"What movie?" Zhou Bing asked.


Su He sighed, it was still more pleasant to cooperate with the civil police officer in Jinnan City, I heard that he organized all the members of the criminal police team to carry out a week-long observation of suspenseful movies and TV series.

also requires each movie to write a review of the movie, which is even more terrifying than a Chinese teacher.

""Double Pupils", starring Liang Jiahui, but I can't blame you, this is an old movie..."

Su He took out his mobile phone and took a look at it, and continued: "In the movie, there is a girl who wants to become an immortal, cross the five tribulations, and become an immortal in six ways, she killed five victims, corresponding to them: Cold Ice Prison, Fire Pit Prison, Intestine Pumping Prison, Heart Cutting Prison, and Tongue Pulling Prison..."

Check if there have been any recent cases of drowning and burning in the capital.

"Is it so mysterious?"

"The murderer is fascinated by watching the movie, and wants to become an immortal?"

Several policemen also took a look and began to whisper.

Judging from the current situation, it is very similar to the plot of the movie "Double Pupils", according to the order of death, the first was drowned by water, the second was burned by fire, the third was drained, the fourth was heart-pulling, the fifth was tongue-pulling, and now the latter three have appeared.

"Team Zhou, found out, on April 8, the owner of a chemical factory in Fenglin Community was drowned in the bathroom, and his family called the police, but refused to do an autopsy, and the local police station determined that it was an accident..."

"On April 15, in Daxing District, a fire broke out in the Golden Foot Impression Foot Massage Shop, and a technician was burned to death, and the police station in the jurisdiction recorded a fire caused by aging lines..."

Zhou Bing looked at the information that came out of Baidu, the murderer actually imitated the plot of the movie to select the victim, and now that the five trials have been completed, the next step is to ascend to immortality?

"Check the police file to see if there is a person named Huang Huotu, whose name is also fire and earth!"

"No. Soon

, the police officer in charge of the inquiry replied.

Zhou Bing turned his head to look at Su He.

Su He scratched his head in embarrassment, and said: "Solving the case can't all rely on watching movies, there are many coincidences in the movie, there is no policeman called Huang Huotu in reality, and the murderer may also look for a similar replacement, if the murderer already has a target, then we can only wait for him to soar, but if the murderer is still looking for a target, we might as well forge a yellow fire earth for him..."

The murderer killed people according to the plot of the movie, tried to ascend to immortality, and forged a yellow fire earth, will he take the bait?

Zhou Bing looked at Su He and said with a smile: "I watched the drama you filmed, and the acting skills are good, or you will play the yellow fire earth..."

Zhou Bing immediately made a decision, and commanded his subordinates to say: "Contact short video companies, TV stations, advertising companies, and cooperate with the police to play an award video in a loop within the capital..."

Su He, you go and change into a police uniform first, and we will cooperate with you to play a play..."

An urgently built podium, Su He stood in the center with a solemn expression, and the host said: As an excellent people's policeman, you need the spirit of sacrifice to forget your life, you need to have excellent skills that have been tempered thousands of times, and what you need more is to put the safety of the people in your heart, the first thing I want to pay tribute to tonight is such a policeman, he has been a police officer for three years, and has subdued dozens of fierce gangsters, his name is Huang Huotu!

Su He took the microphone and said with blazing eyes:" As a people's policeman, I always keep in mind the responsibility and mission in my heart to maintain the long-term peace and stability of the society..."

This is a temporary award ceremony, but every policeman looks solemn, solemnly looking ahead, and when Su He stepped down, Zhou Bing couldn't help but praise: "Su He, it's a pity that you are not a policeman, do you really don't think about it anymore?"

How can it be so easy to be a policeman, Su He has a high vocational education, and he is just qualified to be an assistant policeman, and if he wants to be formally established, according to Zhou Bing's plan, Su He has to go to public security university for four years.

Su He hurriedly shook his head, he was now focused on his work, wanting to earn more money to treat Shen Yue, not to mention, he had already been approved by the director of the bureau to participate in the investigation of the case, so there was no need to study for four years.

He himself has a few pounds and a few taels, and he is still measured, and this time he can provide clues because he has only seen this movie not long ago.

The police posted the video to various platforms and began to play it in turns.

At the same time, as long as you open the browser and search for yellow fire, you can appear Su He's photos, deeds, and unit.

Three hours later, the police officer suddenly received a strange phone call.

"A bunch of stupid cops..."

, just these few words, the other party hung up the phone.


police quickly locked the caller number and found that there was a real name, so they rushed to the address with real name authentication, knocked on the door and no one answered, and the police broke down the door.

A female corpse was lying on the ground, her wrist had been slit, the blood had stopped flowing, and the female corpse looked sideways at the alarm clock next to her, her eyes widened.

The alarm clock was still walking slowly, but the woman was already a cold corpse.

In the criminal police team, seeing the photos sent back, Su He was dumbfounded, the murderer did not want to become an immortal, he was learning the plot of the movie and TV series, imitating murder!

The woman had a weird smile on her face, and she couldn't be associated with death and murder at all, but Su He, who had watched this TV series, knew that the woman had been injected with anesthetics and muscle relaxants.

And that phone call was a mockery and provocation to the police!

"Who is the Murderer", a TV series that will keep killing people if you can't catch the murderer, is different from the five different ways of death in "Double Pupils", this time, the way of death is the same, and the murderer will continue to commit crimes.

The previous case gave Su He a wrong guidance, the murderer's cruelty was outrageous, and a cat-and-mouse game officially began.

The police began to search for clues at the scene and check the surveillance, and Su He, who opened the video APP, began to relive the drama.

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