
Vol 5 Chapter 410: Unexpected father and son meeting

Cai Se Chapter 410: Unexpected Father and Son Reunion

News that Jianxi proposed to learn Chinese within the Samsung Group. Soon it spread to Fan Wu's ears

"It's really hard to imagine that my father would make this suggestion." Li Yun said to Fan Wuyao with some confusion.

At this time they have all returned to Shanghai. Because the university holiday is not over yet. Li Yun just wandered with Fan Wuyi. After hearing the news from my father from Seoul. Li Yun was a little surprised.

Because she knew exactly what kind of person her father Jianxi was. Domineering. Perseverance. Determined. It is also stubborn. As a business leader of a Korean national. Li Jianxi generally does not reveal his decision lightly. This time openly disagrees with the opinions of political propaganda. It is necessary to encourage company employees to learn literature. Rather than Sinicization. It really makes people feel a little surprised.

To know. Strictly speaking. Li Jianxi is also a nationalist. Very repellent to foreign goods.

Fan Wubing pondered for a while. Then I understood Li Jianxi's intention.

It seems that I have achieved success in machines and home appliances. It did not dispel Li Jianxi's determination to enter the Chinese market. Although this person is a bit older. But the spirit is okay. Not at all old-fashioned. However, he maintains an aggressive ambition. It is also very respectable.

but. Li prefix. Respect goes to respect. It belongs to business. Fan Wu feels sick. When he himself. Still have to pit him. Otherwise, wait until Samsung continues to show. When it reaches a world-class enterprise, it becomes more difficult to pit him.

Seeing Li Yun willing to be by his side. Fan Wuyao suddenly thought about it. In my heart, I wondered if he would make his daughter pregnant. Is it a pitfall for him?

However, Fan Wubing quickly dispelled the idea and not to mention that Li Yun admired him a little, even though he was a little younger at that age. If I really deal with her. These domestic girlfriends know. I would definitely choke myself to death.

"My father is a valuable business partner." Fan Wubing said to Yun.

When two people are talking. Fan Wuyi's family sent an invitation card right away.

"Fan's city government has sent invitations specially for an event." Xia said to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing took the invitation. Waved him to step back. Then I opened the invitation and read it again.

Although Li Yun also moved her head over, the number of Chinese characters she now learns is too small. Basically can't recognize a few words. But the year, month, and day can still be understood. So he asked. "Are you inviting you to dinner?"

Fan Wubing smiled and said. "Well. A celebration dinner seems to be irresistible."

Seeing that it has been less than a year since Hong Kong returned to Hong Kong, the city government has responded to the situation. A deliberately held an exchange activity between famous Shanghainese and Hong Kong industrial and commercial representatives is to eat, drink, dance, sing, sing, chat, etc. All the people with faces and faces in Shanghai have been invited here.

Because Fan Wuyi's important position. When the city government invited him. The mayor personally wrote an invitation. At this son. Fan Wubing was too embarrassed not to support this field. After all, the return of Hong Kong is considered a major event. This time, the event is also a political task.

So Fan Wubing agreed. Ask the secretary to call the city government office to reply. Said that he can participate in this activity on time.

After Li Yun looked at the beautiful female secretaries writhing in front of Fan Wu. Said a bit sourly. "Did you choose the secretary from among the models?"

"Oh. Of course not," Fan Wubing replied with a smile. "The remaining girls when I was a secretary. They all went to be models."

Li Yun listened to Fan Wu's words. Pouting. Although I don't believe it a bit. But I looked at the female secretaries of Fan Wuyi. I really can't help but admit it. Their personal conditions are much better than those of popular Korean celebrities if they are going to show company shows. Installation costs will save a lot.

But Li Yuntu wondered. I want to take a look at an event organized by the city hall. So I begged Fan Wuyao to take her with him.

Fan Wubing thought about it for a while, and agreed to estimate that he would take someone there. It shouldn't matter. Isn't it just a food and drink convention?

Wait until the next night. When Fan Wubing took Li Yun to the event site rented by the municipal government. Just now the activity class time this time is not trivial. Martial law was imposed on several streets.

Even Fan Wushu's car. It was released after being inspected.

