
Vol 5 Chapter 412: Toads

In fact, when the return of Hong Kong is approaching, there is an opportunity to speculate on Hong Kong.

Although there is a wave of immigrants in Hong Kong due to the squalor between the Hong Kong government and the mainland government, Fan Wuyi knows very well that the stock and property market in Hong Kong will continue to rise until Soros today creates a financial turmoil in Hong Kong. , Reached a peak.

Under this situation, Fan Wuyao has two choices. One is to quickly sell the Hong Kong stock market and property market before the return in 1997, and then sell out before the return. The re-export period refers to shorting, which is the highest return. One way is to wait until the Hong Kong economy encounters a cold wave and the property market falls to the bottom, enter the property market on a large scale, and wait for the opportunity to wait for the price.

These two options are foolproof, so Fan Wubing is not in a hurry at this time, he only needs to make a secret layout. After all, the entry of the stock market cannot be done too much. It is better to enter slowly, otherwise the action will be huge. However, it is difficult to estimate what uncontrollable impact it will have on the Hong Kong stock market.

Fan Wubing also considered that even if Soros and others enter the Hong Kong stock market, it is too early at this time. His business in Thailand will not end and it will be difficult to start operations in Hong Kong. He has time to make arrangements. If necessary, you can also give Soros a bit of a blow, so that his vitality will be greatly injured.

Fan Wubing has always had no liking for this old foreign man with pimple face.

After a while, it will begin.

The waiters were all carefully selected. They looked like they were all students of modeling school. All of them were tall and light and elegant in posture. It made Li Yunheng feel depressed again, thinking that there are too many Chinese. Just grab a handful of them, and there are a large group of beautiful women, which is really a huge gap.

Fan Wubing took notice. Among the participants, there were quite a few young people, but the majority were in their 30s. Although there were also some second generation ancestors who had the opportunity to participate, they were often entourages of dignitaries in politics and business. Those who appear in the venue, unlike themselves, can occupy a table alone in the VIP seats.

Therefore, many people looked envious and jealous when they looked at Fan Wubing here.

Fan Wu was not sick at all. J. As long as you are watched every day. That's a long time. Also used to it. The habit of drinking milk or soy milk every day is the same.

After Li Yunheng looked around for a while. He said to Fan Wuyao with some emotion. "Sometimes. Rumors really cannot be believed."

"What do you mean?" Fan Wubing was thinking about something. Hearing this, I couldn't help but ask.

"I used to be in the mainland. I often heard people talk about how China lags behind. After coming to China recently, I walked around and took a look. But now it's not exactly what they describe. This rumor can only be a rumor. Still seeing it. For the truth." Li Yunheng said to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing replied with a smile. "Well. Although seeing may not be true. But it is better than rumors. About this. You are right."

How the Koreans belittle the Chinese. It has a long history.

There used to be a saying called Yelang arrogance, which is probably similar to the Korean mentality.

So when a Chinese went to South Korea, the host invited him to dinner very hospitably. After serving a plate of cut fruits, after inviting the guests to taste it, he asked, is it delicious? Eat more. There is no such delicious fruit place in China.

Later, after the dishes were all served, the guests thought that the main dishes had not been served yet. In fact, the main dishes looked like side dishes, so the guests also doubted, thinking that there are a lot of side dishes on Korean banquets, who I know it's just that.

Nevertheless, the host still has to ask, haven't you eaten such a rich feast in China?

After the guest heard this, he couldn't help but replied, "It's true that I didn't. I went to the village to eat the running water table. It was much richer than this. I did not have such a rich banquet in China."

Due to historical reasons, there are almost no decent ancient buildings in Korea. The scale of the palace is not as large as the temples in many places in China. Many of the fabrics in Korea are made of chemical fibers. Because the price of woolen noodles is too expensive, they Can not afford.

When Fan Wubing went to South Korea last time, he heard Chinese tourists complain that the hotel the tour group stayed in was too bad. When I asked, I found out that the hotel they were staying in was five-star in South Korea, but the living conditions were not even up to the domestic Samsung. This is probably a Korean characteristic.

As for the Korean market, most of them sell pickles. Fresh fruits and vegetables are very expensive. Fan Wubing remembers clearly that among the Korean dramas introduced by CCTV, the wealthy wife bought two apples, and the neighbors would Very surprised and exclaimed, "Wow, what a fresh fruit, it must have cost a lot of money!"

And when they buy a bit of ribs or beef, it is even more exciting, "Wow, it's so expensive!"


