Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,199 The Reason for the Immortal Path

For a moment, the two women faced off like this.

One is more brutal than the other.

Why cruel?

You can get a glimpse of the leopard just by relying on the magnificent appearance of the woman in red robe!

"Ahem, those two big guys..."

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai opened his mouth, he was stared at by two women!

The red-robed woman who came later frowned, and at a glance she saw some traces of cause and effect emerging from Jiang Xiaobai's body.

Even more shocking!

"You have a good background. Tsk, tsk, tsk, are you responsible for the events in the Three Thousand Worlds?"

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned: "All the big guys can see it... Otherwise, teach me, I can't see it!"

Anyone can see the cause and effect on him, but he cannot.


He really wanted to know what was going on with him!

However, the red-robed woman shook her head: "One's own cause and effect cannot be calculated. If so, wouldn't the world be in chaos?"

"Especially for a cause and effect like yours that exists from beginning to end... Very good. I admire you very much. What is your name?"

"Xiajiang Xiaobai!"

Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands and said, "To be honest, I, the Sword Master of the Sword Sect, asked me to come to you all to get some information."

"For example, the Immortal Road, for example, what do you know?"

These two women have been at odds with each other ever since, and the scene was extremely explosive.

Jiang Xiaobai felt that if he didn't bring up other topics, the two people would definitely fight.

At this time, Lord Bai Ling said calmly: "This is no problem for you. If others come to ask me, I will naturally not say more, but the cause and effect on you is connected to the immortal road."

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman in red robe snorted: "Forget it, you old woman. You looked like an idiot when you came down. What do you know?"

Immediately, the red-robed woman looked at Jiang Xiaobai and patted her chest.

"My name is Sword Master Luo Yu. If you have any questions, just ask me. I will tell you everything I know!"


Sword Lord Bai Ling stood up suddenly: "Bitch, you really don't want to show off, do you? You can't help it when you see a man?"

"I see the cause and effect on him, okay. Wouldn't it be a pity if I don't take it a step further?"

The two faced off again.

Jiang Xiaobai and others kept holding their foreheads and sighing, why is the feud between the boss and the boss so terrible?

You two have lived for tens of thousands of years, so do you have to fight each other to the end?

The kind that goes all the way to the end?

"Ahem, two seniors, I just want to know what happened to Xianlu at that time, and how Xianlu has changed over the years."

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly opened his mouth and changed the subject.

The two women looked over at the same time, and then started to confront each other again.

"That's all, just say it, I won't argue with you."

Suddenly, Sword Master Luo Yu snorted coldly and stood aside with his arms folded.

Sword Lord Bai Ling also rolled his eyes, not wanting to waste time with this guy, and looked directly at Jiang Xiaobai.

"Back then, the Immortal Road was connected to the Three Realms, the Three Thousand Worlds, the Nine Heavens Continent of the Human World, and the Earthly Immortal Realm."

"Those with some strength can travel through the Three Realms at will... We came down to hunt for treasures at that time. Just after leaving the Immortal Road, that kind of prism space suddenly appeared, and as soon as it appeared, it continued to expand, blocking the Immortal Gate! "

"Then the Immortal Road shook and the laws collapsed. We saw with our own eyes the birth of countless prism spaces, and the Immortal Road was covered like this..."

Such a situation immediately attracted everyone.

In other words, the fundamental situation of the Immortal Road comes from the prism space?

"Hmph, why didn't you tell me what was going on with the people on the Immortal Road at that time?"

Sword Master Luo Yu sneered: "Those people at that time already had problems!"

"Has there been a problem for a long time?" Jiang Xiaobai frowned: "Senior, do you mean to say that these prismatic spaces were created by others?"


Luoyu Sword Master's face became extremely solemn when he spoke: "I saw clearly at that time that after the largest prism space appeared, many people on the Immortal Road exploded in the chaos and turned themselves into small prisms. space."

"But at that moment, the Heavenly Way collapsed near the Immortal Road, and everyone panicked. I was no exception. When I saw such a strange situation, I ran away as soon as possible."

For a moment, Jiang Xiaobai and others were silent, and at the same time they were extremely shocked.

It can be said that this time we know the root of the problem of Xianlu!

"Someone is controlling it, and the prism space explodes, blocking the path to immortality!"

"Is it the Yantian clan?"

Jiang Xiaobai kept thinking in his mind, but quickly shook his head.

No matter whether the Yantian clan came out of the prism space later, they still existed in the upper world or the earthly immortal world.

It can be judged based on the method of controlling the prism space alone.

If they had such strength, they would have taken care of the Three Thousand Worlds long ago. Why would they keep hiding their plans?

There must be someone else!

So the question is, why block the path to immortality?

"That's all we knew about the situation at that time, and we just happened to get caught up in the turmoil on the Immortal Road."

Sword Master Bai Ling said calmly: "But later we also went to see the Immortal Road, but we couldn't get close at all. The Heavenly Dao has collapsed near that area, the power of the law no longer exists, and the Great Luo Jinxian was severely restricted in the past!"

"Then now..." Jiang Xiaobai was confused.

If so, can they go there and die?

Even Da Luo didn't dare to go there, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't think he had the ability.

"It's different now. Although I don't know exactly what happened around the Immortal Road, the turmoil on the Immortal Road some time ago can probably be overcome."

"So what if we can't pass it? How can we clean up the prism space?"

Sword Lord Bai Ling kept shaking his head: "You won't tell me where you want to go, will you?"

"I really want to go... Let's not talk about it for now. Seniors, do you know about merit?"

The two men immediately narrowed their eyes.

"I know that things that are timeless in history have never been seen and never heard of being born."

"At that time, the heaven and the earth were prosperous, and those who had done meritorious service to the way of heaven, and those who had made meritorious service to the common people, etc., could all obtain the merits of being born under the care of the way of heaven, and the effects were boundless."

"You can use your merits to cultivate spiritual treasures and improve yourself. More importantly, it is said that the merits are condensed into a golden body, so no one dares to do it, otherwise they will be punished by thunder."

"But how can you have merit after all these years? You are a person from the Three Thousand Worlds, how can you know about merit?"

Sword Master Bai Ling asked curiously, and Sword Master Luo Yu also looked at him with surprised eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while: "There have been merits and virtues near the Immortal Road!"

The two of them were shocked instantly!

Sword Lord Luoyu was even breathing rapidly: "Are you sure, it is really meritorious!"

"This is true. The day before yesterday, I saw a squid monster in the realm of Daluo Jinxian. It was entrenched in the starry sky. There was an orb containing the power of merit under its tentacles."

At that moment, Bai Lingjianzun's face was filled with surprise: "What he said is indeed true. This is a prosperous age and great cause and effect!"

"Jiang Xiaobai, let's go. I'll go find him quickly. That guy knows more!"

Then without any explanation, Da Luo Jinxian's strength exploded, and he forcibly led everyone away from this ruins of the starry sky!

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