
Vol 5 Chapter 421: Reservoir repair "Ask a monthly pass"

Guan Fan Wubing had mentioned Ming Shijie's matter several times before Li Yunheng, but Ying Pingping seemed to have not considered the matter of revenge. This made Fan Wubing feel very surprised, and asked if Koreans are so easy to bully? Or is it that Korean women are better bullies?

In fact, Li Yunheng also thought of telling her father Li Jianxi to stand up for herself, but she changed her mind. If her father knew what happened to her here, she would definitely stand up for herself, but at the same time, he would also take his own safety into consideration and force the order Going back to China by myself, in that case, my goal of staying here for a few more years will not be achieved.

For this reason, Li Yunheng had to let Ming Shijie a horse for the time being. Even if this Liangzi was written down, it would not be too late to find him to settle the accounts when it was convenient. It is not too late for a gentleman to revenge for ten years. Last three years and five years, right?

As soon as the school started, and it was the Mid-Autumn Festival, Koreans were also accustomed to following the Chinese to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, so Lee Yunheng went back to Seoul under his father's call.

There are many things Fan Wubing has to deal with here. The first problem to be solved is the construction of the Bailushan Reservoir.

In order to build this library, Van Heng deliberately invited more than a dozen water conservancy experts from Jiangnan Province to form a preparatory committee. He also invited experts from the Ministry of Water Resources to guide the work, because it is a matter related to the entire Jiangnan Province. The large-scale project of the surname may also have an impact on the provinces in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, so everyone was very careful in designing. At this time, a consensus was probably formed and several feasible solutions were provided for Jiangnan Province to choose.

Therefore, as the main model of the reservoir in the future, there is no disease, of course, you have to personally review these several plans, and then choose one.

After meeting with the water conservancy experts, everyone rushed to a bit of a surprise because the central government actually agreed to the investor to have the permanent right to develop and operate the reservoir.

It should be known that this reservoir uses the mountain barrier and can hold an extremely rich amount of water. Therefore, the entire valley is divided into six regions, each of which can store more than 100 million cubic meters of water.

Naturally, it can be used as a reservoir for power generation, but considering the geographical location of Bailushan Reservoir is only suitable for water storage and water level adjustment, the power generation area was decisively compressed by Fan Wuyi. Of course, in summer When it is used for flood diversion, it can also alleviate the problem of power shortage in summer.

When designing this warehouse. Fan Wubing also raised a question in front of an expert. "Reservoirs with such a huge amount of water will not cause excessive earth pressure loads on the crust. This will cause some geological changes. For example, mountain ruptures and landslides. Where is the earthquake?"

After listening to Fan Wu's words, the local experts of the Ministry of Water Resources considered it. Then he replied. "This kind of situation has never happened before. However, it is not without reason for Mr. Fan to raise the issue. Considering it all together, the terrain of Bailu Mountain is more special. But the terrain structure is relatively old and stable. Compressed and deformed. The possibility is very small. But in order to prevent minor failures, the capacity of a single warehouse can be reduced. For example, the capacity of five warehouses can be shared by six warehouses to solve this problem of excessive load."

Fan Wubing looked at the model of the reservoir. I also feel that there is some truth. So he nodded in agreement.

As for setting up some game items on the reservoir. Experts feel that it doesn't matter. As long as the safety is guaranteed, it's a small outbuilding. It does not affect the normal operation of the reservoir.

Once the project is confirmed, Fan will not say anything about the disease. The investment is directly in place but the money is paid. It also contacted the United States and purchased a large number of heavy engineering equipment, which greatly improved the progress of the project. Every day, you can see tens of thousands of workers on the construction site manipulating various machinery and equipment to start construction in full swing.

Fan Wubing went to see it once when he was in the middle area. It was in a helicopter. I found that the scenery of Egret Mountain is really good. It's just that it has never been developed before. This time after the construction of the reservoir area. You can consider developing some hilltop villas. Correspondingly, tourism supporting facilities have been built. This is a lucrative business. The entire large-scale holiday park in Jiangnan Province can be settled here.

However, when he thinks about this investment issue, Fan Wubiao feels a little headache. He is spreading money everywhere. He is not very clear about how many industries there are now. Although the company receives a large list of statements every year, each branch has a large list of reports. The executives are also impassioned when reporting their work, and the money they earn has also increased dramatically. However, many specific situations and the inside story of the operation are not very clear by themselves.

