
Vol 5 Chapter 414: Hong Kong stocks

Fighting in the stock market, if you want to be unbeaten, there is actually only one trick to dominate people.

Although it is necessary to observe the situation and grasp the direction with a keen eye for stocks, as long as you have sufficient funds in your hand, you are already invincible. As for technology and graphs, there are various indicators. It's just a illusion of fooling ordinary stockholders.

But as long as you have tens of billions of funds in your hands, you don’t have to worry about any major problems. What you need to watch out for is whether the management can tolerate your reckless behavior in the stock market. Hong Kong especially pays great attention to this. Once you get a market access system or something that restricts your access to the stock market, there is no way you can think about it.

But then again, once your capital reaches the scale of tens of billions, the Hong Kong government will have nothing to do with you.

Qin Rushan heard Fan Wuyi's words, naturally his heart was bumping, and the blood flow increased a little, his heart beating like a piledriver, and he felt a little burdened.

Fan Wubing looked at Qin Rushan and thought that this quality would not work. He was almost knocked down by tens of billions of dollars. In the future, when he is going to make a lot of achievements in the Hong Kong stock market, relying on him is not very reassuring. The people who came to their original team had to go shirtless, at most under his banner, through his team.

So Fan Wuyin calmly said, "The market capacity of Hong Kong stocks is too small, and too much money can’t be used. As the saying goes, there are no big Bodhisattvas in small temples, and 10 billion U.S. dollars. It's almost there."

"It's more than the same, it's quite enough." Qin Rushan replied a little stunned.

Although Qin Rushan knows that Fan's Investment Group has a large site and sufficient funds, he also knows that Fan's Investment Group's investments in the 6th place are about tens of billions of yuan, and he also knows that they spent 40 billion yuan on the purchase of aircraft. More than billions of dollars, but at this time, when Fan Wubing said lightly that he could put out tens of billions of dollars to play in Hong Kong stocks at any time, he still couldn't restrain his excitement.

I heard that this fan always came back from playing in the United States, and he really has a big hand, and his momentum is like a rainbow!

In fact, Fan Wubing didn't want to enter Hong Kong stocks to fish in troubled waters at first. Because most people don't know how it is. But the government will definitely be very clear who is making trouble in it. Get into the water yourself. It is guaranteed that some people will say what they will not help the government to stabilize the Hong Kong stock market. What's going on in the opposite direction.

Although gossip can't kill anyone. But there are too many people talking about this gossip. The impact on Dad is not very good.

But Fan Wubing's thoughts changed a little now. If you really got involved. It's just a game in accordance with the rules of the market. Now that this plate is out. Don't be afraid of people coming in to make money. How can there be casinos that only make money without losing money? to be honest. Isn’t the stock market just a big casino? Has anyone ever seen a person who engages in value investing make money? Isn't it a bunch of people who are engaged in market speculation?

If you want to invest in the land. You can go into industry. Do business. Plant one kind in a piece. But speaking of dealing with the stock market. Not speculating is deadly. Selling high and buying low is inherently speculative. The ** manipulators play a market game. It is even more technically speculative.

So Fan Wubing felt. At this point, he even went in. There is nothing serious. On the contrary, there are many advantages. At least when overseas speculation comes in. There are enough chips in their own hands to let them take the lead.

As for Qin Rushan. There are other places Minghui Industrial. Fan Wuyi's subordinates had some understanding. Fan Wubing exchanged briefly with the bodyguard. In fact, it is just a trick used to bluff people. At least it seemed to Qin Rushan himself. It felt that Fan Wuyi's information was so accurate. There will be some subconscious fear in my heart.

In a high position, in addition to convincing people with morality, you have to be able to play with the king and eight. Although you can’t make the heroes of the world worship with the shock of the tiger's body, you have to make them shake three times. Heart is good.

First, he knew about Fan Wubing, then he was shocked by Fan Wubing’s intelligence sources, and then he was taken aback by Fan Wubing’s financial resources. In addition to feeling a little bit emotional, Qin Rushan thought about it. How should I take advantage of Fan Wu's power this time to do a good job in Xiangjiang.

As a senior investor in the Hong Kong stock market, Qin Rushan knows everything about Hong Kong stocks.

In 1969, in order to cope with the development of the stock market, Hang Seng Bank launched the Hong Kong stock market index Hang Seng Index. The Hang Seng Index is based on July 1, 1964. The index on that day was 100 points, and it was 158 points when it was publicly launched on November 24, 1969.

