Jiang Xiaobai's tragic scene shocked the three Wang family members who were at a loss!

Wang Qian'an immediately rushed forward and knelt down half of Jiang Xiaobai's body. His face was full of panic and tears were already flowing down his face.

She looked at all this at a loss, wanting to help, wanting to treat,

But there is no way to start!

"Don't... you don't want to die..."

Wang Qian'an's voice was trembling and hoarse, and his whole body was hunched over, feeling painful and self-reproaching!


Suddenly, a soft sigh came.

Feng Yunjian's figure appeared: "This kid, why bother?"

"That swordsmanship drained all his life force at the last moment...you...what should I do, my little bitch..."

He sat weakly on the ground, and there was no light in his cloudy eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai is dead, and Goudan can’t survive!

That is the last bloodline in the Qilin clan...


Qiong Yu suddenly knelt down in front of Fengyun Jian and kept kowtowing to him.

"Ouch Feng Lao, please, please save him, you are a strong Qilin, unparalleled in your realm, you must have a way!"

Seeing Qiong Yu's pitiful appearance, Feng Yunjian sighed and shook his head.

"He has drained his life force himself. Who can save him?"

For a moment, Qiong Yu was numb.

Is there really no other way?

"There must be a way. Look, the dog in your arms is not dead yet, he will be fine!" Wang Qian'an shouted to Feng Yunjian.

Feng Yunjian was also stunned.

Yes, Goudan is fine!

For a moment, hope arose in everyone's hearts, maybe there is a way!

At this moment, a figure in black robe appeared out of thin air in front of several people.

Qiong Yu's eyes widened when she saw the person coming.

"You...you are his master?"

After saying that, Qiong Yu roared: "Where have you been? Why are you here now... Wuwuwu..."

But unexpectedly, Qiong Yu didn't have any anger on her face, but was still smiling.

"Silly girl, why are you in such a hurry? You can see that I'm not even worried."

Gu Ning smiled lazily and reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes: "Xiao Bai is lucky to meet a confidante like you."

"Do you have a way to save him?" Qiong Yu grabbed Gu Ning's little hand tightly.

Gu Ning took advantage of the situation and held her in his arms: "Okay, okay, don't worry, this brat won't die."

As he spoke, Gu Ning gently turned his wrist, and a blue power descended on Jiang Xiaobai.

Then he trembled all over, and the broken limbs grew again at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his entire body was even changing.

That is a kind of ice blue body!

"The real Wushou Immortal Body?" Feng Yunjian suddenly exclaimed.


As soon as he finished speaking, a slap appeared from nowhere and whipped him away.

Feng Yunjian, who was in a state of trance, was almost dismissed by this slap!

He looked at Gu Ning in shock.

"Are you crazy? Why did you attack me...and why are you so strong?"

Gu Ning also looked at him coldly: "I will settle your account with you later!"

"Ah?" Feng Yunjian looked confused.

He wanted to say something, but when he saw Gu Ning's murderous look, he immediately didn't dare to say anything.

This woman is so strong!

He was almost knocked out of his wits by a slap!

"What kind of existence is this woman? Is she at the level of the Great Emperor, or is she above the Great Emperor?"

"No...impossible. How could such a being still be alive after that crisis?"

Feng Yun admonishes people to be numb!

This is inconsistent with what he knows!

But now I don’t dare to say anything, but I’m actually a little happy, because Jiang Xiaobai is not dead, but a blessing in disguise!

"This is Nirvana and rebirth. His immortal body is not the Immortal Body without Stain, but the Nine Nether Divine Body that I specially built for him..."

Gu Ning's voice was calm, with a hint of endearment: "This kid likes to seek death all day long, so I followed his wishes. The greatest effect of this immortal body is nirvana and rebirth... Since then, his strength has changed drastically. .”

Hearing this, Qiong Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just be fine!

I'm afraid even Jiang Xiaobai himself doesn't know that Gu Ning secretly prepared this for him!

"Let's go, there's nothing to stay here, find a place to rest."

Gu Ning smiled lightly and gently touched it with one hand. Jiang Xiaobai's body was suspended in the air and followed her away from here.

In a cave, a bonfire slowly rose.

Qiong Yu sat tightly next to Jiang Xiaobai, who was still in his icy blue state.

The body is still being reorganized.

But Gu Ning definitely said that nothing would happen, but if Jiang Xiaobai didn't wake up for a day, she would be worried all day long!

As for the old man Feng Yunjian, he was being pressed to the ground and rubbed by Gu Ning.

"Hey, hey, you can't bully me like this just because you're strong!"

"I didn't do anything wrong, please let go, stop, stop!"


No matter how much Feng Yunjian shouted for mercy, Gu Ning pinned him to the ground and punched the guy on the head.

Three hours have passed since the few people arrived in the cave, and Gu Ning hasn't stopped at all!

Even Feng Yunjian's head was blown open, but somehow, his head recovered immediately.

It's just that the aura on his body became weaker.

"My disciple has the power to approach Taiyi Golden Immortal by his side, but he refuses to help. Do you think you should die?"

Gu Ning's face was cold, and every time he punched, he had the urge to blow the old man up.

But I still held back!

"How did I know that he would drain his life force in the end? I didn't know that he was a lunatic!"

"Besides, given the situation at that time, I just had to run for my life. If I had to show off, how could I stop him?"

Feng Yunjian retorted.


Another fist came down, and this time Feng Yunjian's whole body exploded.

Then Gu Ning waved it casually, and Fengyun Jian condensed into shape again.

"Do you know why your Qilin clan is the first to die?"

"It's the strange beasts like you who think they are spiritual beasts of heaven and earth. They are too selfish and only want to survive for themselves, so you deserve to die!"

"If it weren't for the fact that that little dog is useful to my disciple, I would like to keep you here to help with some pointers, otherwise I will kill you!"

After snorting coldly, Gu Ning defeated Feng Yunjian again.

After this time, she stopped taking action, but her cold eyes made people shudder.

Feng Yunjian weakly regrouped and huddled weakly in the corner, not daring to say a word.

This woman is so strong and perverted!

What on earth exists!

But Feng Yunjian doesn't feel that he has been wronged. In fact, he is selfish.

In his eyes, other people's statements are not as important as Goudan.

He just wanted to prevent Goudan from being implicated and killed by Jiang Xiaobai, so he just wanted to prevent Jiang Xiaobai from being photographed to death.

He was always on guard against Mo Rufeng's attacks and could take action at any time.

But he just refused to take the initiative to help because Feng Yunjian was disdainful and even more unhappy!

But what he never expected was that Jiang Xiaobai would go crazy and seek death to such an extent that he would even take the initiative to drain his own life force to attack.

Can he stop this?


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