In the long run, it is not a good thing. For the long-term development of the company, this personnel system still needs to be adjusted. At least one leader cannot stay in one place for a long time. This has the same effect as the official appointment rules.

Anyway, the money has been invested

The problem is that the supporting facilities are also started at the same time, and the construction of several scenic spots has been started. The villa group on the top of the mountain is also operated by another engineering company. This is a goal, and it must be opened before the water storage next year. After all these things are settled, many people can be invited to visit the gate opening celebration at that time. How many percentage points can be boosted to the local economic development, Fan Wuyi's heart will have no bottom, anyway, it will not be too little. that is.

Fan Heng has gained a firm foothold in Jiangnan Province. At the beginning, his vigorous and resolute style shocked many activists and dealt with many people. At the same time, the economic situation in Jiangnan Province has improved. Concerned about the issues, so the voice of support is very high, and the status is becoming more and more stable.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Lin Hao is with Guangtongchen, and basically doesn’t intervene in government affairs very much. Whenever there is nothing to do, he just organizes some party affairs study and improvement activities to teach everyone. The theme is to cooperate with government departments as the starting point for doing a good job, with Fan Hengzhi Get along well with each other, there is nothing wrong with each other.

In fact, Secretary Lin Hao’s age is much older than Fan Heng. When this secretary is finished, it’s time to take care of the elderly. He is likely to retreat to the second line and return to Beijing from Jiangnan Province to take up a false post. Retirement.

Therefore, there is no conflict of interest between him and Fan Heng. The old man can see clearly that the better Fan Heng’s job is now, the more capital he has to provide for the elderly in the future. After all, he is the number one leader in Jiangnan Province. Regardless of political issues, the veto power is still in hand. When the central government considers awards, it will not be able to avoid its own factors.

In fact, for Fan Heng and Fan Wubing, Secretary Lin Hao appreciates it very much. One is the difference in age that makes him treat Fan Heng as a half-junior, and the other is with the three Wang brothers. The family relationship between him also made him look at Fan's father and son differently. Now everyone's interests are the same. If there is a conflict, it will let others watch the excitement.

Although there are some people who would instigate discord in front of Lin Hao and Fan Heng if there is no place, the two of them are not moved. Instead, they have some private exchanges, which also provides a lot of necessary to stabilize the political situation of Jiangnan Province. Information.

When Fan Wubing returned from the district to the provincial city of Changping, his father, Fan Heng, happened to be in the provincial government office, which is very rare.

As soon as Fan Wubing entered the door, he saw Qing serving Fan Heng a bowl of sour noodle soup.

"Haha, is there any more?" Fan Wuyi said with joy when he saw it.

Song Qing’s sour noodles are his favorite, especially in Jiangnan province. The local dishes don’t suit his mind very well. Although there is no obstacle to eating them, if you don’t eat some noodles every other time. If you do, you always feel like there are shortcomings in your stomach.

"There are still some noodles, I'll make another pot," Song Qing nodded and replied.

"I can do the following, and I'm good at cooking dumplings." Fan Wubing went into the kitchen and saw that the stoves were all on the gas stove, so he started to operate it, and it was done after a while.

After returning with the bowl, Fan Wuyin thought, although the gas stove is more powerful, the induction cooker is more convenient for household use, but I don’t know if they have made the induction cooker according to their wishes. A far-reaching event, it can be said that the emergence of induction cookers has changed the living habits of most families worldwide.

How much can be reduced just in terms of urban pollution? Of course, electromagnetic radiation is also a problem, but from Fan Wu's previous experience, it seems that the problem is not too big.

"The situation in the Jiangnan Wool Spinning Factory is pretty good!" Fan Heng was very interested~www.wuxiaspot.com~ while eating with a bowl of noodles, while communicating with his son Fan Wuyi, "Within three years Can the cost be recovered?"

Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders and said, "I guess it won't take three years.

If it takes three years to get back to this place, isn't that slapped me in the face? Your son, I am also known as a business genius anyway. "

Since putting the Jiangnan Wool Spinning Mill into his own pocket, Fan Wuyao has adjusted to market demand and increased the intensity of technology research and development. Not only has he introduced some projects from abroad in a targeted manner, but he is also developing independent intellectual property rights. Some items, such as high-end denim clothing materials, are now fully localized.

You should know that the materials of denim clothes were subdivided later, and there are various grades, but the demand for this part is also the largest. After a few years, basically everyone will have a few jeans-style pants Or clothes, the market prospects are bright!

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