Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1025 Stepping into the Real Sword

Chapter 1025 Step into the real sword

"But do you know why there is a seal here?" Bai He raised his eyebrows.

Gu Ning rolled his eyes: "You know?"

"I don't know either, but the old man probably knows... But what does it have to do with us? We have only just recovered for a little while... How long has it been since we came out of Tianxuan Continent?"

Bai He rested his hands on his hands: "By the way, how is that kid Jiang Xiaobai doing lately? Is the backlash serious if you block the release of merit?"

"Very serious…"

Gu Ning said softly: "But it's worth it. We have a lot of things on our shoulders... He also has a lot of important things on his shoulders..."

"Everything has just begun..."

The two fell into silence.

"It's almost time for him to go to the battlefield outside the territory." Gu Ning suddenly said.

"What? So fast? He is only in the middle stage of Earth Immortal. Although he can kill ordinary Golden Immortals, the battlefield outside the territory is different..."

Bai He raised his eyebrows: "Are you so anxious?"

"I've been waiting for so many years, why can't I wait any longer..."

Just as they finished speaking, another figure appeared next to the two of them.

It was the emperor who came out of the wood spirit world.

"Old Dong? Why are you here?"

Bai He raised his eyebrows: "Have you recovered?"

"Only a little bit...the rules of Three Thousand Worlds are still relatively weak..."

The emperor shook his head: "What about the boy? You made such a big noise last time, are you okay?"

"What could happen? She's watching."

Bai He poked Gu Ning with his chin: "But speaking of which, I will be busy soon. There is a battlefield outside the territory. I have to go there..."

After saying that he ran away.

But not long after, Bai He appeared here again: "By the way, the noise in the Void Dragon Realm is getting louder and louder. Are you sure you don't want that kid Jiang Xiaobai to know?"

"He will know, he will know soon..."

Gu Ning waved his hand casually: "Everything has been clearly planned by the old man. What can we do besides being pawns?"

All three were silent.

That old man is too mysterious and powerful.

"Since when were we plotted against? It feels like recent events seem like he plotted against us invisibly from the beginning!"

Bai He said seriously.

"Whatever, the person playing chess doesn't matter. You just need to know what our purpose is."

After saying that, Gu Ning left: "The last thing is about to be done, and it will be much easier then..."

"No, if you really want to go there, are you sure you can find a way?" Bai He was shocked.

"Then the old man contacted me. I can't do it if I don't go... What's the point of going? Can you beat me?"

Gu Ning's voice came from the void.

Soon only Bai He and Di Jun were left standing together, with a look of embarrassment on their faces.

Bai He poked the emperor's hand: "Can you beat her?"

"I couldn't beat him from the beginning..." the emperor said honestly.

"Yeah, so she's the eldest sister, so there's nothing wrong with her."

Tianxuan Continent, Netherworld Abyss.

In a small world in the Abyss Altar, an old man was fishing slowly.

Not long after, an old man wearing a yellow robe suddenly appeared next to him.

The two sat by the lake like old friends.

"Are you done?" Li Zhengtian looked at the old man in yellow robe beside him.

Old Man Huang showed his yellow teeth and his face was full of vulgarity: "Hey, it's almost done. Let's see how far that kid can go this time..."

"You've been arranging it for so long. Isn't it interesting? Why don't you come and help me?" Li Zhengtian murmured.

"It's useless to help you. Your method is really successful. Everything has been shuffled!"

The old man in Huangpao snorted coldly: "Okay, I came here just to see if your old guy is dead. If not, continue. I'll eat the fish and leave. I've been preparing for so long, it's time to do something..."

From the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect, Jiang Xiaobai walked into the courtyard a little tired.

As soon as he sat down, Qiong Yu placed a cup of tea in front of him.

"How was the harvest?" Qiong Yu said calmly.

"I'm fine... I'm just a little tired... Is there anything going on outside these two days?" Jiang Xiaobai asked tiredly.

"Hmm... I don't know why the news about your possession of the Hunyuan treasure has spread widely. Many masters outside the Sword Sect want to come over and see how your treasure is doing."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai sneered.

"You are so evil that you will rob it if you can't get it, and destroy it if you can't get it?"

"Jianzong will not let them succeed so easily."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't take things like this seriously. Now that he was in the Sword Sect, nothing major would happen.

Otherwise, the other party would have rushed in and taken action. The name of Jianzong is still the most powerful in the three thousand worlds.

Now he is very clear about one thing, that is, digesting everything he gets.

Jiang Xiaobai has a feeling that after this time he can really enter the realm of real swords!

It just depends on whether it is strong or not.

But entering the real sword is only one of the expectations, the other is to break through and become an immortal!

He didn't bother to care about whether he could comprehend the realm in the earthly immortal realm.

no point!

It's just an empty name. Who is the first person in the three thousand worlds to comprehend the realm of the earthly immortal realm in hundreds of thousands of years...

Is it useful?

As a person, it is better to be more down-to-earth.

"I have practiced..."

Jiang Xiaobai sighed, opened the system interface, and redeemed the Divine Valley Pass to enter the Divine Valley.

It was still a familiar scene, still the familiar black and red sword and the terrifying chain of heaven.

Jiang Xiaobai was very smart and did not look up. He studied the black and red sword carefully and slowly integrated what he had understood.

Anyway, he has a lot of money now, so he spent 7 million at a time and planned to stay there for seven days!

As time passed slowly, Jiang Xiaobai's research on the black and red sword gradually became more in-depth.

Black and red swords, black is for destruction and red is for killing.

Two laws of power with similar attributes merged into a long sword.

The power is terrifying.

At the same time, he also discovered that it looked a little more black than red, and the main body was constructed from the Law of Destruction.

But the power of the Law of Killing is not weak at all, and is even stronger than the power of the Law of Destruction!

What is this situation?

Intertwined with each other, integrated with each other?

Jiang Xiaobai felt for a moment that he was stuck in a corner and couldn't turn around!

Unfortunately, he didn't bother to pay attention, and could only think about quickly entering the realm of real swords.

Time slowly dissipated like this, and finally on the sixth day after entering the Divine Valley, Jiang Xiaobai felt a roar in his mind.

The whole body's sword spirit roared wildly, and in the shock, a black long sword actually took shape!

The condensed black long sword is as black as ink, and the blade is cold. Like the black and red long sword, it is an unblocked sword.

Just looking at it makes me swoon!

However, Jiang Xiaobai did not feel too happy, because he had condensed such a long sword countless times in the past six days, but each time the congratulatory message would not last long, it would collapse.

Looking at the black sword in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai kept waiting.

One minute, ten minutes, an hour...

Um, okay?

"Damn it, I finally entered the realm of real swords. Damn it, I'm invincible!"

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