A student from Fudan said that when he was studying in South Korea, the landlord knocked on the door with his friend when he was looking for a house and gave them a pair of toothbrushes and toothpaste. He and his friend were wondering why they wanted to give this one. At the time, they thought there was one in Korea. Customs. As a result, the landlord said that this is called toothbrush and that is called toothpaste. We Koreans all brush your teeth. After you come to Korea, you must learn to brush your teeth. Since your family sends you to advanced countries to learn, you must learn more thoroughly .

One of his classmates asked him that he watched TV last night and said that your Chinese transportation tools are all bicycles. In the past few years, because of the influence of the Korean Wave culture, they began to know how good our Korean cars are and how advanced Korean mobile phones are. I heard that all of you who can afford Korean products are rich people. Can you ride a bicycle?

The student replied that I really don’t know how to ride a bicycle.

Of course, the South Koreans hate and belittle the Chinese for historical reasons. Japan was defeated in 1945, and North Korea finally ushered in its independence. It is a pity that the North and the South cannot form a unified government with the support of different forces. In the 1950s, the Korean War broke out, and the 38th parallel became a ravine. Naturally, China became a heinous culprit in the eyes of South Koreans and prevented the reunification of the Korean nation.

After the establishment of the South Korean government, a series of bans against Chinese businessmen were issued, including warehouse blockade orders, foreign currency use scale restrictions, etc. Then, the Liberal Party and the Park Zhengxi regime carried out currency reforms twice. Chinese businessmen who prefer cash were even more fatally hit. Become impoverished.

In 1961, the South Korean government promulgated the Law on the Prohibition of Land Ownership by Foreigners, and enacted the Law on Land Acquisition and Management by Foreigners in 1971, stipulating that a Chinese family can only own one house, one shop, and the selling price of jjajang noodles. Also under strict control, Chinese businessmen have become desperate.

As a result, in the early 1970s, the number of Chinese businessmen who had a population of 120,000 dropped to only 20,000.

Chinatowns are all over the world, including Japan, but South Korea does not.

Insulting names that specifically target Chinese people in Korean such as Jajangmen, Red Bandits, and Chinese Slaves have also appeared. Until now, they are often seen on Korean BBs. The high frequency makes people feel very annoying.

Recently, I was shocked that South Korea might celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Korean Jajangmyeon. In view of the South Korean attempts to steal the rights of movable type printing, it was proved that Xi Shi may be a Korean, Confucius may be a Korean, and so on. Fan Wuyi is a bit sick. I am worried that one day they will say that Jajangmyeon is also Korean Ming.

But this is ironic, because it was an insult to Chinese people back then.

As for the remaining so-called Confucian traditions, it is only taken for granted by the Chinese media, and Koreans will not recognize it. Koreans have long ago cut the connection between the so-called "Korean" culture and Chinese culture.

The farce of Seoul Gaier has just passed, and several Korean congressmen have begun to change Han River to Han River again.

Because of the recent strengthening of ties with the Samsung Group, Fan Wuyi’s subordinates often have to deal with some Koreans. Koreans like to ask when leading them to visit, is there such a high building in China? Is there a subway in China too?

A Korean took them on a sightseeing tour in Seoul. They visited the 63rd building, the tallest and most proud building in the country, and then asked them, "Does China have such a tall building?" Fan Wubing's subordinates are usually tortured by his similar problems, and one of them said no. South Korea has the highest building in the world.

After listening to the Koreans, they thought about it. They said that the United States has higher standards. They are probably only No. 1 in Asia~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Another time, the Koreans took them to a park in Seoul. Everyone Knowing that Korean elementary schools, it would be great to plant flowers and trees in a small area in Seoul, so I praised it courteously. As a result, a Korean was proud of it and asked them that Beijing also has such a city. In the park?

Fan Wuyi's men said that we have the Summer Palace, which is bigger than this one. The guy stopped talking immediately. No matter how ignorant he is, he still knows the name of the Summer Palace. There have been more recent travel advertisements in China.

Hearing Li Yunheng talking about the rumors, Fan Wubing couldn’t help but think of a lot of rumors about Koreans. He thought that he was a little bit pregnant about it, but seeing what Li Yunheng said to himself today, even if it didn’t match. Not far away.

For a nation that cannot face others squarely, further achievements are limited. Fan Wubing heard a foreigner say that vision determines thoughts, thought determines behavior, and behavior determines destiny.

If you want to be bigger and stronger, you can't be a frog at the bottom of the well.

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