"Su He, we seized 6 million, why did the police give me 50,000 yuan?"

Dong Yong sat on the battery car and drank soda, the bright sun shining on his face, and he held his forehead with his other hand to block the sun.

"Then what do you want to do?" Su He smiled, it was already good to have 50,000 yuan like this, and Dong Yong was too dissatisfied.

"That Brother Ma and Gangzi are also 50,000, I can contribute more than Gangzi, he will ride a battery car for a few minutes, I am fighting wits and courage with the gangsters, how much more..."

If it weren't for his thick fat, you wouldn't have to take his waist out?"

"Can you blame me? At that time, if you didn't give him a more realistic situation, could he tell the truth? Besides, I didn't go for my waist, I couldn't help him cut his appendix..."

Pan Zhigang sat on the battery car and ate popsicles, and smirked: "Fortunately, I didn't go, otherwise I would have laughed..."

Ma Mingzhe sighed and said: "I was embarrassed and thrown home this time, my father was so angry that he almost smashed his mobile phone..."

In the interrogation room.

Dai Yuan said loudly: "Officer, I want to report that someone has robbed, extorted, kidnapped me... They were dressed as delivery people, beat me, and tried to gag me on the waist... By the way, they robbed 1 million, and extorted 5 million, they have already bought a ticket and are about to run away..."

"Is this considered a major meritorious service, can the sentence be commuted?"

"I also want to report Du Zerui, he wants to kill me, he paid 10 million for that delivery man to kill me... I have the evidence in my hand that he commanded us to commit the crime, I will confess it, officer, I will cooperate with you, Du Zerui has a murder case in his hand, only I know this, he has killed people..."

Outside the interrogation room, Zhou Bing sighed: "It's the first time I've met such a cooperative suspect, I didn't ask anything, I recruited myself, and I was so active..."

He's done a great job..."Rong Xue said with a smile on the side.

"Can you not let him write a review? He is a consultant of our criminal investigation detachment, he goes directly to the waist of others, he is good at making claims, he is unorganized and undisciplined, this time he is lucky to have no accident, if he meets a vicious gangster, he will do it directly, how can he listen to him non-stop..."

"Isn't it still rewarding him with 50,000 yuan? There are rewards and punishments... Okay, let's not talk about him, this case has already involved a criminal organization outside the country, and the Public Security Department has set up a special operation team, you go and prepare all the materials and prepare for the handover... This time, we must wipe out all the forces behind it and eradicate the roots!" "

When Rong Xue left, Zhao Shaoyang glanced up at Zhou Bing and sighed: "I didn't expect that the small chess game in the park would become a gambling prop for overseas underworld forces, this time, it was really thanks to Su He... Team Zhou, how did you say he found out? Starting from Huang Zhiyuan's suicide, Su He dug up an international case. "

Xiao Zhao, if you have time to think about this, you go and write a summary of the case... The bureau decided to take this case as a typical example and observe and exchange within the public security system, this time, it is up to you to give a speech!"

"By the way, when I wrote it, I would appropriately beautify Su He's nonsense, and the plots of robbery, extortion, beating, and kidnapping... After all, he is the consultant of our criminal investigation detachment, and it will have a bad impact if it is passed on..."

"You go and warn Su He again, let him not beat people at every turn..."Zhao

Shaoyang sighed, it was too difficult to want Su He not to beat people.

What kind of criminal investigation consultant rides a battery car to deliver food all day long?

What makes him feel most depressed is that as soon as the meal arrives, Su He comes, and he is more punctual than punching in, eating and packing.

If you want to say a few words about him, he has a very good attitude, and after saying that, he forgot about it in a blink of an eye.

The next day.

Su He got up early in the morning, washed up, went to the Public Security Bureau for breakfast, and then came to the examination room for subject two.

"Handsome guy, you help me look at the bag, I'll go to the toilet..." There was a woman sitting next to Su He, in her thirties, this was the third time she had taken the second subject, and she had run to the toilet four or five times in half an hour.

"Go ahead, I'll show you. "

On the big screen, the order of the exam is displayed, and it will take about half an hour for Su He's turn.

Sitting on the chair, Su He was bored playing with his mobile phone, for the exam, he was not nervous at all, if it wasn't a full score, it would be 100 points, he could come to two drifts as additional points.

Since the last time someone broke the news on the Internet, people related to the entertainment industry have avoided him, Su He posted a circle of friends to take a driver's license, and only Li Yifeng gave a thumbs up.

Li Yifeng also contacted Su He for several activities, and there were small roles in variety shows and TV series, but they were all rejected by investors and advertisers, after all, if someone dies, the entire program and crew will be affected.

Suddenly, the lights in the hall went out and the screen on the wall dimmed.

"Is there a power outage?" a

staff member said with a loudspeaker: "Don't worry, everyone, the power is out, and the test will continue when the power comes..."

After a while, Su He's name came on the radio, and it was time for him to take the exam soon, but the woman next to him hadn't come back from going to the toilet.

Su He had no choice but to put the bag to the staff, and then came to the exam venue.

"Please start the exam.

Su He completed all the projects in accordance with the regulations without hurry, and it only took less than two minutes to leave without any challenge.

"If you pass the exam, please go back to the center to print your score report.

Su He walked back, and at this time, there was a sudden commotion in front.

"Dead!" someone exclaimed.

Two policemen ran over, in the direction of the toilet.

Su He turned his head and saw that the woman's bag was still placed with the staff, it couldn't be such a coincidence, right?

The entrance to the women's restroom was already full of people.

Let's put it this way, when Su He first started to learn the excavator, a group of children stood outside the fence and watched, and the two children fought for a better sight, and the parents of both sides quarreled and almost fought, a group of uncles and aunts were watching the quarrel, and a driver passed by to see the quarrel and had a car accident, and everyone watched the car accident together.Chinese

Finally squeezed in, the police were already evacuating the crowd, and when they saw Su He still walking forward, they scolded: "Go back, didn't you hear?"

Su He took out his documents from his pocket and said with a serious face: "From the criminal investigation detachment, what happened inside?"

The police looked at Su He in a takeaway suit, looked at the documents again, and said in surprise: "It's you! I've watched your video..."

Su He put away his documents and walked in, and then the police muttered quietly behind him: " It doesn't seem to be exactly a rumor either..."

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