Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1028: Killing the Golden Immortal in the Late Stage with One Sword

Jiang Xiaobai immediately laughed when he heard this.

"If you open your eyes, I'm afraid I won't give you face!"

"You old, immortal bastard, you don't have the ability to get the treasure by yourself, and you get jealous when you see the treasure in other people's hands. Do you want to see me go find it yourself, to see if I'm useless?"

This statement made everyone present dumbfounded.

Then Li Muchen's face was even more ferocious!

"You are so arrogant, how dare you speak to me like this? Do you think you are invincible under the Sword Sect's mountain gate?" Li Muchen roared angrily.

He doesn't want to lose face!

As a golden immortal, how could Li Muchen not be angry when he was scolded by an earthly immortal?

Even if he is standing at the door of Jianzong now, he will still be angry!

This is about Guiyuan Zong’s face!

"Jiang Xiaobai, I'm giving you face by asking you to take things out and look at them. Don't give me face. If you have the guts, stay in the Sword Sect for the rest of your life and don't come out!"

Li Muchen was already crazy and threatened directly.

Many masters from behind silently took two steps back when they saw this.

This is just Li Muchen's own remarks and has nothing to do with them.

Well, we can’t bring disaster to Chiyu!

Sure enough, the expression on the face of the Wuming Sword Immortal turned grim in the next second.

"Are you threatening my Sword Sect disciple?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Muchen's expression suddenly changed in shock.

He was so angry that he forgot that there was an unknown swordsman standing next to him. What the hell...

"That's not what I meant...Senior Sword Immortal, you can't blame me for this. You Sword Sect disciples are uttering arrogant words, which is simply too much!" Li Muchen shouted.

"Huh, too much?"

The unknown swordsman sneered: "You mobilized a large number of people to rush to the door of my Sword Sect and ask my disciples of the Sword Sect to take out the treasures and show them to you. Isn't this too much?"

"Get out of here, otherwise I won't mind striking you with two swords."

For a moment, many masters looked livid. Could it be that the Sword Sect wanted hard steel?

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly laughed.

"Hahahaha, don't you just want to see my treasure? Yes, but how can you let you see this kind of thing in vain?"

"Come here, call me daddy, and I will reluctantly show you this treasure!"

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai's words, everyone's expressions were quite ugly.

Do you really think you dare to be so presumptuous with Sword Sect backing you up?

If this happened elsewhere, they would lose if they didn't take action directly!

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't go too far, you have to know what kind of situation you are in now!"

Li Muchen snorted coldly: "No one in the Sword Sect dares to deal with you, but you have to come out. After three months, you will go to the battlefield outside the territory!"

"Either you don't come out and are punished by the Immortal Alliance, or..."

Li Muchen stopped talking about it later, but his meaning was obvious.

For a moment, the Sword Sect's sword intent was overwhelming and they were filled with rage.

Even the Nameless Sword Immortal couldn't bear it any longer.

What a blatant threat!

But the Wuming Sword Immortal really didn't dare to take action directly. He had the ability to kill all these people with one sword, but so what?

There are super powers behind these, and it is very difficult for Jian Zong to offend so many people at the same time.

But Jiang Xiaobai understood clearly.

This is a conspiracy!

These people must have learned from the Immortal Alliance that he was going to the battlefield outside the territory, and now they came out to force him to show up and threaten him.

It was obvious that Jian Zong did not dare to fight them directly.

If he dares to leave the Sword Sect without authorization, he will naturally be hunted down by many powerful masters. If he does not leave, the Immortal Alliance will hold him accountable.

Especially when Jiang Xiaobai took so many benefits from the Immortal Alliance, but ended up not leaving?

Isn't this playing? !

"Sure enough, you bald old dogs are so evil... Who is that, you, the third elder of Guiyuan Sect, right?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered: "I remember correctly that Guiyuan Sect is the top sect in Jianhen Continent. At that time, I was chased by so many people in Jianhen Continent. I obviously escaped, but they came to find me again..."

"Aren't you guys doing something secretly?"

Hearing this, Li Muchen's expression did not change: "You are talking nonsense. You cannot make false accusations without evidence."

"It doesn't matter if you have evidence... Don't you want to see my Hunyuan treasure? Come on, I'll give you this opportunity. You and I will fight to the death on our own, do you dare!"

Jiang Xiaobai shouted arrogantly.

As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

Everyone was shocked!

Li Muchen is in the late stage of Golden Immortal. How dare you, Jiang Xiaobai, dare to speak like this?

So what if you are in the Sword Sect?

The two of them were scheduled to fight, and it was against the rules for a master of the Sword Sect to take action!

The unknown swordsman was shocked: "Boy, are you out of your mind?"

Qiao Yunnian on the side also hurriedly grabbed Jiang Xiaobai's hand: "Are you crazy? What are you going to fight him with?"

The disciples of the Sword Sect all have question marks on their heads.

Who gave you Jiang Xiaobai the confidence?

But Jiang Xiaobai smiled calmly: "Don't worry, everyone, since I dare to talk to this bald old dog, there must be a solution."

Then he looked at Li Muchen: "You bitch, do you dare to challenge me in a one-on-one, life-or-death battle? If you dare, I'll show you how strong my treasure is. If you don't dare, forget it."

"I mobilized a large number of people to come here and threatened to see my treasure, but you didn't cherish the opportunity given to you."

Li Muchen was shocked.

This guy really dares to say it!

At the same time, he was also suspicious. After all, the strength gap between the two was too big, especially when he saw Jiang Xiaobai's current vow.

He had to suspect that Jiang Xiaobai had other tricks.

However, he is also quite confident in his own strength!

I don’t know how many years have passed since I entered the late Golden Immortal stage, but I already have a good foundation.

Does he still need to be afraid of an Earth Immortal disciple?

The only possibility is the legendary Hunyuan treasure!

Seeing that this guy had been thinking for a long time without making any move, Jiang Xiaobai spoke contemptuously again.

"Tch, I thought you were so capable, but now it seems like you are just that. You don't even dare to agree to the challenge from me, an Earth Immortal. It's really rubbish..."

"Let's go, there's no point in wasting time with you here."

After speaking, Jiang Xiaobai turned around and was about to leave. At this time, Li Muchen finally made a decision.


"I'm asking you one last time, are you sure you want to fight me?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly and said, "What if, I'm here to kill you, a bald old dog, today."

This statement is simply arrogant!

Li Muchen gritted his teeth: "You bastard, how can I be afraid of you? People from the Sword Sect must not take action. This is a battle between me and him!"

The unknown swordsman narrowed his eyes, looked at Jiang Xiaobai, then at Li Muchen, and finally took a step back without saying a word.

He believed that Jiang Xiaobai had his own confidence.

At the same time, the people around him also retreated one after another. After all, the battle of Jinxian was extremely terrifying. If he was accidentally affected, he would die!

Just when Li Muchen was about to say a few more words, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly disappeared.

The speed is so fast that it is shocking.

Not only that, a black-red sword light appeared in the sky the next second.

It contains a faint aura of destruction.

In a flash!

Before everyone could react, Jiang Xiaobai had already appeared behind Li Muchen.

He held Yuan Hong in his hand, with some blood stains on it.

But Li Muchen suddenly fell to the ground at this moment, without making any sound!

The whole place was deathly silent!

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