Halfway through the banquet, a close-fitting attendant whispered a few words in the ear of the Bei Qi Emperor. The Bei Qi Emperor heard his face slightly changed color, and then called Empress Li, and the two left together.

As soon as the two of them left, the atmosphere in the hall became relaxed, especially after the older nobles also left one after another, only young people like them were still sitting in their seats.

The black-clothed young man who was hostile to Shen Ling, the second prince of Beiqi, Gao Zhe, whispered a few words to the people around him. Not long after, a few dancers came in the hall, and several musicians followed. When the melodious instrument sounded, the dancers started to dance. They have graceful figures and graceful dancing. The people in the hall can't help being attracted by them. While admiring their dancing, they talk to the people next to them.

After the dancers retreated, Gao Zhe said: "I heard that the women of the Song Dynasty can sing and dance well. I wonder if the princess is willing to give us a dance?"

As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes fell on Shen Ling, and there were others around clapping their palms to agree.

Among them was the prince Gaozhen. He was relatively rough and didn't think so carefully. He just felt that if the dance was performed by Shen Ling, it must be more beautiful than the dancers just now.

After Shen Ling heard Ruo Yan's translation in Song Mandarin, a cold light flashed in his eyes. Gao Zhe's move clearly compared her to a dancing girl, which is really hateful! She gritted her teeth with hatred, but with a faint smile on her face, she whispered to Ruoyan.

Ruo Yan boldly raised her voice and said: "Princess Yifang said that it is not impossible to let her dance in public, but she lacks a sword. I wonder if any of the nobles here can borrow the sword?"

Gao Zhen immediately said, "Ajon, give your sword to the princess."

Na Arong was a guard next to Gao Zhen, with a long sword on his body. After hearing Gao Zhen's instructions, he respectfully handed the long sword to Ruo Yan.

Shen Ling took the sword handed by Ruo Yan and drew out the sword from its scabbard. With a light flick of the index finger of his left hand, he heard a clear sound.

"Good sword!" Shen Ling gave a compliment, then walked to the center of the hall and threw the sword up. Everyone's eyes followed involuntarily. After Shen Ling raised his right hand and held the hilt in his hand easily. Everyone yelled hello.

Shen Ling took a deep breath while holding the sword hilt, and then danced from the beginning the simplified Lingyue sword technique that was only thirty-six styles.

Lingyue sword technique is a sword technique used by women. It pays attention to lightness and flexibility, and pays attention to graceful posture. Shen Ling deliberately slowed down his movements when dancing the sword, and added some sword dance performance elements, which made this sword technique seem like this. More elegant and soft.

When Shen Lingwu was halfway through, her movements became faster and faster. She had used this sword technique many times in the martial arts world, and it was already deeply engraved in her memory. Therefore, the more she dances, the more it becomes. Proficiency, the action is done in one go, like running clouds and flowing water. Although the layman is dazzled when he sees it, even the insider will be amazed when he sees it.

When Shen Lingwu reached the thirty-sixth pose, Jianfeng happened to point to the desk in front of Gao Zhe when she finally closed her move. She has just begun to practice the cold moon exercise, and only a small amount of internal strength is cultivated in her dantian, but because of Ling The power of the moon sword technique itself, the point where the sword's edge pointed was already quite powerful. Shen Ling deliberately slowed down when he was recruiting. The sharp spirit of Jian Feng had already headed towards the desk. He heard a crash, and a white porcelain bowl on the desk was taken away by this sharp spirit. Split into two halves, the soup in the white porcelain bowl was poured onto Gao Zhe along the table.

Seeing that the hem position of Gao Zhe's black shirt was quickly wetted by the soup, Shen Ling smiled embarrassedly, and said slowly in Beiqi, "I missed it for a while, I was offended." What he thought was that. , I still haven't cultivated my internal strength to the home, or it would be the table case that was hacked.

Gao Zhe's face was pulled down instantly, others didn't know, didn't he know that Shen Ling did it on purpose, he couldn't help but raised his head and glared at her.

Shen Ling thought for a while, and stared back unwillingly.

"Good, good!" Gao Zhen clapped his hands and exclaimed before the two men's eyebrow lawsuit was over, "I can't imagine the princess's sword dance is so superb, it really makes me wait for an eye-opener."

He said this to the heart of everyone present. None of them would have thought that Princess Song looked soft and weak. They had no idea that the swordsmanship was so brilliant, that the last sword style could split the white porcelain bowl placed on the table. .

The people of Beiqi have always respected the strong. Seeing Shen Ling showing such a hand, he couldn't help but admire her. Soon two noble women came to talk to her. Even Gao Qi looked at Shen Ling several times in disbelief, and his impression of her instantly changed.

Only Gao Zhe had a dark face, and he swept Shen Ling coldly a few times, and he secretly wrote down the matter without mentioning it.

The banquet ended soon. When Shen Ling came out of the palace to return to the Sifang Pavilion, Gao Zhen offered to send her back. Even Gao Qi came to join in the fun. He was very interested in Shen Ling's swordsmanship, although he didn't. He asked, but his attitude towards Shen Ling was much better than before.

Shen Ling didn't care about his attitude towards him at all, but he didn't forget that he had changed the water and wine in front of him to shochu before, and he was somewhat indifferent to him.

Gao Qi knew that he was wrong, so he had to endure it, but when he sent Shen Ling to the Sifang Pavilion, Shen Ling did not invite his brothers to sit down when he entered, so he couldn't help but mutter.

Gao Zhen didn’t hear clearly. He was not the kind of person who asked questions about everything. He turned over and got on the horse without asking carefully. He had to go up tomorrow morning to help his father handle the memorial. He didn’t know if he could spare the time. The Sifang Pavilion took another look at his fiancée.

As Gao Zhen drove his horse towards the Prince's Mansion, he was thinking about urging the gang of the Ministry of Rites to make them choose an auspicious day as soon as possible.

After Shen Ling went back here, she ordered people to prepare fragrant soup for a bath. When Ruolan and Ruoxue were waiting for her to take a bath, the former finally couldn't help saying: "The princess did a really good sword dance today. "But in her memory, Princess Yifang never even touched the sword.

Although Ruoxue did not go to the banquet with him, she had heard Ruolan tell him what happened at the banquet, and she also had this doubt in her heart.

Shen Ling originally closed her eyes, opened her eyes when she heard these words, and smiled softly: "You are probably curious why I do sword dance?" She gently lifted the petals in the bathtub and continued. Said, "My sword dance was learned from a court lady next to my mother concubine when I was young, because the concubine wanted me to have some means of self-protection, but she didn't want to let people know. So even you guys have concealed this. past."

Princess Yifang's mother and concubine have passed away for several years, and the court ladies around her have been assigned to other palaces, so Shen Ling is very sure that even if the two of them have doubts, they will not find any flaws.

Sure enough, after the two listened, there was no trace of suspicion on their faces, but a suddenly realized expression appeared.

After messing with the two maids, Shen Ling took a fragrant bath with peace of mind, and then sent the two maids to enter the space.

Today's events reminded her that no matter what time it comes, people with strength must be respected after all. Therefore, she had to practice the Hanyue technique as soon as possible, so that in the future, she could have the capital to compete with those Beiqi people who looked down on her, such as the second prince Gao Zhe.

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