees watching the workers use sledgehammers to smash these products into pieces and throw them into the fire. Everyone looked like a knife, but Li Jianxi declared that product defects are cancer.

Until now, Samsung’s managers have thrown their phones out of the windows from time to time, using trucks or burying them in the snow in winter to check the quality.

However, the Samsung Group also has a lot of shortcomings. The group has been accused of acts of rapport and breach of trust on several occasions. The crux of the problem lies in the lack of transparent and modern management methods. While Li Jianxi encouraged his subordinates to use cutting-edge technology to engage in product research and development, the internal operation of the Samsung Group continued to use the old management method, and it has not completely separated from the influence of the family business.

In addition, although the companies under the Samsung Group implement a shareholding system, there are not many companies that are actually listed. The group guarantees the overall interests through cross-shareholding among subsidiaries. However, due to the complex structure and low operational efficiency, sometimes there are even subsidiaries. Conflict of interest.

With the growth of the Samsung Group, the assets of the Lee Kin-hee family have also increased year by year, but the Lee family does not hold many shares in Samsung Group subsidiaries, mainly through loyal management to control the group, which is very easy in many cases. There are some insurmountable problems.

Generally speaking, Li Jianxi relies on his personal charm to manage the company~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Once his RP value drops, it will affect his leadership of the group company, but from the current situation, it seems this It is unlikely, because the South Korean government needs a powerful Samsung to stimulate the self-confidence of the people.

If something goes wrong with the Lee Kin-hee family, it is not just a large number of employees of his group's subsidiaries that will be directly affected, but the fools who are clamoring for the victory of the Republic of Korea.

For Samsung, Fan Wuyi's evaluation is big but not strong. Although their current sales in mainland China are not small, there are too few products with real technical content to withstand the test of the market.

For the Li Jianxi family, Fan Wuyi's evaluation is just one sentence, and there is no successor.

Or Li Yunheng is a cultivable talent, but she is a little too young. Unless she is helped by noble people, Li Jianxi’s family business is probably slowly going to decline.

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