"President Wei." Fu Xiao's eyes flashed a trace of pain, and he nodded rigorously.

   Wei Zifeng knew that he was Mo Xiaxia's ex-husband, so he didn't greet him politely, turned his head to Mo Xiaxia who was still speculating about what happened, and said, "Xiaxia, let's go."



  Fu Xiao's heart tightened suddenly! A sharp pain swept through his limbs, and his chest seemed to be smashed by a stone. The muscles on his face were unconsciously tense, as if only in this way could he control the urge to punch Wei Zifeng in the face!

   He looked at Mo Xiaxia, in addition to the heartache that was hard to hide, he was also a little anxious and worried.

   Xiao Han has an extreme personality since he was a child. He came here this time not just to brush his face in front of Zhi Yan, he must have another purpose. Even, he deliberately angered himself tonight, more like a deliberate warning to himself! Xiao Han is too dangerous. Just in case, it is safest for him to send Xia Xia back tonight. Let people watch Xia Xia's side again tomorrow to avoid accidents.


  Fu Xiao's Adam's apple rolled, and the veins on the back of his hand were bulging, but he couldn't face Mo Xiaxia and say what he would definitely let him deliver tonight.

   What right does he have to say such a thing?


   They have been divorced. After the divorce, the marriage of men and women has nothing to do with each other. If Mo Xiaxia is really in a relationship with Wei Zifeng, his ex-husband will come out and have to send her, which will definitely cast a shadow on the relationship between the two. After all, the last failed marriage was all his fault, and he felt sorry for her. Wei Zifeng was of the right age and the conditions were good. He was also a man, and he could see that Wei Zifeng liked Mo Xiaxia. If two people go together, it is a good choice.

   Fu Xiao's heart was bitter, so bitter that there was a faint bitter taste between his lips and teeth.

   After a few struggles, he stepped aside.

   This is the half-step, Mo Xiaxia was still thinking about how to tell Wei Zifeng that he couldn't send him back today. Seeing that the man in front silently gave up half a step, she didn't know why, but responded to Wei Zifeng, "Well."

   Her umm fell into Fu Xiao's ear, no doubt it was a piercing arrow.

   His eagle eyes swayed violently, and finally returned to complete calm.

   Just at this time, Xiao Ran came over with the documents.


   Before saying hello to Mo Xiaxia, he was frozen by the cold air of the Antarctic, and he closed his mouth instantly. Hand the document to the man.

   "Major General, they said there are two documents in total. This is one of them, and this one can be signed with you. The other one needs to be signed by you. Otherwise, why don't you come over? It only takes a few minutes to sign."

  Fu Xiao took over the document in his hand and browsed it quickly, nodded to Wei Zifeng with a sullen face, and said with restraint, "I still have something to do, so don't bother."

   "Major General Fu, let's go to work first." Wei Zifeng was polite.

  Fu Xiao held the document, finally glanced at the doll like a little woman without a trace, turned and walked away. Xiao Ran still remembered Fu Xiao's warning just now, glared at Wei Zifeng fiercely, then glanced at Mo Xiaxia hesitantly, and finally stomped his feet and followed Fu Xiao in the direction.

   As soon as he left. Wei Zifeng didn't look surprised and embarrassed as if he had never been stared at before, so he naturally said to Mo Xiaxia, "Let's go, Xia Xia."


  Mo Xiaxia still remembered half of what Fu Xiao said, and frowned along the way. Wei Zifeng raised several topics, but she didn't answer them perfunctorily.

   After getting in the car, she took the initiative to sit in the driver's seat, and let Wei Zifeng, who had sipped two cocktails during the entertainment, sit in the passenger seat and stepped on the accelerator. The white BMW drove out—

   She drove quietly, while Wei Zifeng turned his head and kept looking at her profile. Looking at it, he suddenly called out to Mo Xixia.

   "Xia Xia, in fact, today I asked you to send me off because I wanted to tell you something. I wanted to say this a month ago, but I haven't found a chance..."

   Wei Zifeng's handsome face showed a rare blush, he paused, as if to cheer himself up.


   "Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di !" A series of horns in front interrupted him.

   He instinctively turned his head to look, his eyes widened in shock in an instant - there was a car driving in the opposite direction in front of him and rammed directly towards their car!

   "Xia Xia, be careful!"

   Wei Zi was hoarse, and at the same time, he swooped in the direction of Mo Xiaxia, and the whole person was pressed on Mo Xiaxia's body.


  Rao was that Mo Xiaxia was calm enough and turned the steering wheel fast enough to avoid the collision of the two cars. She only felt a shock all over her body, her body rushed forward uncontrollably, and then there was a sound of shattering the window glass, and then, Wei Zifeng rushed over to block her, and after a groan, the warm liquid flowed onto her. The soft tissues on her body were bruised in many places, and under the severe pain, the whole person fell into darkness uncontrollably...

ten minutes later.

  The traffic police car arrived at the scene, and there were many onlookers around the scene of the accident, and there was a lot of discussion.

   "God, it's so miserable. The luxury cars are all smashed."

   "I don't know what happened to the people inside."

   "It hit so hard, maybe..."

   "Dilu Dilu Dilu Dilu..." The ambulance drove to the scene, and the white medical staff carried stretchers and waited for the traffic police to find a way to rescue the wounded inside from the jammed car door.

Several other traffic policemen used walkie-talkies to report the progress of the accident to the headquarters. The car collided head-on from the right side. The BMW was severely damaged and the front of the big truck was deformed, but the driver was not seriously injured. He just rubbed his forehead lightly. We have done an alcohol test on him, and the test showed that he was drinking too much. It belongs to drunk driving. The BMW driver is being rescued now, and I will report the situation to the headquarters immediately.”

   After the traffic police routinely explained the general situation here, the man in the deformed BMW rescued a man covered in blood.

  The man lost too much blood and fell into a semi-consciousness, but he kept shouting a name, "Xia Xia... Xia Xia..."

   "Who is Xia Xia?" The traffic policeman who was in charge of pulling the person out of the deformed car door was surprised and asked his colleagues, "Is there anyone else inside?"

   Another traffic policeman shook his head and said, "No, I only saw him."

   "Then why is he always called Xia Xia? I thought there was someone else."

   "It's probably a serious injury, and he called his girlfriend or wife's name unconsciously. Don't worry about it, let the doctor come over quickly, the wound on his thigh has been bleeding..."

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