Having just destroyed five alien gathering places, Jiang Xiaobai collected the loot and rushed here without stopping.

But he was surprised to find that there were three human monks from the Immortal Alliance next to this alien gathering place!

What are they communicating with the aliens inside through the formation?

Using his consciousness slightly, Jiang Xiaobai heard their conversation.

"Remember, the message must be passed on. If there is anyone with such characteristics, tell us immediately."

The leader of the Immortal Alliance human race said.

"Haha, you people from the Immortal Alliance are really vicious. You just want to be a gangster, but you actually unite with foreign races to deal with the geniuses of the Immortal Alliance?"

The person in charge of the foreign race sneered: "If our race has such a genius, let alone trap him, we will give him whatever he wants!"

"You, the Immortal Alliance, only rely on the size of Three Thousand Worlds to be confident."

"You're going to suffer a lot from this one day."

The people from the Immortal Alliance sneered: "You don't need to worry about it anymore. Do you agree to such a condition?"

"Promise, why not agree? Anyway, my alien race will benefit the most."

The person in charge of the foreign race snorted coldly: "Go away, I don't want to see you people from the Immortal Alliance."

The conversation between the two parties is very simple and ends here.

The three Immortal League masters put on their hoods and slowly left the place.

Before they left, they carefully observed the surroundings, thinking that there was no problem. Little did they know that Jiang Xiaobai was hiding underground and saw everything.

A sneer appeared on his face.

That's right, the one these people have to deal with is themselves.

"I didn't expect that the Immortal Alliance responded very quickly. They knew that I had the ability to disguise myself and could hide my realm, so they used my characteristics to search for me?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered in his heart, and at the same time he was glad that he did not take action in front of Su Chen and Chen Ping, otherwise he would be exposed on the spot!

He knew that it was only a matter of time before he was exposed, but the longer he could wait before being exposed, the better. He could take this opportunity to teach those bastards a lesson.

"This alien, please wait a moment and let me take care of those three people."

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, and Tu Dun quickly chased after him.

After chasing him to an open area, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly emerged from the soil.

The three of them did not expect such a situation at all, and they were killed on the spot!

The remaining person, Jiang Xiaobai, quickly cut off the opponent's limbs.

The province took the opportunity to use the messaging token to send a message.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are indeed here!"

The man gritted his teeth and glared at Jiang Xiaobai: "You are finished, you are dead, I tell you, once we die, those people will definitely doubt this place, you can't run away!"

"How could I not run away?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered: "The battlefield outside the territory is so huge and I have so many tricks. Can you find me if I hide?"

"If it's not that I have nothing to do now and have to search for something, otherwise...if I find a place to wait for a while to break through the Golden Immortal, I don't believe that any of you can deal with me?"

"Huh, naive!" The master's brows remained unchanged even if his limbs were cut off: "Do you think the three thousand worlds are the only ones with strong people you see? There are so many strong people you can't imagine, and even the upper realm passage is about to be opened. Open it, and the even more terrifying Taiyi Golden Immortal will come, so just wait for death!"

"Oh~ Is Taiyi Jinxian very awesome?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled contemptuously: "It's just that Duo has been practicing for a few years than me. What does it matter? If I don't say this, I will ask you, how many people like you are there?"

"There are many, almost everywhere within the Immortal Alliance's sphere of influence that can be radiated, there are people spreading your characteristics..."

The master said, blood suddenly spurted out from his mouth: "Don't want to know more!"

Then he died...

Jiang Xiaobai was speechless for a while: "Do I need to know a lot? Besides, there is no use knowing some things, and you still have to do them."

Jiang Xiaobai casually dropped the Heavenly Fire to dispose of their corpses, then squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of Yueshui Town.

It seems that I can't go back to that place, and even if I go back, I have to hide my identity.

"I don't know if Chen Ping left anything for me..."

With a sigh, Jiang Xiaobai continued to perform the tasks issued by the system.

There are so many rewards, why give up?

He turned around and started an even more terrifying clearing operation. Yuan Hong couldn't handle the gathering of aliens in front of him.

This is crushing strength!

In one night, he easily destroyed all fifteen surrounding alien gathering places!

During this period, no gathering place was aware of it!

He didn't even know how many he had killed.

Of course, the harvest is very rich, and now he has nearly 4,000 dark crystals on hand.

Most of them were found in gathering places.

Things that even foreigners were reluctant to use were now cheaper for Jiang Xiaobai.

At the same time, he also found a lot of gadgets that were effective on Ao Yan.

At this time, the sky was getting brighter. Jiang Xiaobai was walking towards the Demonic City that day, thinking about Ao Yan's situation on the way.

"There are too many of these things. If you really want to eat them one by one, Yan'er won't be able to bear them... I guess I can save them and use the fire of heaven to refine them!"

"Alchemy is not a decoration...but I have also checked Yan'er's condition. It really takes a lot of effort to improve. Her level is improving too fast..."

After a while of thinking, he had arrived near Tianmo City.

Looking at the majestic city, Jiang Xiaobai understood that it was not only the Immortal Alliance that could set up huge gathering places on extraterrestrial battlefields, but also foreign races!

And this Demon City is the territory of the Demon Clan!

The Demon Clan, according to intelligence, is one of the ten most alien races in the void!

Known for their physical strength, their numbers are also huge, and their strength is also very strong in comparison!

Even if they are taking the path of physical sanctification, under the same realm, the masters of the Immortal Alliance do not have super strength, and it is even difficult to break through the skin defense of the masters of the Demon Clan!

But again, if one is strong, then there is a weak way.

A batch of garbage with the power of the souls of the demon clan!

The reason why the human race has become the general trend of the world is because of the balance of the human race!

There are some special things about alien races, so they are called alien races.

Looking at the Demon City in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai really had a toothache.

The biggest trouble is that he can't get in!

There is also a formation here, unless you attack by force, but a strong attack will inevitably attract many masters and even expose your identity.

He didn't want to be exposed right away. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to hide for a while and find an opportunity to disgust the enemy?

"Since I can't take the initiative to go in, I'll go in passively!"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and actually got the Qibao Exquisite Tower out.

After getting into it, he placed the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower randomly on the wasteland.

This is the territory of the Heavenly Demon Clan. There will always be masters from the Heavenly Demon Clan, right?

Sure enough, within an hour, someone noticed what was going on here, and it was indeed a member of the Demon Clan!

The man's eyes widened when he saw the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda. In order to prevent others from fighting for it, he directly put the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda away.

I don’t understand at all that this is a Trojan horse!


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