After the Hang Seng Index was launched, the Hong Kong stock market ushered in its first exhibition. In 1970 and 1971, forty-one companies went public. After US President Nixon visited China in 1972,

The improvement of the system stimulated the entry of the Hong Kong stock market, which doubled the total stock market turnover that year. Later, due to the ceasefire of the Vietnam War, the Hong Kong government announced the construction of the Mass Transit Railway, and various companies raised interest rates and offered shares. The stock market became more frantic, and the Hang Seng Index reached a historical high of 1,774 points.

In 1974, affected by the Middle East oil crisis, the economies of the United States, the Federal Republic of Germany, and Japan entered a severe recession. The world stock market plummeted, and the Hong Kong stock market fell further, reaching a historical low of 150 points.

After the global stock market crash in 1987, the Hang Seng Index stood above the peak of the previous bull market and hit a new record high. By the end of 1993, it stood at tens of thousands of points.

In January last year, the Hang Seng Index reached its lowest point of 6,890 points, the lowest point of this bear market. In mid-October last year, the Hang Seng Index once again stood at 10,000 points, and then entered a continuous climb.

At present, the Hang Seng Index has surpassed the 11 thousand mark, and it is estimated that it will break through the high point of the previous round of bull market within this year.

The historical trend of the Hang Seng Index shows that the Hong Kong stock market’s bullish and bearish transitions depend on the prosperity or depression of the Hong Kong economy on the one hand, and are also affected by economic changes in Europe and the United States. Most of the turning points are induced by sudden political or economic events. . The stock market showed great volatility in the early stage, but with the improvement of the system, the amplitude gradually decreased.

However, at this time, Qin Rushan believes that there are many loopholes in the Hong Kong stock market, and since Hong Kong is positioned as a free port for international trade, it is very convenient for hot money to enter and exit. , So speculation is very high.

Fan Wuyi felt that if he had just made a big deal in Hong Kong before the return in 1997, it would probably not touch the nerves of the central government too much. In fact, the central government does not want Hong Kong stocks to reach historical highs before the return in 1997. Otherwise, the new SAR government will take over and clean up the mess.

From this perspective, if the Hang Seng Index of Hong Kong stocks can be suppressed within a few months before the reunification, it is a good thing for the central government. Of course, it must start to rise on the eve of the reunification, otherwise It doesn't look good on the face.

The government has no way to do this, and it is difficult to rely on local consortia in Hong Kong. After all, although they have a lot of assets, there is not one that exceeds tens of billions of dollars, not to mention that most of them are real estate and stocks. The cash flow simply cannot reach this level, and they lack the spirit of sacrifice. They usually ask for benefits from the central government. It is okay to sprinkle a small amount of money, but if you want to count on them to do things for the central government , I am afraid it is mostly fantasy.

Moreover, the local forces in Hong Kong are also very serious. Even the big families have a lot of grievances. It is difficult to straighten out the relationship for a while, and it is difficult to form a joint force, not to mention a concerted effort to manipulate the stock market.

The two people sat there talking for a while, and both felt that the prospects for cooperation this time were brighter and more interested.

After the leaders at the cocktail party finished their speeches, they entered the charity auction.

This session was the most boring for Fan Wubing, but it was the most exciting for the media reporters. Many people raised their cameras and cameras one after another and pointed them at the upcoming auction items. .

Coincidentally, many people didn't pay much attention to this session. Vice Premier Zeng and the Central Committee members had already abstained from the meeting at this time, and some leaders of Shanghai remained here to host the party.

And Song Qing, Fan Heng's secretary, also quietly ran over and asked Fan Wuyi to talk easily.

Fan Wubing confessed to Li Yunheng, and then said a few words to Qin Rushan, and then followed Song Qing away quietly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After coming out, Fan Wubing asked Song Qing, "This time What is the matter?"

"It's nothing, it's just saving you money." Song Qing answered neatly.

Fan Wubing suddenly laughed, thinking that this would be a good way. After all, Song Qing is Fan Heng’s secretary. It seems that there is something important to discuss when she is leaving. Others can’t fault it. If something happens in the future, For things that really need to be avoided, let Song Qing call herself or call someone in person, which is the most effective way.

But before she could laugh, Song Qing said to Fan Wubing, "Governor Fan has been a little overworked recently. As a son, shouldn't you care more about him?"

"Oh?" Fan Wuyao was taken aback for a moment, thinking that this matter is very important.

I have been running outside for a long time and can't get home. My mother Zhang Mei is far away in the capital. Fan Ting and Fan Kang have their own things. My father stayed in Jiangnan Province by himself. It was indeed a bit deserted.

*******Today's first update to ***********(

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