Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1321 This is coming for us

Jiang Xiaobai had no idea what happened next, or what Gu Ning was thinking.

Now he just wants to catch up with the flying birds and beasts in front of him!

Find the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo and take a good look at what you are like!

He needs to be sure and find his own position.

These flying birds and ferocious beasts did not appear for a long time. They seemed to be passing by the Gobi Desert. The leader was Daluo Jinxian who was flying extremely fast.

If Jiang Xiaobai hadn't broken through to the Golden Immortal realm, he really wouldn't have been able to catch up!

Just hanging behind these ferocious birds and beasts, it only took an hour or two before they rushed out of the Gobi Desert.

Looking at the various scenery in front of them, Ao Yan Qiongyu and others felt as if they were in another world!

So beautiful! Too beautiful!

They even passed by a large river with rolling water. The scene was so majestic that Ao Yan wanted to let Jiang Xiaobai see such scenery.

But I found that this guy was like a demon, his mind was filled with birds and beasts, and he didn't even want to take a look at the scenery around him.

Ao Yan was so angry that he exhaled again and again!

"Damn idiot!"

Despite what he said, Ao Yan's pursuit of Jiang Xiaobai never slowed down at all.

Soon, in the afternoon, the flying birds and beasts finally landed on a steep cliff after climbing over the mountains and ridges.

There are at least a hundred such ferocious beasts here!

It looks like a fixed habitat, but Jiang Xiaobai knows that this kind of flying bird and beast has no fixed living place at all.

Basically, it just flies to wherever it is, but the scope of activity is only in a huge area.

The trail is erratic and the flying speed is extremely fast.

Therefore, it also increases the difficulty of hunting and capturing.

"Good guy, there are so many ferocious beasts here, I'm afraid it's a small gathering point."

"Search around, maybe you'll find something."

Jiang Xiaobai thought in his heart.

The piece of Innocent Wing that Yue'er was chewing on before was precisely because a ferocious beast with a cultivation level of at least the late Daluo Golden Immortal was transformed after eating the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo.

And he was caught shortly after eating it.

And the place where the other party was caught in the jade slip seems to be nearby?

On the cliff, the poisoned ferocious beast had discovered the human monks who had suddenly broken in. They all stared at them with alert eyes.

As if afraid of being hunted.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai’s goal was not these birds and ferocious beasts, so he ignored them at all and instead led everyone to search near the steep cliff.

What is puzzling is that there are hundreds of birds and beasts on the steep cliff. They know that there is a risk of being hunted, but they refuse to leave!

"What does this mean? Are they protecting something?"

"Bird eggs?"

While Jiang Xiaobai released his spiritual thoughts to search the surroundings, he looked curiously at the cliff.

"What do you care about? It's enough to find the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo. Do you really want to capture them and refine the Unsullied Wings to make a living?"

Nangong Wuyou was angry and hugged his arms, unhappy with what he had experienced in the past two days.

At the same time, in another direction, a group of people were hiding in the valley, carefully watching the many birds and beasts on the cliff not far away.

"Now is the time for them to lay eggs. These kites are very aggressive, so be careful."

A middle-aged man in the lead said calmly: "Are everything ready?"

"It has been prepared for a long time. After discovering this place three days ago, we have already started preparations."

"Just wait for the sunset to take action when they are not prepared."

A sturdy young man with a crew cut chuckled.

There were strange black lines on his neck, as if to show off his strong muscles, he had to wear an animal skin vest.

Beside the middle-aged man, there was a very young girl.

There was a calmness on her face that was inappropriate for her age, and there was no trace of girlish liveliness at all.

There was even deep worry in his eyes.

Sensing the girl's thoughts, the middle-aged man smiled lightly.

"Don't worry, Miss, I will definitely be able to catch at least ten kites this time, which is definitely better than the Zhao family!"

"They will not be our Li family's rivals in this aspect."

Li Qiling nodded slowly, her slightly childish face still solemn.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

Although the Li family is more powerful than the Zhao family in capturing Tianyuan, the Zhao family has more experts and foreign aid!

It is said that they have found a Daluo Jinxian who has touched the threshold of divine power. Only her grandfather can fight against such a master.

However, such a strong man actually joined the Zhao family to help capture the ferocious beast Tianyuan!

On the other hand, there are only three Daluo Jinxian on Li Qiling's side, and they have not even touched the threshold of the divine power level.

The strength of both sides is not at the same level at all!

It doesn't matter if you are experienced, you must know that the bet period this time is only one month!

"We are all veterans. As long as we find the place where Qingyuan stays temporarily, the capture speed will definitely be much faster than that of the Zhao family!"

"They just have strength. They don't know the characteristics of Tianyuan at all. When facing these ferocious beasts, strength may not be effective!"

The young man in the animal skin vest laughed and said,

Many people in the team were comforting the girl.

But the worry in Li Qiling's eyes could not be dissipated.

This time, the entire Li family was at stake, including her future.

Suddenly, the people hiding in the valley saw a group of people appearing in front of them. The young man leading the group looked in a hurry and kept looking around, as if he was looking for something.

There were several women following behind, and even a little girl!

It is indeed strange for such a lineup to appear in the wilderness!

"One Taiyi Golden Immortal, several Golden Immortals, Miss, there is no threat, don't worry about it."

The middle-aged man said calmly.

Li Qiling couldn't help but panic.

Especially when I saw what the handsome man at the head was searching for, I felt even more nervous.

Could it be someone sent by the Zhao family to search for them?

The Zhao family wants to attack them within the betting time. This is against the rules!

"Don't worry, miss. As long as Ah Man is here, nothing will happen!"

Ahman, the young man wearing animal skin, snorted coldly. The strong muscles all over his body swelled and exploded, and the visual impact was extremely strong.

Not far in front of them, Jiang Xiaobai, who was searching for the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo, had long sensed the Li family, but ignored them.

Daluo Jinxian is just a demon, not even at the level of divine power. He can kill a group of people with one sword strike.

"Xiao Bai, there are a lot of people in front of me. I might know something. Why don't you go and ask?"

At this time, Qiong Yu spoke.

She felt that such a aimless search was not the answer, especially from the looks of these people. They were obviously here for those flying birds and ferocious beasts, and they should be monks who specialized in hunting these things.

He must be very familiar with these ferocious beasts. If someone can help, it is much better than trying to cross the river by feeling for stones.

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it and felt that it made sense.

Immediately, his indifferent temperament suddenly changed, and he looked directly at the hidden Li family members.

A long distance apart, Li Qiling happened to look at Jiang Xiaobai.

Her heartbeat was racing to the extreme.

Are these people really sent by the Zhao family to search for them?

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