"With your ability, there is still great hope for this trial."

Lord Ku Rong smiled and shook his head, "I am an old man on the verge of death. How can he be so capable?"

"This time, if I can have the opportunity to meet the Half-Saint old man and get a few words of true guidance, I will have no regrets."

As he spoke, several more divine lights landed on Daojie Mountain.

"Okay, don't worry about me, let's go do your work first."

The Heavenly Sword Emperor bid farewell to Venerable Kurong, "Okay, I will come to visit you later, and we can talk about old things again."

"Counting the time, we haven't seen each other for almost 300,000 years since you went into seclusion for these years."

"Master, he was talking about you a few days ago, saying that you still owed him a jar of Drunken Dream Immortal Brew. He has been waiting for you to come out of seclusion to ask for a drink."

"Hahaha... that old drunkard actually still remembers it!" Lord Ku Rong couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, okay, once this trip to Daojie Mountain is over, I will bring the fairy wine and have a good drink with you two, master and disciple."

"Then I will take my leave for the time being."

After that, the Heavenly Sword Emperor went to perform his official duties.

Venerable Ku Rong chatted with some young juniors on the field, looking kind and kind and approachable.

This caused many people to come forward to pay their respects, hoping to make friends with this venerable man and get a few words of advice from him.

Amidst the excitement.

Time flies again.

With the arrival of each character, the foothills of Daojie Mountain are gradually filled up.

And with their arrival.

The top of Daojie Mountain was shrouded in mist and mist.

The nine great figures standing proudly at the pinnacle of the Qingyu also stepped out of the void realm, and their eyes overlooking the world fell on the group of lucky people at the foot of Daojie Mountain who participated in this battle for the successor of the Semi-Saint.

And in their very center.

An old man in green with three thousand feet of gray hair in his dying years closed his eyes tightly and hung in the void with his body bent and cross-legged.

The gray hair like long dragons scattered into the world like clouds hanging from the sky, and enveloped the world like a huge net!

The ends of his hair were nowhere to be seen, extending into the void invisible to ordinary people. Only wisps of bright luster could be vaguely seen flowing down the hair.

It seems that some kind of energy is being drawn from the endless void!

However, in the eyes of those nine great figures, the old man's gray hair is not hair, and the flowing luster is not the energy he draws from!

What they saw...

It's a chain!

It's shackles! !

It was the countless imprisonments set up by this side of the world out of fear of the gray-haired old man!

In the eyes of this world, the existence of the old man is a great disaster to this world!

This old man is clearly the true supreme master of Qingyu, the first person under the saint!

He is also the author of this Immortal Fate Order Trial,

Qinghe Half Saint!

He personally came to Daojie Mountain to witness and select his successor step by step!

Therefore, the standards of this Daojie Mountain trial are also exceptionally high.

Originally, the envoys responsible for recruiting disciples from the Nine Sects were usually the elders of the Nine Sects. Occasionally, only when there were a few outstanding trials, the deputy sect leader would be invited to come in person.

But because of the arrival of Half-Saint Qinghe, this time, all the strongest sect masters of the nine sects are here!

And the Tianyuan monk who was originally responsible for presiding over the Daojie Mountain trial process was also temporarily raised to the emperor level!

A Tianjiao-level Emperor Tianyuan personally monitored and recorded the entire trial process!

We must be absolutely fair and just, and bring out the truest side of each disciple into the assessment and evaluation.

After all, the successor to the Half-Saint is no small matter.

They couldn't help but not take it seriously.

They quietly observed each trialist.

Time slipped away silently.

Soon, a being spoke, and his voice echoed through the void.

"Time is up."

"Only eight hundred and twelve people arrived."


"Nearly two hundred people failed to get in."

"Twenty percent, that's quite a difference."

"hold on?"

"No, whatever the time is, it should be. Those who can't get in can only say that their abilities are limited and they are not eligible for this trial."

"Yes, it should be so."


"Then let's get started."


As the Nine Beings spoke, they turned their attention to the gray-haired Half-Saint Qinghe.

The half-saint paid no attention to the crowd.

He just closed his eyes, hunched over, silently, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.


Seeing that the half-saint did not respond, the nine beings immediately notified the Heavenly Sword Emperor to announce the arrival time limit and start the trial immediately.

"time up."

"let's start!"

"Be sure to strictly control the situation. Half Saint Qinghe is watching."

The Heavenly Sword Emperor received the order from the top of Daojie Mountain.

He glanced at the sky shrouded in tribulation aura, as if he wanted to see the holy face through the layers of tribulation aura.

Turning around, the Heavenly Sword Emperor appeared at the edge of the stone staircase at the foot of Daojie Mountain.

He let out a piercing sword cry that penetrated the clouds and the sky!



"time up!!"

"Start the trial!"

As the voice of the Heavenly Sword Emperor fell, all the Daojie Mountain passages were closed!

At the same time, the shadows of Daojie Mountain in various realms also disappeared without a trace!

outside world.

The eyes of all those who are about to make a last ditch effort are about to burst!

Reluctant roars pierced the sky.


"Almost! Just that close!!"

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"One more hour! Just one hour, and I can slip in smoothly!!"



But these roars cannot be heard in Daojie Mountain.

Daojie Mountain.

The much-anticipated trial has begun!

The Heavenly Sword Emperor stood by the ancient stone stairs going up the mountain, scanning everyone at the foot of the mountain.

Waves of calamity energy grew and spread throughout the Daojie Mountain, making it seem that Daojie Mountain had recovered from the cycle of life and death and became full of life again!

The ancient stone staircase beside him is exuding an inexplicable and mysterious luster. It seems to have the ability to enchant the soul, attracting everyone's attention, making people immersed in it, and stimulating people's endless reverie!

"The first trial, the ancient ladder!"

The Heavenly Sword Emperor said solemnly, "This ladder was left by the ancients and can inspire the deepest greed, anger, ignorance, and desire in your hearts..."

"Let you see the extreme evil, extreme beauty, extreme kindness, extreme truth, and extreme hypocrisy in the world..."

"The more steps, the higher the level, and the scarier you will see!"

"You need to be careful about everything in this, be careful!"

"If there is anyone who is trapped in an illusion and cannot extricate himself, you need to immediately squeeze the Immortal Fate Token in your hand to stop this trial. The Immortal Fate Token will take you out of the illusion and enter the second trial."

“Don’t overestimate your capabilities, which may lead to lifelong regrets!”

"With that said, the first trial begins immediately!"

"The trial lasts until these thousand strands of calamity are burned out."

In the palm of the Heavenly Sword Emperor's hand, wisps of calamity energy are slowly burning!

"At that time, no matter which step you go to, the trial will automatically end and enter the second trial."

After that, the figure of the Heavenly Sword Emperor disappeared, leaving only the mass of calamity burning quietly!

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