Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1306: Sudden Feeling of Fatigue

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly appeared, causing an uproar in this secret realm.

Countless strong men and anyone who could sense it rushed towards the center of the secret realm.

That's where Jiang Xiaobai is.

It was just him and Bai Liang.

Looking at the many masters pouring out around them, looking at the ferocious smiles on their faces.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt tired for some reason.

What is the purpose of what he is doing now?

It seems that after coming out of Dragon Valley in Tianxuan Continent, he passively accepted everything.

Being hunted by others, making enemies of others, enemies are all over the three thousand worlds.

Even if he arrived at Jiutian Continent, he had just come up, even if he had not done anything, in just a few days, the number and strength of the enemy had already made people feel desperate!

It's only been less than a month, how many enemies are there?

Dare to count?

Especially those who are in the realm of Daluo Jinxian and Hunyuan Daluo have understood the application of laws and are so powerful that they can easily crush everyone to death like a huge mountain!

Seeing this situation, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt desolate and powerless.

I am often powerless!

He suddenly felt tired and wanted to rest.

"It would be great if I had a cigarette at this time..."

"Well, it's still possible..."

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly wanted to smoke a cigarette, so he spent a thousand points to redeem a pack from the system.

He took out one and bit it on his mouth, took a deep breath and it was already ignited.

Smoke rose, and the breeze blew it away.

Bai Liang looked at Jiang Xiaobai and suddenly frowned.

"What's going on with this kid? Why does his aura suddenly become a little different from him..."

Bai Liang was shocked.

Brother, please don't cause trouble at this moment!

In mid-air, many Hunyuan bosses looked at Jiang Xiaobai coldly, and many of them had ferocious resentment in their eyes.

Especially that bald guy, I haven't done anything or said anything since I showed up. Why should you, Jiang Xiaobai, target me and humiliate me to death?

Why? !

As everyone knows, when these people appear, both parties have no room for maneuver.

The atmosphere on the court became tense. No one spoke, and they just watched Jiang Xiaobai smoking slowly.

In the crowd, Miao Qing led many masters of the God of War Sect and looked closely at Jiang Xiaobai.

Seeing his handsome face and bleak expression, Miao Qing couldn't help but feel touched in his heart.

This guy seems to be quite handsome...

But it's a pity, there are too many secrets on him, he must die!

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying the jade.

Even if Miao Qing fell in love with Jiang Xiaobai's appearance, it would be useless to keep him as a pretty boy.

Neither she nor the God of War Sect could stop the anger of the entire Jiutian Continent.

Jiang Xiaobai must die!

And the small gourd that can purify the prism space is also a top priority. It can be used every minute and every second!

Finally, Jiang Xiaobai finished smoking a cigarette and snuffed out the butt of the cigarette.

He looked up at the many masters in mid-air.

"Everyone, standing here without talking makes the atmosphere very tense."

"They've blocked me here. What do you want to order? Tell me?"

Hearing this, a master from the Transcendental Immortal Sect chuckled.

"I have long heard that Mr. Jiang is extremely talented and courageous. Now it seems that this is indeed the case."

"With the golden fairyland interface, he doesn't show any fear towards us. He is the best among men."

"I, the Jade Yao Sword Sect, appreciate you very much. I wonder if Mr. Jiang would like to come and sit in my Sword Sect?"

This man did not threaten directly, but used a kind method to take Jiang Xiaobai away.

Others are not happy!

Just kidding, are you really here for the treasure resources in the secret realm?

Although the acquired spiritual treasure is also very important, Jiang Xiaobai is even more important!

This is inextricably related to Shengzun Suhai. With Jiang Xiaobai, he can know the secrets of the Suhai Dynasty. He can even rise up with Jiang Xiaobai and directly upgrade his own transcendent Immortal Sect to become as dominant as the God of War Sect. Suppress the existence of a domain!

Who wouldn't want such great achievements?

And for all this, just get Jiang Xiaobai and use Jiang Xiaobai!

In the eyes of these transcendent immortal sects, powerful forces.

The several major dynasties are just decorations. They are just auxiliary strength. They can be easily wiped out by any means.

At that moment, someone laughed.

"The Yuyao Sword Sect has such a big appetite, can your family eat this Young Master Jiang?"

"Master Jiang, if you don't come to our Qingyang Holy Land, the conditions are guaranteed to be much better than those of the Yuyao Sword Sect!"

The powerful Hunyuan Daluo from Qingyang Holy Land smiled.

The eyes of the powerful men on both sides collided in the air, and sparks sparked.

"No, only people like Mr. Jiang can follow us."

"What are you thinking about? Why should I follow you just because you have a bigger face?"

"Don't even think about Mr. Jiang being such a genius. He can only belong to me, Tianhai Tower!"

For a while, because of the fight for Jiang Xiaobai, many Hunyuan Daluo strong men were quarreling in the air, their faces red and their necks thick.

But no one would take action.

Whoever dares to take action in this situation will be taken advantage of by others.

Especially powerful people like Miao Qing who are hiding in the crowd and have other thoughts!

Jiang Xiaobai had a headache looking at the faces of these people.

I don't have time, give him enough time, let alone these people fight so wildly in front of him, and don't kneel down and beg for mercy, it's because he, Jiang Xiaobai, is too kind!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his eyebrows and looked at Bai Liang.

"Do you have any ideas? Can you deal with it?"

Bai Liang said calmly: "They are just a bunch of trash. It is impossible to hurt me, but it is hard to withstand being attacked by them together."

"What earth-shattering thing does your kid want to do again?"

Jiang Xiaobai didn't say a word and silently took out Yuan Hong.

Yuan Hong has been following him for such a long time. From being suppressed by the rules of the small world before, to now he has fully demonstrated his abilities.

The enemies you encounter are always strong.

"I don't know if you can bear it today."

Jiang Xiaobai gently stroked Yuan Hong's sword.

The sword trembled slightly, and an indifferent voice came.

"You can do it if you want to, and fight if you want. The weapon has not been for decoration since its birth."

"Ha, my mood has been greatly affected recently."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled bitterly, he couldn't even see a weapon clearly.

Immediately he tightened his grip on the sword, and the aura on his body suddenly changed. The extremely sharp sword light rose into the sky. The sword intent was enough to pierce this secret space and shake everyone's Taoist heart!

What kind of terrifying sword intent is this?

"Sword God Realm?"

Suddenly, the strong man from Yuyao Sword Sect frowned and looked at Jiang Xiaobai in disbelief.

This kid suddenly broke through the level of Sword God Realm Sword Intent, what's going on!

Everyone was attracted by the changes in Jiang Xiaobai's body, looking at him with eyes full of disbelief.

Jiang Xiaobai held the object with one hand and stepped out in one step.

The way of heaven resonates with this!

"Everyone, since you are all here for me, Jiang, there is nothing to say. I am not a person who is good at sitting back and waiting for death."

"You guys can't make a decision even if you're arguing like this. How about I make a decision for you."

"Today, either you die or I die!"

The sword light rises into the sky!

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