Li Yun sat in the car and said with some emotion. "The University of China. There are so many people. You will have to martial law for several streets. This is unthinkable in South Korea."

"You don't have martial law? For example, when political officials come down to inspect?" Fan Wuyao asked casually.


Government officials are crowded with buses. I don't want you to pick up and drop off the housekeeping car here. What a new thing. "Li Yun replied.

Fan Wubing curled his lips and said. "Here we are. Buses are a scarce resource. So government officials have to go on official business. This is called not competing with the people for profit."

Seeing Li Yun's face blank. Fan Wuyi said. "Oh. You don't understand it. Wait for you to learn Chinese for a few years. Or you can understand a little bit. The art of Chinese language and writing. It is too broad and profound."

"I know. Study hard. Make progress every day." Li Yun replied very heartily.

"This little silly girl--" Mumbling without a disease. So he drove the car outside the venue.

Someone ran over. Fan Wubing parked the car.

Fan Wubing took Yun and his bodyguard. Entered the venue with the invitation card. After passing two inspection posts. It is considered to have entered the main venue. Look ahead. There are already more than two hundred people gathered here.

It seems that the scale of the event tonight is not small. The security work must be so high that there must be a big person coming over to participate in the event. It was the words of Shanghai government officials attending. There will never be such a big pomp.

Fan Wu's heart is very clear. Some leaders attended the event. There will be no notice in advance. It will only be announced temporarily. This is of course for the sake of safety. There is also an important reason. That is, the time of the leaders is relatively tight. Business is busy. There are often a lot of unexpected things to deal with. So in order not to enlarge the pigeons. It is impossible to arrange so many activities in advance. Only to see if there is any time to participate.

When Fan Wubing was led to his seat. It's just now that this place is actually a VIP seat. I was assigned a small table for four people. It's all under my control.

Fan Wubing smiled at his dart and Li Yun. "I knew I should bring another person here. Now there are three missing one."

However, many people knew each other at the scene. Few people came over. Say hello to Fan Wuyi. Or discuss with him the recent economic situation. Or he introduced his companions or something. All in all, there is no shortage of lively children around the disease-free.

About half an hour later. The background music in the hall suddenly changed. From light music to more solemn music. Then more than a dozen leaders came out. Say hello to everyone.

Li Yun looked at these old men who were probably in their sixties. Said with some surprise. "Why are the leaders of China and South Korea both older?"

Fan Wubing thought for a while. Just replied. "It's called old-fashioned and prudent"

"Then why is the president of the United States always light?" Li Yun thought of another question. So he asked Fan Wuyi.

"That's called a young hero," Fan Wuyao replied, rubbing his nose.

Talked about this issue. You can see the difference between China and the United States. The political systems of the United States and China are different. Therefore, there is a big difference in employment.

In the U.S. The president is actually a decoration. It is nothing more than acting in accordance with the will of the consortium. Even a dog. Can also be more than competent. Because they have a very complete system to promote the work process of the entire White House. No matter who becomes president. The four-year presidential election is actually just a large-scale entertainment event held to please voters.

It's different in China. What we pay attention to is to convince people with morality and reason to convince people with qualifications to make people speechless. So to meet these three conditions. Can have the opportunity to embark on this highest political arena. Become the national brain. In this case. It's strange to be young.

Not to mention that the two people are chatting ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a while, the dozen or so leaders came over. And someone said in surprise. "No illness. Why are you here?"

Fan Wubing looked up. Suddenly happy. It turned out that among the dozen people. He has his own father, Fan Heng, astonishingly.

Look at the others. At least he is also a member of the Central Committee. There was even a deputy prime minister. A state councilor. This lineup. It is also very ambitious.

"Dad, you come. Why don't you come?" Fan Wuyao replied very playfully. Fan Heng shook his head when he heard the words. Then, as everyone went together, they shook hands with the representatives who came to participate in the event one by one. I don't think I'm sick anymore.

"Is he your father?" Li Yun saw that Fan Heng looked extremely similar to Fan Wuyi. So I couldn't help asking.

Fan Wubing nodded and you were right. "

But Fan Wubing also felt very much. Why are there activities here in Shanghai? Actually invited Fan Hyung, who is in Jiangnan Province, over here?

*********On the third day, send it to *****************

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